• Published 9th Jan 2021
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Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part III, Chapter 14 - Defense's Arguments - Part III

For the past two weeks, Raspberry Mint had been deep in her own thoughts. Despite the filly's age, she acted rather maturely, and also exhibited a higher than normal intelligence. It was for this reason that her parents saw fit to get her as many opportunities as they could for her education, including things such as classes for playing musical instruments, various after school workshops, and the weekend tutoring program that had been the cause of their recent economic woes.

Currently, Raspberry's thoughts kept going back to the day when she was nearly foalnapped by the three stallions, and the bizarre attempted rescue by Thorax, the changeling that apologized for scaring everypony and the one that the princess said she was letting stay in the Crystal Empire.

She recalled how upset he looked to see what was happening to her and how he demanded the stallions leave her alone. The stallions didn't listen, and one of the unicorns attacked Thorax from behind, allowing the lone earth pony stallion to buck him in the head and knock him out.

Raspberry wished she had warned Thorax of the attack, but she had been so scared by the stallions that she froze up, which is why she was unable to get away when the second unicorn cast a sleep spell on her. By the time it had worn off, the three stallions had carried her home and proceeded to send her off to her room while they spoke to her mother.

She heard the altercation in the kitchen and could tell the three were treating her roughly, but they eventually left. Raspberry came out but was immediately sent back to her room by her very distraught mother. The young filly was all manner of confused by what had happened, and wanted answers. She wouldn't find any until Monday, when she saw the newspaper laying on her teacher's desk, and its headline:


Raspberry consumed the article and knew that everything that was happening was wrong. According to the story, Thorax had apparently met with two other changelings and plotted to kidnap a foal, which turned out to be her, and that three heroic stallions stepped in and chased off the two other changelings while knocking out Thorax.

The filly knew the truth and confronted her mother about it, but then she received another shock: her mother told her not to say anything. Pressing her mother for answers, the mare eventually relented and showed her the two photographs the stallions left for her.

Sobbing, her mother explained that they worked for a griffin that she had borrowed money from, and that if anything was said to cause the stallions to go to jail or be arrested, then either Raspberry or her father would be in grave danger.

Raspberry made clear her opinion that what was happening to Thorax was wrong, but Mint Julep told the filly not to say anything, lest she or her father come to harm.

"But mom, it's not right!" Raspberry protested to her mother.

"Sweetie,I know it isn't right," Mint responded, "but sometimes in order to protect the ponies we love, we have to do things that other ponies don't think is right."

Raspberry had went cold when she heard her mother say that, and hadn't spoken to her since, and only leaving her room so that she could eat and go to school. Her mother tried to apologize on several occasions, but nothing she said had gotten reaction from the filly.

For the first week after the incident, Mint Julep had escorted Raspberry to school. Only on Monday did the two exchange words; every day afterwards would be Mint wishing Raspberry well for her day, but getting no response from the filly. The second week had the filly walking with some other foals to school, as Mint had needed to return to work that week.

As Raspberry walked to school, she thought about how Thorax would be put on trial this week, and what ways she could try to help him. She couldn't think of anything on Monday, but when Tuesday rolled around, her opportunity presented itself.

Walking into her classroom, she noticed the newspaper on her teacher's desk with an article talking about the first day of the trial. As she read over it, she recognized a name that she knew from an office she would walk past on her way to school; Plea Bargain, Legal Practice for Public Defense, or LPPD.

The stallion was the lawyer representing Thorax in the case. As soon as she realized who he was, she quickly formulated a plan. Writing a brief letter, she told him that she wanted to help, but that her mother was not letting her. She also told him where her school was and when she ate outside for lunch, in hopes he would come and speak to her. Once she had left school for the day, she made sure to slide the letter under the door to his office, hoping the stallion would find it.

Thorax was awoken earlier than he expected. "Your counsel is here to see you" the guard spat at him as he undid the enchantment on the cell door. Thorax groggily got up and walked over to the door and out into the small hallway. Already, he could feel his stomach growling at him to be filled with love for the day, but he did his best to ignore it.

