• Published 16th Mar 2022
  • 1,302 Views, 18 Comments

My Life with Nanaimo - Mike the Red

Michael Walker is no longer married -- and receives an unusual miracle in the form of a pony plush coming to life.

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[AU]Towards Whinnyapolis

The conductor blew the whistle again, letting everypony know that the time to board or leave the train was immediate. Almost everypony who was to board or depart the train had already done so, but as the train was starting to leave the station, a stray pony galloped to meet up with the trailing carriage at the end of the train. This was a sight that would become routine for us as we watched with mild bemusement when we began to depart Seaddle. The train began to pick up steam at this point, the sound of the wheels grinding against the rails causing us to wince with its sharpness. Presently we returned to a cabin in the sleeper carriage, noting the lack of other ponies. We chose a cabin close to the front entry door of that carriage.

"Next stop, Whinnyapolis," the conductor announced over the loudspeakers. "Relax, this will be a long ride," he added. I turned my attention to the two mares with me. The arrangement was quite cozy, making me a little too warm. It felt very nice to have them with me, but the warmth became stifling, causing me to sweat profusely and become claustrophobic.

"Um, ladies, it's getting really warm in here," I said in a somewhat worried tone. They both grinned at me. "Um, I need some air," I added as my panic began to intensify. I was already dead, but I didn't want to die again! My claustrophobia was really getting to me at this point, and I was close to hyperventilating. The two mares seemed oblivious to my terror.

They chuckled again and both of them tried to wrap their forehooves around me. I pushed them off and clambered to the floor so I could get some air. Both of them flashed me a hurt look, as if I had chosen to reject them during their attempt to show me their passionate love.

"Sorry ladies, but I have a very low tolerance for intense body heat," I explained. "So please, if we could get a larger compartment or something, that would be helpful," I offered. "That, or maybe we could take turns or something," I chuckled in an attempt to reassure them everything was okay.

We left the very cramped cabin and made our way further back in the carriage to find a much larger cabin, one that would accommodate us nicely. We secured the cabin just as the train began to enter a tunnel. The milkmare found me first, the pitch blackness of the cabin quite disorienting for me. A certain chill crept through the cabin as the temperature inside the tunnel dropped almost precipitously. It was so dark I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face and the coldness made me shiver. My pony companions were able to see in the darkness owing to their much larger eyes, and both of them saw how frightened I was of the darkness. Both of them sidled against me, warming me with their bodies. Each one kissed me on a cheek and whispered softly to me.

"It's gonna be okay, Mike, the tunnel isn't very long," Nanaimo stated softly, rubbing my left thigh with a forehoof. Her warmth felt comforting, as did that of the milkmare who likewise tried to comfort me by staying very close to me and rubbing my other thigh with one of her forehooves. The sensation was unusual but felt nice, the combination of hard outer hoof with the soft frogs of the hooves rubbing on my skin. I had been worried about the ponies' reaction to my near nudity, but they all seemed to take it in stride, as though it were the most natural thing to see a human only wearing a pair of skivvies. The two mares hugged me and kept me warm for what seemed like hours before the darkness was interrupted by a flashlight and the sound of the cabin opening to reveal a pony who was checking tickets.

"I hope the three of you have first class sleeper cabin tickets," the mare declared firmly, a scowl marring her features. The light from the flashlight blinded me and I was unable to make out anything other than a yellow earth pony mare, the flashlight wedged between her right foreleg and her body. All three of us grinned sheepishly.

"Um, Milky, do you have any way of dealing with this?" I asked, turning my attention to her. She shook her head. "Um, Nanaimo?" I asked, turning my attention to her. She likewise shook her head. The ticket mare was unimpressed. Thinking quickly, I went over to her and began scratching her behind her ears, eliciting some cooing from her.

"Um, you shouldn't be doing that," she declared, her tone wavering to indicate my touch was having the desired effect upon the mare. I continued to scratch her behind her ears, moving my fingers from one ear to the other, then sliding my other hand up and down her back. She began to moan a little louder at my touch. After a few more minutes of this, she relented.

"Don't tell anypony this happened," she announced flatly before leaving the compartment and making her way back towards the front of the train.

"Whew, that was close," I said softly as I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding in. The two mares also exhaled but smiled warmly at me as well.

"I hope you're willing to do for us what you did for her," Milky Way responded warmly. Since the ticket collector was no longer present, the darkness had returned, but a faint light could be seen through the windows of the carriage. The door at the far end opened as a couple more ponies made their way into this particular cabin.

"Um, what are you three doing in our private carriage?" asked a voice belonging to what sounded like a stallion, and a rich one at that. "We paid for a first class sleeper cabin, and we certainly didn't expect to see commoners like you despoiling it with your filth," he added in an almost menacing tone.

Comments ( 2 )


I don't think you actually can do it without some excessive crap. As in, copy a chapter, delete it, and then re-post it in whatever section you're aiming for. And I'm pretty sure that it's a no-no anyways, so unless you wanna make a separate story entirely dedicated to the AU chapters–which again I'm pretty sure is a no-no on account of them being too similar–you're shit outta luck

Then again I don't know a damn thing about the finer details of the rule book, so I could be entirely wrong here. Sorry for not being very helpful, I'm just spouting what I know.

It's simple, it is how I move alternate chapters in between one of my stories, The Curse of Undeath.

On the story's front page where you see the list of chapters with the boxes where the blue checkmark shows up along with the dates and stuff, there are four small dots identical to the four dots on a single die. You can click and hold on them with the left mouse button and drag them up or down the list to where they should be, after you are satisfied, just click on the green Save Chapter Order button at the bottom left of the page.

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