• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 1,177 Views, 57 Comments

Rainbow Dash and a Stickmin - Rainbow sparkle1

After a sudden black out, Rainbow Dash woke up to find she was in the middle of nowhere with a building nearby, she ran over to it to find a stick figure standing next to it and asked what they were doing.

  • ...

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Infiltrating The Airship: Earpiece Pathway

Canon ball
Grapple gun
Sticky hand

They were both given earpieces so "Charlie" could communicate with them. Once they were ready, the pair got out of the helicopter and landed next to a hatch. Dash looked at it as ‘Charlie’ started speaking.

“Check, check, this is Charles. Thought I’d uh give you a heads up. Uhhh, there’s a guy. Down there. A bad guy. So, uh, yeah. Good luck!”

They turned to each other and thought about how they’d get past him.


Neither of them knew how any of their options would work, but they decided to try one anyway. They chose to try the vacuum, as knocking would alert the guy, and they didn’t know if he had a weapon. They didn’t want to accidentally pour some acid on themselves, and they knew a C4 could knock them off the airship when it exploded. Even though Dash could fly, she wouldn't be able to fly herself and Henry back up if she was knocked out or injured.


Henry took out a big vacuum from nowhere, placed the opening over the hatch, and started the vacuum, sucking up both the hatch door and the man guarding the entrance. Henry switched the vacuum off and heard muffled noises from the vacuum bag, knowing it was the man. Henry removed the vacuum and slipped through the hatch. Once they were inside, Charles started speaking again.

"Hey, good job there! Oh, uh, so you should probably look for something incriminating. Something that we can use to prove that they're criminals, you know? I mean, that's the whole point of this operation."

They peeked at the next room over and saw a bunch of men sitting at a table, discussing new weapons they could make for the Toppats. The pair quietly debated on what they could use to get past them.


Henry knew the transdimentionalizer wasn't a good choice, as it was still fairly new technology and he didn't want to risk something going wrong. They could either use the glue or the disguise. Henry had an idea as to how he could use the glue. Dash hesitantly agreed with him, thinking about the many possibilities of what could happen if Henry were to get caught in the disguise. Henry put the other items away and opened the glue bottle.


Henry squirted some of the glue onto his hands and tested to see if they were sticky enough to work. Once he confirmed that they were, he started to climb up to the ceiling with Dash silently flying next to him. Once they were at the ceiling, Dash made sure to keep a close eye on Henry just in case he fell, planning out an escape route so they could get out as fast as possible. She lightened her wingbeats to lessen the wind and sound. As they made their way past the table, they eavesdropped on the members’ conversation.

Naw, we can't do that.
Why not, man?
You do realize how much a solid gold cannon would weigh, don't ya?
Dude, we totally got enough power! What do you think man?
Well, I'm still kinda new here, so I'm not really sure what to say.

Henry and Dash eventually made it across, and they dropped down quietly as not to alert anyone. They heard the lock on the door across the room open. Fortunately, the door was jammed, but the pair had already lept into the first thing they saw as an escape route.

"Door's jammed again!" the guy on the other side called out. Meanwhile, Henry had busted through the tubing and ended up in an odd room. Once Dash confirmed that he was alright, Charles started speaking again.

"Oh hey! Uh, you see that records sign? Where it says 'Records'? That'd probably be a good place to look, right? Let me just, uh, help you get across that gap."

While the pair waited, Charles was looking over his options.

Gravity Bubble
Robo helper

He had always wanted to do something special ever since he joined the government, but he knew it wouldn't help here. He let out a small sigh and eliminated that option. He didn't know how to work the gravity bubble, so that was out of the question. He knew how to aim and teleport platforms to certain places, but he didn’t want to get Henry or Dash stuck in the platform when it fully materialized. All that was left was the Robo helper. It could fly easily and could carry Henry over to the other side while Dash flew beside it. Charles pushed a button that released a box with the helper inside.

Gravity Bubble
Robo Helper

"Alright, here it comes," he said.

A yellow box phased through the wall and transformed into a flying robot that looked like a two tailed fox about a second later. While it spun it’s two tails around, Henry grabbed onto the arms and rode it across the gap, Dash flying across and waiting on the other side. When they made it, they ran over to the next room where a guy was attempting to open a door, clearly not understanding that he needed to insert the card into the slot at the top of the keypad, not swipe it. Dash giggled. Charles saw this as another opportunity to help.

"Heh. I don't think that guy knows how to open the door. Yeah, why don't you let me take care of this?"

He looked through his options again and found four things he thought would work best.

Bone Melt
Mind Control
Gatling Gun
Remote Access

At first, he thought mind-controlling would be the best option but decided against it for the possibility of accidentally mind-controlling Dash or Henry. Who knew what could happen then? The Gatling gun? Definitely not. He didn't exactly know how the remote access would work on this airship, so that was out of the question. Charles shook his head as he concluded that he had to use his least favorite option out of the four. Charles double-checked he had the right person before pressing a button that took a few seconds to reach the individual that was targeted. Meanwhile, Dash and Henry were waiting, becoming anxious. If they were to get caught-

Bone Melt
Mind Control
Gatling Gun
Remote Access

The guy by the door suddenly fell to the floor and became a puddle. Dash gagged a bit at the sight, but it didn't faze Henry, seeing something similar sometime in his life. He walked up to the human puddle on the floor, picked up the card, and used it to correctly open the door. Dash, not too far behind, was making sure to keep a good distance away from the living puddle on the floor. They walked into a room with many files stashed away on shelves.