Plea was sitting in the counsel room with a large smile on his face. The demeanor of the stallion had caught Thorax off guard, and came across as the same kind of excitement that a foal would have for opening presents on their birthday. "What is it?" Thorax asked as he took a seat.

Plea's smile grew wider. "Thorax, I have the best news I think you've heard since you were first granted asylum here!"

Thorax raised a brow. "What is that?"

Plea took out the letter he received from Raspberry and showed it to Thorax. "I was contacted by the filly that the stallions tried to abduct last night" he told him. "She wants to testify on your behalf, but her mother won't let her. According to the mother, bad stallions will hurt her or her father if she tries to testify."

Thorax read the letter and learned of Raspberry Mint's identity for the first time. He also learned of how her family had been threatened by the three stallions in order to keep them from testifying. That made him rather upset to learn that ponies would stoop so low, but it shouldn't have surprised him if he was being honest with himself.

As Thorax finished reading the letter, he saw at the bottom where she had informed Plea of where she went to school and what time she had lunch. "Is she telling you to meet her?" he asked Plea.

Plea nodded. "I don't know for how long I can meet her, but even if it's for a minute to get her home address, I can go there tonight and interview the mother. It might be possible for me to get the family into protective custody immediately and keep them there until we can get Raspberry on the stand. I know State wanted her to testify as much as we do, but the court didn't want to subpoena the filly and cause her to relive a traumatic experience like she had."

Thorax felt hopeful hearing that the foal he tried to help not only wanted to speak at the trial, but on his behalf, at least going by the letter. If her testimony could sway the jury, then there was a chance he could avoid being convicted.

Plea then stood up and looked to Thorax. "I have to get back and get ready for trial," he told the changeling, "They're gonna get you cleaned up and over to the courthouse. I have some witnesses that can help with our case for your character, and I also have an expert witness that can help with the technical parts of our case as well. If we do things just right, I think I can stretch the case enough that we could get Raspberry on the stand."

With that, Plea turned and walked out of the counsel room. Thorax was removed from his seat and taken to the shower room, where he was to clean up and properly begin his own day.

Raspberry Mint spent her morning brushing her mane and tail and checking that her homework assignments were complete. Once she was satisfied, she made her way to the door of her apartment to leave.


The filly stopped in her tracks and looked in the direction of the voice she'd just heard. Sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee was Mint Julep, her mother. The mare took a sip of her coffee and set it back down. "Please, sit down" she said to her daughter as she gestured for the empty chair across from her.

Raspberry did nothing but comply. In truth, she was quite upset with her mother. More specifically, she was very enraged by her complacency with Thorax being punished for what those three stallions had tried to do to her, and all because she was scared of what the stallions said they would do to her or her father.

"Raspberry, sweetie," Mint Julep began, "I know you're still upset with me, and I understand that. I'm not wild about somepony whose innocent being punished for something they didn't do, but there's nothing I can do to stop that."

Raspberry was content to sit there and let her mother talk; she was simply just going to go along with the conversation and head to school. Once her mother said that last sentence, the young filly had had enough.

"Yes there is" she said to her mother through gritted teeth.

"Sweetie, I know you think-"


The shout had caught Mint by surprise, but she quickly became upset by the outburst. "You do not raise your voice to your mother like that, young filly!"

"And you're not supposed to let innocent ponies go to jail when you can tell the truth and stop it!" Raspberry spat back.

Mint had lost the wind in her sails, but still tried to assert her authority. "Go to school, Raspberry," she told her daughter, "We will discuss this later."

Raspberry grabber her belongings and left, slamming the door as she did so. Mint Julep looked at her coffee with disgust and slung it into the sink, making a mess of the window and curtains above it but somehow not breaking the mug. She then sat at her table seething and doing her best to calm herself with breath control exercises. After a moment or two of performing them, she had calmed down.

Once calm, she reflected back on the conversation. Raspberry only understood the black and white nature of right and wrong, and did not have any experience with how grey that process could become. She hoped that, with time, she would understand that what her mother was doing was for her benefit, as well as her injured husband. Taking note of the clock in the room, she began to prepare for her job that day.

