• Published 21st Dec 2011
  • 11,670 Views, 195 Comments

SPIDER-MAN: Edge of Equestria - Kapwnage

The Amazing Spiderman, must save PonyVille from the grips of Dr. Octopus.

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Chapter Four: Suspicious Suspenseful Spider-Man

The time at the park was very enjoyable for Peter. He never got the attention he deserved from the locals in New York. The rush of being Spider-Man came back once again, and he felt like a whole new person. This Equestria place sure does make an impact. Everyone is so hospitable and happy, though not all the ponies trust Peter the way Twilight does. Fluttershy hasn't looked at him since she first seen his bug-eyes, and Rarity won't really talk. Applejack is just amazed at his strength, meanwhile Pinkie is just having a real good time. Rainbow Dash, on the other web, won't leave him alone. She asking so much out of him, he hasn't done this much aerobics since he was first bit! Series of major high jumps, and flips. Lots of tree climbing and hes used almost five times as much webbing as usual. His organic spinners are getting sore and plushy. Even his webbing is running really thin, like cobweb. Peter trembled at the thought of spinning cobweb. It's so very awkward to push out of his wrists, because it comes out in globs. He always prefers clean, straight zips of webbing.

He could even feel his arms getting tired, despite his mass amounts of stamina. Whenever he went upside down, the blood rushed to his head, which never happens. The proteins in his system were running him dry of power, and he couldent jump as high, nor his adhesiveness was as good. Every part of his body was sore. The usual Spider-Man dried out, and he became brittle.

"C'mon! Do that flip again! It was so sweet!" Rainbow Dash tried to mimic him.

"Sorry, I'm getting really tired. And hungry!" Peter fixed.

"Rainbow Dash, I think that's enough for today. He's really tired, just look at him!" Twilight trotted to Peter noticing his body was more limp than earlier.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Peter stood up, his tendons stretched and pulled. "I feel like Rhino just sat on me."

"Who's 'Rhino?"

"An old enemy of mine."

"Huh, he was a Rhino?"

"Sort of."

"Was he human too?"

"Sort of." Peter chuckled, remembering Rhino's terrible comebacks.

"Did you beat him up?" Dash questioned, and had a squeak in her voice. She wanted to hear his stories. Badly.

"Yeah, he was robbing a bank."

"Tell us about it!"

"Ok, well......"


"Give it up Rhino!" Spider-Man yelled at the beast.

Rhino was a real brute. He was a criminal before his transformation, which included bonding a super-polymer to his skin. It gave him unique strength and durability. He was like a wall to Spider-Man, a wall that could be knocked down. Of course, Rhino was one of the enemy's that was amusing to Spider-Man. Often calling him, "Fatty."

"You give it up!" Rhino yelled as he chucked cars at Spider-Man, whom was clinging to a wall.

Spider-Man jumped to the ground, dodging the car, but wincing at the damage it did to the bank. "Seriously Rhino? Is that all you got? C'mon fat-so!"

The Rhino growled, and dropped the rest of the money he had in bags, as Spider-Man planned. Quickly webbing it up, he swung up and got closer, so he could pull off his attack. This proved to be a bad plan, the Rhino swooped his head, and smashed the Spider through the Bank walls. He had to get the Rhino somewhere no-one would get hurt! Either that or take him out quickly. Option two was the only way to go.

Spider-Man got closer again, this time jumping in mid-air; also called "Breaking the laws of physics". He webbed the Rhino's horn, and yanked it to the ground. Rhino's only exposed, real, skin crashed into the pavement. He went down, and had a hard time getting back up.

"I thought you were a Rhino! Not a turtle!" Spider-Man laughed.

"Oh when I get my hands on you!"

"You'll what? Sit on me?" With that, the Spider splashed out a mist of webbing and pinned the monster to the pavement. He wasn't going anywhere but to jail now. That wouldn't hold long though, Peter sighed.


The ponies sat and stared at Peter's eyes, jaws agape.

"And then what happened?" Dash chimed.

"What do you think? He broke out of jail two days after and attacked the same bank."

