• Published 9th Jan 2021
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Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part II, Chapter 3 - The First Day - Part 2

Thorax had thought that he had learned a great deal about the goings on in Equestria during his journey. He was almost sure he had at least the knowledge of a full grown pony. He spent a great deal of time in various libraries reading through all kinds of books and tomes. He was certain that he knew a great deal and would be able to pass the test Sunburst was going to give him.

That's what Thorax had thought. The actual truth once he began taking the test?

"I can't believe how many things I don't know!"

The changeling had his head down on the table, defeated by the very simple twenty question test.

"It's not so bad", Sunburst reassured him,"There's a good bit you don't know, but there's also plenty of stuff you did know too. For instance, you knew how to use the library indexing system."

"That's because the archive in the hive uses the exact same system!" Thorax informed Sunburst, who looked at him with surprise.

"Really?", the stallion asked with wide eyes,"From the reports I read about Queen Chrysalis' attitude during her reveal at the wedding, I would've thought she'd scorn anything to do with ponies."

"Most of the time that's true", Thorax admitted,"but if there's something that will make running the hive easier for all changelings, especially her, she'll overlook what creature created it originally. Truth be told, the overall behavior of my kind could be compared to the griffons without their king relic thing."

"You mean the Idol of Boreas?" Sunburst asked.

"I guess that's what it's called" Thorax replied uncertainly.

"Well, the idol is lost", Sunburst said,"but the griffons have actually improved their country from what it was before, all thanks to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie."

Thorax perked up. "The elements of laughter and loyalty?"

Sunburst nodded, then looked at Thorax in surprise. "You know about the elements of harmony?!"

Thorax nodded. "I found a newspaper in a park one day and read it. There was a story about Twilight becoming a princess, and it talked about her five friends and how they were all the new elements of harmony. Honestly, they're the reason I started out on my journey to try and make friends with ponies."

"Wow", Sunburst said in amazement,"then that means they really are the elements of harmony, if they could convince a changeling to try and learn the ways of friendship."

"I guess", Thorax responded,"though I honestly think I would've ended up trying to make friends at some point. Seeing them in Canterlot just kinda moved things along a little faster."

"Well, at least you're here now making that effort", Sunburst continued,"Anyhow, now that we know what things you don't know, we can come up with lessons to teach you all of that stuff."

"It sounds like there's gonna be more than six months worth of learning to be done" Thorax responded, sounding defeated.

"Try not to look at the time we have and what we can cover", Sunburst attempted to reassure Thorax,"Besides, I have to check with Cadance and Shining to see what topics are permissible."

Thorax raised an eyebrow. "You were testing me on topics you might not be able to teach me?"

"I had to get a general idea of what knowledge you have", Sunburst answered,"There was always a chance that you would know something that I'm not allowed to teach you."

Thorax nodded in understanding. Sunburst adjusted his glasses and looked up at the clock.

"Well, we have a little less than an hour left", he said matter of factly,"so I can't do a full lesson, but I can probably do a quick summary on a thing or two if you'd like."

Thorax thought about it for a moment. "Actually, I was hoping you could explain what I think were some jokes made at my expense."

Sunburst frowned. "Of course there would be ponies cracking jokes about you in addition to the ones mistreating you", Sunburst said while putting a hoof to his forehead,"What kinds of things did they say?"

Thorax explained the comments made to him in full. He started with Madame Ammonia's comment about an "unpleasant monthly visit", which Sunburst explained was referring to a mare's monthly reproductive cycle; Apparently, if a mare did not breed at the appropriate time in each cycle, her body would shed off a nutrient-rich lining in her womb, which was a painful process as it was explained to him, and that material was expelled through the rest of the reproductive tract. The items he was told to dispose of kept the material from getting onto the floors, which was considered unhygienic.

Next, Thorax explained the candlestick remark, which made Sunburst blush a little bit. "Well, that one is kind of self-explanatory", Sunburst said,"What part of pony anatomy do the candlesticks remind you of?" Thorax thought about it for a moment. They didn't look like a hoof, nor were they cupped like a pony's ear. With the flaring out portion at the top and the ring shaped section in the middle...

Thorax went wide eyed. "They look like a stallion's... pipe?"

Sunburst gave a small chuckle. "Yeah, I suppose you could call it that" the stallion admitted.

"That's how Madam Ammonia referred to it when she explained why there were different bathrooms" Thorax clarified.

"Well, in any case", Sunburst continued,"I'm guessing you probably know what they were joking about when they said you had experience 'polishing a candlestick'?"

Thorax looked at him for a moment before answering "Self pleasure?"

Sunburst nodded. Thorax blushed slightly, but nopony could tell on account of the chitin. There was no denying that on an occasion or two that Thorax had indulged in that particular behavior, but it was usually frowned upon in the hive, though less for vulgarity and more for safety; A changeling tended to burn through love reserves much faster when doing such things, so it was considered rather wasteful and dangerous to do as such when one was starving.

"I guess my last question is what did Elbow mean about 'being into colts'?" Thorax asked.

Sunburst looked at the changeling with some confusion. "Do you not have same sex relations in your hive?"

"Is that what that means?" Thorax asked.

Sunburst nodded. "Here in Equestria, we respect love between two creatures, regardless of how far it goes and who is involved. From simple friendship to life long romance, it doesn't matter to us if the two involved are genetically or physically compatible to have offspring."

Thorax looked surprised. "I never considered that before", Thorax admitted,"Back in the hive, the queen was very adamant that love between two males and two females was forbidden. Any kind of relationship that didn't benefit the hive with new nymphs to expand it was considered a high crime, where the changelings involved would either be imprisoned or executed."

Sunburst looked at Thorax in shock. "She would do that?!" he exclaimed,"Kill two of her kind just because they have a loving relationship and no offspring would come from it?!"

All Thorax could do was nod. Right now, he wanted to forget about the unpleasant memories of the hive. He didn't exactly hate the place, but the bad memories of it far outweighed the good ones. Sunburst took note of Thorax's discomfort and elected to switch topics.