Thorax and Plea Bargain were sitting at the defense table in the courtroom. State Evidence and two of her lackeys were at the prosecution table. Princess Cadance and Judge Iron Gavel had entered moments ago and all parties had taken their seats, ready for the day's arguments to be heard.

"Defense may call their first witness for the day" Judge Gavel told Plea Bargain. The stallion reviewed his notes and then stood up.

"Defense calls Custos to the stand" he announced to the court. Thorax looked to the audience area and witnessed the guard stand up. He was not in his typical armor, but a dress uniform similar in design to the one Captain Shining Armor wore on his wedding day, with the key difference being the base color was a light blue, and the medals on it were of different designs.

The stallion made his way to the pulpit and was sworn in. Plea bargain approached and prepared to interview the witness.

PB - Please state your name for the record, sir.

CU - Custos.

PB - What is your profession, Custos?

CU - I am a member of the Crystal Guard.

PB - How long have you served in the Crystal Guard?

CU - I was transferred here from Equestria as part of the contingent to reclaim the Crystal Empire from King Sombra.

PB - So you have been here since the empire returned from the thousand year curse, correct?

CU - That is correct.

PB - What rank do you currently hold?

CU - I am a lieutenant.

PB - Lieutenant? Doesn't sound like you have too far to go for Captain.

CU - The prince would have to surrender his title for that to happen, and he has no desire to give up his position. Also, there's a few ponies waiting in line ahead of me.

PB - Interesting. Back to the case at hoof. Could you tell us when you first met my client.

CU - The day before he was granted asylum.

PB - What was your first interaction with him like?

CU - Not pleasant.

PB - How was it not pleasant?

CU - I was one of the guards he knocked over when escaping from the throne room the first time.

PB - What about the next time?

CU - The description that the previous witness gave yesterday was a fairly accurate description of how it began. What he left out is that Princess Cadance promised the changeling that he wouldn't be harmed and left him in the care of Princess Twilight.

PB - I take it this wasn't all?

CU - No. The captain then ordered me to stand watch over the changeling and make sure it didn't try to attack the princess.

PB - So you stood guard over the princess?

CU - More like just stood.

PB - Care to elaborate?

CU - I witnessed the changeling making a gesture towards the princess that I interpreted as hostile. I moved to stop him but was taken into Princess Twilight's magic and held at spear point.

(shocked gasps from the audience and jury)

PB - The princess of friendship held you at spear point?

CU - She did.

PB - Why?

CU - She asked what I was doing, and when I explained, she told me not to make any threatening gestures towards the changeling. She even went as far as to take my spear and twist it up like a pretzel.

PB - So she demanded that you not attempt to physically harm my client?

CU - Yes.

PB - Why do you believe she had done that?

CU - I am fairly convinced that she believes his claims about wanting to live with ponies peacefully. Of course, the alternative is he managed to put some kind of charm on her to control her thoughts.

PB - But didn't you just say you were fairly convinced that she believed my client?

CU - As a member of the Crystal Guard, it is my responsibility to consider all options in regards to a situation.

PB - Even peaceful solutions to problems that can start out violently?

CU - Deescalation is a major point of emphasis for all royal guards, whether they serve here in the crystal guard, or in the main royal guard.

PB - So, the princess threatened you with violence if you acted violently towards my client, correct?

CU - Yes.

PB - I assume you reported this to your superior?

CU - Yes. I filed a report with Captain Shining Armor as soon as I was relieved of my duty.

PB - Who relieved you?

CU - A member of Princess Luna's guard. She had sent him up at the request of Princess Cadance.

PB - Do you happen to know the name of this guard?

CU - I do not. He simply approached and informed me that I was relieved of duty.

PB - Did you not question if he was a changeling himself?

CU - Captain Shining Armor had personally brought him down and confirmed his identity. Thinking about it now, I think his name was Night Fury, but I can't say with absolute certainty.

PB - Very well. So you reported the princess's behavior to Captain Armor. What was his reaction?

CU - He wasn't happy. Said some things under his breath, and then he dismissed me for the evening and walked away.

