• Published 9th Jan 2021
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Fitting In Is Hard To Do - origami

Inspired by stories written by the Owtcast and Carapace. Follow Thorax on his journey to achieving his goal of befriending ponies in the Crystal Empire.

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Part III, Chapter 12 - Defense's Arguments - Part I

Thorax was again awoken by guards starting him on his daily routine: wash up, eat some love, go to court. After he'd spent almost an hour sitting in the holding cells at the courthouse, he was taken to the courtroom. Sitting down next to Plea, he took notice that the stallion looked somewhat tired. "Couldn't sleep either?" he asked him.

Plea turned and gave a chuckle. "Yeah," he admitted, "Spent several hours last night thinking of anything I could to make our defense stronger. Unfortunately, I didn't come up with much."

Thorax didn't say anything, but the feelings of discouragement he had were stoked like a flame in a forge. He questioned if praying to long dead changeling queens would grant him any kind of fortune.

His thoughts were interrupted as the bailiff announced both the princess and judge. Cadance took up her usual spot, her glare still strongly boring into the changeling. The judge simply took his place and prepared his paperwork.

"Court is reconvened" he announced, then looked at Plea. "The defense may now call their first witness."

Plea took a sip from a glass of water in front of him, then stood up. "Defense calls as its first witness Miss Brass Polish."

Thorax turned to the audience area and saw his friend of nearly four months walk forward and approach the stand, being sworn in, and taking her seat. The argument to keep him out of prison had officially begun.

PB - Please state your name for the record.

BP - Brass Polish.

PB - What is your current occupation?

BP - I am a custodian in the Crystal Palace.

PB - How long have you been in that role?

BP - About a year now.

PB - How long have you known the defendant?

BP - About four months.

PB - When did you first meet him?

BP - On his first official day here.

PB - Can you describe his behavior at that time?

BP - He was nervous, yet he acted politely.

PB - What were your feelings towards him at that time?

BP - Similar to other ponies. I didn't much care for changelings after hearing what they had done in Canterlot. I think it's fair to say I didn't trust him initially.

PB - What changed that?

BP - Observing the behavior of my coworkers.

PB - Coworkers?

BP - Yes. Thorax was assigned to the cleaning crew I was part of in the Crystal Palace. I saw the way my coworkers were treating him and it caused me to reconsider my position.

PB - And how were they treating him?

BP - In a word, harshly. They acted hostile constantly towards him.

PB - You wouldn't happen to be speaking of the mare Feather Duster and the stallion Elbow Grease, would you?

BP - Yes, those are the ponies I'm referring to.

PB - These two ponies were arrested for assaulting the defendant, correct?

BP - Yes. They conspired with some guards to stage a fake changeling attack in a hallway and then proceeded to beat Thorax until they thought he was dead or was going to die.

PB - Owing to the fact that the defendant is still here, I would say they failed in killing him, correct?

BP - Yes, they didn't succeed in killing him.

PB - So, their behavior made you reconsider your own. How did it change?

BP - I made myself more open to the idea that changelings could maybe decide to live peacefully with us.

PB - Do you think that changelings can coexist with us?

BP - If they were willing to give peace a chance. I don't know about the rest of them, but I honestly believe Thorax wants to.

PB - So, you believe that the defendant, Thorax, truly and honestly wants to coexist with ponies?

BP - I do.

PB - Do you trust what he says enough that if somepony removed the magic restricting collar from his neck at this very moment, you would not come to any kind of harm?

BP - Yes, I do.

PB - Thank you. Nothing further, your honor.

Plea took his seat as he looked over at Thorax. "I figure I'd start with our best character witness." he told the changeling. Thorax was going to say something when the judge spoke up first.

"Prosecution may now cross-examine the witness."

State Evidence took her own sip of water, then looked over at the defense with a smug grin that made Thorax shudder. Whatever plan he thought she had cooked up, he hoped that it failed.

SE - Miss Brass Polish. It is, Miss, isn't it.

BP - Yes, ma'am. I am not married.

SE - I'm to understand that you're being called upon to testify on behalf of the defendant's character?

BP - Yes, I am.

SE - So, you're testimony is to establish the defendant as trustworthy and incapable of the crimes he's accused of committing?

