• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 1,177 Views, 57 Comments

Rainbow Dash and a Stickmin - Rainbow sparkle1

After a sudden black out, Rainbow Dash woke up to find she was in the middle of nowhere with a building nearby, she ran over to it to find a stick figure standing next to it and asked what they were doing.

  • ...

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Infiltrating The Airship: Intro

Henry and Dash were enjoying their life in their new house Henry had bought with the money he had gained from the diamond. It had been a few weeks since the break-in, and Dash still hadn't returned to Equestria. But at least she had Henry to keep her company and comfort her whenever she cried about her friends and how worried they probably were.

One clear morning, Dash headed outside to get some fresh air. She opened the door to the backyard and walked out, only to be greeted by some bars falling on top of her. She screamed, jumping back in surprise and slight fear and Henry jolted up in bed.

Henry would usually get up a few minutes before Dash would, but today was different. Dash had woken up a few minutes early to think of something to do for Henry to thank him for helping her for the time she’d been there.

Henry was still sleeping when he heard Dash cry for help, and he jumped out of bed and bolted downstairs to find her. He eventually found her locked in a cage in the backyard. He was confused as to why she was there in the first place, but her safety was more important as she might never return home if she stayed there. He opened the door to the backyard and ran to Dash as fast as he could.

"DASH!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!” Henry asked.

"I don't know! I only came out here to get fresh air and then this dropped on me! I've been calling you to help me for almost 2 minutes!!"

"Say no more! Let's get you out of ther- AUGH!”


Henry was hit on the back of the head, causing him to black out as Dash felt something sharp pierce her body. She was given a shot and didn't have enough time to remove the syringe. The substance was already traveling through her bloodstream, and seconds later, she blacked out as well.

Dash woke up, still inside the cage, but it seemed like she was somewhere else. She began to panic. Had she been captured and being escorted to some kind of lab? She then saw Henry, still out cold next to a few crates. That was a relief, but what were these people doing? Questions and thoughts ran through Dash's mind. She couldn't comprehend what was going on. She looked out the window of whatever she was in and realized that this… Thing was flying. Now she had so many more questions.

Before she could say anything, she felt some violent vibrations. She knew this was air turbulence from all the times that she'd flown back in Equestria, and she then heard a voice.

"Well, well. Look who finally decided to wake up."

She looked up to see that Henry had woken up due to the turbulence. He looked around, checking his surroundings, and he eventually found Dash in the corner, still in the cage. One of the men with a green cap continued talking to Henry.

"You and your little friend there have been quite elusive, but your skills make you worth the catch. You'll be perfect for the job."

What does that mean? Henry and Dash thought.

"We've been having some issues with a group of thieves known as the 'Toppat Clan'. We know they're guilty, we just can't pin them to any crimes, you two will be going into their airship to bring them down."

Airship? Dash thought.

"I don't need to remind you that we've got you on several charges..."

Great. We have to go through all those moments again.

"Attempted robbery, breaking yourself out of prison, heh. Though only for you Henry, is stealing the Tunisian Diamond."

Phew. It’s a good thing none of the guards knew that I was helping him. The plan went off without a hitch.

"We've got quite a lot of counts on you, but if you two do this job right, then we'll drop all charges against you."

Dash and Henry exchanged determined glances and nodded.

"Charlie here will be bringing you close to the airship, the rest is up to you two. Find a way to bring them down, and you both will be free."

The door to the outside opened up to reveal a bright blue sky with clouds strewn about. The other man who was holding a gun walked over to Dash and let her out, allowing her to walk over to Henry, who was standing off the edge of whatever they were on.

"Hey uuuhhh, how do you want me to bring you guys in?" The guy, Charlie, asked.

They considered the question and started to think of a few possible ways to get from this vehicle to the airship.

Canon Ball
Grapple Gun
Sticky Hand

Author's Note:

choose one of the options above (Warning: one choice will get you to a pathway with a fail ending.)

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