PB - Was anything said to Princess Twilight?

CU - I believe he spoke with her the next day, but I don't know what may have been said during the exchange.

PB - Okay. So, I've called you here in regards to my client's character. You have had somewhat regular interactions with him over the past three to four months, have you not?

CU - I have.

PB - Please describe those interactions for the court.

CU - I have been on the duty roster to guard the changeling, both to protect ponies from being harmed by him and to keep others from harming him.

PB - My apologies, but it doesn't sound like you've done a very good job at that, since he was attacked by ponies a month ago.

CU - I was on guard in his room when that incident occurred. Had I been there to escort him, that incident would never have happened.

PB - Very well. You described your interactions as guard my client from harm and to keep him from causing harm. Could you go into more specific details, please? Perhaps things you may have said to him?

CU - I'm afraid I can't be more specific than what I have. I've not said much, if anything to the changeling.

PB - I've just taken notice to the fact that you have yet to call my client by his given name. Would you please explain that?

CU - I was requested that during this testimony, I maintain the professionalism that is expected of any member of the royal guard.

PB - I take it this order came from the top?

CU - It did.

PB - Then I must ask you to answer the question as a regular citizen of the empire and not one of its guards. What have your interactions with my client been like.

CU - As I've stated, I have not spoken with the changeling in any large capacity over the past four months.

PB - Let me approach the question from another angle. In your time guarding my client, what has been your impression of his behavior?

CU - His behavior?

PB - Yes. What is your impression of his behavior?

CU - He has thus far treated the ponies he's interacted with with the same basic respect and dignity that most ponies would expect of one another. He's also seemed to have formed a bond with a mare named Brass Polish, as I have often seen them conversing and laughing from time to time.

PB - So, in your opinion, he has not acted in any malicious way towards ponies?

CU - From what I have seen so far, no he hasn't.

PB - Last question. Do you think there could come a time when my client could be trusted to roam the empire, freely and without restraint, and you would not feel threatened by him?

CU - Perhaps, but it would take a long time to have me near totally convinced.

PB - I thank you for your candidness. I have no further questions.

Plea took his seat beside Thorax. The changeling looked at Plea with concern on his face. "I'm not trying to question your strategy," he said to Plea, "but the last two witnesses said that they weren't too on board with the idea of me being allowed to just intermingle with ponies with no restrictions in place."

Plea just let out a simple breath. "I know," he replied, "but I couldn't get Princess Twilight here, so having a few ponies here to testify to how she treated you and showed you trust is the next best thing I can do. We only have a few more witnesses available before we have to present evidence and rest our arguments. Once that happens, both sides will have to give closing statements, and then it's in the hooves of the jury to decide."

"So you're saying our hope is dwindling?" Thorax asked, the hope in him fading with each word.

"Hardly" Plea answered with a smirk. "We have our expert witness, and they're the one I'm counting on to give us the most compelling argument."

Plea and Thorax's conversation was then interrupted by the judge. "Prosecution may now cross-examine the witness."

SE - Custos, you said that you first met the defendant in the throne room of the Crystal Palace, correct?

CU - Yes, I did.

SE - And that he was revealed and made an escape, causing an assault against you?

CU - I was pushed out of the way and knocked over.

SE - You gave no consent to be pushed, so that contact was without your consent, correct?

CU - It was.

SE - So, by letter of the law, the defendant is guilty of assault of a member of the Crystal Guard, and could be tried as such.

CU - I suppose that is technically true.

SE - Mister Custos, I notice an apprehension to openly admit that fact. May I inquire as to why?

CU - I don't blame the defendant for his actions. If a pony was going to hold me against my will, then I would probably do what I could to get away from them.

SE - So I am to understand that you did not bring charges against him?

CU - I thought about doing so for some time, but I elected to defer my judgment to the princess.

SE - Defer your judgment?

CU - Princess Cadance had made a decision to consider the plea for asylum from the defendant. I made up my mind that, whatever her decision was, mine would reflect it. She chose to grant his asylum, so I elected to let bygones be bygones. I wasn't injured during that altercation, and neither were any of my squad mates, so I saw no reason to press the issue.

