• Published 21st Dec 2011
  • 11,670 Views, 195 Comments

SPIDER-MAN: Edge of Equestria - Kapwnage

The Amazing Spiderman, must save PonyVille from the grips of Dr. Octopus.

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Chapter Two: Dimensional Discussions.

Peter brushed off what mess was on him, and put his spider mask back on to hide his identity but soon remembered hes alone in this forest. So, he tore it back off and webbed it to his side. Moving down the tree was awkward, because of it's shape, but his legs we're sore and he didn't feel like jumping off. Even Spider-Man needs a break sometimes. After some thought, he moved forwards towards what civilization lied ahead. He caught a glimpse of it while skydiving. It couldn't be more than five miles north, Peter thought. Traveling was not the problem, for his legs healed quickly and no longer hurt. It was navigating around the forest. If he gets in any more fights, the problem would be the chance to get turned around; this was a difficulty that Spider-Man would have to keep at bay. He started in a full blown sprint, and the soft mushy grass indented in his footsteps. Where-ever he was, it was healthy. The air was so very clean and fresh, not polluted like New York and it's levels of smog. Especially always being so high up in the sky all the time.

Parker felt good to let his lungs en and exhale deeply. He could run faster and longer. His webbing seemed whiter and much stronger. Maybe this place ain't so bad. But the dangerous wildlife could cost him his life. A rustle in the bushes to the left make Peter's spider-sense go off, and he quickly snatched on his mask. He crouched down into a combat-stance, and readied his spinners to get the advantage. Small giggles could be heard from the bushes and actual words were being spoken.

"What is it?"

"I dunno!"

"It's weird!"

"Ah dun know, this thin' looks dangerahs."

Peter felt like he was being watched, so he called out to the voices. "Hello? Is anyone there? Show yourself!" He demanded.

"He speaks pony!" A voice whispered to another.

"I speak what-now?" Peter stood back up, and shot his webbing into the bushes, and hit something fleshy. Direct-hit!

"Ahh! Help!" The voice cried, giving Peter satisfaction that he caught what was talking to him.

With a small yank of the webbing, a small horse came into view. It was light-blue, even cyan, and it's hair resembled the color spectrum! That's odd, animals usually don't have those colors. But I can't just say that, because I'm a human contradiction myself. Whatever it is, it looked freakin' ridiculous and pretty adorable at the same time. He stood taller, and released his webbing from the horse, though the ending to the web was still stuck to it's side. Which caught Peter's attention. It was attached to it's wings! This horse had wings, and some sort of tattoo on the flank of it. The poor creature just stared at Spider-Man, scared for it's life.

"Uhh, excuse me? Who's horse is this? I said show yourself!" He spurt out another line of sticky webbing, hitting another target. It screamed.

The same thing happened, but it was a purple horse. With a horn. What the hell is goin' on here? Was I drugged ? Peter thought to himself. I've seen some serious stuff in my life, but this is just bull shit! I mean, horse shit! The two horses stood low to the ground with stubby legs. They looked terrified!

"Who in the right mind has horses like these?" Spider-Man questioned, even chuckling a bit. This is so outlandish!

"Horses? By far. We're ponies!" The purple, 'pony' replied. In English. Talking. Pony. Does this even make sense now?

"Uh," Peter poked one, and it was very much made of flesh. "So this is not Mysterio's work."

"What?" The blue pony questioned.

Peter just stood there and stared at the two small miniature horses. I'm dreaming. Hah! That's it... I'm dreaming! There is no possible way in science's name that this is even possible! Did Doc knock me out or something? Am I crazy? This is not reality! Horses can't talk!

Another four ponies came from behind the rustle of bushes. One was pink, another was yellow! Plus an orange and white one.

"That's it! I've lost it!"

"Lost what?" The white unicorn replied.

"My sanity!" Peter yelped.

"Um, we're perfectly real; As are you." The purple one responded.

"Your talking, colored, ponies. With wings and horns! What's next? Magic?"

"Actually, we do use magic."

Peter facepalmed. "And I can fly." He sarcastically joked.

"Really?" The blue one asked, tipping its head left to show curiosity.


"Well if we weren't real, could we do this?" The bubbly pink pony asked with vigor as she jumped up and down.

"Anything can do anything if it's not real."

"Listen, we're totally real. Why wouldn't we be?" The unicorn questioned.

"Because I think I'm going crazy."


In a flash, Peter was in a scarlet covered room. Spider webbing ran along the sides and met to a machine, which looked like a giant mechanical spiderweb. A single lady was sitting in a chair, with a visor over her eyes. Spider-Man knew her. It was Madame Web, the crazy old coot who always gave him the right advise.

"Crazy old coot huh?" She prodded.

"Right, I forgot you can read minds."

She stared at Spider-Man with a mean gaze, then began: "Young Peter Parker, you must find it in your heart to accept differences. You are in a different dimension, in which is nothing like your own! These beings want nothing but to help you, and you will need all the help you can acquire for the battle of a world. Hospitality is the key!"

"Different dimension? Help me? Battle of a world? Young?!" He questioned, a bit aggrovated.