"Well, I'm glad that you decided not to stay in that rather unpleasant place", Sunburst concluded,"Now, was there anything else you wanted to discuss while we still had some time?"

Thorax was thoughtful for a moment before an idea popped into his mind. "Actually, I was wondering if you could help me do something."

Sunburst looked at him with surprise. "What did you want me to help you with?" he asked.

"Well", Thorax began,"while I was traveling through Equestria, I came across something that I didn't fully understand at the time. There were two stallions sitting at a cafe, and one gave this note to the other. I was sitting at a table behind them in a disguise, and I could read the note over the one stallion's withers."

"It was apparently to thank him for his help on some big project that the other had a hard time doing. I was thinking about it, and I think I would like to write a note like that to give to Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor to thank them for letting me stay here, even if it turns out to be just temporary."

Sunburst smiled widely upon hearing that. "That is a fantastic idea!", he beamed,"Of course I'll help you write one! What would you like it to say?" The stallion floated out a blank parchment and fresh quill and discussed with Thorax how he wanted the note to read. A few minutes later, a thank you note to both the Princess and Captain was completed.

"I'll be sure to give this to them as soon as I see them", Sunburst told Thorax,"though that probably won't be until this evening at dinner time."

"Whenever you can do it" Thorax replied. Then Thorax remembered this morning.

"I forgot to mention this earlier. When I was taking in love this morning, I was having a hard time focusing on just the crystal heart and not taking any from the guards or you. I think it's because of how far away I was from the heart. Do you think you could say something so I could get moved closer? I don't want to feed on anypony without their permission by accident."

Sunburst frowned. "I'm not sure if we can", Sunburst told him,"That balcony is the lowest point on the castle that's close enough to the crystal heart for you to be able to absorb its energy. The only way to get closer would be to go to the base of the castle, and Captain Shining Armor has forbid that for fear you might try an escape and somehow attack ponies."

Thorax frowned upon hearing that, but a part of him understood the ponies' desire to make sure they were safe around him. At that moment, an alarm went off and a guard made a motion to Sunburst.

"Well, our lesson time for today has concluded", Sunburst said to Thorax,"The guards will escort you back to the cleaning crew you're with." Sunburst then placed a hoof on Thorax's shoulder and gave him a reassuring look. "Try not to let their prejudice get to you. Some ponies just take longer to get over things than others."

Thorax nodded and left his chair. He took two steps towards the door before Sunburst stopped him with a question.

"Has there been anypony besides me that hasn't treated you poorly today?" the stallion asked. Thorax paused and thought about what Sunburst had said. In truth, everypony he had met today besides Sunburst had treated him with contempt, mistrust, and dislike. Everypony, except for one.

"The younger mare in the cleaning crew today", Thorax answered,"We didn't speak, but she didn't glare me down with daggers in her eyes, or say mean things to me. I think she's just really unsure of what to think about me."

Sunburst rubbed his chin with his hoof. "She might be open to establishing a positive relationship with you", Sunburst observed,"Tell you what: If you are put into a one on one situation with her, let her make the first move. If she asks you questions, be honest with her."

"But what if the answer to a question she asks is one that might upset her?" Thorax postulated.

"Then she'll be upset", Sunburst replied,"If that happens, just try and break it to her gently. She might not like the answer, but she would probably like being lied to a lot less than hearing the truth." Thorax nodded in response to that advice, and then heard the guard clearing his throat. He took that as his cue and made quickly out of the library.

Traveling through a different set of hallways, Thorax was brought back to Feather Duster. The mare was standing beside a rather dusty looking table that had several spots that had almost no dust and resembled odd shapes. This clearly told him that there were objects sitting on the table before. The mare glared at him as she held up her namesake in her magic.

"Know how to use one of these, bug?" she asked him with venom in her words.

"Yes, I do", he replied, trying to hide both a sense of disappointment at her behavior and a small amount of anger for the mistreatment.

"Good" she responded while tossing the feather duster at him. "Clean every table in this hallway. Elbow Grease will be watching you along with your guards. Slack off, and not only will Elbow not let you hear the end of it, but Madam Ammonia will find out and chew your head off after the shift ends. Got it?!"

Thorax replied with "Yes, Ma'am" before setting about cleaning the table. Using his magic with the inhibitor ring on his horn wasn't easy. He could hold the object and lift it slightly, but higher than a foot or so was taxing. Already he could feel his love reserves draining away and hunger starting to return. He would have to try and find a more efficient way to use his magic so he wasn't starving by the end of the day.

With as much effort as he could, Thorax was able to get the duster onto the table and set to work. After several minutes, he saw the table top was free of dust and ready to be reset with whatever items had been placed on it before. He was about to move on to the next table when Elbow stopped him.

"Just what do you think you're doing?!" he shouted, causing the changeling to flinch in reaction.

"I'm moving on to the next table to dust" Thorax answered.

"No you're not!", the stallion informed him,"That table looks worse than when you started! Do it again or else we're gonna be here all day!"

Thorax was confused and looked at the table he had just finished to find it covered in even more dust than what was there before, and there were no marks from items sitting in the dust on it either. The changeling let out a huff before going back to the table and resuming his task, making sure to get every last ounce of dust off the table before moving on to the next. However, Elbow stopped him again.

"Just what in Tartarus are you trying to pull?! Do it again, and the right way this time!"

Thorax looked at the table again and found it in even more dust than the last time. "Just what the heck is going on here?" he thought as he did the table for a third time. He finished dusting it for a third time when he noticed something he hadn't before: Elbow Grease's horn was glowing, as if he had a spell ready.

Immediately, Thorax thought he was about to get whatever spell they had taught the unicorns to use on him, but the stallion never resorted to it. Instead, when Thorax turned around to move to the next table, he was again informed of having done a poor job, and greeted by a dust covered table that he had just cleaned for a third time. It suddenly clicked; Elbow was using a spell to either make dust on the table or move it from one table to another, likely the latter since it wouldn't extend the cleaning time due to having the same table cleaned multiple times.

