• Published 16th Mar 2022
  • 1,302 Views, 18 Comments

My Life with Nanaimo - Mike the Red

Michael Walker is no longer married -- and receives an unusual miracle in the form of a pony plush coming to life.

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I was able to sidestep her charge as she barreled into the wall of the carriage ahead of us. I noticed the back door of the carriage open to reveal the milkmare, still groggy from her rest and rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Mmmh, Mike, I was hoping I could hold you a little bit longer," she mused, though the sleepiness in her voice was a tell. Upon seeing the creamy yellow mare, Nanaimo screamed and charged at her.

"How dare you take my stallion from me!" she shouted as she barreled into the milkmare. Before she could impact the drowsy mare, I grabbed hold of my pony, pulling her to me. She grimaced and tried to strike me, but I was swift enough to grab her hoof with my hand and squeeze it softly. I was somewhat surprised by the amount of give in it. She winced at me, tears welling up in her eyes. "Why, Mike? I thought I was your one true love! Why did you do this to me?"

I held her close, patting her on her back and cooed softly into her ears. "Nanaimo, you are my one true love and don't you forget that. What I might do with other mares has nothing to do with my love for you, I will always love you and cherish you above all others." I continued to pat her on her back while saying this, though she wept as she held her head against my shoulder. "I want you to know that I know about herds and I want you as my alpha -- I only hope you will be willing to accept being part of a herd," I said softly to her. At this point I released her from my hold and she backed away slowly, tears still trickling down her cheeks.

"Bravo!" a stallion cheered heartily, and several other ponies who had entered the carriage stomped their hooves in approval, all of them practically cheering us. Nanaimo shook her head, but her bashful expression betrayed what might have seemed a negative reaction. She chuckled softly and smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, Mike, I wanted to have you all to myself," she demurred softly. "But please don't do that to me again." She flashed me an accusatory glance.

"I lost my self-control there, Nanaimo, please forgive me -- but please also be willing to accept Milky Way into our herd? When we get to Trottingham, she's probably going to spend more time away from us, which means more time for me and you," I chuckled softly at her. "Besides, you're my alpha anyway, you'll always get plenty of loving from me!"

She took a moment to reflect on the short period of time we spent at her parents' house, remembering the nights we slept together, the warmth we shared between us, the passion that connected us together, the...

"Okay, you talked me into it. I don't like it, but I guess I'll have to accept it," she stated sullenly. She still glowered at me a little. "I hope you don't want to add a third mare to the herd," she intoned sharply.

"Aw, come on, Nanaimo, don't you have a thing for mares yourself?" I grinned. She blushed hard at that question and gave me a sheepish grin, which told me all I needed to know about how she felt about that. "I knew it! Don't worry, you'll be able to have fun and I can watch," I added mirthfully, causing her to giggle before she caught herself.

"I didn't know you had that in you," she said as she calmed herself down. "Mmmmaybe I could let you watch," she added somewhat coyly.

"Maybe I could put on a show for you two," I responded, winking slyly at the brown mare. The milkmare perked her ears at this mention.

"Does that mean we could, umm, y'know..." said milkmare offered hopefully, smiling warmly at me. I turned my attention to the brown mare who gave me a quizzical glance. I simply nodded in response, a dumb grin plastered on my face. I was hoping to see some serious action from these two, as were a few other ponies who were still in the carriage with us.

"Twenty-five bits apiece if you're going to watch as well," I said firmly as I cast my gaze upon the other ponies. Two of them trotted forward and dumped some gold coins into my outstretched palm, causing me to raise an eyebrow at them. The others left the carriage, seeing as they either didn't want to pay or couldn't afford to pay. I heard the carriage doors lock from both sides as I watched both my mares begin their passionate kissing and hugging. I watched as they explored each other's body, licking and kissing and hugging and cooing softly to each other before they plunged wholeheartedly into the special numerical position, causing the other ponies to stomp their hooves in approval. This elicited a chuckle from me as I was unaccustomed to witnessing pony approval of special activities. It made me want to join in the fun myself, but I restrained myself, just barely. The other two ponies smiled at me, though I could have sworn I saw the both of them also engaging in similar activities to my two mares. I was torn between staring at both pairs of ponies engaging each other in providing each other with such intimate physical passion. Ultimately, I sauntered over to Milky Way and Nanaimo, as I considered them to be of more importance than the other two. One of them caught me from the corner of her eye and she flashed me a look of disappointment.

"Maybe some other time, sorry," I offered half-heartedly, knowing I'd probably never see her again after we reached our destination. My two mares looked at me quizzically before I began petting both of them while they continued to provide each other some very intimate physical pleasure. The display caused me to become quite aroused and I found it difficult to keep from hugging them closely when I could to show them my affection as well. At this point they separated momentarily and both of them gave me the sultriest look I had ever seen from ANY female and led me into the sleeper carriage.