• Published 16th Mar 2022
  • 1,302 Views, 18 Comments

My Life with Nanaimo - Mike the Red

Michael Walker is no longer married -- and receives an unusual miracle in the form of a pony plush coming to life.

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[AU]Sleepless in Seaddle

My magic touch had put Nanaimo into a deep slumber, much to my surprise -- and even moreso was the reaction of the milkmare, who decided that that particular moment was a good opportunity to receive some more pleasure from me.

"Um, we can't just leave her sleeping here," I uttered softly, trying to avoid waking her with my voice. The milkmare hovered close to me, her body warmth surprising me.

"Now's our chance," she chuckled softly. I glanced nervously at the brown mare, now snoring somewhat loudly. The sound made me stifle giggles, my expression quite mirthful -- and matching the milkmare's as well. She nodded her head to the left, indicating I should follow her into the next carriage. A part of me worried about my love, still sleeping soundly on the bench. I hope I don't get into to too much trouble about this, I grimaced inwardly.

We hurried into the next carriage, this one appearing to be a sleeper car. We got lucky to find an unoccupied compartment and clambered up into it, the milkmare needing my assistance to push her up into the top part of the bunk. Her flanks were quite soft to my touch and she giggled as I pushed her the rest of the way into the bed. I followed her up, easily hoisting myself next to her. She flashed me the sultriest look I had ever seen from any female, human or pony, in my entire life. I marveled at just how sexy she looked.

"You've been eyeing my teats since you first saw me," she accused. My mouth opened and no sound came out, save for her giggling at the sight of me showing a "caught" reaction. "Don't be so concerned, I get that look from just about every stallion, except for the colt cuddlers," she added, her body visibly shivering at the mere mention. "But since we're together now, you can play with them if you like," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I've never seen another pony with teats that large," I dumbly observed before sliding my right hand down her belly to cup one of the cantaloupe-sized appendages. It was soft yet firm, had a fair amount of give to it, and quite a bit of heft. Each one of them might have weighed about five pounds. I gauged her reaction as I began to fondle her teats, lightly rubbing the nipples and getting my fingers wet with her milk.

"So you sell your own milk?" I asked, still gazing into her eyes. Her eyes had gone half-lidded, soft cooing noises coming from her mouth as I continued my ministrations to her teats. The scent of her milk was being overwhelmed by her muskiness. I took a taste of her milk and found it to be quite sweet with a hint of butter. My query caused her to focus on me.

"Mmmh, yes, it sells very well," she replied breathily. "Mmmh, that feels so good," she purred, her voice quite sultry.

I decided to test my luck by running my fingers between her teats, then just a bit lower to her marehood, which was also quite wet with a different kind of liquid. She gasped in surprise at this touch but did nothing to stop me. I took a taste of this liquid which was a bit more acrid than her milk but still had a pleasant taste to it.

"Mmmh, be careful, you might get more than you bargained for," she giggled softly. The feeling of laying next to her was intense, our body heat causing us to sweat lightly. She climbed on top of me, her teats resting between my thighs but they were large enough to put some weight on my lower abdomen, causing me to become aroused by the sensation. She kissed me on the mouth and ran one of her forehooves over my chest hair, noting the softness. She smiled warmly, but also flashed me a sultry grin, too.

"You've been wanting this for awhile now, haven't you?" she giggled, her voice sounding like she had a British accent. She snuggled her body against mine, grinding her teats against my lower body, her hind legs laying on top of my knees. Her weight was pretty impressive, but she wasn't so heavy as to be uncomfortably so. I gazed directly into her eyes and kissed her lightly on her mouth. I nodded my head as a response to her question. Pretty much the whole time I had been in Equestria, the only piece of clothing I was wearing was my briefs -- Nanaimo's family didn't have any human clothes and certainly didn't have the money to buy me any. Apparently when I died, I was allowed to retain the only piece of clothing I was wearing when that most unfortunate event happened. Feeling her weight pushing on me felt nice, but she was also pretty heavy, too. Considering how nice having her on top of me felt, I wasn't about to push her off until she got what she wanted of me -- and the look on her face told me all I needed to know about that.

The conductor would occasionally sound the whistle, something that caused me concern, as I was still laying with the milkmare, at this point with me spooning her from behind owing to my being quite a bit larger than her. Her softness felt very nice, lulling me to sleep. Every time the whistle blew, I would wake with a start and look around. The carriage remained quiet, except for the snoring of other ponies trying to sleep. At some point, the conductor blew the whistle for a very long time, and the train slowed down to a halt.

"Attention all passengers, we have arrived at Seaddle!" came the voice over the intercom. The screeching of the train's wheels on the rails was loud enough to wake the dead, so I got out of the cabin to check on my brown mare.

"Mike, come back please," the milkmare called after me.

"I'll be back," I averred before leaving the carriage. Sure enough, Nanaimo was up and trotting around, trying to find me. I cursed my luck as I entered the carriage to meet up with her.

"So, you skipped out on me while I was asleep, eh? Where were you? With that milky bitch?" she asked, her gaze hardening at me. I reached for her ear but she slapped my hand away with a hoof. She surprised me with her swiftness. "Don't you dare try that on me, I don't care how good it feels! Now answer me!"

I hung my head dumbly in response. I had been caught.

"I knew it! Why did you do that? Didn't you call me your one true love?" she shouted at me.

"You are my one true love," I replied, knowing that it was the wrong answer. She charged at me, smoke coming from her ears and her eyes red with rage.