• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 1,175 Views, 57 Comments

Rainbow Dash and a Stickmin - Rainbow sparkle1

After a sudden black out, Rainbow Dash woke up to find she was in the middle of nowhere with a building nearby, she ran over to it to find a stick figure standing next to it and asked what they were doing.

  • ...

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Fleeing the Complex: Abandon Pathway


He didn't want to, but the thought of bringing the girl would slow him down and cause a ruckus. He silently told himself, "I'm sorry," and carried on. He also told himself not to tell Dash about this when he exited the complex.

When he reached the end of the vent, he spotted two guards having a conversation at the doorway to the room. He had to find a way to get past them.

Comand Melody
Whoopee Cushion

He knew sprinting wouldn't help as one guy had a spear and he could easily be stabbed and killed. He figured pickpocketing wouldn't work because he thought they didn't have anything useful. He didn't understand the command melody option and didn't think too much of it. His only option now was the whoopee cushion, he thought about what to do with it until he found a string and rock to the side.

Comand Melody
Whoopee Cushin

He tied the rock to the whoopee cushion and threw it in the direction of the two guards. Once it hit the floor, the guards heard the noise and one smiled while the other frowned.

"Oh come on!" one said.

"Are you serious?" the other stated, "That was totally you!"

"You what? Don't you accuse me!"

"Come on just admit it."

"It wasn't ME!"

Then one tackled the other and got into an arm wrestle on who did it. It was the perfect opportunity for Henry to slip on by undetected. He ran through the doorway and through the hall and came across a locked door. he looked up to see a hatch at the ceiling of the next room and thought about getting in through there, but he had to find a way up somehow without alerting the guard on the second floor of cells.

Power Jump

He thought about using the spring but remembered they can be pretty loud when used, so it would definitely alert the guard. He considered the longshot but thought about if he missed where he was aiming and somehow got hurt. The power jump, however, made very little noise and didn't come with an injury risk.

Power Jump

Henry crouched down and charged up the power he'd need to make it up. When he released, he successfully made it up, opened the hatch, and dropped down. he thought about opening the door to escape a different way but spotted an elevator shaft. He thought about going down that way, but it was too deep to go down on his own, so he needed some help.


The elevator made the most sense, but then he thought about other guards using the elevator and him getting caught. Bungee jumping definitely wouldn't work as he didn't see any bungee ropes anywhere. The balloon seemed like a stupid option, but then he had an idea.


He grabbed a red balloon nearby and jumped down the shaft while blowing it up. after a few minutes, he'd successfully blown up the balloon enough to help slow his fall. He eventually stopped falling right where an open door was and looked around the room to find an open vent on the other side of a metal pipe. He flung himself across the gap, let the balloon shrink back down to its normal size, and walked over to the pipe, thinking of a way to get across.

Plunger Boots

His balancing really wasn't that great so he might fall off easily. None of the other options made sense to him, but helium seemed the most logical. If only he kept the balloon though...

Plunger Boots

He picked up the can of helium and put the nozzle to his mouth. He filled his head up with the helium stored within and started to float across the pipe. Once he was on the other side, he climbed into the vent and made it outside. He then noticed two more guards there on the dock blocking his way. He didn't have any more distractions on him, so he needed a way to get past them undetected.

Meanwhile with Dash, she had flown to The Wall in search of Henry, but with no luck. She flew down to the docks and found him exit through a vent and flew down to meet him.

"Henry," she whispered to him just loud enough to get his attention, "What are you doing here? i was worried sick about you!"

Henry just told her to be quiet as he tried to come up with a way past the guards, and she went with it.


He didn't understand this, 'shadowzer,' so he eliminated it. If the guards spotted a moving box, he might be in trouble. The leaf would make too much noise and then he'd be caught for sure. He frowned as none of the options seemed right to him, but then he realized, Dash was with him now, so she could fly him across the dock and out of harm's way. He told her the plan and she nodded.


Henry hopped onto Dash's back and she took off. They both managed to make it past the guards undetected as the falling snow obscured their vision. They landed safely on the other side of the dock and found three different ways for Henry to finally make it out.

S.S. Annie

Henry didn't know how to operate a rocket, so that was out of the question. He doubted there were no crewmembers on the big ship and wouldn't notice an unscheduled departure. Their only option was the small boat, but they were okay with it. As long as Henry made it out okay.

S.S. Annie

Henry hopped into the boat while Dash hovered right next to him as he started the engine. When it was on, he faced forward, gave Dash a nod, and drove away.

Meanwhile with the two guards on the dock, they noticed someone leave on the Dinghy.

"Someone just leave?" one commented.

"I think it was Smith," the other replied.

"Ah, yeah. Probably off to see his family."

Rank: Ghost Inmate

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