• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 1,163 Views, 57 Comments

Rainbow Dash and a Stickmin - Rainbow sparkle1

After a sudden black out, Rainbow Dash woke up to find she was in the middle of nowhere with a building nearby, she ran over to it to find a stick figure standing next to it and asked what they were doing.

  • ...

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Infiltrating the Airship: Canon Ball Pathway

Canon Ball
Grapple Gun
Sticky hand

The strangers had made Henry get inside a plastic ball while they also instructed Dash to stay outside of it, and she did just that. They put the big plastic ball into a big hole in the floor of the vehicle. They made sure to tell Dash what they were doing as to not make her worried.

Dash had been given instructions to wait by the door and take off when she sees Henry fly towards the airship from the vehicle. She did just that and waited with her wings spread.

When she saw it, she knew it was her queue to take off towards the airship, so she did just that. She kicked off the vehicle and flew towards the airship as fast as she could.

She saw him crash through the glass of the cockpit, and he seemed to be alright when she landed next to him. He gave a death glare to his target, which was the guy with the brown mustache, and two top hats?

"Go go, I'll hold them off!" the other man standing next to him said.

He appeared to be his guardian of some sort. Once their target left through the door, he looked back at Dash and Henry and pointed at them.

"COME ON THEN!!" he shouted.

Henry pulled out a remote for the ball he was currently inside. He had to choose fast for which mechanic to use.


He was thinking about Newton's third law and how the laser could backfire because of the 'every action has an equal opposite reaction' statement, so he knew that could put a factor into how the laser could operate. He considered using the thrusters but changed his mind right before pushing the button to activate them, he knew the guy standing in the way had a gun, and if he were to shoot one, it could make it malfunction and that could lead to bad news. The only thing he had left was the chair, though he didn't understand how it could work, he decided to try it.


He pushed the button for the chair and one somehow was mechanized into the ball. Dash noticed and was very confused. Henry was also but then smiled as he noticed a lever on the side. He pushed it away from him and the ball started moving. Dash was even more confused but the ball took off without her, so she took off to catch up. The guy lept out of the way so he wasn't a problem for now.

The pair followed where their target ran off and eventually found him on the other side of the engine room. Henry picked up his pace and Dash soon followed. Their target noticed them and gasped, quickly running through the door he was standing at.

Then Dash heard a whiring noise and looked up, finding that a crane was carrying a huge clump of coal and was aiming to crush the both of them. Dash signaled Henry that they were gonna be killed if he didn't make a decision fast.

Warning, 3 seconds to choose!!!!!

Henry was worried that if he used the boost, the clump of coal would hit them both hard enough to knock them back and kill them, and he knew the spikes wouldn't work because, with a defensive move like that, it would still crush them. As risky as it is, he had to go with eject.


Henry pushed a button and the ball opened up, propelling him forward with a yelp. Dash noticed and picked up her speed, dodging the clump of coal in time just before it crashed down on the ball.

Dash caught up with Henry as he busted his way through the door and they both spotted their target. He was running across the long hall and pulled out a device. He said something that neither Dash nor Henry could make out but they heard closing behind them. They both looked behind them to find doors closing faster than Henry could run. They had to make a decision fast or they'd lose their target!

Warning, 1 second to choose!!!!!
Metal Fist

(I decided to switch Beans with Fly because didn't want Dash to be left out. Plus I didn't want the grossness of that scene in this)

From their adventures together, Henry knew Dash was really fast. So he asked her if she could help, and she agreed, knowing what she had to do.

Metal Fist

Henry hoped on Dash and it took a second to get ready for the burst of speed. Once Dash got a nod, she got a burst of energy and rocketed into the next room, where one guy inside a cell saw the whole ordeal and commented with amazement.

Once Dash put Henry back on the floor, she told him that she mildly sprained her wing from crashing through the platform above. Henry looked up and saw they were on the lower floor and their target was on a small sliver of the platform, failing multiple times to open the door. Henry had to come up with a way to get him and Dash up there before their target got away.

Metal Bend
Rocket Jump
Robo Pants

He wasn't really a pro at metal bending, so there was a chance that he could mess up royally and make the entire airship come crashing down! With the Robo pants, he just thought it would be a little silly, plus there was only room for one person inside that thing so he wouldn't be able to fit himself and Dash inside. His only option was to go with the rocket jump. He had seen other soldiers in a certain famous video game do this stunt, but he didn't know if it was real, so he wanted to test it to see if it would work. He pulled out a rocket launcher that looked similar to the one seen in the game.

