• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 1,176 Views, 57 Comments

Rainbow Dash and a Stickmin - Rainbow sparkle1

After a sudden black out, Rainbow Dash woke up to find she was in the middle of nowhere with a building nearby, she ran over to it to find a stick figure standing next to it and asked what they were doing.

  • ...

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Breaking The Bank

When Dash arrived at the building entrance, she noticed a gold plack on the door with the word Bank carved onto it. As she wondered why they put something so valuable on the door, she saw something moving out of the corner of her eye. She walked over to see what it was. There was a stick figure that seemed like it was trying to do something.

She watched as he pulled a bag from his back pocket. She began to lose her patience, so she approached the figure.


The stick figure looked over his shoulder and saw a sky blue pegasus with rainbow hair and some sort of tattoo on its flank. Confused, he turned around and inspected her further.

“What’re you doing here?”

"I was just..."

Dash trailed off as the figure gave her a signal to quiet down a little bit. This confused Dash, but she nodded and quieted her voice.

"I was just having a party with my friends when I suddenly blacked out. Then I woke up not too far from here. I have no idea what happened, but I’m sure my friends are getting worried. And I’m sure this isn’t a place in Equestria."

The figure looked at her with more confusion as she said Equestria as if he didn't know what she was talking about, which he didn’t.

“Did you hit your head too hard on something?”

Dash shook her head as she promptly told him about herself.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus in Equestria, and the only one able to pull off a Sonic Rainboom! My friends call me Dash or Dashie for short. I'm the bearer of the Element of Loyalty, so I'll be there when any of my friends are in trouble, and I'll sacrifice my life when necessary."

She rambled on for a few more seconds before realizing she had gotten a bit carried away.

"Sorry, I get a little carried away whenever talking about myself, but anyways. If I get to know you, maybe we can find a way to get me back home, and maybe I could help you along the way."

The figure considered the idea. He assumed she was from another dimension since he didn't recognize the name ‘Equestria’. He went over his options…


He considered the options he had, and even though he was still a little creeped out by a colorful talking pegasus talking what sounded like nonsense to him, he felt a little sympathy for her, so he chose to help.


He let the options fade away for a half-second and nodded to the pegasus, which made her jump up and do a small flip. He told her to calm down a bit before telling her his name and why he was there.

"Well, Rainbow Dash, my name is Henry Stickmin, but you can call me Henry. I'm here because I’m trying to rob this bank since I'm currently short on cash. This bank was in the middle of nowhere, so I thought it was the best option." he said.

Dash heard him say "cash" and was a little confused as to what he was referring to, but she shrugged it off assuming that what the creatures here call cash is the same with bits.

"Enough talk, let's get this over with so I can get back home," Dash said, getting a nod from Henry.

She followed him to where he had wanted to use his disguise, which was the bag he pulled out when dash had first seen him. He hadn’t expected company, but thankfully it was big enough to just barely fit them both in. Once they got to where he wanted, Henry saw a truck in the distance. It was the money truck returning to the bank after a trip to the city.


He motioned for Rainbow to get inside the bag and wait for further notice, then he climbed in himself and tied the bag shut. Dash questioned how he had done that without magic, but decided not to ask. They heard the truck stop a few meters after it had passed them and heard two doors open.

Outside of the bag, the stickmins who had been driving the money truck Henry had saw earlier noticed the bag laying on the side of the road. The two got out of the truck to get the bag.

"Huh, how did we lose one?" One of them asked.

"I think we should throw it into the back, just to be safe." The other one said.

They grabbed the bag and threw it into the back before getting back on and continued driving to the bank.

The truck arrived at the bank and unloaded its contents into one of the vaults. As they finished, they turned off the lights and closed the main door.

Henry untied the top of the disguise and looked around to see if anyone was around. Once he confirmed that there was no one, he carefully slid out and signaled for Dash to get out as well. As she got out, Henry stood up and triggered one of the security lasers, activating the alarm. Dash gave a small yelp of surprise and instantly knew this had been a bad idea. She stood there as some guards ran in and commanded them to stay where they were.

A few minutes later, they were both taken away to a building a few miles away.

Author's Note:

i decided to be clever and add the logic of henry's game into this fic, but instead of having the person playing the game choose the options, henry chooses them himself, but if he chooses a fail, it'll come up the same way that it does in the game with a fail screen that appears after the cutscene and restarts automatically to his options without waiting for someone to hit the retry button. so what do you think is going to happen to dash and henry now that they've teamed up in order to figure out how to get dash back to equestria. if you're reading this before the next chapter comes out, guess you'll have to wait and see until the next chapter comes out. if you're reading this after the next chapter came out, read on to find out. Again, thanks to Asiandra for editing this chapter

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