• Published 9th Jan 2021
  • 1,998 Views, 644 Comments

Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part I, Chapter 13 - A Conference Among Princesses

Princess Cadance strode confidently through the halls of the Crystal Palace on her way to the throne room, but in truth, the mare was quite nervous. A few minutes ago, she was called there by Princess Celestia and Luna. They had likely finished their questioning of the changeling that claimed to want peace and friendship with the citizens of her empire and wanted to give her their advice on how she should progress. In truth, she was hoping that her two seniors would see fit to take him back to Canterlot, and remove the need for her to make a difficult decision.

Since first deciding to consider the request of the changeling to stay here in the Crystal Empire as an asylum seeker, she'd been second guessing the decision nearly every second. The choice had caused a spat between her and Captain Shining Armor, and he had laid down in an unused set of guest chambers for the night. The action saddened Cadance, as she did not want to put any kind of wedge between her and her husband.

In addition to the situation with her husband, Cadance had regrets for another reason: Chrysalis. In spite of the evidence presented to her by Princess Twilight and Spike, as well as Twilight's pupil and a member of her own palace staff, Cadance still had misgivings and a lack of trust. Sure, she had meant what she said about not believing that the changeling had a desire to cause harm to herself or her subjects, but that didn't mean this couldn't have been some new ploy to subvert or trick the ponies of the Crystal Empire to give up some weakness to be exploited.

She also had lingering regrets related to herself. In short, she was afraid that her decision could lead to another situation like what happened in the weeks leading up to the wedding. It was not fun being trapped in the caves beneath Canterlot, but what was worse was being put there and having no way to prevent it. Worst of all, Cadance had been unable to defend herself, which did not sit well with her. She was an alicorn, one of the most powerful magical beings in Equestria! At the very least, she could've cause such a commotion that the royal guards would've noticed. But in the end, she didn't, and she was trapped and separated from her husband. The thoughts of that day still haunt her and Shining Armor.

The clip clopping of hooves against floor soon turned to hoof-falls against carpet, telling Cadance without looking that she was approaching the throne room. She looked up to spot both Princess Celestia and Luna sitting at a table and talking over something, most likely what information they had gotten from the changeling during their interrogation. Both looked up and spotted her as she was approaching them.

"Hello, dear Cadance", Celestia greeted her warmly,"I trust you are doing well?"

"Yes", Luna added,"we also hope that you are in good spirits."

Cadance hesitated for a moment before deciding that being truthful was the best course of action. "I am for the most part", she began,"but this recent series of events has left me feeling very unsure."

Celestia frowned at that remark. "Yes, I can understand how things at the moment are somewhat turbulent", she admitted,"but that doesn't mean that they will not improve."

"Yes, that's true" Cadance answered back. In her mind, she was hoping for something she could consider good news. "So, I believe you want to discuss the current situation with me, correct?"

Celestia and Luna both nodded. "Please, sit with us" Celestia invited Cadance. The pink alicorn took a seat at a third chair seated at the table. A cup of tea was presented to her. She took a sip and found the drink a bit too hot for her liking, so she placed it back on its saucer to cool for a moment.

"I suppose we should start with the conversation we had with Thorax", Celestia began,"To summarize it, we learned of his journey here to the empire and his stated intentions, as well as a little bit of insight into the world he is leaving behind. I can honestly say, and can also speak on behalf of my sister, that Thorax holds no ill intentions towards the Crystal Empire, or Equestria as a whole. I see no reason for any to refuse his request for asylum."

Cadance couldn't quite believe her ears. Both Celestia and Luna believed him?

"How can you be sure that what he says is the truth?" Cadance asked, a slight panic in her tone.

Luna answered,"Because we have spoken with him both the waking world and the dreamscape. It is in that place that nopony can hide anything from me, for their subconscious mind is laid bare before me."

"But what about plots against Equestria?!", she countered, sounding a little more panicked,"Surely there's been times in the past when creatures had designs against Equestria like the changelings and acted upon them, catching us by surprise. How can you be sure he isn't hiding something?!"

"Cadance, please calm yourself", Luna continued,"I know that there are creatures that have carried out attacks against our kingdom like the changelings, but that is because even with all the power I have, I cannot visit every dream in our world every night. That is why my main focus is on the nightmares of our subjects that can cause them harm."

"On those occasions I come across one that has designs like you described, I simply make note of them and tell the guard to monitor them in an obvious way. That way, those that might act will be discouraged from doing so, and if worst comes to worst, then we know what they plan and can stop it before they can make their first move."

"In regards to Thorax, he has no ill designs like you speak of. When I found him in the dream realm, he was having a night terror, and a bad one at that. He was in his old home in the changeling hive, and being attacked by other changelings that called him a traitor. Then their queen showed up and... drained him."

