• Published 21st Dec 2011
  • 11,670 Views, 195 Comments

SPIDER-MAN: Edge of Equestria - Kapwnage

The Amazing Spiderman, must save PonyVille from the grips of Dr. Octopus.

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Chapter Seven: Reopened Destiny!

Peter felt so much better after he ate and got cleaned up. His skin was no longer scratchy and his webbing was so much silkier. His breathing became much more fluid as so did his movements. The sharp hunger pain in his stomach finally subsided.

"Well your jumpy. What's wrong?" Twilight questioned.

"Nothing's wrong, I feel great!" He yipped and webbed his mask from the other side of the table.

Jumping up, Peter realized his muscles were still sore from the series of tricks he performed yesterday. Which reminded him, Rainbow Dash was going to ask him to do even more today! Though he has to see what was with that boulder first, with Twilight. Speaking of Dash, a series of knocking came from the front door. The cause of the knocking became frustrated and let itself in. Hooves against wood could be heard getting closer and got faster.

"Spider-Man! Hello- Yo Spider-Man! Where are y-" Rainbow Dash spotted Peter in the kitchen with his mask on.

"Good you ready! Le'ts go!" She wrapped her hooves around his upper arm and used her wingstrength to pull him along. She was too weak for him though. Much to weak. He pulled his arm back and she let go.

"Hey! What gives? I thought you were going to meet the Wonderbolts today!"

"Well actually," He looked over to Twilight, whom knew he was thinking otherwise, "I gotta go with Twilight to see what caused last nights... problem."

"Oh yeah. Everyponies talkin' about that. Now let's go dude! You can find that stuff later."

"Who is the Wonderbolts anyways?"

Twilight facehooved. "Oh great, here we g-"

"Only the freakin' most awesome flight team ever in the existence of time!"

"Right. And why do we want to go see them?"

"Because you're the next best awesomest thing!"

"Wow, she's really got a thing for you. I mean, she's comparing you to her only joy. The Wonderbolts. Oooo So special! Hehe" Twilight joked.

"Look Dash, I'm flattered. But we need to go see wh-"

"No way! This may be my only chance to prove my coolness to them!" She looked at him with her big pink eyes almost ready to sob.

"Ugh." Spider-Man was the one to facepalm this time.

"Just go Peter, we can figure stuff out later."

"Alright Dash, you win. Let's go."



Rainbow Dash took Peter to the park where he first showed off his skills. She bolted off and came back a few minutes later with two more ponies.

"What is it?" Spit-Fire prodded at Spider-Man's eyes as she hovered at his head. She, unlike Dash, was yellow and had an orange mane. This "Wonderbolt" had odd clothing on that consisted of a blue jumpsuit with yellow decals down the sides.

"What do you mean, "What is it"?" Rainbow Dash scolded. "He's awesome. That's what he is." She shook her head in confidence and crossed her front legs still suspended in air.

"It's so weird!" She continued to poke at his face, and Peter became frustrated. He grabed her hoof in correction.

"It's not happy that your poking it. It's name is Spider-Man, It can understand you, and It's glad to meet you." He shook her hoof in sophistication.

"Oh," She blushed in stupidity. "Well I'm glad to meet you too, Spider-Man. I'm Spitfire, and this is Soarin." She pointed to a blue pegasus dressed in the same suit. He looked dumbfounded at what was standing in front of him.

"Ya know, that getup looks awfully like the old Wonderbolt's suit with the eyes and all."

"And your a talking pony." Peter sighed.

Rainbow Dash laughed at Peter's slight insult and instantly became serious. "Do some of your tricks!"

He wanted to get this over with, and fast. Doing flips and jumps to impress Dash's friends was fun and all, but he had to save all of his energy for whats in that forest.

"Do that awesome web thingy!" Dash cheered.

He knew exactly what she was talking about. Run up a tree and pull off a web causing him to hang upside down. Being an easy trick, he did as she pleased. He gracefully sprinted up a tall tree and quickly flipped backwards latching a thin strand of webbing to the branches above. He was now hanging totally upside down looking at the smiling pegasi.

"That was great! What are you exactly?" Soarin politely questioned.

"Soarin! That's not something you ask an alien. Spider-Man, I think that was really great! How do you move so fast without wings?"

"It just comes natural to me."


WHAM! Octavia and Doctor Octopus slammed through the Ponyville Library's door. Both of their mechanical tentacles flaring around, slamming into things and destroying the walls.

"Spider-Man! Come out and play!" Doc-Oc yelled.

"We don't bite!" Octavia Continued. Shards of wood scraped against her goggles in the conundrum.

Twilight hid under her bed upstairs with Spike. She held a hoof over his mouth so he wouldn't make any sounds. More crashing came from below on the first floor. Then, as she feared, big clanking could be heard coming up the steps.