Thorax had been doing his best to keep his head as he worked over and over again, but frustration had been mounting all day due to the mistreatment. With the realization of what the stallion was doing, the changeling had hit his tipping point.

"That's it!", Thorax exclaimed as he threw the feather duster down,"I'm not cleaning that table again! I've done the job right three times now!"

The feather duster was picked up off the floor and rapped hard against Thorax's head, causing him to flinch in pain. Elbow now had a rather aggressive look on his face as he continued to assault Thorax with his current "weapon".

"Oh, yes you will insect!", Elbow snarled at him as he advanced,"You will do what we tell you and when we tell you to do it, and if you refuse or show anything remotely relating to back sass, we'll fry you like an egg! And the best part is, you can't do anything about it!"

Another hard whack hit Thorax on the muzzle, causing him pain and making him stumble backwards and fall on his flanks. Elbow just glared sadistically at the changeling as he gave him another firm whack.

"You really think anypony here buys your whole 'I'm a good changeling' routine?", Elbow questioned sarcastically,"Of course they don't! 'Good changelings' don't attack our princesses!"

Another whack from the feather duster.

"They don't cause little colts and fillies horrible nightmares!"


"They don't put mares and stallions in the hospital for weeks or months on end!"


"And they certainly don't take the genuine love and affection ponies feel for one another from ponies and leave them damaged emotionless shells!"

A final whack to the horn, one which had managed to crack the chitinous hide there and bring forth blood. Thorax grunted in pain and placed a hoof to his horn, both trying to stop his bleeding and trying to keep blood from getting onto the floor. Elbow discarded the feather duster and moved on Thorax like a timberwolf moving on a lone foal with a bad leg.

"You can drop that act now!", Elbow figuratively and literally spat at Thorax,"I know for a fact that there's no such thing as nice changelings. Captain Shining Armor has made me certain of that fact! So let me clue you in on a little secret: These six months are going to be the best part for you, because they're gonna be the last bit of freedom you have before-"

Elbow was cut off as a sudden blast of magic hit him in the side, and with enough force to knock the stallion away from the changeling.

"That's enough, Elbow!"

Thorax turned and adjusted his hoof so he could see the pony talking. It was the young mare named Brass Polish. Her horn was glowing in a green aura similar in color to a changeling's, but was actually darker. Suddenly, a cloth was lifted in front of Thorax, and the mare's gesture of wiping her head told him what she expected him to do with it. The changeling accepted the cloth and began wiping his forehead and horn, then held it around his horn as he waited for the wound to seal and stop bleeding.

Elbow had recovered and moved to confront Brass. "Just what do you think you're doing?!" he shouted at her,"I had the situation well in hoof!"

"I could tell as much", Brass replied sarcastically,"You had it so well in hoof that you were going to send the changeling to the infirmary with a busted horn!"

"So what?!" Elbow shot back,"Let him have a broke horn! Then the guards won't have to worry about him trying to use magic for a few months. Why, I'll bet my last bit they'd be ecstatic if I busted it off!"

"Enough, Elbow!", Brass shouted,"Go take care of the guest suite linens, and I will keep watch of him!"

Elbow looked at Brass for a moment and then smirked. "Him?", he questioned,"You're calling it a him?"

Brass wasn't having it. "Yes, I called him that because he's a male!"

"Yes, a male", Elbow kept on,"One that has the power to become anypony you want them to."

A blush came over Brass's face. "W-What are you implying?" she asked.

"Oh come off it, Brass", Elbow continued,"I can see it in your eyes. You want to have a go with that thing in one of the guest rooms, don't you? Sample a little 'exotic flavor'?"

Brass said nothing. Elbow began laughing. Thorax simply watched the exchange while trying to get his horn to stop bleeding.

"Really?" came a response from Brass,"I want to have a go at him? What about you?"

Elbow stopped laughing and stared back at the mare.

"You were the first one to bring that up in this little conversation", she continued,"If I'm so hard up for the bug, perhaps it's because it sounds like I'll have to wait my turn, after you." Brass punctuated her accusation with a smirk.

Elbow tried to get out a response, but didn't have one that could one up her accusation. Instead, in a rather childish display, he took the feather duster he was using to beat Thorax and threw it up at the ceiling. An enchantment on the item kept it firmly in place at that spot. "Fine!", the stallion finally spoke,"You can have watch of him!" With that final remark, Elbow Grease disappeared around a corner. Brass walked over to a cleaning trolley and produced another feather duster.

"You just sit there for a minute and take care of your horn", she told Thorax,"I'll get these tables here done in a jiffy."

Thorax nodded as he watched the mare set to work. He checked his horn and found the bleeding had stopped, but it was still rather sore from the rough treatment he'd gotten only a few minutes ago. Looking around for a waste bin to dispose of the bloody rag, he caught sight of the mare cleaning the many tables in the hallway simultaneously with multiple dusters. The changeling could only look on in awe as she worked, a little jealous of her uninhibited ability to use magic.

In what seemed like no time at all, Brass Polish had gotten every table in the corridor dust free. Moving back to the trolley, she replaced all of the dusters she was using and pulled out a white box with a red cross on it; a first aid kit, Thorax recalled. Opening it, she pulled out some cotton wadding and a bottle of antiseptic and applied some antiseptic to the wadding.

"Clean your horn with this", she instructed as she handed the wadding to Thorax,"Fair warning: That stuff stings."

Thorax took the offered material and gently rubbed his horn wound with it. True to her word, the antiseptic touching his wound caused a brief burning sensation, making the changeling wince. He kept rubbing his wound with the wadding until he was sure that the wound was thoroughly sterilized. Brass took the time he used cleaning his wound to make a bandage to fit over his horn.

"This should keep the wound covered", Brass said as she applied the bandage to Thorax's horn,"but it will need changed until your shell has had some time to heal." Once the main part of the bandage was covering the wound, Brass tied the rest of the bandage in place. Casting a glance into a mirror, Thorax looked like he had a big wad of tissue stuck to his head. "Don't worry about how it looks", she informed him,"It's just to make sure the wound heals properly."

"Thank you" Thorax said to Brass.