Metal Bend
Rocket Jump
Robo Pants

Henry told Dash to hold on as best she could. She grabbed onto his leg and Henry looked a bit hesitant at first, but then he remembered that he had a job to do. He aimed the launcher at the floor and shot a rocket, sending him and Dash flying upwards. They both landed safely on top of the sliver of the former platform and jumped through the open door just as it was closing.

They started to catch up to their target, but the man from the cockpit had caught up with the two. He landed right in front of them, making the duo stop dead in their tracks.

"Now I've got ya," he said in a menacing tone.

Henry and Dash got into battle stances and prepared to take this guy down.

(I'm going to make this if the player chose Dirk, which gives you the final fantasy reference)


He had to choose one of these items, if he were to choose one, he and Dash would surely get wiped out since he knows this guy is very powerful somehow. He needs to find a way to one-shot him before he makes a move. Then an idea sparked in his head: he could use a chainsaw! Chainsaws can be very deadly when used in combat, so he decided to send Dash to kick their opponent in the face to get him to the ground then pull out the chainsaw and hopefully knock him out!


He told Dash to kick him and she obliged, spreading her wings to take a few flaps towards their enemy since her wing was still sprained, and kicked him square in the face. She backed up to let Henry use the chainsaw. When it was about to make contact, she looked away.

(TW: blood and gore!!!!!! if you don't want to see that, I suggest moving on to the paragraph that has this at the beginning: :twilightsmile:)

When she heard nothing else, she looked back at Henry and the remains of their enemy. Half of his head was sliced off, as well as his right arm and legs. Blood was spewing everywhere!

Dash gagged at the sight, and quickly convinced Henry to continue the chase before anyone sees them.

"I can't go out there like this," Henry stated, dropping the chainsaw.

"I can fix that, my wing is a little better now, I guess I might've moved a joint when we crashed into the wall, but popped back into place when I kicked that guy, so you don't need to worry about me. I got a little trick to clean you up fast," Dash replied smugly.

She spread her wings and started to fly around Henry at high speeds. When she finished, there was no more blood on him.

"I call it the 'Rainblow Dry,' pretty neat huh?"

"I guess so, I'm impressed," Henry said amazed, "but we got no more time to waste, let's go."

:twilightsmile: They started for the other door at the other side of the room and it was still open. They walked through and were met with a very high ledge. On the other side of the room, there was another ledge that was lower than the one they were currently standing on. The door on said ledge closed, indicating that their target made it through to the other side somehow and made it through the door in time before Dash and Henry finished what they were doing in the previous room.

Henry had to think of something fast so they wouldn't lose their target.

Jet Boots
Beef Up

He knew the glider was the best option instantly because now that Dash's wing was feeling better, she could easily glide across the gap to the other platform, and he could as well if he had the glider. Plus, he didn't really understand the purpose of 'Beef Up,' and he knew the jet boots were most likely unsafe to operate.

Jet Boots
Beef Up

Henry pulled out the glider, and Dash spread her wings once more. They both jumped off the platform, safely made it to the other side, and sprinted into the next room where they heard their target shouting for help.

They jumped off the small porch where the door they entered the room from was and tackled their target, successfully making it to where Henry held him to where he couldn't escape his grasp. Dash noticed a button at the other side of the room and pressed it, making one of the doors to the outside open up and startling the other members. They all took out their weapons and pointed them at the duo, and the target started speaking.

"Listen, listen," he spoke, which got Henry and Dash's attention, "you've defeated my Right Hand Man, and defeated me. I surrender the airship to you."

That made Henry's eyes widen. Was he telling the truth? He looked at Dash, who had not really understood what was said. He explained it to her and she lightly gasped. After a few seconds of silence, they heard an announcement from the helicopter from behind them.

"Great work you two, now just get him to us and you'll get your life back."

They both had a choice to make, but they weren't really sure what to do.

Governemnt: Parachute, Tank
Toppats: Dummies, Missile

Author's Note:

the two endings from this choice split off here, choose one of the UNDERLINED phrases to make your choice. Fails will not work.

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