SE - So the defendant has committed a crime against you, but you have chosen not to have him charged?

CU - That is correct, ma'am.

SE – Very well then. Now, I was told you were standing guard in his room the night the defendant was attacked. How did you first learn of that attack?

CU - A knocking came at the door, and when I answered, a mare was telling me to follow her and that something bad happened.

SE - The bad thing was the attack, obviously.

CU - Yes. When I arrived at the scene, I found the defendant beaten severely and bloodied. He was also unconscious.

SE - Was he restrained and guarded?

CU - No, he wasn't. The attack destroyed his restraints.

SE - What about the guards with him?

CU - They were interviewed and claimed to be attacked by changelings.

SE - The defendant attacked them?

CU - No, ma'am. The claim was that two completely different changelings attacked them.

SE – According to reports, this attack was a staged event, correct?

CU - Yes. The guards in question cooperated with the two ponies who attacked the changeling to stage a fake changeling attack in hopes of throwing the investigation that took place afterwards off of their tails.

SE - Okay. Back to the client. You said he was found without his restraints and his guards claimed they were attacked by changelings, correct?

CU - Yes, that is correct.

SE - You said you were brought to him by a mare. Who was this mare?

CU - She was a member of the cleaning staff. Pine Grove, I believe her name was.

SE - So this Pine Grove brought you to the defendant. What was your course of action upon seeing him?

CU - I demanded an explanation from the guards responsible for him. When I got their explanation, I put out a full alert for changelings in the palace. I also instructed that medical aid be provided for the defendant.

SE - Medical aid? With all the ponies wishing him harm, providing aid seems the last thing anypony would want to do.

CU - Our feelings in regards to the defendant's species is of no consequence. He was assaulted in the palace, and that constitutes a crime, and since he was the target and victim, he was also a witness to the act.

SE - So keeping the defendant alive was important only for the purposes of apprehending the individuals that attacked him?

CU - At the time, that was the main goal.

SE - What happened with the defendant after you gave your orders?

CU - I stayed to maintain watch over him. The other guards and the mare that originally notified me of the incident came back with medical supplies and a medical officer so that treatment could be enacted.

SE - Did you administer any medical aid?

CU - I used a scanning spell to try and determine how much damage the defendant sustained. He had an extensive amount.

SE - Can you give us a brief summary?

CU - There were several places along his body where the chitin that serves as his outer coat was cracked or completely stripped from his body, which caused some serious bleeding. His horn was cracked in several places and also bleeding. His wings were in tatters and his flight muscles were heavily damaged.

SE - We were also told he sustained a concussion. Did your scan determine if this was the case?

CU - The scanning spell I used was fairly simple. It gave an indication of head trauma, but it wasn't overly specific. Based on what I saw at the time, I would likely not have dismissed the suggestion that the defendant suffered a concussion.

SE - So, the medical officer attended to the defendant's wounds. What happened after that?

CU - Once the medical officer had given the defendant a once over and treated his wounds, he determined that it was safe to move him. Myself and one of my subordinates placed him onto a stretcher and moved him to the palace infirmary.

SE - You all moved him to the palace infirmary. Was there anypony in the infirmary at the time?

CU - Yes. The infirmary is staffed twenty-four/seven. Dr. Caduceus was on call at that time.

SE - What was his assessment of the defendant once he saw him?

CU - He pretty much reached the same conclusions as I had. Severe damage to the body and wings. Likely head trauma resulting in a concussion.

SE - Did his manner of treating the defendant differ from the guards under your command?

CU - It did. My medical officer is well trained in first response and injuries a pony can sustain while in service of the guard, but they can only do so much, and with only so much. Dr. Caduceus began IV treatments and performed a scan on the defendant's skull to determine the extent of the head trauma.

SE - Were you told of the results of that scan?

CU - I wasn't. Dr. Caduceus had operated as normal, with respect to privacy between patient and doctor. However, based on his behavior, I believe the head trauma the defendant suffered wasn't as bad as he feared.