"Not a problem", she replied,"Though it would've been nice to not have to use the first aid kit. I'll have to write up why I had to use the materials I did."

"Will you get in trouble for this?", Thorax questioned,"I'm sorry if you will."

"I won't get in trouble", Brass replied,"I was using those materials for their intended purpose. Unfortunately, I don't think Elbow will get in trouble for doing what he did to you either."

"You don't expect him to get a reprimand for what he did to me?" Thorax asked.

"Reprimand?" Brass reacted in a disbelieving tone,"He'll probably be commended for doing something that most of the ponies around here want to do to you."

"Oh" Thorax responded, sounding defeated.

"Let's not focus too much on that", Brass continued,"Even if Madam Ammonia isn't too fond of you, she still won't like the fact that Elbow tried to mash your head up like a bunch of avocados for a dish of guacamole."

Brass moved back over to the cart and started to push it with her hooves. "Follow me", she instructed him,"We're gonna go take care of the bathrooms on this level now."

Thorax nodded and followed the mare, his guards following closely behind. The two guards following him were having a conversation about the events that had transpired a little bit ago, the one suggesting that the other should've hauled Brass off for attacking Elbow, but the other rebutted saying that it wasn't worth the paperwork. Thorax hung his head low as he walked, something that Brass picked up on.

"I take it your day hasn't went as well as you had hoped it would?" Brass observed.

"I figured that I wouldn't be readily accepted by all the ponies I met today", he answered,"but I didn't think things would be this bad."

"Well, I came from Canterlot", Brass continued,"and I know that it takes a long time for ponies that move there from other places to 'fit in' as it were."

Thorax shuddered a little as Brass revealed where she came from. "Canterlot?", he asked sheepishly,"You weren't there when...?"

Brass shook her head no. "I was working for a noble family in Baltimare when the wedding incident happened", she explained,"Fortunately, my family and friends were on holiday and away from the city when that happened, so nopony I know was affected by what happened."

"Oh" replied Thorax, relieved that the mare wasn't one of the ones hurt during the failed invasion.

Brass then turned to Thorax and asked "You were there that day, weren't you?"

Thorax paused for a moment. Should he tell her the truth? Sunburst did say that it was best to be honest, but even then that she might not like his answer.

"As much as I hate to admit it", Thorax began,"I was there. I didn't want to be though; I actually tried to get placed on nursery duty that day, but the queen wouldn't permit it."

"Nursery duty?" Brass questioned.

"It's a job back in the hive", Thorax explained,"All the hive's eggs are put into one area and cared for by a group of caretakers picked and rotated by the queen personally. Those caretakers and a small contingent of guards were the only ones left in the hive when Chrysalis ordered the invasion force to move out."

"So they just made you go?" Brass asked Thorax.

The changeling nodded. "I didn't want to be there at all, but looking back, I'm honestly glad I was made to go. If I hadn't, I would've never seen the element bearers and been inspired to embark on the journey I did."

"You saw Princess Twilight and her friends?" Brass asked Thorax.

"Yeah", he replied,"I saw them while they were trying to get the actual elements from wherever they were being kept. The invasion force managed to break the force field protecting the city and swarmed on their position. There was a fight, and it was through their teamwork and friendship that they beat nearly the whole force sent against them. Unfortunately, there was a squad placed inside the building the elements were in and they were ambushed."

"You weren't part of that fight, were you?" Brass asked with suspicion in her voice.

"NO!", Thorax answered defensively,"I never wanted to fight anypony there, so I hung back and watched things unfold. I wish I had helped instead of done nothing now. If even half of the stories I've heard from some ponies are true, then that invasion did a lot of damage for changelings besides failing to accomplish the main goal."

"What was the main goal?" Brass asked, her suspicion abated for now.

"Chrysalis wanted to control Equestria", Thorax explained,"She figured by taking Princess Cadance's place, she was in a position to overthrow the princesses and control Equestria for the changelings. Then everypony would be enslaved in order to either be put into cocoons to be farmed for love or forced to work as laborers for whatever project the queen wished to accomplish."

Brass looked quite nervous upon hearing what the fate of Equestria's citizens would have been had the invasion succeeded. "No offense", she said after recomposing herself,"but I'm glad you guys didn't win."

"So am I", Thorax responded,"If it did, I wouldn't be having the experience that I am. I mean, yeah, I'm not getting the best treatment from everypony here, but I have gotten to know and make friends with a few ponies already. That's more than I could say about my life back in the hive."

"Was it that bad?" Brass asked, once again unsure if she wanted to hear his response.

"Yeah", Thorax replied,"Changelings don't believe in friends. The closest you'd get would be squad mates you could cooperate with best, but that's pretty much it."

"That's sad", Brass observed,"If your hive would consider embracing friendship, maybe things wouldn't be so horrible there."

"Maybe if I stay here for long enough and learn what I can about friendship, I can go back and show them that there's a better way to live. Perhaps even in time, changelings and ponies could make peace."

"That would be nice to see", Brass responded, then brought the trolley to a stop. "Well, we're here."

Thorax looked and saw two doors with the same symbols as before. Brass walked up to the door with a blue symbol on it and pushed it open, only to immediately back up and begin gagging. Thorax was about to ask why when an extremely pungent odor assaulted his nose. He covered it quickly and began to gag as well.

"What in the name of the princesses is that?!" exclaimed Brass as she held her breath and went back inside. Thorax stayed put, not wanting to agitate a nearby guard into thinking he was going to assault the mare. A few moments later, and Brass exited the bathroom looking rather green in the face.

"This has to be Elbow and Feather's doing", she said aloud to no one in particular.

"What is it?" Thorax asked.

"Every single toilet in there is backed up and almost overflowing", Brass answered,"If I didn't know any better, I would swear somepony pinched off the pipes. Fortunately, it's mostly toilet paper but it's still clogs that need removed, and a plunger isn't gonna do the trick."

"So we have to use magic?" Thorax asked her.