Sweet Celestia. Twilight would love this. Dash thought.

They walked up to see a man holding a folder, looking through the files that could prove they were guilty of all the crimes they had committed over the past few years. Dash smiled at Henry, and he returned it.

"Oh, man. I remember this. Good thing nobody knows about this or we'd be in a lot of trouble," the guy said, still looking through the folder.

Dash and Henry had to figure out what to do before he notice them.

Warning, 3 seconds to choose!!!!!
Ninja Star
Falcon Kick

They both figured that scaring him with a spider would be the best option, as arachnophobia was a very common fear.

Ninja Star
Falcon Kick

Henry pulled out a stick with a string at the end of it, and it seemed like it already had a spider replica on it. Henry hovered the stick over the guy's head and lowered the ‘spider’ into his face. He didn’t react how the pair expected him to.

"Oh! Hello, Mr. Spider," was all he said.

Henry frowned, disappointed, and firmly hit the stick on his head. It flattened the guy's hat and knocked him out, causing him to fall out of the chair and onto the floor. That moment of disappointment turned into a moment of laughter for Dash as she started laughing hysterically in her mind, but only let out a chuckle. Henry picked up the folder and put in a few extra things before walking to the other side of the room, Dash following suit as Charles’s voice sounded from their earpieces.

"Alright, you got some evidence! Woah, wait, wait," They stopped in their tracks before they could open the door to the next room. "There's no way you're getting through there. Lots of guys and there's lots of guns, that's all I'm gonna say. It looks like you could get around if you go through that air duct."

They both looked over to find a vent right next to the door and climbed inside. Once they were inside, they saw bolts of electricity shooting through little bumps from the floor to the ceiling. It looked dangerous and seemed to appear randomly. It was too risky to go through them without any protection. Charles knew he had to do something. Eventually, he spoke.

"Alright, I've hacked into their power grid? What do you want me to do?"

Dash thought he could shut off the power, though thinking more deeply, they were flying through the air. Shutting off the power would send the airship crashing to the ground. Her thoughts were interrupted by Henry whispering Charles could reroute that power to another room. She took Henry's info and whispered through the earpiece.

"How about you reroute the power?" she said.

"Ok, I'll reroute the power to a random room. That's fine." Charles replied, shutting off the power in the vent. Dash and Henry smiled at each other, walking to the other side of the vent. They started to climb out when Charles started speaking.

"Alright guys, you're almost there. I'm right outside so just open the bay doors and I'll… Uh... Get you on the chopper."

Henry took a peek at the vent exit and saw two guys standing nearby. He assumed they were guarding the doors or hanging out. He climbed the rest of the way out the vent, allowing Dash to poke her head out. Henry found a switch to open the doors. He waited for Dash to get out of the vent before pushing the button. Once she was out, she nodded to Henry, signaling she was ready to gallop or fly into the vehicle Charles called a "chopper". She thought it was an odd name for a vehicle like that. Henry pushed the button and it activated the doors, opening them, alerting the two men standing in the middle of the room. One spoke out to them while the other took out a walkie-talkie.

Hey! What’re you doin?!
Yeah, uh, we got a situation. Down in the cargo bay.

Charles noticed that two men were standing in the path of Henry and Dash, so he had to help them out somehow.

Sleeping Gas
Banana Bomb
Force gun

He knew the banana bomb wouldn't work because it was a literal bomb. The sleeping gas probably would go right behind them since they were moving through the air, and the flashbang would make it too bright for anyone to see, Henry and Dash included. Luckily, Charles remembered their earpieces could turn into a force gun with a push of a small button. Henry would be the best use as Dash clearly couldn’t grab something properly.

Sleeping Gas
Banana Bomb
Force Gun

"Pssst, hey! There's a button on your earpiece. You should press it." Charles whispered through the earpiece.

Henry did so and was surprised as Dash looked in awe. Henry tried out the new gadget to find that it sent out a huge amount of force, knocking off the two men. Dash spread her wings and took off, stopping inside the helicopter, turning around to watch Henry. As he was running through, Dash spotted another figure at the doorway near the vent. Henry could hear what he was saying. It seemed he was sent from a different part of the airship to the cargo bay after hearing the message.

"What's goin-" he was cut short as Henry jumped off the edge with something in his arms, using the force gun to get onto the helicopter. The man instantly recognized the helicopter and knew it belonged to the government. He was silent for a few seconds, watching it fly away, before he spoke again, realizing what Henry had been carrying.

"Hmm... This could be a problem."

A few hours later, Henry and Dash had returned home and were watching the news, seeing that what they collected was enough for the entire airship division of the toppat clan to be arrested. Dash celebrated, knowing that she was possibly one step closer to returning home, making Henry smile. Henry also knew he’d be getting a pardon for this, as well as Dash.

"Hey, Henry?" Dash said.


"I do hope we can work together with Charles more often. Turns out he’s pretty nice, helpful, and a little silly at times. At least, that’s the impression I got on the way back. Oh! And AWESOME!"

"I know Dash. I feel the same way. He does seem like a good partner to have, especially since he’s in the government, I hope we get along well."

"Same here Henry."

Rank: Government Supported Private Investigators

Author's Note:

Click here to go back for another ending: https://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/1477241

Click here to go to the intro to the next part: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/486949/19/rainbow-dash-and-a-stickmin/fleeing-the-complex-intro-unedited

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