Octavia and Octopus combined were on a search for the Spider-Man. They wanted to make him pay for what he did to them both. Sending Octopus to jail, and destroying Octavia's house. They had good reasons, but bad intentions. Octavia smashed at the steps as she made her way up. The wood splintered in Doc's face as he was following her up, and it slashed at his cheeks. Warm blood slowly oozed from his cuts but he ignored his surroundings.

"Twilight I know you live here and so does he. Don't make this hard!" Octavia yelled again through the rubble and sounds of cracking tree bark.

"Are you sure he lives here? It's a tree." Octopus asked with a slight tone of annoyance.

"Positive." She remembered seeing the Spider walking into here a few times. "You stay here, I'll check the bedroom."

She used her thin, metallic limb to smash through the door creating more debris. If there was whimpering, she couldn't hear it over the destruction of objects. She checked everywhere. The closet, under the rug, even looked out the window, nothing. She could feel Twilight's presence, as if she could feel her breathing. Wait. Under the bed!


Peter's senses went off suddenly. The back of his skull felt like it filled of water and all the colors we're inverted. He knew this. Spider-Sense. What could be going wrong now? A sudden scream came from the distance. Spider-man quickly dropped from his tricks and ran towards the cries for help.


"This is going to work? Are you positive?" Octavia tiled her head in confusion. Her goggles reflected Doc's dirty plastered face.

"All it takes is a damsel."

Twilight was too caught up in fear to not scream. She was tightly bounded in Octavia's rock-like extra limbs. They were so cold against her waste as they clenched her tighter and tighter, causing the air in her lungs to forcefully escape.

"If he doesn't come, we'll depose of her."

"You're not going anywhere, Doc." Spider-Man yelled, standing before him. Rainbow Dash was sitting above the clouds ready for the fight of a lifetime! She was so jealous that Peter got to do this all the time!

"Pete, I mean, Spider-Man!" Twilight yelled from Octavia's clutch.

"Don't worry Twilight!" He focused his line of sight on Octavious. "Let 'er go Doc! She has nothing between me and you!"

"She does now!" Octavia butt in.

"Another squid? Something's fishy here." Spider-Man chuckled. "Wait, arent you the one-"

"That you attacked?!"

"Well, no. But yeah now your right." He sprinted up and kicked Octavia in the jaw. Light enough to hurt her, but no long term damage to be done.

She reacted and swung her arm into his chest, sending him flying and slamming into a tree. Ponies all scattered at his sudden lack of ground. He jolted up and regained his balance. With his super-human durability, he can subside anything these enemies throw at him.

"You keep givin' it, I'll keep dishin' it! Bring it, eight legs. Sorry, make that sixteen."

Both enemies charged at him, arms flaring in a heap. The gray octopus pony dropped Twilight in the grass. She landed with an "Oomph!". One swang at his backside, and the other at his legs. He jumped and rolled through the tight spacing of the tentacles. With his speed, he sprang up and did an uppercut into Doc's cheekbone which proved a worthy move. He fell over in a heap and Octavia took the spotlight.

"It's on." She enraged.

"Bring it, horse."

Rainbow Dash was so into the fight, she began to drool. This was so exciting! "I hope the Wonderbolts are watching! He's kicking serious pony a... butt."

It was Octopus Pony on Spider Human now. Peter swung into her stomach, and she returned with a smash to the gut. He webbed her face and yanked down, lodging her snout into the soft grass. She raged even more and stood on all four of her long metal arms. This was Spider-Man's chance to pull a take-down. He webbed both front limbs and jumped behind her. He then continued and connected his old webbing with a new strand. He tugged as hard as possible, and she toppled over on her extra limbs. She hit the side of her face on her metal arm and went out cold.

Doc got back up and it returned to a human v human. Or spider v octopus. Whatever.

He swung both arms at the Spider, whom jumped and webbed his face. Blinded, he accidently hit Twilight in the back and she slammed into the ground with a thud.

"No! Your going to pay for that!" Spider-Man raged. He got in a pouncing stance, and jumped on Doc's back. He tore at his mechanical computer strapped to his spine. He tore through wires until Doc's arms finally ceased to move any more. The weight of the arms held Doc down, as so did a fresh spray of webbing.

Peter tore off his mask and ran towards Twilight whom was laying on the grass, helpless. She was dazed from Doc's strike. "D-did y-you beat t-them?"

He sighed, shes alright. "Yeah, there down for good."

"Oh my gosh! That was so awesome!" Rainbow Dash came down from the clouds with tears of joy. "You were like, Wham! And woosh! And you punched him in the face!" She realized the intimate moment between Twilight and Peter. "Oh. Are you alright Twi?"

*Authors Notes: Sorry, been playing too much minecraft and was out of songs to write this chapter :P Dubstep and constant amounts of Halo OST streaming right into my ears. Hope everyone enjoyed it, because this story is almost wrapping to a conclusion! You guys are a wonderful audience, and I thank you for that. Happy new years everyone! <3 Kapu0*