• Published 9th Jan 2021
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Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part III, Chapter 21 - Closing Arguments

Judge Gavel took a few moments to sort through some paperwork in front of him. Thorax looked around the court room as he did so.

The ponies who met his gaze either looked on him with contempt or uncertainty. Raspberry's testimony, combined with the evidence presented by Dr. Prion, had created doubt in some of the ponies' minds.

Would that be enough to sway the jury to think he was innocent? Was there a chance he could actually walk away from this without being sent to the dungeons?

Probably not. Even if he did win, Cadance would probably throw him out of the castle.

No, she wouldn't do that. She didn't trust him now, despite all his effort to prove his intentions true. He would remain in the Crystal Palace, being a janitor and being restrained, even if it's just the magic nullifyng ring on his horn. All his interactions with ponies would be strictly monitored.

Worse yet, they would probably cut his feeding back more than it already was, constantly keeping him at the precipice of starvation, but not enough to drive him to go into an uncontrolled feeding frenzy.

Before his thoughts could get any darker, the judge cleared his throat. "The prosecution and defense have made their arguments. Miss State Evidence, the court will now hear your closing remarks."

State stood up and shot both Thorax and Plea Bargain a smile. It was not a good smile, at least not for the stallion and changeling. She moved forward and stepped in front of the jury.

"Mares and Stallions of the jury," she begins, "We have presented to you all the relevant evidence required for you to reach a decision in this matter, both the prosecution and defense. Soon, you will enter into deliberation and return with a verdict as to whether or not the changeling you see before you is truly a victim of some horrible misfortune, or is a deceiving monster who only cares about getting his next meal."

"I can't tell you how to decide, or even what to decide, but I can tell you that this will set a precedent one way or another. If you decide on innocence, then that means that you have given this creature the benefit of the doubt and believe his claims that he was attacked and set up as a patsy. If you decide guilty, then he will go to the dungeons and there will be no more need for concern than to simply keep an open eye in case other changelings come here and try to take us over."

"The most important part of the process you will enter is simply what you believe to be the truth. So, what is the truth? Is this changeling truly innocent, or is he doing his best to pull the wool over your eyes?"

"I only ask you to consider all the evidence and all of the arguments, nothing more. Thank you."

State turned around and headed back to her seat, again giving Thorax and Plea that same evil looking smile. Thorax could hear Plea curse under his breath. The stallion notices his concern and whispers to him "She's still playing up the prejudice card, and unfortunately, I think it's working."

Thorax looked from Plea to the jury, who all wore looks of either contemplation or scorn. Unfortunately, he was looking at more faces of scorn than contemplation.

"Mister Plea Bargain," the judge says to the lawyer pony, "you may now make your closing remarks."

Plea stood up and adjusted his tie. Stepping out from behind the table, he approached the jury and took a deep breath.

"Mares and stallions of the jury," he begins, "Over the past couple of weeks, we have brought forth arguments to you regarding the circumstances of a crime that took place here in our empire. This crime was the attempt to abduct a filly named Raspberry Mint."

"In one argument, three stallions claimed that a trio of changelings attempted to abscond with the filly but were stopped by the three of them, with two escaping and the third incapacitated and quickly arrested by our crystal guard."

"In the other, the changeling that was arrested claimed the stallions were the ones who tried to take the filly, and he had made an effort to stop them."

"Now, I know all of you have doubts about the validity of the latter story, given to creature that's making the claim, but before you dismiss it entirely, please consider these facts first."

"One: The victim of this attempted abduction recalled a story that was very similar to the accused."

"Two: She gave this testimony after she was given a magic clearing spell by a mage in the Canterlot Royal Guard."

"Three: Evidence collected by an expert witness gives significant plausibility to the story the victim has told."

"But besides those facts, there is one more that has less to do with the crime committed and more to do with this trial we've held here today. The outcome of this case will likely hinge less on credible evidence and more on your own personal prejudices."

"Can you look beyond the fact that my client, a changeling, one of many that took part in the attempt to take over Canterlot during the royal wedding of our sovereigns, and see that this creature, named Thorax, is trying to do better? If you can, then ask yourself this: Why would he do something to set all that back so far for himself?"

"As Miss State Evidence said only a short time ago, neither she or I can tell you how to decide. We can only reinforce the fact that your decision must be what you believe to be the truth. We have made our arguments, presented our evidence, had witnesses give their testimony, and done all this as completely as possible."

"It now rests in your hooves, and I can only hope you decide fairly. Not just for my client, but for any that come after him, pony, changeling, or otherwise. Thank you."

Plea returns to his seat as he gives me a smile. "I've done all that I can. Now, it's up to them."

Thorax gives him a smile, but the stallion can tell it's halfhearted.

"Don't look so glum" he tells Thorax. "Even if the outcome isn't what we want, I doubt the princess will ignore the pleas of Brass, the princesses in Canterlot once they learn of this, and all the friends you made from Ponyville."

Thorax suddenly realized something. "Don't the princesses know about this?"

"I'm sure they do," Plea responds, "but with the Crystal Empire having a sovereign ruler, they can't do anything to just overturn whatever decision the jury comes to. It could be seen as an act of war, and creatures would take advantage of it."

Thorax nodded and hung his head. He understood politics well enough to know that if you made any kind of faux pas, your enemies would take advantage and try to bury you so deep, it would take decades to dig out.

All of Thorax's thoughts were stopped as the judge cleared his throat and turned to the jury.

"Mares and stallions of the jury," he addresses them, "you have been presented two arguments in a case against a changeling named Thorax, who stands accused of attempted foalnapping and assault on three stallions, as well as assault of, and endangerment of a filly. In these arguments, you have been presented testimony by witnesses for character of the defendant, experts witnesses in the field of forensic science, and direct eyewitnesses to the crime. There is also evidence you've been shown that was collected from the scene of the crime, as well as results from forensic tests run on said evidence."

"With all of this provided to you, you will now enter into deliberation. This deliberation will only conclude when one of three decisions has been reached: Guilty, Not Guilty, or Cannot Decide. Once you have that decision, you will return and present it to this court."

"At no time during this deliberation can you be allowed to exit the jury chambers. You may make requests for food and water, as well as clarifications on matters relating to this trial if you need them."

"You are also not allowed to discuss this trial with anypony besides your fellow jurors until a verdict has been given. What you discuss in deliberation is between you and your fellow jurors."

"Those are your instructions. Now, I dismiss you to enter into deliberation. This court will reconvene when you have come to a decision."

The judge picked up his gavel and banged it on the plate loudly. The jury rose to their hooves and filed out through a side door connected to the jury box. The judge left through the door he had come in through. All the other ponies left through the large doors in the back of the courtroom.

A guard motioned for Thorax to stand up. As he did, he looked up in the direction of Princess Cadance. When he saw her, his blood went cold.

The Princess of Love looked at him in the most contemptuous way possible. It only lasted for a second, but it feel like ages to the changeling. Very quickly, she rose to her hooves and exited the courtroom, not even waiting for her attendants to get the door for her.

A prodding got Thorax to return his focus on the guard, who led him back out of the courtroom and to a wagon that would take him to the prison again.

Author's Note:

Well, Thorax's fate now rests with a jury. How will they decide? Only time will tell.

In the next chapter, the conclusion to the High Tide Case.

EDIT 10/23/2022 @ 5:53PM EST - I amended a portion of Judge Iron Gavel's dialogue to be consistent with a revision I will be including in an upcoming chapter.

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