• Published 16th Mar 2022
  • 1,302 Views, 18 Comments

My Life with Nanaimo - Mike the Red

Michael Walker is no longer married -- and receives an unusual miracle in the form of a pony plush coming to life.

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[AU]Meeting the Parents

It wasn't much later that the tan pegasus mare brought her parents into the room. One was a brown earth pony mare who was a bit thicker in the belly and hips than Nanaimo, a few shades lighter brown, and with a caramel-brown colored mane and tail, shaped similarly to Nanaimo's. The other was an off-white stallion who wore a red knitted stocking cap on his head. Cookie Dough spoke, saying, "Mom, Dad, do something about him!" she shouted, pointing a forehoof at me. Nanaimo froze, still laying on top of me, a look of shock on her face. I raised an eyebrow at the two.

"You are Maple?" I asked, pointing at the stallion. He retreated a step or two, bunching up against the mare I presumed was his wife. He was shocked I knew his name.

"Um, uh -- I -- uh, don't know who or what you are, but -- I -- uh, I -- uh, want you to leave! Now!" he intoned stridently, his voice coming out weak despite his anger. I tilted my head at him and gave him a look of disapproval. He withered under my glare.

"I'm with your daughter Nanaimo, she is my one true love," I stated firmly. I was stunned by the mare's strength as she squee'd as loudly as she could and hugged me more tightly than I had ever been hugged by anyone in my past. She was actually crushing me with her strength. "Um, Nanaimo, can you, uh, loosen your grip on me? You're hurting me," I groaned. She released me and apologized profusely, then kissed me on my lips again.

Her mother mimed her daughter's reaction, grinning from ear to ear, practically prancing on her hooves, occasionally clapping her forehooves together and exulting jubilantly at her daughter's happiness. I smiled at her, and nodded, affirming my desire for the dark brown earth pony mare I held in my arms. Her warmth was amazing, the softness of her fur seeming to be even softer than the minky fabric her plushie had been made of. Her father righted himself and grinned at me.

"Nanaimo's been looking for a stallion for a long time," her mother said almost proudly. "I know you're not a pony, but I can tell your love for her is true, because I know about true love!" she chuckled, nudging her stallion Maple with her left wither and bumping her flank against his. He blushed quite hard, knowing exactly what she wanted and grinned sheepishly at me.

"You two try not to make too much noise, okay?" he practically giggled. "Um, Cocoa and I are going to um, y'know, uhhhh..." he added, his words trailing off as the mare dragged him with her teeth by his mane. Her muffled giggles told me all I needed to know about what was going to happen between the two of them. Cookie Dough gave me a hurt look.

"Don't you have a stallion of your own by the name of Brann Flakes?" I asked her, almost point-blank. The look of shock on her face was priceless, making me wish I had a camera to take a photo of her expression.

"How -- how -- do you know about HIM?" she asked. "I met him in Trottingham! We're roommates!"

"If so, is he here? Why isn't he with you?" I asked.

"Um, he's sleeping in my bed right now," she said softly, blushing slightly at this mention. I flashed her a wicked grin.

"You go, girl!" I chuckled, my grin widening.

"No! It's not like that!" she protested stridently, her voice rising an octave. The guilty always tell on themselves, I thought, maintaining my wicked grin.

"Mmmh, you're such a naughty girl, maybe I should have my way with you as well," I chortled, my words tinged with a dark humor that let her know I was somewhat serious about my desire for her. I was staring at her thickness, noticing just how chubby she was. There was a part of me that hoped to make Nanaimo just as thick if not thicker than her sister.

"Uh, I, uh, think, uh, I'll be going now, bye!" she shouted as she retreated, slamming the door behind her. This left Nanaimo and me to ourselves at this point.

"Whew, dodged a bullet there," I chuckled, grinning at the brown mare I was still holding in my arms. She smiled at me, but this smile held more behind it than just the superficial smile one would expect from a friend or some acquaintance one had had an interstitial meeting with. This smile of hers was one that let me know she had deep feelings for me, even though we had only just met a few hours ago. Somehow or other I knew on an instinctive level that she was meant for me and that I was meant for her, because even just holding her felt so right, so natural, that even just the thought of not being with her would cause a deep ache on an almost cellular level, one that could practically shatter either of us.

She gazed into my eyes for a long time, the both of us just looking at each other, holding each other, her body pressed against mine, her muzzle against my nose, our lips mere millimeters apart from each other. We stayed like that for a very long time, simply content to be so close to each other, the two of us simply breathing and taking in the sight of each other, the feelings and emotions simply remaining unspoken and unmentioned, the two of us simply clinging to each other as though all life itself would be meaningless if we were apart from each other. I could feel tears welling up at the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill over, but I also noticed that she too was on the verge of letting all her tears loose at the sound of anything I dare let slip past my lips.

"I love you, Nanaimo," I whispered, the tears streaming down my cheeks freely.