BP - He is incapable of committing such crimes.

SE - Oh? I do not mean to sound prejudiced, but is the defendant not of the race of beings known as changelings?

BP - Yes, he is.

SE - And does he not possess the magic necessary to adopt the appearance of other creatures?

BP - He does.

SE - And could this ability not be used in matters of deception and espionage?

PB - Your honor, I object to this line of questioning. It holds no bearing on the overall character of the defendant.

SE - Your honor, I am simply making the point that, while the witness does not believe the defendant to be morally capable of such acts, he still has the abilities to do such things.

PB - Your honor, there are arcane spells in the forbidden archives of the Canterlot Library that can teach a pony to murder another pony. If a pony were to learn one of those spells, would that automatically make them a killer?

Judge - Objection overruled. The question is in regards to the physical ability of the defendant and not his morality.

SE - Miss Polish, please answer the question. If the defendant has the abilities that I described, would that not make him capable of the actions I also described?

BP - I suppose it could.

SE - Also, it has been reported by our princess, and confirmed by you a few minutes ago, that the defendant was attacked in the palace by two ponies. Would that not serve as motivation for him to want revenge?

BP - No, it wouldn't. Thorax has no desire for revenge. If he did, it would be against Feather Duster and Elbow Grease, and both of them are sitting in dungeons as we speak. In the case of one, they may even be deep in the pits of Tartarus.

(shocked murmurs from the audience)

SE - So, you do not believe that the defendant would plot some kind of revenge in retaliation for the attack carried out against him?

BP - Ma'am, Thorax is under constant watch of guards 24/7. Princess Luna has even offered a squad of her own lunar guard to keep an eye on him as he sleeps, just to put ponies' minds at ease. He would have no way of planning something of this nature while staying here.

SE - He could have conceived this plot in his mind though, couldn't he?

BP - I said he doesn't want revenge.

SE - I'll leave that issue alone for now. Back to the major topic though. You truly believe he did not collude with any changelings before approaching the empire to plot abductions and replacements to start siphoning off the love in the empire?

BP - No. Thorax would not do such a thing, and he certainly hasn't had the ability to communicate with any changelings since he came here.

SE - You seem quite sure he wouldn't, but what evidence is there to convince the rest of us?

BP - Excuse me?

SE - How do we know he didn't conceive some kind of plan before he arrived here in the Crystal Empire? Kept it vague so it could be easily implemented at a moment's notice. Something along the lines of "Wait for a weak one to be singled out and pounce?"

BP - No, Thorax would never do something like that.

SE - And how do we know his panicking in the market and flying off wasn't some kind of signal to launch the attack against young Raspberry?

BP - No, Thorax would never do such a thing!

SE - And how do we know that he hasn't found some way of manipulating your brain?


PB - Your honor, I object to this line of questioning. It's baseless accusations against my client and it's causing the witness great duress.

Judge - Objection sustained. You will discontinue with this line of questioning, Miss Evidence. Do you have any further questions for the witness?

SE - No, your honor. That will be all.

Judge - Witness is dismissed.

Brass stepped down from the witness stand and moved back to the audience seating. As she did so, she gave Thorax a sympathetic look. Thorax returned it with a smile, but it faltered as soon as she looked away.

Plea let out a breath and had a worried look on his face. "You see what I meant about her skills in cross-examination?" he asked. Thorax gave a simple nod.

"Defense may call their next witness" the judge announced. Plea took the witness list and called their next choice. "Defense calls Sunburst to the stand."

The caped and bespectacled unicorn rose and made his way to the front, walking past both tables and stepping up to the witness stand. A moment later, and he was sworn in and sitting down.

PB - Please state your name for the record.

SB - My name is Sunburst.

PB - What is your current occupation, Sunburst?

SB - I'm the royal crystaller.

PB - And what does that position entail?

SB - Most of my responsibilities in that role are more ceremonial than anything. Specifically, I help conduct the Crystalling spell, as well as select samples of pure crystal for the royal couple to choose from for the ceremony.

PB - What other responsibilities do you have?

SB - I'm charged with watching Princess Flurry Heart when her parents or a nanny are unavailable. I also study spell craft and help to either invent new spells or improve existing spells.