SE - How did you reach this conclusion?

CU - As I saw him reviewing the images he took, I could see his body physically relax. Tension in his withers faded away.

SE - I see. How long were you in the infirmary that evening?

CU - I stayed there for only long enough to ensure that things could be handled by my subordinates. Once I was sure they had a handle on things, I elected to complete some of the necessary paperwork and retire for the evening.

SE - Okay. I have one last question for you. What did you feel like before you went to bed?

CU - I had felt a bit lethargic, and I had a small headache as well.

(murmurs from the audience and jury)

SE - Mister Custos, I don't mean to cause any alarm, but you are aware that fatigue and headaches are a common sign of a changeling feeding on a pony's emotions?

CU - I am aware. I'm also aware that I was kept up for some time after I would normally retire to bed for the evening, and I was also doing some paperwork that was more involved than my normal shift reports, which tends to cause a pony to have more mental stress, and can therefore cause headaches.

SE - Still, though, with the defendant lacking his restraints, it is possible the he drained you of emotions, correct?

CU - ...I suppose that could've happened.

(murmurs from the audience and jury)

SE - Thank you. Nothing further.

State turned and walked back to her table, looking over at Plea and Thorax and giving them both a smug smile. Thorax was a bit unnerved at her actions, but Plea simply scowled. "She is playing up the prejudice card big time" he muttered under his breath. Before he could think of any kind of retort, the judge asked for his next witness.

"Defense calls Dr. Caduceus to the stand."

The pony, a stallion wear a suit jacket and dress shirt, approached the stand and was sworn in. Plea looked to Thorax and gave him a hopeful smile before turning to question the doctor.

PB - Please state your name for the record, sir.

DC - Doctor Caduceus Staff.

PB - And how long have you held the title of doctor?

DC - I've been a doctor for the past four years.

PB - Did you have medical training before becoming a doctor?

DC - I was a medical officer in the royal guard before I reached the end of my enlistment and was release with favorable letter.

PB - How long were you in the guard?

DC - I was in the guard for ten years.

PB - And you attained the position of medical officer in that time?

DC - I did.

PB - I assume then that you used the programs available to the guard to attend regular medical school during your service, correct?

DC - Yes. I made the formal request and my superiors moved me to reserve status so that I could attend university and receive training and education to become a doctor.

PB - Do you have a specific specialty?

DC - I am a general practice doctor, or GP for short. However, I have retained all of my medical certifications from my guard service, so I am trained in the treatment of more intensive injuries.

PB - So if a pony in the palace were to break their leg or suffer a laceration large enough to cause significant bleeding, you would be able to treat those wounds?

DC - Yes, I would.

PB - You have treated my client for injuries, correct?

DC - Yes, I have.

PB - Have you treated any changelings before him?

DC - No, I have not.

PB - Not even during the attempt to invade Canterlot?

DC - From my understanding, the changelings were repulsed by Captain Shining Armor's spell, which was boosted by Princess Cadance's own power, so there were no changelings left in the city to receive medical treatment. Besides that fact, I was on leave in Fillydelphia during the wedding.

PB - I was under the impression that all available guards had been called back for the wedding as a security measure?

DC - They were, but those were the guards whose sole duty was defense. Only a small contingent of medical officers was deemed necessary for the wedding, so I was excused.

PB - Okay. So, you've never treated a changeling for injuries before my client, correct?

DC - That is correct.

PB - Please describe your experiences in treating my client's injuries.

DC - I will do this as best I can. There are some things that I cannot disclose because of laws regarding privacy.

PB - Whatever you can tell us, doctor.

DC - The defendant was brought to me in the evening about one month or so ago. Two guards had brought him in, and a medical officer followed with them and informed me of the injuries.

PB - With respect to privacy, can you elaborate on the injuries?

DC - There was extensive wounds starting from the middle of the body and stretching upwards towards the head and neck area, and downward towards the hooves. There was also damage to flight muscles and the wings of the defendant.

PB - We've heard from our last witness that there was suspicion of a concussion. Is that something you can confirm?