"Haha! What an egghead!"

"Tell me about it. It was a regular thing for him to attack a bank."

"I don't get why bad guys attack banks. Why don't they just steal what they want instead?"

"Because they're stupid. Why else?"

After a good hard laugh together, Twilight finally spoke up. "It's getting late and I have to put Spike to bed."

"Who's Spike?" Peter queried.

"You'll see." Twilight smiled with a very playful grin.

The ponies all went home after farewells. Dash made sure that Peter would be open to watch her fly around and after some begging, he agreed. Fluttershy flapped her wings and flew away in a rush. Rarity didn't say a word because she didn't trust him that much. In fact she even wanted to talk to Twilight about how suspicious he is.

"I don't think it's very safe to have him around. What if he hurts you?!" Rarity disordered.

"I think he's just fine! He seems very good-willed at heart, and he's even saved other lives before. How could you say that? Not to mention how much I could learn from these so called, 'Humans'.".

Applejack joined their conversation and put her two sense into it. "Ah agree with Rarity. He seems good. Bu' wut if eh pulls a Discord on s'all?"

"He won't, I can feel it. I'm disappointed in you two!"

"Well we're still here if you need us, Twilight." Rarity calmed.

Twilight huffed away, and met up with Parker. She looked a bit annoyed, but he knew why. He was the alien in another world, and randomly came into their lives. It makes sense why they don't like him that much. Twilight showed so much interest in him though. Maybe she's just curious.


Doctor Octopus ravaged about for half an hour before he finally found all the equipment. The moon was just peaking on the horizon and clouds started to block the sky. A slight mist of rain fell down, so Doc-Oc rushed back to his base of science. Any wet gear would mean goodbye Earth, forever. When arriving back, he noticed a few slight things out of place. He ran to the door, and yanked it open...

Everything was gone. All his screens, consoles, energy outputs. All gone. Even his walls were gone. Nothing was spared but a wall and a door. Doctor Octavious flipped his arms out of control, and raged at his loss. He knocked down trees, and picked up a bolder to chuck it with his tentacles. He was outraged, no.... Furious! Who or what would take his stuff?!



"A tree? You live in a tree?" Peter questioned. This was getting more ridiculous every minute.

"Well, uh. Yeah. A library." Twilight expressed.

"A library too? Huh, ponies can read now."

"We always could. Can't you?"

"Well of course! It's just weird for ponies to."


"Well first off, your a pony. And second, your a pony. Must I convey?"

"Ponies can't read where you come from?"

"Ponies just eat, sleep, and poop where I come from. Mostly show animals."

"That sounds.... Interesting..."

"And are used in kids cartoons, like My little pony."


"Oh right, you guys don't have TV's. Forget what I said."

The two walked in the library and were met by the soft glow of candles that illuminated the large room. First thing Peter noticed was the mass quantities of books on shelves. She was right, ponies do read. A lot.


Peter climbed in the spare bed that Twilight offered in the guest room. He felt a bit of privacy, so he slipped the top half of his suit clean off. His skin was raw and sticky with sweat. As if it couldn't get any worst, he had a slight stinging sensation followed by an itch. The rough webbing details of his gloves felt great on his back. The one thing he want and needed most right now: A shower. And aside that, some food! His mouth began to drool a bit.

Spider-sense! An odd feeling lingered in the back of his skull. He knew something was happening. He slipped on the rest of his suit and looked out the window. A large boulder came flying into distance, and it was heading straight for the house next to the library! He had to act, fast! Jumping out the window, he web-zipped from the tree to the neighboring house. The boulder was going to make impact extremely soon, and it moved fast; faster than Spider-Man could zip. He smashed through the glass window, and grabbed the pony inside. She flipped out and screamed, along with kicking and jabbing Peter in the side. He ignored the pain, and jumped out the window he once broke. Glass split his suit up badly but he had to save that pony.

"BOOSH!" The large bolder made contact with the roof of the house, and the room was crushed.

"Your welcome." Spider-Man said with painful triumph. He was running off pure adrenaline and it surprised him that his webbing wasn't dust.