PB - Can you give us an example of your work?

SB - Well, if Captain Shining Armor were here, he could demonstrate the improved shield spells I'd created for him.

PB - How are they improved?

SB - I was able to create a spell that uses about half as much mana energy as the previous spells the prince had been using. This would give him the ability to hold shields longer than he had been able to before.

PB - Do you have any duties that aren't related to the royal family or spell craft?

SB - Well, for the past four months or so, I was tasked with educating our newest resident here in the Crystal Empire.

PB - You're referring to my client, correct?

SB - Yes, I am.

PB - When did you first meet my client?

SB - We were formally introduced on the night before the asylum agreement was to officially begin, though you could say we actually met when Princess Twilight and some other ponies made a plea on his behalf to Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor for him to be allowed to stay.

PB - Which ponies do you refer to?

SB - Two. A mare named Starlight Glimmer and a stallion named Heartfelt Sentiment. Also, Spike made a plea on Thorax's behalf as well.

PB - You mean Spike the Brave and Glorious, hero to the whole empire?

SB - I do.

PB - So, back to the original topic. You've been teaching my client since he started staying here in the Crystal Empire?

SB - I have.

PB - What kinds of things have you been teaching him?

SB - I've been teaching subject matter approved by both Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor.

PB - Am I correct to assume that they are making sure that he does not learn anything that could be considered sensitive information?

SB - Yes. Most of the lessons I teach are about the same as those you'd learn attending a school here in the Crystal Empire.

PB - Do you teach anything extra?

SB - No, I don't. Sometimes, if a question isn't disallowed as involving sensitive information and isn't covered by the material we go over, I'll answer it for him.

PB - So you've known the defendant for at least the last four months or so?

SB - I have.

PB - What is your impression of him.

SB - From everything I've seen, he seems honest, kind, caring. He had some trouble learning earlier on, but now that I have a better understanding of how he learns, He is able to pick up subjects rather quickly.

PB - Back to his education. At what level of competency would you say that the defendant is at?

SB - Level of competency?

PB - His learning level. Eighth grade? Seventh grade?

SB - I would say he's learning things I would expect to teach a pony in tenth grade.

PB - When you first started, what would you say his competency was?

SB - Perhaps third grade.

PB - That seems to be a good bit of progress for three months.

SB - Well, I have given him approved books for him to read at night before he goes to bed. He actually has a very good reading level. Almost college level, to be honest.

PB - So he can read well. Does he just read educational books?

SB - Oh, no. I make sure to give him some novels to break up the monotony of studying.

PB - Novels, huh? Does he have any favorites?

SB - I've actually gotten him hooked on Daring Do.

PB - He enjoys Daring Do?

SB - Very much so. He's read through ten novels now, and before this stuff happened, he was going to start an eleventh one.

PB - Does he have a favorite one?

SB - He said he really liked the sixth one he read - Daring Do and the Castle of the Cursed Crown. According to him, his favorite part was when Daring disguised herself as the Duchess of Maretania so she could convince the king to let her have the pendant she used to get into the vault.

PB - Not to sound prejudiced, but that seems rather unsurprising, a changeling's favorite part of a story being about a disguise and fooling a pony.

SB - Well, he said the best part of the book was when Daring made her escape with the true crown, and left the king to deal with his angry subjects. It was his favorite ending to any of the books.

PB - Yes, I remember reading that part. It was quite satisfying to see the king get his comeuppance. Anyways, the defendant likes reading novels and studying. Does he like doing anything else?

SB - Well, he enjoys working in the palace. He says it makes him feel good knowing he can take care of his new home.

PB - Have you seen him make any friends since he's been staying here?

SB - Well, he and Brass Polish appear to have a good friendship, and I also like to think he has a friend in me.

PB - So you consider yourself a friend of the defendant?

SB - I do.

PB - Do you trust him?

SB - I believe he has earned my trust.

PB - Do you trust him enough that, if his collar were to come off right now, you don't believe you would come to harm?

SB - I don't believe for a second that Thorax would hurt me.

PB - Thank you. No further questions.