Luna shivered as she recalled that last part. Seeing the act that had been described to her made it much worse. She continued speaking.

"I spoke with him and placed an enchantment on him to detect whether he was being truthful or not, and he had been truthful the whole time, not once denying or trying to hide anything. He spoke of wanting friends and to live amongst us peacefully, partaking of freely given love and returning it through kind gestures and friendship. He speaks in much the way I expect one of our subjects to, and he does so genuinely."

"B-But how can you still be so s-sure?!" Cadance continued to ask, now sounding more panicked. In truth, there was a reason for it; she was becoming convinced the changeling brainwashed the two leaders. Celestia noticed this and lit up her horn, casting a spell to calm the anxiety welling up in Cadance.

"My dearest niece" Celestia addressed Cadance,"You have much anxiety and fear left in you from the day of your wedding and how poorly it went, but that is in the past and something you should let go of. Learn from it, but do not dwell on it."

The spell began to take effect, and Cadance had calmed considerably, but she was still suffering from a considerable amount of anxiety. "How can you be sure?" she continued to question.

Celestia and Luna both looked at each other with uncertainty, but Celestia elected to speak first. "When we spoke with Thorax, we sensed nothing but fear. He had genuinely thought that we were going to either lock him in the dungeons or..." Celestia paused for a moment, a small tear falling down her cheek, but then concluded with,"put him to death."

Cadance gasped upon hearing that; Never in her life could she recall even hearing of something like that carried out in Equestria. The only way she knew of what that was was because of the history of the griffons, who often carried out that practice with either their worst criminals or deposed kings. The thought that Princess Celestia would be thought by any to carry out so severe a punishment made a cold shiver run up her back.

"Of course, I would never carry out such a despicable course of action", Celestia continued,"As far as the dungeons, I would have to consider whether or not that was an appropriate punishment, and in this case, I don't believe a punishment is needed."

Cadance looked at the princess with wide eyes. No punishment? The creatures that destroyed portions of Canterlot, and panicked the citizens to the point of having nightmares for weeks on end?

Celestia could read her niece's thoughts and gave an answer to them before she could ask. "I know what you are thinking, and I understand that you wish to see justice done to those who have wronged you. I too wish to see Queen Chrysalis brought to justice for all she did to you, your husband, and all the other ponies in Canterlot. However, this particular changeling has shown amity and kindness to us, and we believe that should be rewarded with both amity and kindness."

Cadance shuddered hearing that harlot's name again. Old memories that she would rather see buried came back up to the surface, causing her to grimace. Luna took note of this and stepped in.

"We do not mean to bring up bad memories for you, but our point stands", Luna told Cadance,"Thorax has committed no hostile acts towards us, your subjects, your friends, and even yourself and your husband. Therefore, we cannot justify a punitive action against him."

Cadance stood looking at the two and was undecided whether they were themselves or not. Celestia saw the confusion in her eyes and decided to get to the point that both had been trying to make.

"Cadance", she began,"Thorax has done nothing to wrong us, as my sister has told you. If you cannot understand why we are speaking of him in a positive light, then perhaps I should explain it a little better."

Celestia poured another cup of tea from the pot and put a lemon wedge in it before taking a sip and continuing.

"This changeling represents an opportunity for you here and now. If you decide to treat him with the same amity he has shown you, then you have a chance to bridge the gap between ponies and changelings, and give all of us some insight into why that have done what they have done, and if there is something we can do to bring about a mutual existence."

"The choice to shun him and send him away is also there as well, but I discourage it greatly. The one lesson I cannot teach you is forgiveness. That is a lesson one can only learn on their own, but I am pointing out that opportunity lies before you now. And the best way to begin that lesson is to take a leap of faith."

Cadance blinked for a moment before simply saying "A leap of faith?"

"Yes", Celestia responded,"A leap of faith. A small amount of trust that serves as the seed to grow into a new relationship between two sides that were once at odds with each other. If Equestria did not take any leaps of faith, we would have no allies."

"A mistrust of dragons would not have allowed us to make peace and establish safe travel through their territories, no confidence in the griffons would have us constantly fighting at their border and ours because of territorial disputes, and no faith in the yaks to hear our words of peace wouldn't have permitted us to receive their aid in setting up a rail system to this empire."

"Putting faith in those you seek peace with is a very important step to forging allies, and sadly, the incident in Canterlot has stunted your ability to do as such. This situation here and now is not only a chance to make new allies, but also a chance for you to heal. Don't you want to learn to trust again?"

Cadance took a moment to digest everything her aunt had told her, and she knew then and there that she was right. The princess of love had trouble trusting.