DC - There were injuries to his head, but that is as much as I can disclose.

PB - Okay. Please continue.

DC - After I had assessed all of the injuries, I began a more in depth course of treatment than the medical officer had enacted.

PB - Are you claiming the medical officer used inferior methods of treating my client?

DC - By no means do I make that accusation. The medical officer did a wonderful job in providing aid to the defendant. However, there is some knowledge and tools that were unavailable to them, and I had access to, so I picked up where they had to leave off.

PB - I thought the medical officers were supposed to be trained for all manner of emergency?

DC - Their training is more akin to the position the griffins call a "combat medic". The main task for them is to provide immediate treatment of wounds and transport the patient to a facility for them to receive more in-depth care.

PB - So you gave the defendant the necessary medical care. What else did you do?

DC - Besides assessing his injuries and treating them, I also estimated his recovery time.

PB - How did you make this estimate?

DC - It is difficult to calculate an exact time for anypony, and more so with changelings due to their fairly unknown biology compared to ours, but their basic body systems, such as skeletal and vascular systems, are similar enough for us to make educated guesses.

PB - That doesn't quite answer my question, doctor.

DC - I made my estimate based on how a pony in a similar condition and in similar build to the defendant would heal from injuries of the magnitude that he faced. I also took into account healing spells and thaumically treated bandages that aid in the healing process as well, which have established rates at which they heal injuries.

PB - Okay, that answers my question. What was your estimated timetable for my client's recovery?

DC - I calculated the defendant's recovery from injuries to be around two weeks time.

PB - And did it take that long for the defendant to recover?

DC - The defendant recovered at a faster rate than what I had estimated.

PB - He recovered faster? Does this mean that changelings are able to heal more quickly than ponies?

DC - No. From the research conducted, their healing abilities are similar to ours, and in some instances, somewhat weaker.

PB - Then why was he able to heal as quickly as he did?

DC - His unconscious body was drawing in love from nearby ponies.

(uproar from the audience)

Judge - (bangs gavel) Order in this courtroom!

(the audience quiets down)

PB - You mean to tell me that my client was consciously feeding on other ponies' emotions?

DC - No, he was not.

PB - I am a bit confused by this remark. Would you please explain it to me?

DC - The defendant was unconscious and unresponsive when he was brought to me. I only noticed something was happening when one of the guards took a seat in a chair and appeared lethargic. When I questioned him about his fatigue, he also complained of suffering a minor headache. When I moved him away from the defendant by a considerable distance, his overall condition improved rather quickly.

PB - But if the guard showed evidence that he was being fed on, and removing him from the changeling improved his condition, then that would mean that he was feeding on the guard, wouldn't it?

DC - To get to the heart of the matter, the defendant was not in conscious control of his body at the time. Whatever feeding took place was likely an automatic response by his body's biology due to the trauma he received in the attack against him.

PB - So, in simpler words, the defendant's body just started drawing in nearby love because it needed energy to deal with what happened to it?

DC - That is about the gist of what I said.

PB - So my client was unconscious and not in control of his actions at the time this feeding took place, correct?

DC - Yes, he was not in control of his body functions at that point in time.

PB - Can you be sure of this claim you're making?

DC - Yes, I can.

PB - What evidence do you have to support this claim?

DC - Once the defendant had enough love in him to convert into energy for his body to heal itself, he regained consciousness and the automatic feeding stopped.

PB - So, my client stopped feeding once he was consciously aware he was doing it?

DC - Yes, he did. In fact, he even showed remorse for it happening and wished to apologize to the guards that it happened to.

PB - He wanted to apologize for what happened while he wasn't in control of his body?

DC - He did.

(murmurs in the audience and jury)

PB - Interesting. How did his recovery go?

DC - It is still technically ongoing. He saw me not too long ago for an evaluation.

PB - And what was the result of that evaluation?

DC - I'm afraid I can't disclose that due to privacy laws.

PB - Can you at least give an opinion on his condition? Is he improved at all?

DC - He has been recovering well. I would think that he may only need to see me one more time before I can say he is fully recovered.