"Nope", Brass replied,"The toilets are warded against tampering from any kind of magic. You can thank all the immature colts and stallions that thought it would be funny to put an exploding water charm on random toilets. Unfortunately, this requires a 'hooves on' approach." She went back to the trolley and produced two sets of hoof coverings and gave one set to Thorax. Looking them over, he shuddered realizing what they were for. "Pitch those out after we're done then", Brass told him,"They will be in no condition to wash off and reuse when we're through with them."

Thorax nodded and put on the coverings, then followed Brass inside the first room that was for stallions. Inside, every toilet was clogged up to the point of nearly overflowing, even the ones set into the floor. The smell in the air made Thorax and Brass both gag. The mare excused herself and came back with a metal canister. Using her magic on the top, the can began to emit a strong smell to counter the overbearingly foul one in the bathroom. It smelled like wild flowers in a meadow.

"That should make it more bearable" Brass said as she turned to the bathroom stalls. "I'll take the actual stalls, and you take care of the urinals. There's a spare waste bin over there to put the paper into. Just change out the bag and dump it into the chute over there."

Thorax nodded in agreement and both pony and changeling set to work. While he maintained a neutral expression, Thorax was gagging inside with each wad of toilet paper he had to remove from the urinals, as nearly all of them had brown streaks in them that left no mystery as to what they were used for before being placed in them.

"How come I have to get all of the paper out of this thing?", Thorax asked,"Why couldn't I just remove most of it and flush the rest?"

"Because the urinals aren't set up to allow solid waste to go through them", Brass explained,"The pipes for the urinals are too narrow."

"How do you know that?" Thorax asked, curious how the mare knew about plumbing.

"My father is a plumbing pony", she answered,"My mom was really sick and in the hospital for a long time, so my dad did the best he could to take care of me. Sometimes, I'd have to go with him when he had a job. He'd teach me about what he was doing, and use me for a tool caddy."

"He would take you on jobs?", Thorax questioned,"That sounds a little dangerous."

"Not really", Brass remarked,"Most of the jobs I was left at home with a sitter for were places that weren't appropriate for little fillies and colts, like a place called 'le petit chat rose'."

"Le petit chat rose?" Thorax parroted in confusion.

"The little pink kitty", Brass explained,"It was a bordello, or a cat house, if you will."

"What's not appropriate about cats?" Thorax asked, still confused.

"Wow, that changeling hive must be under a pretty big rock", she said while stifling a giggle. Once she stopped laughing a moment later, she explained "A bordello is a place where stallions or mares can pay another stallion or mare for 'bedroom services'."

Thorax took a moment but then realized what 'bedroom services' meant and blushed. He kept forgetting that Equestria was wonderful, but also not totally innocent like he apparently was.

Thorax resumed cleaning out the urinals. Once he had finished, he replaced the bag in the trash can he'd been using and tossed the nearly full one into the garbage chute. Then he proceeded to get the toilet cleaner and set to work, making quick work of the urinals.

"Wow", Brass commented with an impressed tone in her voice,"You do a darn good job cleaning. You'll have to show me how to do that so fast."

"It's nothing really", Thorax said in an attempt to deflect the praise,"I had to clean Queen Chrysalis's private chambers plenty of times, and she expects to be able to see her face reflected in every surface of the room."

"A bit narcissistic, don't you think?" She asked sarcastically.

"Maybe a touch", Thorax answered,"but she is royalty, and from what I've seen of the palace so far, royalty seems to deserve some of the finer things in life, regardless of species."

"True, but even the princesses show some restraint in regards to opulence", Brass said while looking at a clock on the wall,"Well, we'd better get to the next bathroom. If I know Feather and Elbow, they've probably trashed that one for you too."

Thorax looked down at the floor defeated. He hadn't done a single thing to these ponies, and they were treating him like he personally sucked the love out of both of their mothers. Brass wore a frown but led the way out of the bathroom and into the next one. As soon as she pushed the door open with her hoof, she immediately closed it and began gagging violently; Thorax genuinely thought she was going to vomit because of how intense it was.

"Ugh, sorry", she apologized after recovering. "That's really bad. Stay out here while I check on it."

Thorax agreed and Brass went inside after taking a deep breath of air. Thorax waited for Brass to come back out and decided to admire the hallway he was in. It appeared to have walls made of pure quarts, with the floor being a bluish-white gemstone he couldn't identify. Among some of the tables were some flower vases with fresh cut flowers and pictures adorning the walls of various ponies and dignitaries that have visited since the empire returned some time ago.

A door opening made Thorax turn back to see Brass exiting the bathroom with a livid expression on her face. It made him want to hide under a table and turn into an ant so that he wouldn't be noticed as easily.

Brass took a moment and calmed herself, but she was still very angry. "Thorax", she spoke to him,"I want you to go with a guard and check the rooms in this hallway for garbage. Have the guard knock on the door first and announce you so you don't scare a pony out of their skin by accident. I will be right back with Ammonia." With that, she stormed off down the hallway.

Thorax looked around very uncertain, but was certain standing around and doing nothing would make Brass angrier than what she was. He looked on the trolley and found a container with trash bags in it and got one out. He approached a door and looked at the guard. "Well?" the guard asked him rather curtly.

"Um, she said to ask you to knock and tell the ponies in the rooms I'm coming in for trash." he explained.

"And I'm just supposed to listen to you, right?", the guard replied incredulously. "Fat chance of that happening!"

"Please", Thorax pleaded,"I just want to do the job she told me to do."

"Why", the guard continued with the rude behavior,"You think she'll give you some love if you do? Of course you do! She's probably nothing but a quick meal for you!"

Thorax wanted to argue, but didn't. Physically and emotionally, he was tired, with one feeding into the other. He decided if he wasn't going to get help, he'd try to do his best on his own. He approached a door in the hallway and was about to knock when a spear waved in front of his face.

"And just what in Tartartus do you think you're doing?!" the same guard asked in a threatening tone.

Thorax didn't flinch this time. Instead, he had a deadpan expression on his face as he turned to the guard. The changeling was getting tired of the treatment he was receiving, but mostly just plain tired all around.

"Brass Polish told me to do this until she got back", he told the guard,"and I intend to do it, with or without your help."