"Let your heart find the way to the right passage." She faded away, with those words in mind. The whole building around Peter collapsed into mist and he was suddenly back to where he was standing: a mudpit of insanity. "Deja Vu" He thought.

"Hel-lo? Anyone there?" The pink pony joked.

"Huh-wha? Oh. Sorry I was... uh... Thinking."

"About what?" They all asked.

"About how I'm going to leave this dimension."

"Leave this dimension?" The purple unicorn questioned.

"Well having a legitimate conversation with a talking purple unicorn is enough to show even insanity can't go that far. I guess you are real. That only explains one thing. I'm not from this dimension."

"What's a dimension?'

"A universe separate from another. Where the laws of science can differ."

"Huh, that's weird."

"Tell me about it! I'm in one."

"So what are you gonna do?" As they conversated, the ponies stared at Spider-Man's bug-eyed mask. One attempted to even poke at it.

"I don't know, maybe build a rocket ship and fly out of here- I honestly have no clue."

"Oh! oh! Can we keep him? Pleeaaasee Twilight?"

"Excuse me? Ya know I can understand you." Spider-Man Interrupted.

"Pinkie!" The unicorn scolded, but thought of an idea. "Well you do need somewhere to say right? You can't just stay out here alone."

"Well I- Uh. Ok? Where do I go?"

"Just follow us."

"Right, follow the talking purple unicorn."

"Stop calling me that! Call me Twilight. Twilight Sparkle."

Spider-Man facepalmed. "I still see they have vampires in this dimension." He muddled.


"Nevermind, lead on Twilight." What a corny name, he thought.


Somewhere far off in the Everfree, Doctor Octopus was setting up his lab. Using what metal he brought along, he build a small base. It had all the necessary science materials to build the portal again, but there's no way he could tell where it would take him. For all he knew, there was no real definitive way back to earth. He'll just have to find a way to harness the energy. Unfortunately, he had no power but what was coming from the generators, which had to have an ultimate power source. Luckily, he remembered to bring a solar panel, which must have landed with more supplies somewhere.


Peter followed the six ponies back to where-ever they lived. The pink one woulent leave him alone, and the white one kept checking him out. "I feel like I'm on display." He mentally told himself. They led over bridges and a large mass of forest. Twilight tried to start a conversation, but she couldn't grasp her words, knowing that an alien is right behind her.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie! And your weird!" The pink pony yipped.

"Oh I'm weird? Your the talking pink pony, and I'm weird?" Peter joked. He would have to listen to this until he got back to New York City.

"Pinkie! That's no way to treat an alien!" The white one stopped in front of Peter, and held out a hoof to shake. "Hello, my name is Rarity."

Peter looked confused for a second, but remembered they can't see his expression under this mask. He thought that no-one nor nothing knew him here, so he could risk taking it off. So, indeed, he tugged it off and the ponies all stopped and gave him an even darker glare.

"Wow your ugly!" 'Pinkie Pie' Said. Another corny name.

"I'm ugly? Your a horse!" Peter laughed.

"Why do you wear that?" Twilight poked his legs. Peter stood much taller than the ponies, they met his waistline. The spandex he was wearing gave off the vibe that it was organic skin.

"Uh, well. I'm a super-hero!"

"Really?!" The blue pegasus potentially jumped him, instead just met at his face, noses touching. Or snout and nose, whatever.

"Uh," Peter backed up. "Yeah, why?"

"We have those here too!" She smiled widely, still hovering with her little wings flapping.

"Huh, that's interesting."

"We don't have many, thought." Twilight fixed. "Not too many problems where we live."

The seven continued to walk, and Peter wondered, "Where do you live?"

"Poneh Ville." The orange, hat-wearing pony stated. She had a southern accent.

"You named your town after ponies too? What's next on the list?"

"Um, well you're in Equestria."

"Oh geeze." Spider-Man faceplamed. The word "Equestrian" means, from what he remembers, "horseback riding." So everything here is named after ponies. I'm happy I'm human... Well, part human anyways.

As they walked, Parker noticed metal sheets around. They seemed clean, and freshly lodged into the soft dirt. He looked up and noticed more flashes of blue. Science equipment was falling from the sky! "Why though?" He thought. Doctor Octavious must have sent things through the portal so he could continue here! That means he's in this dimension as well! Well there goes the ethereal feeling.

"Run!" Spider-Man said, putting his mask on. He started to swing from tree to tree with his thick webline. The branches had barely no support on his weight, but he could still haphazardly swing. The ponies looked at him weird, but looked up as well and bursted into gallop. The pegasus(es) Flew out of the way and tried to dodge what was falling. A giant container flashed into view and fell at light speed straight onto Twilight. Spider-Man quickly spurted a web line from one tree to another and made a thick spider-web. It caught the metal contraptions, but the web tore open and everything fell to the ground in a loud crash. Twilight, luckily, had time to get out of the way. Peter's spider-sense buzzed and he quickly jumped in a random direction, saving himself as well. The seven protagonists finally made it out of the line of fire, for now.

"I thought you said you couldn't fly!" The rainbow-haired pegasus questioned.

"I don't. I swing. Oh and by the way, my names Peter."

*Authors note: He has his organic webbing, not technology based. Just to make that clear. Everything is organic, and not synthetic."