Plea returned to his seat and took another sip of water. He hoped that the testimony Sunburst gave would get at the ponies on the jury enough to at least loosen some of their convictions about changelings. Finding common ground always seemed to help in that endeavor.

Of course, a battle strategy never survives first contact with the enemy. In his mind, he crossed his hooves as the judge finished his notations. "Prosecution may now cross examine the witness."

SE - Mister Sunburst, you said that you are the royal crystaller. How long have you held this role?

SB - About six months.

SE - And for the past four, you've had the additional duty of teaching this changeling?

SB - Yes, I was assigned that duty.

SE - How familiar are you with the invasion that took place in Canterlot?

PB - I object your honor. The invasion from several years ago holds no bearing on this case.

Judge - Objection sustained. Miss Evidence, please ask questions pertaining to the case at hoof and not unconnected past events.

SE - Have you had experience with changelings before meeting the defendant?

SB - No, I haven't.

SE - You've never dealt with them before the defendant was granted asylum here in the Crystal Empire?

SB - No, I have not.

SE - Yet you claim to be able to trust him completely not to cause you harm if he were to be removed from his restraints?

SB - I have spent enough time around Thorax to know that he wishes not to cause any harm. He's one of the kindest and nicest creatures I've ever had the privilege of meeting.

SE - Perhaps we should conduct a little experiment then. Your honor, with the court's permission, I would like to remove the defendant's restraints.

(audience chamber erupts into screams, many ponies move to leave)

Judge:(bangs gavel) Order in the court! Order!

(ponies continue panicking and fight against the bailiffs trying to maintain order)

Judge:(bangs gavel) I will have order in this court!

(ponies begin calming down and return to their seats)

Judge: Miss Evidence, at this time, I must refuse your request due to the overwhelming opposition demonstrated by all parties here today. If you wish to file a proper request with the clerk, then we can consider it again in the future.

SE - Very well, your honor. Mister Sunburst, you have seen how ponies have reacted to the idea of a changeling being allowed around ponies unrestrained. If you were to convince them that the defendant is truly trustworthy, how would you go about it?

SB - What you're asking me is a task that would take several months at best to accomplish. As far as how to go about it, I would have to have Thorax with me so that he could be properly introduced and the ponies in question could be watched.

SE - Ponies in question being watched?

SB - I don't doubt Thorax behaving and not attacking anypony. However, I don't completely trust other ponies to not attack Thorax if they got the chance.

SE - I see. One final question. You are aware that the Captain of the guard and our empire's prince was put under the control of one of the changelings, correct?

SB - Yes, I am well aware of what happened to the captain on his wedding day.

SE - That being said, how confident are you that the changeling isn't controlling your mind right now?

SB - Besides the fact that I know Thorax would never use a spell like that on me, he has had his magic restrained from even before the first day he was allowed to stay here in asylum.

SE - But what about before then?

SB - I'm sorry?

SE - How do you know he didn't plant some kind of suggestion in your mind before he was put into restraint, or if even the restraints can actually control his magic?

SB - I personally crafted the enchantments for those restraints. They will stop any kind of magic they are used on.

SE - Again though, how do you know that the defendant hasn't used some kind of mind control on you before the restraints were applied?

SB - ...I don't know for sure, but I do trust that he hasn't.

SE - Very well. No further questions, your honor.

Judge - Witness is excused.

Sunburst stepped down from the witness stand and moved back into the audience area. Much like Brass, he gave Thorax a sympathetic look, which the changeling returned in the same way. Plea put a hoof to Thorax's withers and offered a consoling smile. "Things aren't dire yet," he told him, "We still have witnesses to call, and our evidence to present."

"Defense, please call your next witness" the judge commanded. After consulting his paperwork, Plea stood up and announced the witness. "Defense calls Madam Ammonia to the stand."

Thorax turned and watched as the mare who was effectively his boss stood up and moved forward. After approaching the witness stand and being sworn in, she took her seat.

PB - Please state your name for the record.

MA - Madam Ammonia.

PB - What is your current occupation?

MA - I am in charge of the entire custodial department for the Crystal Palace.

PB - So you're in charge of keeping it clean?

MA - Yes, that is my duty.

PB - And you are familiar with the defendant?