The response Thorax gave made the stallion glare daggers at him, but he relented. "Fine!", the guard spat,"but ONLY because I'll get in trouble if I interfere with the cleaning staff!"

The guard moved to a door and banged loudly on it. A mare inside the room startled by the noise answered the door. "Y-yes?"

"I'm with the changeling that's been allowed here by the princess. He's going around collecting trash. Clear out for a minute so nopony gets hurt."

The mare looked at the guard in disbelief until she then turned her head and saw Thorax, her eyes going wide upon seeing the changeling. She gave a simple "O-okay" before shuffling quickly out of the room. The guard made a gesture for Thorax to enter.

Going inside, Thorax found the room to be rather quaint: The room was about twice the size of the one he was staying in, and had more items decorating the walls. In the corner sat a writing desk, and underneath it was a bin of trash. He could see it was partway full. Taking the container, he emptied it into the bag and replaced it under the desk. Once the job was finished, he exited the room.

Once outside, Thorax went to the next room but didn't see the guard there. He looked around and quickly found the guard behind him talking to the mare. She made a gesture towards Thorax and had a nervous look on her face. The guard gave a nod and glared at Thorax. "Move from that spot, and I'll run a spear through you and roast you like a veggie shishkebab!"

Thorax stood in place and watched the guard go into the room the changeling had just left. After a few minutes, he came out and told the mare,"Coast is clear. He didn't leave any traps behind." The mare nodded and cautiously went back into the room.

The episode that Thorax witnessed was repeated for each room after the first one. The guard would knock, the pony inside would answer and become nervous upon seeing a changeling, he'd go inside and clean the trash bins, and the pony would demand the guard check for traps before going back into their rooms. After about twenty minutes or so, all the trash on the floor was cleaned up, with a few full bags placed on the trolley and the changeling glad that the chore was completed.

A door opening caught Thorax's attention, and he turned to see both Brass Polish and Madam Ammonia exiting the mare's restroom. The changeling stood there for a moment before the smell hit him. Immediately, he began gagging. He had to question whether or not that was worse than the stallion's room that he had cleaned just a short time ago.

Ammonia swatted the foul air away from her muzzle before speaking. "Yes, I agree", she began,"That restroom was not like that this morning when Grout Brush and Brillo attended to it. I can't say for certain that it was Feather and Elbow though."

"How can't you tell?", Brass questioned,"We're the only cleaning crew on this floor!"

"Brass, I know that this was done because of the changeling, but Feather and Elbow aren't the only ones that have an unfavorable opinion of our new guest. Who can say for certain that another pony or ponies didn't have the idea to do something like this? Perhaps a guard that is stationed at the incinerator? Or maybe one of the cleaning crew members from a floor above or below? The staircase is a short trot from here after all."

Brass was going to argue that it was Feather and Elbow, but she couldn't; Ammonia had presented a valid argument.

"Now", Ammonia continued,"As unpleasant as it is, I ask you to please clean up that mess in there. If you need assistance, I can request another member of the cleaning staff to come here and provide it."

"I would prefer that Feather and Elbow be made to clean this" Brass stated.

Ammonia was becoming annoyed, but relented. "Fine", she gave in,"I will instruct Feather and Elbow to finish their assignments post haste to come down here and assist you." With that, Ammonia hauled off. Before she was out of sight, she turned and called back "I expect both of you to be in there working by the time I'm back with those two!"

After Ammonia was out of sight, Brass let out a sigh and looked at Thorax. "Well", she said to him,"I guess we better get in there. I'll warn you, it is not pleasant whatsoever." With that, she walked in, followed by a guard who retched momentarily before ordering Thorax inside.

Thorax could think of many different words to describe what he walked into: Warzone, Cesspool, Dumpster Fire. None of them were strong enough for what he was seeing. It looked like the bathroom had been heavily used and not cleaned in over a month's time. The toilets were all full of used paper and stuff Thorax didn't even want to think about. The hand towels had brown stains all over them and had a strange smell that the changeling couldn't place. All the trash cans were overflowing full of either wadded up and used toilet paper and the 'pads' as Sunburst had referred to them. All in all, it was a nightmare for the ponies involved.

"Okay, let's start with the biggest problem", Brass said as she walked over to a window and opened it, letting fresh air flow into the room. "It'll get better as we get this place cleaner", she told him,"Now, the best place to start is the trash. Grab some bags and grab what you can from that end and I'll go from the other end. We'll work towards each other in the middle."

Thorax agreed and working together, they both began cleaning up the restroom. They had gotten all of the trash removed by the time Ammonia had returned, Feather and Elbow behind her.

"This place was covered in trash and Celestia knows what else", Ammonia informed the two ponies,"I want you to assist in cleaning this up so that bathroom isn't closed well into the night."

Elbow gained an incredulous look and was about to protest when Feather stopped him and shot him a glare, silently telling him to shut up. "Of course", she replied to Ammonia,"We'll get this taken care of straight away."

Ammonia gave a confirming nod and left. Once she was gone, Feather glared at Brass and Thorax. "You win this little game for now", she seethed,"but the next time you won't be so lucky." She walked over to the supply cabinet and got out the sink cleaner and brushes. "We do the sinks and nothing else." she said coldly as she tossed a brush to elbow and set to work.

Brass wanted to protest, but couldn't. She had only been in the Crystal Empire for a few months, whereas both Feather and Elbow had been here since it had returned a few years ago, so they unfortunately had tenure on their side to sway Ammonia. She simply let out a defeated sigh and grabbed another two pairs of hoof coverings and passed a pair to Thorax, offering an apologetic look as the changeling took them and placed them on.

The next ten minutes were some of the worst Thorax had had all day. Each toilet was not only clogged with paper, but also some of the pad things the mares used for themselves, and in two of them was actually waste. He cursed the fact that changelings didn't regrow body parts like lizards did, because at the current moment, Thorax wanted to chew both of his front hooves off. Still, he soldiered on and cleared every clog he found. Once they were cleared, he set about cleaning the toilets until they were white and spotless.

