• Published 16th Mar 2022
  • 1,302 Views, 18 Comments

My Life with Nanaimo - Mike the Red

Michael Walker is no longer married -- and receives an unusual miracle in the form of a pony plush coming to life.

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[AU] Where Am I?

I remember laying down to sleep last night, hugging my brown plushie mare tightly, feeling a sense of dread and deep fear. The sensation of holding my plushie tightly to my body and kissing her on her muzzle seemed to comfort me somewhat, but my mind continued to race as my fear continued to mount.

So this is what it's like to die, I thought as my heart continued to pound as loud and as hard as I had ever heard it before. Even the sound of the fan running on high couldn't drown out the sound of my heart beat. I felt my chest tightening and my breathing became quite labored. I had drunk way too much, and I had taken sleeping pills to help me fall asleep, as I had such a difficult time falling asleep and staying asleep that I had resorted to taking several pills followed by several shots of whiskey to wash them down. I had done this many times before, knowing that it was very effective at knocking me out for about twelve hours or so.

This time I had gone too far, taking too many pills and drinking too much whiskey. It was too much for my old body to take, and as I continued to shake in fear and hold my plushie even more tightly to me, essentially crushing her with my strength and mashing her face against mine that death finally claimed me. I blacked out completely.

I felt a hard knock to the back of my head, and that's what woke me from what seemed like an eternity of sleeping. Instinctively I opened my eyes to see what had hit me. I turned over and felt something soft and warm against me, and noticed that it seemed to look an awful lot like my plushie, but with a more pronounced mane. Her purple eyes seemed to draw me into them, but her expression seemed to be one of anger.

"Who or what are you, and what are you doing in my bed?" she asked, poking my chest with a hoof. It felt hard and soft at the same time, but it also tickled me. I reflexively giggled at her touch, which seemed to soften her demeanor towards me. Her bed felt pretty soft too, but also seemed to be a bit small. The bed I was familiar with was practically twice the size of the one I was now sitting up in. This brown earth pony mare was standing on her hind hooves on the floor, one of her forehooves supporting her weight on the edge of the bed, and her other forehoof was now rubbing my chest, feeling the softness of my chest hair. I continued to giggle because it tickled so much. This caused her to giggle as well, and she climbed onto the bed and on top of me and started tickling me with both of her forehooves. I was reduced to full belly laughs as it tickled so much. I reached my hands to her sides and started tickling her in return, her giggles so high pitched and infectious that I couldn't help but try to tickle her as much as she was tickling me. She collapsed on top of me, resting all of her weight on my belly and chest, but we were also face to face. She smiled at me.

"That was fun!" she giggled. "So, who are you? Answer my questions, please," she intoned softly, still smiling at me.

"Um, my name's Mike, and I'm a human, and I'm from a different world," I replied, returning her smile. I lazily ran a hand along the back of her neck, down her back almost to her tail, then back up to her neck. She reflexively moaned at my touch, melting into me, resting all her weight on me, her muzzle almost touching my nose. Instinctively I pulled her head to me and kissed her on her lips. The softness of her lips was amazing, but the hair around her lips tickled my nose as well. I giggled at this, but was amazed by her response. She blushed quite hard at my kiss, but then grabbed my head in her forehooves and kissed me quite passionately on the mouth, pushing her tongue into my mouth which took me quite by surprise. Her tongue was quite long and very strong and pushed mine down as she probed the back of my throat with her tongue. I panicked because I was unable to breathe at that point and pushed her off me with all my strength.

"What'd you do that for?" she asked, a hurt expression marring her features. Her tone implied I had chosen to reject her.

"Mmmh, I couldn't breathe, Nanaimo," I replied, trying to calm her with my soft tone and gentle smile. Her expression changed to one of great surprise.

"How -- how -- how do you -- know -- my -- name?" she stuttered, backing away from me and almost falling backwards onto the floor. I grabbed hold of her and pulled her to me, holding her against my body and running my right hand up and down her back. I traced her cutie mark with a finger. "Mmmh, that feels good, but -- please, answer my question!"

"Where I came from -- I had an artist craft a life-size plush doll of you," I replied. "Where I came from -- another artist had created you as a sister to another mare, one named Cookie Dough," I added. At the mention of this name, the bedroom door opened and I was amazed to see the sight of a tan pegasus mare with a large cutie mark on her generous flanks. Maybe I stared a little too hard at her because she approached me, almost scowling at me.

"Who are you and what are you doing with my sister?!" she barked.

"Name's Mike, and if you want, I can do this with you too," I chuckled, grinning sheepishly at the pegasus. Said pegasus blushed hard and left the room.