• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 1,177 Views, 57 Comments

Rainbow Dash and a Stickmin - Rainbow sparkle1

After a sudden black out, Rainbow Dash woke up to find she was in the middle of nowhere with a building nearby, she ran over to it to find a stick figure standing next to it and asked what they were doing.

  • ...

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Stealing The Diamond: Pick Choice

Up to roof: Jumble Hoppers, Anti-Gravity Cap, Teleporter
Through the wall: Liquidificator, Pick, Shrink Ray

They quietly discussed the matter until they agreed that going through the wall would be their best bet, as there was a small crack in the wall. Henry pulled out three items that could help: a gadget called a Liquidificador, a pickaxe, and another gadget called a Shrink Ray.

“The Shrink Ray would be the best option,” Dash whispered. “It could make you small enough to fit through the crack.”

“Yes, that is possible, but we don't know what's on the other side. I don't want to risk it, and what if it wears off while I’m still going through? I might get crushed to death!” Henry explained. Dash groaned.

“I guess you have a point.”

“I think the pickaxe is our best choice.”

“Why's that?”

“Just by looking at the crack, you can tell the wall is easily breakable. If I hit the wall enough times, it might make a hole just big enough for me to climb through.”

“Well, as you said, we don’t know what’s on the other side of the wall.”

“At least it’s not as risky. We could easily make a run for it if anything were to happen.”

“You're right. Let’s try it.”

Henry put the gadgets away and picked up the pickaxe. He walked over to the wall and started to pick at it.

“Uh, Henry?” Dash said nervously. Henry stopped.


“What is THAT?”

Dash pointed her hoof at a strange green creature heading straight for them. Once it got close enough, it made a strange noise, indicating that it was about to do something. Dash jumped off to the side just in time for it to explode.

What the hay was that?!?! I better go see if Henry is alright.” Dash thought to herself.

She trotted over to the gaping hole now in the wall and found Henry in the gap. He looked up to find Dash staring at him, concerned.

“Are you ok?” Dash asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Henry replied.



“We have company.”

Henry looked out of the pit to find two guards talking to each other. Surprisingly, they didn't hear the explosion and continued their conversation.

“Apparently there was something in that cake and uh... They used it to escape. And then I got fired. Pretty lame huh? Yeah, I don't really like-” One guard said before they were interrupted by the other.

“Ugh, please, shut up.”

“Oh, I just wanted to have a conversation, that's all…”

As the two guards were talking, Dash and Henry realized that one of them had a gun. They looked at each other, nodded, and surveyed the room to figure out what they could use to get past the guards.

Warning, 22 seconds to choose!!!!!

The only things available were fake props, but Henry saw an opportunity to use the plane. He managed to snatch it without being seen.


“Henry!” Dash whispered

“Yeah?” Henry replied.

“This is where we split up, I wish you luck in there.”

“Thanks, Dash.”

She nodded and hid behind the wall outside. She watched as Henry threw the plane at the guard with the gun, making a direct hit, and the other guard ran off. Dash could hear him say something, but she couldn't quite make out what he said. Unfortunately, he wasn't watching where he was going, and he smashed his head into a pillar, making Dash giggle. As Henry reached where the guard had been, she headed off towards the hill.

I hope he doesn’t mess this up.” She thought. She missed the girls. They were probably worried sick about her. She began to tear up, but held them back and focused on getting back to the hill without being caught.

A few minutes later, she arrived at the top of the hill. She laid down and was about to take a nap when she heard a crash in the museum, immediately looking up.

"WHAT IN THE HAY WAS THAT?!?!" She yelled. She looked up to find a giant robot standing out of the roof, obviously too tall to fit inside the museum. She prayed Henry was okay in there, wherever he was.

As Dash was watching all the destruction, she noticed a figure running up the hill towards her. She didn't know if it was a guard or not, so she stayed in her spot. As they got closer though, she realized who it was. It was Henry! She ran over to him and hugged him, relieved.

“Henry! You're okay!” Dash exclaimed. She looked around him and realized he didn't have the diamond.

“Wait, where's the diamond?”

“I left it in there out of fear that I would get killed. I’m sorry. But we need to get out of here. Our safety is more important than a diamond.” Henry explained.

“I understand, and I forgive you. Now let's get out of here!”

Henry nodded. Dash spread her wings and took off as Henry continued running.

Five minutes later, they had managed to get a safe distance away from the museum, and Henry needed to take a break. He stopped running to catch his breath, and Dash stopped to look at him.

“Why'd you stop?” she asked.

“I *huff* need to *huff* catch *huff* my *huff* breath,” Henry replied, breathing heavily.

“Well, we are pretty far from the museum, so this seems like a good resting place.”

A few seconds later, they both heard a loud explosion and saw something flying towards them. They both ducked their heads as if the object would hit them, but all they heard was a thud behind them. They turned around to find the diamond lodged into the ground. Dash and Henry looked at each other and Henry smiled.

“Well, looks like we get to keep the diamond after all,” Henry said, putting his foot on the diamond like an action hero.

"No kidding. What we just went through made my adventure with you 20% cooler!”

Rank: Just Plain Epic

Author's Note:

Click here to go back for another ending: https://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/1477235

Click here to go to the intro to the next part: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/486949/12/rainbow-dash-and-a-stickmin/infiltrating-the-airship-intro-finished

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