PB - I see. Out of curiosity, you claimed that my client wished to apologize to the guards that he fed upon in his unconscious state. Do you know if he ever did offer that apology?

DC - I believe he may have written an open letter addressed to the guards that took him to the infirmary.

PB - Do you know for sure if that was a letter of apology?

DC - I can't confirm completely that it was a letter of apology, but in my opinion, I believe it was.

PB - I see. One last question. While my client was in your care, did he have any restraints on him?

DC - No, he did not.

(shocked gasps from the audience and jury)

PB - Now, hold on for one moment. You're telling me that you treated my client, a known enemy of Equestria and by extension the Crystal Empire, one that has dangerous magic that can be very harmful to you, and you did this without him having any restraints?

DC - Yes, I did.

PB - At any point in time did you feel that you were in danger working around my client?

DC - Initially, I was fearful, but that quickly went away the more time I spent around him.

PB - So he demonstrated to you that he did not intend to cause you harm?

DC - He did.

PB - Thank you. No further questions, your honor.

Plea took his seat back at the defendant's table. He had a good feeling after that line of questioning, convinced that opinions would change upon hearing that Thorax showed remorse for feeding on the guards while unconscious and also demonstrating his desire not to cause harm while he was unrestrained.

Unfortunately, the good feelings were short lived as the judge told State that she could cross examine the doctor.

SE - Doctor Caduceus, you claimed that the defendant did not act in any way to harm you while you treated him. Is this correct?

DC - Yes, that is correct.

SE - And you said that you believe that the defendant wrote a letter of apology to the guard for his "automatic feeding"?

DC - Yes, I believe that's what he wrote.

SE - And how did you formulate this opinion?

DC - I heard him having a discussion about writing such a letter with the crystaller.

(murmurs from the audience)

SE - The crystaller?

DC - Yes, ma'am.

SE - Why would the crystaller be speaking with the defendant?

DC - To my understanding, part of the agreement for asylum was that the defendant would be tested for intelligence and receive an education that was considered typical for a pony living in the Crystal Empire.

SE - And you formulated this opinion based on things your patient told the crystaller?

DC - No. It was based on the crystaller's responses to things the defendant told him. At the time this happened, I could only clearly hear the crystaller speaking and not what the defendant was saying.

SE - Okay. Now, you claimed that the defendant fed upon guards involuntarily. How can you be sure that was the case?

DC - I made multiple attempts to revive the patient after my initial treatment, and all were to no success.

SE - So you tried waking him up and he didn't respond?

DC - Yes. I was afraid he would be comatose.

SE - Wouldn't comatose have been better?

DC - Not for the guards that would need to interview him about the attack carried out against him.

SE - I see. Final question. With him being in your care unrestrained, how sure are you that the defendant hasn't used some kind of deception or mind control spell on you?

DC - Sure enough I would submit to a test to see if I am under any kind of mind control spells.

SE - I see. No more questions.

Judge: Witness is dismissed.

State returned to her seat after the questioning she just conducted. Plea looked to Thorax and gave him a smile. "I'm sure she was expecting the doctor to say he wasn't sure about that last question" he told Thorax. The changeling just smiled back, not sure how to feel about the case so far. All thoughts on the matter were interrupted by the judge.

"We will recess for lunch. Trial will resume in one hour." With that, Iron Gavel banged his namesake and dismissed the courtroom. Plea gathered up his case notes and belongings and looked at Thorax.

"I'm gonna go see that filly," he told the changeling, "and hopefully I can get her to testify on your behalf."

Thorax smiled in response. "I hope so. She might be my best chance."

"If she isn't," Plea interjected, "then I know the expert witnesses will."

With that, Plea left out the doors behind the audience area, and Thorax was led to the courthouse's holding area.

Author's Note:

Things are turning around for Thorax now that Raspberry has made it known she wants to speak up for him!

I've been neglecting my writing on this story for too long. In truth, I've actually been working on a new one that I will probably not release for some time. That said, I do plan on getting this done so I can move on to the next part of the story. This section may very well be the longest in the whole story, but I'm not counting chickens just yet.

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