• Published 9th Jan 2021
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Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part III, Chapter 20 - Defense's Arguments - Part V

A/N - We now return to the original formatting for witness testimony.

From the back of the courtroom rises a mare with a similar appearance to Madam Ammonia, only she is a crystal pony instead of a unicorn. Her coat is brighter blue, and her mane is a bit darker. A chemical symbol adorns her flanks as a cutie mark.

The mare makes her way to the witness stand and is sworn in. Plea Bargain makes his approach for what will be his last witness in Thorax's defense.

PB - Would you please state your name for the record?

DP - Dr. Dynamic Prion.

PB - What is your current occupation?

DP - I am a forensic scientist.

PB - How long have you been a forensic scientist?

DP - I was performing forensic work prior to the disappearance of the empire, and I have been performing the same functions since it returned.

PB - What kinds of functions are those?

DP - Whatever the crystal guard or court needs done.

PB - Such as examining evidence at crime scenes?

DP - Yes, that would be one of my functions.

PB - What kinds of techniques do you use to carry out these functions?

DP - I have been educated in various alchemy-related sciences which help to determine the nature of items, but I have also received education on the newer technologies that were developed in the past millennia since the empire's return.

PB - How long did this education take to complete?

DP - For myself, it took approximately six months.

PB - And where did you receive this education?

DP - The Royal University of Canterlot.

PB - RUC? Well then, I guess I don't need to ask about the institution being accredited.

DP - No. The program was recommended highly by the advisers who came with the princess during her efforts to reclaim of the empire.

PB - Okay. Moving on now, I made a request for you to re-examine the scene where the crime my client has been accused of took place and collect any remaining evidence which may have been missed, as well as re-evaluating the evidence that was collected from that scene previously. Would you please tell us about your findings in regards to both of those topics?

DP - Certainly. To begin with, my re-evaluation of the evidence collected by the guard shortly after the crime yielded results similar enough to the original conclusions to say that their original reports were accurate. However, there did appear to be some details that were overlooked.

PB - Oh? Please, enlighten us as to what these details were?

DP - During my examination of the hair found in the defendant's mouth, I examined several of the strands underneath a simple microscope. From this examination, I was able to conclude that there was no damage to them that would have be consistent with another creature biting or chewing on them.

PB - So, you mean to say that, based on the evidence, the defendant did not grab the filly's tail, as the witnesses claimed in previous testimony?

DP - Based on the evidence, I would say that the likelihood of the defendant grabbing the filly by the tail is rather low at best.

(murmurs in the audience and jury)

PB - Were there any other details overlooked?

DP - Yes. During my scanning of the hair fibers, I found traces of magic that matched with mana spillage found at the scene that was traced back to the witness Velvet Dice.

PB - Velvet Dice's magic was found on the victim's tail hairs?

DP - That is correct.

PB - Is there anything else you found overlooked in the prosecution's original evidence assessment?

DP - No. Those two details were the stand out ones.

PB - Okay. Now, in your re-examination of the crime scene, what did you find?

DP - I went to the crime scene and re-examined the area. While I found nothing new on the ground around where the attempted foalnapping occurred, I noticed a dumpster nearby that had a sizable dent in the one corner.

(murmurs by the audience and jury)

PB - A nearby dumpster?

DP - Yes.

PB - And it had a dent in it?

DP - It did.

PB - About how large was this dent?

DP - Two to three hoof lengths across at its widest point.

PB - Two to three hoof lengths. Is it possible that this dent could've been made by a pony running into the dumpster?

DP - It is certainly possible.

PB - Was there any evidence to suggest this might have been what happened?

DP - Yes. I found pieces of hair caught on the corner of the dumpster.

(murmurs by the audience and jury)

PB - And I assume you collected some of this hair for examination?

DP - I did.

PB - What did your examination turn up?

DP - I brought samples of the hair back to my laboratory and began an examination, both with modern equipment and alchemical processes. Once completed, I was able to ascertain several facts.

(witness produces a paper)

DP - A sample from the collected evidence was treated with an alchemy process to break it down into smaller chemical compounds and fed into a thaumic analyzer to determine details such as the type of pony and gender that the hair fibers came from. After this analyzer finished, it determined that the pony was an earthbound, and was also male.

PB - How certain are you this was a male?