Brass could be heard muttering under her breath, but whatever she said couldn't be discerned by Thorax. A part of him questioned whether or not it was about him, but the angry glares she would shoot in the direction of Feather and Elbow made him confident it was about them.

Feather and Elbow had apparently finished their chore and had exited the bathroom, but Brass's presumably angry reaction told Thorax otherwise. He turned to look at the sinks to find them clean and stocked, but something written in soap on the mirror above the sink directly in front of Brass: Bug Lover. Earlier in the day when Thorax hadn't been working with ponies, he would've thought this meant that a pony liked bugs and wanted to have a special talent that involved them. After his treatment earlier, he knew this was meant to be insulting, and specifically directed at Brass due to her not sharing the same general attitude of 'hate the changeling'.

Thorax felt compelled to apologize, but he was stopped before he could by Brass's hoof waving him off. "This isn't your fault, Thorax", she told him,"If those two can't get past their own bigotry, then that's on them."

"It's still not right", Thorax responded,"They're making this harder on you just because you don't treat me like they do."

Brass took a moment to think about what she wanted to say before speaking. "Thorax", she began,"I'm going to be honest with you. This morning, when they told us that you were going to be placed with us? I had the same general attitude as Feather and Elbow."

That confession shocked Thorax. "You did?", he asked in disbelief,"What changed that?"

"When I saw how Madam Ammonia was treating", she replied,"and then I saw what Feather and Elbow were doing. I could see all the hate and contempt for you in there faces, and the worst part of it was the fact that I could tell they were enjoying it."

"Taking pleasure in causing fear, hate, or harm is not something I can do in good conscience. When I saw how they were acting, I decided to do what I could and set my previous viewpoints aside."

"I don't blame ponies for not liking changelings; no offense, but your hive kinda brought that upon themselves, and more specifically you. But having hate in my heart is just something I cannot bring myself to do."

"So I elected to give you a chance to actually show me who you truly are, and I must admit that this changeling I'm meeting seems like a really nice fellow."

Hearing that made Thorax happy. This mare had decided to put aside her own feelings and give him an actual chance. It was one of the few things he actually wanted. A small tear formed in his eye. "Thank you", he told her,"You have no idea what that means to me."

Brass gave him a nod and a smile, then quickly removed the writing from the mirror. Once finished, she looked up at the clock. "Well, it looks like our day is over now" she observed looking up at the clock. Thorax followed her eyes to the clock and saw it was nearly six.

"The guards will be taking me away soon" Thorax observed. He had to try and focus on the crystal heart this time; he didn't admit to it, but he might have taken a very small amount of love from all the ponies around him earlier, but not enough that they would've noticed.

"Mind if I walk with you?", she asked,"We both kinda live in the same place."

"I don't mind", Thorax answered her,"but I don't know what the guards will say. Plus, they're taking me to a balcony near the crystal heart so I can get the love energy I need."

"Can I watch?", she asked him,"I've always wondered what it looked like."

"I don't know if they'd let you", Thorax replied,"and it was really hard to do it this morning without feeding on one of the guards by accident. The fewer ponies I have to worry about, the better it will be for everypony."

"Oh", she responded with a disappointed voice,"Well I can still walk with you anyways."

Thorax nodded and both pony and changeling left the now clean and fresh restroom. The guards escorted Thorax while Brass walked about a pony length distance beside him. They didn't say a lot as Thorax was led to the balcony. As predicted, Brass wasn't allowed outside to watch him feed on the love overflow.

Once Thorax had gotten what he needed, which was just a bit more than in the morning, he was taken not to his room, but the palace library. Inside, Sunburst was waiting with a pair of saddlebags draped over a chair, their compartments stuffed full with books.

"These are some approved books you can study from", Sunburst told Thorax,"I've also put the first Daring Do book in there for you to enjoy as well."

"Daring Do?" Thorax questioned.

"She's a character by an author named A.K. Yearling. Daring is an archaeologist who travels the world looking for rare treasures and protecting them from various villains. Everypony from foals to the elderly love the books, and they even have big conventions where fans can meet and discuss all kinds of things about the books."

"That sounds like fun", Thorax said in amazement,"I'll have to give it a try after I do some studying."

Sunburst nodded and then levitated the bags onto Thorax's back. "These are an old pair of saddlebags I used to use. They're still in good shape, but they've just been sitting in my closet collecting dust, so I'm going to let you have them so I can give you books as you need them. Just bring them with you each day and let the guard have them before you start working. I'll ask him for the bags and put the books inside and give them back to him, and he'll give them to you at the end of your shift for the day."

Thorax examined the saddlebags on his back and found them to be in rather good shape, with only a small amount of wear on different parts of them. "These are really nice", Thorax observed,"but are you sure you're okay with just giving me these?"

"Of course!", Sunburst replied as he levitated his own and much nicer looking bags onto his back,"The princess gave me my current bags as a gift when I became crystaller. They're made from enchanted dragon scales. They're flexible so that they can be used, but still retain the durability dragon scales are known for. I may never need another set of saddlebags for as long as I live!"

"Well, Thank you", Thorax said to Sunburst,"I'll make sure to take care of them."

"I know you will", Sunburst responded,"Well, it is getting late, and I am being expected at dinner soon. I'll remember to give Cadance and Shining your thank you note. I can't speak for Shining, but I do believe Cadance will appreciate it."

"I hope so", said Thorax,"I can just tell that she is feeling very unsure of herself and the choice she made about me. I'll have to work extra hard to show her that she made the right decision."

Sunburst smiled. "I'm sure she will realize that soon enough. Anyhow, I must be going now. See you tomorrow Thorax." With that, the orange and white unicorn left the library.

Thorax followed shortly afterwards, and was led back down to his room in the servant's quarters. He didn't see Brass after leaving the library, but figured that she simply had been called away for something. He spent the rest of the evening studying from the books that Sunburst had given him.

At Dinnertime in a dining hall...