Ever since her wedding day, she could not bring herself to trust her husband. She would only do so after he proved he was who he was, and would always question him whenever he left the room and came back in. Things had improved, but she still had the occasional moment of doubt that her husband was her husband.

The same kind of mistrust when to her friends and family too. She often wondered if they were who they claimed to be. Even after doing their "Sunshine and Ladybugs" dance, Twilight was still suspected, even if in the back of Cadance's mind.

All that mistrust was bad, but the cherry on top was in political situations. The Crystal Empire had no actual allies besides Equestria. Cadance and Shining had not even had a state dinner to host dignitaries and open up lines of communication. Cadance had had the thought to do so once before, but Shining dissuaded her, claiming that they needed to make sure their empire was safe and secure before extending a hoof to make new allies. That moment, had been shortly after they took over the empire.

"So, you put faith in this changeling that it tells the truth?" Cadance finally responded.

Celestia and Luna both nodded. "Yes Cadance", began Celestia,"We believe him to be telling us the truth."

"And We do not just believe, but know for a fact, that this changeling is telling us the truth" added Luna.

Cadance looked down at her tea before taking a sip, then set down the cup and let out a breath. "Okay", she said to them,"I'll trust that he is telling the truth, since you've both put so much faith in him."

Celestia gave a reluctant smile upon hearing that. Luna gave no reaction on her face, but was disappointed that her niece was acting in such a way. Of course, neither of the two could hold her feelings against her; trauma such as what the princess of love had went through was tough to move past, perhaps even impossible in some cases.

Cadance then asked the next question. "What do you think I should do?"

Celestia and Luna both looked at each other for a few moments before Celestia chose to answer. "We think you should do what you feel in your heart is right. The only thing we do ask is that you consider the merits of the individual, and not the past actions of the group as a whole."

Cadance looked at her with confusion. "You... want me to 'consider'?"

"Yes", Luna replied this time,"We want you to consider only what you've seen from Thorax since being here. Try to put Canterlot out of your mind as much as possible. I realize that will be difficult, but to make a good and sound decision, a princess or ruler must keep as many of their own personal feelings out of their decision making process as possible."

"Agreed", addd Celestia,"It is wise to trust what your heart tells you, but also allow your mind to guide it to the right decision."

Cadance nodded, but then sat in her chair looking down at her cup of tea, an uncomfortable look upon her face. Luna picked up on the problem immediately. "There is something troubling you?", she asked,"Something that has little or nothing to do with the changelings, correct?"

Cadance looked up from her cup in surprise, but then looked away and nodded her head. "I'm afraid" she answered.

"What scares you?" Celestia asked.

Cadance took a breath and then gave her explanation. "I'm afraid of what is going to happen. I am afraid of making the wrong choice, but it feels like no matter what choice I make, it will be the wrong one. I want to be viewed as a strong leader, but not a cruel one, and banishing or imprisoning the changeling could send that message. But on the other hoof, I fear allowing him to stay will drive a wedge between Shining and myself, and I don't want to lose my husband over this."

The last sentence was followed by Cadance hiding her face as she began sobbing. Celestia and Luna looked at each other with somber faces, but both knew what the best advice to give her was.

"Cadance, you rule this empire with your husband as well, even if most actual authority rests with you. When it comes time to make your decision, let him be part of it. Hear his arguments and consider their merits, and craft a solution that you both can come to an agreement on."

"Yes", Luna agreed,"your husband should have a say in this choice as well. He is captain of the royal guard, and this decision will impact the citizens that he is meant to protect."

Cadance took a napkin and wiped the tears from her face. When she looked up, her eyes looked a little pinker than normal. "Okay", she agreed,"I think I know what I must do. If you'll excuse me, I need to get my husband so that we can discuss what we should do together."

"Of course, but if you'll excuse us", Celestia said as she stood up,"I believe my sister and I have been desiring to partake of the Crystal Empire's cuisine for some time now, and this seems the perfect opportunity for us to try some of the restaurants."

The three rulers all bowed to each other as Celestia and Luna both left. Cadance made a gesture to a few members of the castle staff, and the table, chairs and tea set were all taken away. She then gave a command to the nearest guard to go find her husband and tell him to meet her in the throne room, and to inform the palace staff that the imperial court was suspended for today for reasons of security.

After about fifteen minutes, Shining Armor was walking into the throne room. He was in his dress uniform, a similar design to the one he wore during their wedding but without as many gold embellishments. "You wanted to speak with me?" he asked his wife.

"Yes", Cadance replied, grabbing a set of parchment and an ink and quill set,"We both have a decision to make."

Author's Note:

I was able to finish this a little earlier than I expected, but it also turned about being longer than I expected as well. The next chapter I post will be the conclusion to the first part of this story, and I've already picked out the title: The Empire's Decision.

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