DP - The chemical process was able to separate components in the hairs which the machine identified as testosterone, and at a level that suggested the pony was an adult male.

PB - Did you run any other tests besides the alchemical and machine examinations.

DP - I did a simple examination with a microscope.

PB - Did that reveal any useful information?

DP - The only thing of note was that the hair fibers were pulled from the skin, as several pieces were found with the roots still attached.

PB - So, you found hair on this dumpster that matches to an adult earth pony stallion. During your examination with a microscope, were you able to determine the color of the hair fibers?

DP - They were red.

PB - Do you see any ponies here in the courtroom today who could have a coat color similar to what you saw under your microscope?

DP - Yes, I do.

PB - Would you please point them out for the court?

DP - That stallion there (points to Heavy Hitter)

(murmurs in the audience and jury)

PB - Now, you have identified one of the prosecution's witnesses as being a potential source of the hairs found on the dumpster in that alleyway where the attack took place.

(faces jury)

PB - At this time, I would like to remind the jury that, during the victim's testimony, she claimed that a stallion matching said witness's description attempted to attack my client but missed and ran into a dumpster in that alleyway, hitting it hard enough to knock the wind out of him.

(faces DP)

PB - Now, Doctor, if a pony impacted a dumpster hard enough to leave an indentation like that, how likely is it that they were also injured in some capacity?

DP - I would say that that is a highly probable outcome.

PB - Good. Now, I have only one more question for you. Based on the forensic evidence you have both collected yourself and examined, and the testimony that you have heard from both the prosecution's and defense's witnesses, which argument do you believe sounds the most probable?

DP - Both scenarios presented have a probability, but the defense's argument seems to be supported more by the evidence I have seen.

(murmurs in the audience and jury)

PB - Thank you, doctor. I have no further questions, your honor.

Plea makes his way back to the defense's table to sit next to Thorax. "Well, I've done all that I can" he says to the changeling. "The only thing we have left to do is make our closing arguments, and then it will be in the jury's hooves to decide."

Naturally, this remark doesn't fill Thorax with confidence. Before he can allow it to bring down his mood, the judge announces that State can now cross-examine. She stands up and approaches the witness stand.

SE - I only have two questions for you Dr. Prion. First, is it at all possible that the hairs you found at the crime scene did not come from the pony you identified earlier?

DP - Yes, it is possible that those hairs came from another pony.

SE - Okay. Now for my second and final question. You examined the crime scene approximately two weeks after the attempt to abduct the victim happened. Because of that fact, is it possible that that evidence has been compromised, or that the events that led to the dented dumpster and the hairs found on it occurred after this attempted abduction occurred?

DP - Admittedly, both of those scenarios are possible.

SE - Thank you. I have nothing further, your honor.

State Evidence returns to her seat. Thorax looked at Plea with confusion. "Why didn't she ask her more question?"

Plea turns to him and gives him a shrug. "She presented the only points that she can really present. It's possible that the evidence she collected was compromised, and it is possible that the hairs didn't come from that stallion. In truth, I think she's gonna put all her eggs into the closing statement basket."

Thorax gave a nod as he turned to see the judge looking at Plea Bargain. "Do you have anymore witnesses to call?"

Plea stands up to address the judge.

"No, your honor, I do not. I would now like to present my evidence to the court and jury."

Plea steps out from behind the table and takes with him a few items.

"For Defense Exhibit A, I present a sample of the hairs found on one of the dumpsters located at the scene of the crime." He holds up a bag with several small red hairs in it.

"For Exhibit B, I present a copy of Doctor Dynamic Prion's forensic assessment of these hairs. For exhibit C, Doctor Prion's forensic report on samples of hair collected by the royal guard at the scene of the crime that were from the victim Raspberry Mint."

As he presents the last pieces of evidence, he shows them to the court. Once everypony has seen them, he gives them to Judge Gavel. Once he looks them over, he looks back to Plea Bargain. "Have you anything else for the court?"

"No, your honor, I have nothing else" Plea responds. "The defense rests their case."

Author's Note:

And the defense has presented their whole case.

Up next, both sides will give their closing arguments, and the jury will be given their instructions for deliberation. After that, we will be seeing the conclusion to the High Tide Case, and not long after that, the conclusion to Part III.

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