Shining Armor was reading over some supply reports from the guard platoon stationed in Griffinstone. Apparently, they were having trouble growing different types of vegetables and were requesting that they not only receive a new supply of growing materials, but a different earth pony guard to oversee the cultivation process. The stallion rubbed his head in frustration.

Princess Cadance was sitting nearby, tending to the couple's first addition to their family. The alicorn filly babbled as she was fed a combination of pureed peas, carrots, and potatoes. As the princess fed her child, she had thoughts going through her mind about her most recent major choice: The permitting of a changeling to stay within the empire.

Both Princess Celestia and Luna had asked her to consider allowing the changeling to stay here in the Crystal Empire, a decision she decided to go along with. Her husband had agreed, though reluctantly and with stipulations.

It had now been beyond a full day since the decision was made final, and she wondered how things had actually went. A creaking door signaled a potential window into the consequences of her actions, as a familiar orange and white stallion with spectacles and cloak trotted in.

"Sunburst", Cadance greeted,"I'm so glad that you could join us for dinner."

"Thank you, your highness", he replied,"I just finished my duties for the day, and I'm glad to report everything has went swimmingly."

Cadance adopted a nervous frown. "You mean with..." she said with a gesture of her hoof, intentionally leaving the sentence unfinished.

"Yes, I mean that" replied Sunburst, who had a plate of food placed before him; Eggplant Parmesan.

"And how did it go?" Cadance asked as the stallion took some cutlery and began to dig in to his meal.

"It went rather well, though a bit surprising", the stallion replied. He took a bite of his meal and wiped his muzzle of sauce before continuing. "He actually seemed to have not a whole lot of knowledge about Equestria."

The statement had caught Shining's attention. "He has little knowledge, you say?", the blue haired stallion asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes", Sunburst replied,"he only knew a hooffull of things, like how to use a library indexing system."

"Of course he'd know that!", Shining spat,"That's general knowledge for all Equestrians. Even school age colts and fillies learn to use it!"

"Yes, but there were other things he didn't know", Sunburst continued,"like the history of Canterlot, for instance."

"Has it occurred to you he could be lying about what he knows?", Shining asked,"That seems like a rather good military tactic to me - make your enemy think you're clueless, then spring a trap when they least expect it."

Sunburst just stared blankly at the stallion. "You have a point with what you're saying", Sunburst began after taking another bite of his meal,"but I honestly believe that isn't the case. In fact..."

The bespectacled stallion used his magic and produced a piece of paper from his cloak and presented it to the royal couple.

"He asked me to help him write this this afternoon. I think the both of you should read it."

Princess Cadance took the parchment in her magic and read the message inside:

Dear Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor,

I again wish to show my thanks for allowing me to stay here in the empire with you and your subjects. I know the decision was not an easy choice for either of you, but I intend to prove to you both that your decision was not a mistake. I will do everything I can to both show my good intentions and return in kind the immense kindness you've shown me by giving me the chance to prove myself to you and your subjects.

With the greatest sense of appreciation,

Cadance again adopted a confused expression. A thank you note from the changeling? How had he thought to do something like this?

Shining took the scroll and read it, then scoffed and crumpled the note before tossing it into a waste bin. The action had offended Sunburst considerably.

"Hey!", he protested to Shining,"He worked hard on that note and you just dismissed it like a used tissue!"

Shining gave Sunburst a glare. "How do I know that that changeling didn't put some kind of mind control spell on you and make you write that for him? It is in your hoof writing, is it not?"

Sunburst bit his lip; He did write the note for Thorax, but he had done it of his own choosing, not because of some kind of mind control.

Cadance had taken the note out of the trash bin and read it again. Then, she took a quill and parchment from a nearby table and scrawled something on it. Once the ink was dry, she rolled it up and placed a seal on it before passing it to Sunburst.

"Please finish your meal", she told him,"then give this to the changeling."

"Of course" Sunburst agreed. He finished his meal in silence, then got up and took the scroll in his magic as he left the room. Shining looked at Cadance.

"What was that you gave him?" her husband asked.

"If he is playing us for fools", she began,"then maybe the smartest tactic would be to convince him the ruse is working?"

Shining thought about it before it clicked. "You sent him a..."

Cadance nodded and went back to feeding Flurry her dinner. The alicorn filly had made a small mess of her plate, having apparently tried to make something akin to a sand castle out of her food. The princess giggled as she took a napkin and wiped her child's muzzle.

In Thorax's room

The changeling had been studying from a few different books that Sunburst had given him. He elected to stop for the evening and looked up to see it was nearly ten and time for the lights to go out.

A knocking on his door caught him by surprise. The guard standing there turned and opened it, addressing the pony outside. A few moments later, and the guard let them into the room.

"Sunburst?" Thorax said in confusion as the stallion walked in with a scroll in his magic.

"Princess Cadance asked me to give this to you", he replied as he offered the scroll to Thorax. Thorax took it and opened it up to read the contents:


I appreciate the gesture of you sending the thank you note. I am glad that you have learned of that kind gesture from the ponies of Equestria. I ask you to continue abiding by our rules, and showing the same kindness that has been shown to you by my subjects as well as myself.

Princess Cadance

Thorax smiled upon reading the note. The small amount of recognition for his actions made the woes of the day fade from his mind.

"I take it she appreciated your note?" Sunburst asked with a smirk.

"She did" Thorax replied, then let out a yawn. Sunburst looked up at the clock.

"Oh, it's that late?", he said,"Well, goodnight, Thorax, and I'll see you tomorrow for our lesson." The stallion left the room as the guard closed the door. Thorax placed the princess's note onto his writing desk and laid down on his bed. That night, he went to sleep with pleasant thoughts in his mind.

Author's Note:

And thus officially ends Thorax's first day in the Crystal Empire. This chapter took me a while as I wanted to revise all of the dialogue, and include things that weren't previously in the original first draft such as the thank you note. The next chapter will take me a while to finish, but it will be the one I've mentioned looking forward to publishing for a while now, and I hope it will be as good as I have been trying to make it.

EDIT 9/11/2021 - I was rereading this chapter to avoid some continuity errors in a later chapter and noticed some errors I thought should be fixed.

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