MA - Yes, I am.

PB - When did you first meet him?

MA - I was introduced to the client the day before his asylum officially began.

PB - So you've known him longer than the other two witnesses.

MA - I wouldn't call the five or so minutes I spoke to him as bonding time.

PB - Do you remember what you said?

MA - My memory might be a little bit fuzzy, but I seem to recall telling him that I expected his best behavior while working for me.

PB - I trust you did this in a kind and polite way.

MA - I didn't.

PB - You didn't?

MA - No. I distrusted Thorax the first time that I met him, and was sure that he was up to no good. Because of that, I saw fit to put my hoof down and demonstrate that I wasn't a mare to be trifled with.

PB - I suppose, all things considered, your reaction shouldn't be unexpected. Please, would you describe the defendant's first day working under you?

MA - He was woken up early so that he could feed, then he was brought to me to work.

(shouts and angry cries from the audience)

Judge - (bangs gavel) Order!

(courtroom becomes quiet)

PB - Well, after hearing that remark, I think we must address the big pink elephant in the room. You just said that he was woken up early to feed. Would you please elaborate on what feeding means?

MA - To my understanding, the princess and crystaller worked together to find a solution to Thorax staying here with us and not starving to death. The crystaller studied the Crystal Heart and found that it had a robust reserve of energy built into it, and that was caused by all the love that had built up since the Crystalling. Doing some kind of fancy math told him that allowing Thorax to take love from the heart for so long at certain points in the day wouldn't cause any kind of harm to the spell protecting us from the blizzards, so the princess permitted him to do so, under guard supervision.

PB - So, just to be clear, no ponies were being fed on by the defendant? He hasn't taken any love directly from ponies since he's begun staying here?

MA - No, he hasn't.

PB - Okay. Now that we have that addressed, please continue.

MA - As I said, once he was brought to me, I gave him an evaluation to determine how effective he would be in his assigned role.

PB - What did this test involve?

MA - The first part was a large floor in the palace. I gave him an hour to clean it to a mirror shine with hoof brushes.

PB - How well did he do at this task.

MA - He had the floor finished to my satisfaction in half the time I allotted him.

PB - Really? He got it clean that fast?

MA - He did.

PB - Did you give him any other duties as part of your test?

MA - We went to a pair of bathrooms and I had him clean them both.

PB - Was he again excelling?

MA - He finished with satisfactory results, but he took longer than he did when doing the floor. That said, he still finished well ahead of most ponies I would assign the job.

PB - So, he would be considered an exemplary employee.

MA - If there were more like him working under me, then we wouldn't need on-site servant's quarters. My staff could have their own homes and be able to go home to them at the end of their shift.

PB - What happened after the tests?

MA - Since he demonstrated his abilities to be more than satisfactory, I took him to his work crew for the day.

PB - Work crew? You didn't spend the whole day with him?

MA - No. I had other duties to attend to, and the crew he was placed with was educated in spells that would be effective in dealing with him should he choose to become unruly.

PB - Educated in spells to use on him? Were these basic combat spells?

MA - No, they weren't. From what the crystaller told me, basic spells weren't effective against changelings.

PB - Interesting. I believe that one of the prosecution's witnesses earlier testified that they used a basic combat spell and were able to temporarily subdue a changeling.

MA - I can't comment on that. All I know is that the spells were prepared by the crystaller and the captain and we were all instructed on how to properly cast them so we could have reassurance that we could defend ourselves from Thorax, should we feel the need to do so.

PB - Has anypony needed to defend themselves?

MA - Not as far as I know.

PB - So he was put with his assigned crew. Did you have anymore interaction with him that day?

MA - Yes. I was processing some paperwork when one of the ponies on his work crew came and informed me of vandalism in some bathrooms.

PB - Was he the culprit?

MA - No, he wasn't. An investigation was conducted, and it was determined that the ponies Feather Duster and Elbow Grease were responsible.

PB - What evidence was there to prove their guilt?

MA - From what I was told, Feather Duster filed a false report for lost property; it's common for a pony to throw something valuable away by mistake, so the palace has protocols to help them recover missing items. The bags of refuse that would have contained the alleged items were handed over to her and Elbow Grease to search, but they were never returned.

