• Published 21st Dec 2011
  • 11,670 Views, 195 Comments

SPIDER-MAN: Edge of Equestria - Kapwnage

The Amazing Spiderman, must save PonyVille from the grips of Dr. Octopus.

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Chapter Three: Psh, show off.

As they traveled to town, Twilight and Peter had a long interesting discussion on dimensions and why the heck stuff was falling from the sky. The other ponies kind of butt in on their conversation, and introduced themselves. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. Most preposterous, silly, and ridiculous names ever to exist. Spider-Man could not possibly take them seriously. Aside the odd conversations, the group finally made it to the town, which was verily named "Ponyville". It was a very modest village, and seemed well taken care of. Peter was amazed by all the colors of ponies. Pegasi flew about the clouds, and the rest milled about; carrying on their lives. Ponies in Equestria were a lot like humans on Earth, in a benifactual way. They worked and lived like humans did. Though they were different in so many characteristics. The buildings were not made of concrete or even synthetic materials, it was all naturally made of wood, stone, and brick. This caught Peter's attention. The pony lifestyle was very much alike the medieval era! There were no police, no cars, no lights, no actual streets. No factories, no laboratories, no real hospitals. The only thing that came close to a center was a school or a nurse's office. Peter was gonna hate it here, he could feel it even without spider-sense. Not to mention that there are no tall buildings to swing on!

"Here we are! Ponyville." Twilight chimed.

"Home sweet home!" Pinkie Pie smiled.

Peter just stood to marvel the town. How could ponies even build? They don't have fingers!

"You alright?" Twilight asked Peter.

"I'm fine." Peter slipped on his mask. "Lead on."

"Yah know, somepony mi' take yah as a monster with that get-up." Applejack stated. "Those eyes are li' staring inta' meh soul."

"Well what else do I wear?"

"Can't you just go naked? We do it all the time!" Rainbow Dash inquired. Peter just stared at her for a good five minutes. His big, white shiny spider-eyes made her extremely uncomfortable. He realized that ponies are different, and don't need clothes so he can't scold her. She didn't know any better that humans need privacy.

"Not gonna happen, let them be scared." Peter coughed out, "I think I'll just keep my junk to myself."

"Uh, ok. Sorry." Dash noticed he had a different... Structure. Even going so far as to shape out his body figure. His muscular appendages, and thick legs. Dash also noticed he stood on two, and the others were freely moving.

"I must say, darling, those colors you wear are absolutely gorgeous!" Rarity complimented.

"Hey thanks! Finally someone likes it! I made it myself." Peter laughed.

"Oh? You have a great taste in looks."


Doctor Octopus finally finished all the setup he needed. The console sat very crooked on the lazily placed metal flooring. He got angry at the crappy layout of the building, but would have to get use to it, because until he recreated the portal, he was stuck here. Doc anticipated the feeling of being back home. Who knows, this dimension could be totally inhabited, despite the fact that it is overgrown with healthy green foliage. A species could really survive on this planet, from what he's seen.

He traveled around a bit, and found all of his gear spread out alongside the land. Most of it wasn't damaged, though bent up a bit. He started collecting everything, until he noticed something on the trees... Webbing...


The afternoon sun loomed in the sky. The day's air felt very dry, and Spider-Man's mask was not what you would call, airy. His mouth area became wet, and increasingly uncomfortable from long use. The ponies stopped around a park, from what it seemed. Peter's spider-agility was no use, exhaustion took over. He teleported when it was late at night, and now he spent a whole day in this dimension without sleep. To regain some composure, Peter leaned against a tree. His spider-suit scratched up against it's bark.

Everyone in the town stared down Peter as they passed. He stood so much taller as he leaned against a tree, and looked like something from a comic book! Most of the ponies cowered behind bushes and signs. A mother pegasus pulled her little filly closer to her as she passed. The ponies, he knew, also had innocent faces on. They knew that this was causing quite a stir. A small group of three fillies came up to Peter, and he kneeled down to meet their height. They looked into his bug-eyes, and he looked back. They were honestly very adorable.

"What are you!?" The orange pegasus filly questioned, poking at his face. Rainbow Dash scooped her up, and scolded. The other two circled around him.

"Hi! Ahm Applebloom! Who, ah mean what, ah you?!" The yellow filly asked, she had the same accent as Applejack.

"Applebloom! Be kind ta guests!" AJ scolded as she set the small filly in the grass.

"But-but-but, it's so cool!" She also prodded at his face

"Heh, thanks." Peter patted her head. "It's alright Applejack, kids are always like this." With his words, AJ backed up, and let Applebloom approach Spider-Man again.

"What ah you? You look li' a spidah."

"Exactly. I am a spider. But not one that lives under your rugs."

"Can you do everythin' a spideh can?"

"Yup!" With his words, "Spurt!" he spun a web up to the tree that stood high above. He pulled his "web yo-yo" trick and hung upside down, still looking into the filly's happy gaze.

"Woah!" She yelped, backing up to appreciate his moves. "You're so awehsome!"

Peter chuckled at her accent, and nodded still upside down. The third filly cowered behind Rarity, and he noticed they must be related. Twilight approached him, looking at how he spun his webbing. The odd posture of his hands created the webbing.

"How did you do that?" She asked, looking very interested.

Peter crawled up the web, and made room to jump down. "The same way's a real spider would." He landed with a small thump of the grass below. "Proteins in my system created a very strong silk, and it's stored in an organ in my wrists."

"So you really are like a spider? No magic?"

"Where I come from, magic is only dust and illusions." Peter thought of his battles with Mysterio.

At this point, Twilight was very interested in Peter's abilities. He seemed so normal, yet so different. "Wow, what is your dimension like?"

"Well, it's nothing like this, let me tell you that." He crouched again, and leaned against the tree to meet her eye level. She backed up more, to give him room. "We are called, 'Humans'. A species of extreme intellect. I'm not like a regular human though, I have acquired powers unlike a normal being."

Twilight had her jaw open a bit, and was way to focused in the conversation with Spider-Man. She wanted to take notes, badly. Rainbow Dash interrupted, "Can you do more tricks, pleaseeeee?"

Spider-Man lightly back flipped onto the tree, and stuck to it perfectly. He was upside down, and his head protruded in an odd angle to look at the ponies as they marveled his powers. They all backed up even further, and he zipped to another tree. They all turned their heads, and gazed upon his mastery. With a flick of his wrists, and the posture of his fingers, another web spat out of his hand. Twilight payed close attention to his graceful movements.

Peter swung and let go of the web, landing on the ground with his usual landing position. Heels touching his behind, right hand stuck to the ground with fingers spread, and left arm stuck out to keep his balance. This was normal for people, or ponies, to wonder at his agility. The small crowed of ponies clapped their hooves together.

"That was spectacular!" Twilight gleefully yipped.

"I would say, Amazing." Peter laughed.

*Authors note: Pun intended at the end :P Hope you liked the picture! Thanks for the support, true-believers!*