• Published 16th Mar 2022
  • 1,302 Views, 18 Comments

My Life with Nanaimo - Mike the Red

Michael Walker is no longer married -- and receives an unusual miracle in the form of a pony plush coming to life.

  • ...

And I Like It Raw

"Um, sorry about that, Towanda," I grinned sheepishly. I lost track of how long I had been staring at her body, trying to burn the image into my mind indelibly. Even though I had created her as a figment of my imagination a long time ago, being able to look at her for real and feel the softness of her skin, to touch her, to gaze into her eyes, to fantasize about all the sex we might be able to have...

"Hey, Mike! Earth to Mike! Wake up!" she cooed, giggling loudly. I shook my head to clear the cobwebs and grinned sheepishly at her again, my entire face red as a beet from embarrassment. My stomach growled in disapproval as well, causing the dark-skinned girl to giggle even louder.

"Hey, we can go to a Samantha's Pancake House, I know there's one nearby," she chuckled, rising to her feet. Her swift movement surprised me, but being able to see her naked body in the light caused another peak of arousal from me. Her eyes went half-lidded for a moment as she caught sight of the tent of my briefs and she almost involuntarily licked her lips in lust. "Mmmh, perhaps that can wait for a bit," she offered in a low sultry tone, narrowing her eyes at me a bit. I stood in stunned silence at her brazenness. Her naked body invited me with its temptations, and I swiftly removed my briefs to expose my manhood in all its glory. Once again she licked her lips in desire, in approval of my manhood (which had been augmented by the physical body healers the day before). I silently relished the sight of her lust, hearts appearing in her eyes as she gazed upon me with lust. "Mmmh, I like what I see here!" she giggled, grinning from ear to ear.

"Same here," I chortled, ogling her naked body with hungry eyes. I almost involuntarily moaned from my excitement as pre-cum started to dribble from the tip of my glans.

"Are you sure we should be doing this right now?" she asked. "You know you rated this story as teen or older," she remarked, causing my state of arousal to wane. I gave her a sidelong glance at her decision to break the fourth wall.

"The world is my oyster, and I like it raw," I responded tersely. "I love how sexy you are and I can't believe I'm looking at a physical representation of a character I created a very long time ago as a vehicle to serve my prurient interest and cater to all my fantasies," I added, ogling her naked body again. The curves of her fat rolls, her breasts, her big belly, her very thick thighs, the moisture glistening in the morning light between her legs, the scent she was emitting as her arousal was quite evident, too...

"Um, Mike? Earth to Mike? You're spacing out again," she commented softly. Her eyes fixed upon my lower abdomen again, my glans almost seeming to respond instinctively at her glance.

"Um, sorry about that, Towanda," I grinned sheepishly.

"You know, you don't have to go into any details about what we do here -- the readers can assume we had some lovely sex together, both of us luxuriating in the feeling of warmth, love, and happiness," she cooed softly. "Now come to me and give me the pleasure I'm craving!" she giggled loudly, laying on the bed and spreading herself open as if to amplify her request.

"Breakfast can wait," I chuckled as I laid beside her and began lavishing my affection upon her.

What followed was a few hours of us kissing and touching each other and engaging in some very pleasurable activities, the end result being that we were sweaty and needed a shower -- we took that opportunity to shower together, engaging in some more passionate activity while washing off. I lost track of how much time we were in the shower but an insistent knocking on the door interrupted us.

"Um, Mike, save some hot water for us," the yellow pegasus intoned softly as Emerson opened the door. I turned off the water and grabbed a towel for each of us. I wrapped the towel around my waist but Towanda merely stepped out of the shower and dried herself off, ignoring the staring coming from the other two (and myself as well - my eyes were drawn to her sexiness yet again).

Emerson and Butterfly stepped into the shower at this point -- and as I stole a glance at the yellow pegasus' backside, I could have sworn I saw some white liquid dribbling down the back of her hind legs. Emerson brusquely pulled the shower curtain closed, glaring almost angrily at me -- I flashed a sheepish grin before Towanda grabbed my right hand and pulled me along, out of the bathroom.

"Eh, that can wait until later," she admonished half-heartedly, grinning a little. "Those two are something special," she added, chuckling softly. "So, we wait until they're done, then we go get breakfast."

Towanda put on some clothes to cover her modesty, and I put on a fresh set of clothes (thankfully the ladies at the clothing shop had provided me with three sets of clothes) and we waited for Emerson and Butterfly to finish their shower. I heard some low grunting and high-pitched squealing coming from behind the closed bathroom door on a few occasions. Presently, the two of them finally exited, drying off with their towels before returning to the bedroom to get dressed themselves.

By the time we finally reached Samantha's Pancake House, it was half past noon. We still chose to have breakfast even at that late hour, and we decided that a trek to Ponyville's Mayor's office was the next step.

By the time we reached the mayor's office, it was nearly two in the afternoon. The building which housed the mayor's office seemed awfully familiar, looking something like the TV show's version of Town Hall. I chuckled in mild amusement at this, garnering looks of concern and inquisitiveness from my fellow travelers.

"Mike, sometimes I don't get you," Emerson observed, flashing me a worried look. "I've been in Ponyville for quite awhile now -- I think you might like it here," he offered somewhat cheerfully.

""Well, I know I'd love to stay but there's a pony waiting for me in Sh'Koggo and I need to get back to her," I replied firmly. "Towanda, it's been a pleasure to see you," I opined softly, directing my gaze to the thick dark-skinned girl. "Perhaps you and I can meet again someday soon," I added, smiling warmly at her.