PB - So it was presumed that the two ponies were responsible.

MA - They were confronted later on and Elbow Grease confessed to the vandalism, and implicated Feather Duster as well.

PB - I see. What did Feather Duster do?

MA - She resigned a few moments before Elbow confessed.

PB - I see. I would assume Elbow was dismissed after that?

MA - He was.

PB - Were they removed from the palace after that?

MA - No. Owing to the lateness of the day, the two were permitted to stay until morning.

PB - Did this all happen on the first day?

MA - No, this all happened about a month or so ago.

PB - So, this act of vandalism wasn't investigated properly until three months after it happened?

MA - Not exactly.

PB - Could you explain, please?

MA - Princess Cadance conducted her own investigation and found the necessary evidence to determine that Feather and Elbow were the culprits.

PB - Okay. was that all of the interactions you've had with Thorax?

MA - As far as the first day goes. All the subsequent days since have been varying levels of pleasantries. He initially tried to approach me in a friendly manner, but my previous position caused me to become rather cold towards him at those times. As the days progressed however, I found myself addressing him as I greeted Feather, Elbow and Brass in the mornings. Once we had gotten to the three month mark, the exchanges became me saying hello and him replying "Hello, ma'am."

PB - So, after spending some time around him, your overall attitude has changed?

MA - I wouldn't say completely. His work ethic and abilities are to be admired, but as far as him going around without restraint? I'm not sure.

PB - So you trust him to do good work for you, so long as he's on a leash?

MA - I'm not sure I would word it that way exactly.

PB - No offense, ma'am, but that is sort of how you worded it.

MA - I suppose.

PB - I'd like to go back now to the hostile acts committed against my client while working in the Crystal Palace. We all know about the attack staged by Feather and Elbow, but were there any other incidents that occurred involving other ponies?

MA - There was another incident on his first day here, but it involved Elbow Grease.

PB - Oh?

MA - Honestly, those two are the only ones to have any real complaint against Thorax.

PB - Please elaborate on this incident for the court.

MA - It happened after Thorax met with Sunburst for his first lesson. He came back and was instructed to clean several tables on the crew's assigned floor. He was provided a duster by Feather Duster, who left Thorax to be supervised by Elbow Grease so that she could change bed linens.

PB - I take it that Elbow Grease took advantage of this alone time to do things to Thorax?

MA - He did. To my understanding, once Thorax finished cleaning a table, Elbow would cover it over again in dust and make him do it again. After several times of this, Thorax was fed up and refused to continue cleaning. This is when Elbow took the feather duster Thorax had been using and proceeded to beat him with it.

(quiet murmurs in the audience)

PB - So, he baited Thorax into reacting so he could beat him with the nearest available object?

MA - Yes, he did.

PB - Was this incident reported to you?

MA - ...Kind of.

PB - Kind of?

MA - A formal complaint of misconduct was never filed, but a medical supply report was. Apparently, Thorax was beaten roughly enough that it caused damage to his horn. Miss Brass Polish attended to his wounds and filed the report.

PB - So Miss Brass Polish filed a report for using medical supplies, but never lodged an official complaint for his behavior?

MA - I questioned her about this after I saw the medical supply report. She explained how the injuries occurred, and when I confronted her on not submitting a misconduct report, she admitted not having faith in the palace to do its job and punish Elbow Grease accordingly.

PB - Did anything happen that would cause Brass to think that way?

MA - I think she acted that way because of how she saw us treating Thorax. I suppose if I were in her shoes, I might not have much faith in the palace either.

PB - Thank you. One last question. You said earlier that you didn't believe Thorax should be allowed to stay here without restraints. What would it take for you to reconsider that position?

MA - I honestly don't know. Maybe more time? Getting to know him more personally? As it stands now, I really only deal with him in an official capacity.

PB - I appreciate your honesty. I have nothing further, your honor.

Plea returned to his seat and let out a breath. "Hopefully I didn't just give the prosecution a big assist" he said to himself, though Thorax overheard and became rather nervous.

"Prosecution may now cross examine the witness."

SE - Madam Ammonia, you said your current occupation was head of custodial services for the Crystal Palace, correct?

MA - Yes, I did.

SE - Would you please tell us how long you've held that role?

MA - Since the return of the empire, ma'am.

SE - So, several years?

MA - Yes.

SE - What were you doing before you came to work here in the Crystal Empire?

MA - I've worked as a cleaner and as a supervisor to the custodial staff of several affluent families scattered all across Equestria.

SE - Have you ever worked in Canterlot?

MA - For a brief time.

SE - When was this?

MA - About a year before the empire's return.

SE - And how brief was your time in Canterlot?

MA - About two months.

SE - Why so brief?

MA - A member of the family took a fancy to me and decided that he preferred me more as a concubine than a housekeeper.

SE - Well, I suppose that is as good a reason as any to leave.

MA - I was terminated.

SE - Oh? On what grounds?

MA - Officially, it was because they said I performed unsatisfactory work. Off the record, it was because I turned that stallion into the guards. He had been responsible for the rapes of countless mares over many years. With him gone, the lady of the house took an instant dislike of me and had me dismissed. I don't want to go throwing around accusations, but I think that she may have been involved in at least some of the rapes.

SE - That is rather unfortunate to hear. Moving away slightly, could you give us a timeline for when you were there?

MA - As I said, I left about a year before the empire's return, and worked there for two months.

SE - What I'm getting at with the question is, you weren't in Canterlot during the invasion by the changelings?

PB - Your honor, I again object to this question. The incident that occurred in Canterlot several years ago holds no bearing on the case against my client.

Judge - Objection sustained. Miss State Evidence, please discontinue the usage of any questions regarding the Canterlot incident. The questioning conducted here today should only be about information relevant to the crimes the defendant is being put on trial for. This is your second warning on that matter. If I must tell you for a third time, you will be held in contempt of court.

SE - Very well. Madam Ammonia, have you had experience in dealing with changelings before meeting the defendant?

MA - Actually, I have.

SE - Would you please tell us where?

MA - ...in Canterlot.

SE - Was this during the wedding of the princess and captain?

MA - It was.

SE - Please describe your experiences during that time.

MA - They weren't the most unpleasant. At least, not as bad as they could have been.

SE - Could you elaborate for the court, please?

MA - I was originally invited by a cousin to come to Canterlot to enjoy the festivities of the royal wedding. On the day of the wedding, my cousin had taken notice of the changelings banging their bodies against the shield. Then he took notice to the shield cracking and called for everypony to hide in his basement. According to him, he had an escape tunnel that would carry us out of the city if needed.

SE - Was the tunnel necessary?

MA - No. We were able to stay in hiding through the attempted invasion.

SE - Did you receive an all clear notice?

MA - Eventually. We were hit with the spell that threw the changelings out of Canterlot, but it went through us harmlessly.

SE - I see. Did you have any interactions with the changelings whatsoever, as in direct contact?

MA - No. They got into my cousin's house, and we could hear them moving about, but they never found us.

SE - My apologies, considering what happened and how traumatic it was, but it doesn't sound like you've actually interacted with changelings at all before meeting the defendant.

MA - It's more interaction than any of the other witnesses that have testified today.

SE - True. I have nothing further to ask, your honor.

Judge - Witness is excused.

Madam Ammonia stepped down and returned to her seat in the audience area. Thorax watched her go, then heard Plea curse under his breath. Giving the stallion a concerned look, he asked him what was wrong. "Hopefully nothing major" Plea answered. "State wanted to get the Canterlot invasion at the forefront of ponies' minds and Madam Ammonia just gave her an opportunity."

Thorax nodded grimly. It would appear the prosecution, in addition to the evidence they prepared, hope to appeal to the prejudice against him in order to obtain their conviction. As Thorax thought this, the judge cleared his throat. "We will recess for lunch and reconvene in one hour" he announced, then struck his gavel on the small wooden plate. Everypony left to get lunch, and Thorax was led back to the holding area.

Author's Note:

So begins Plea Bargain's defense of Thorax in the trial. We see pretty clearly now that, while she has attempted to put forward solid evidence against Thorax, State is relying on prejudice and unfavorable opinion to help put our cuddle bug behind bars. But will she succeed?

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