• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A Legend and Pirates vs an Empire

Unova. Castelia City. The Pokemon Center. Afternoon.

"Afternoon, darling!" Rarity and Pinkie Pie came to visit their Pokemon, hoping that they were doing well for themselves right now. And thankfully, they certainly were. Their recovery was showing visible progress as Pheromosa was currently standing up, able to move on her own. Although, she wasn't fully recovered as she couldn't even run.

"Phero!" Pheromosa let out a cheerful cry, glad to be moving at a certain pace once more. It was better than nothing. Mew couldn't fly at the moment, but he could walk. She was also surrounded by her favourite things, courtesy of Rarity. On top of that, the 12 Leavanny had formed a Get-well-soon Gift out of their strings, granting it to their friend which warmed her heart even further.

"Mew!" Thanks to taking on the form of so many Pokemon, Mew has gotten used to walking on two feet, even though he mainly prefers to fly, float and hover. He did waddle a little bit but it didn't last that long. "Mew-Mew!"

"Way to go, Mew!" Pinkie Pie applauded. Of course, Mew had his favourite things gatehred here as well for him to indulge in. Mainly food.

"I'd say they have at least one more week to fully recover." Nurse Joy estimated while walking up to them. "It wasn't easy and we believed it would've taken far longer for them to heal considering what they were hit by."

"That's why they're spectacular." Rarity complimented Pheromosa. "It's good that you've been getting all the rest that you need, darling. After everything that's been happening, I'm glad you've had the time to stay away from those events."


"That's how you got yourselves into this situation in the first place. That incident in space. But, very soon, you'll be perfectly fine right afterwards." Rarity continued. "And I have a good feeling that we'll be seeing many days of peace fairly soon."

"It has been getting increasingly dangerous, to be honest." Nurse Joy replied. "But I suppose everyone's been doing their best to keep things steady. Right now, as we're speaking...what do you think is happening out there?"

The girls had no clue what else could be happening out there at this very moment that could alert the entire world. But indeed, something major was happening that could very well impact the whole world. And it could leave an impact fairly soon.

Beyond Equestria. Badlands. Near Seaquestria.

Out in the Seas of the Badlands, Necrozma hungered for energy. And it was finally time for him to have it. He was craving just looking at Lugia, already sensing a wealth of energy inside of him that he just had to obtain for himself. As the two Legendary Pokemon stared each other down, Lugia noticed how some of the ships were beginning to fly elsewhere, leaving this area.

As per Daybreaker's order, they were to heat up the sea and make the waters more hostile to life, which was their plan all along. They needed Lugia to focus solely on the battle against her.

"Don't lose focus, Lugia," Daybreaker smirked, calling out to the Diving Pokemon. "You have a lot riding on the line, Guardian of the Sea. I'd recommend you give it your absolute all. Necrozma would most definitely love that as well."

Necrozma hissed in response, clenching his claws as he was itching to get in there. Lugia felt an unnerving chill. He wasn't one to be fearful of much, but he knew where a massive haunting problem is present. And it was more than just Daybreaker that was the problem. It was Necrozma, an unknown Pokemon, that was the issue.

"Allow me to begin. Necrozma! Use Photon Geyser!".

At once, he would shoot an array of light energy projectiles from his body that would travel a good distance before crashing into the waters, creating massive explosions and splashing the waters, creating waves. Lugia, seeing this, would try and defend himself. He would spread his wings and flap, creating a massive gust of wind, which would stop the attacks.

The water would fall onto his wings, the force of the water causing them to shake. Lugia was forced to retreat into the sky to avoid the rest of Necrozma's energy projectiles. He would shoot up, flying high and escaping the attack.

"Chase him down! Shadow Claw!" Daybreaker commanded Necrozma.

Necrozma would extend his arm, forming a claw of darkness. His arm would then start glowing, the shadows surrounding his claws turning a bright red. Using the speed he has, Necrozma would fly high, aiming his attack directly at Lugia.

Lugia would turn his body, immediately using Hyper Voice to create a soundwave so powerful that the soundwaves would collide with Necrozma's attack, cancelling them both out. Lugia would then use Hydro Pump, which Necrozma would quickly put his arms up to block.

The force of the Hydro Pump hitting Necrozma was push the Psychic-Type back, and while his arms took damage, Necrozma wasn't fazed at all. This made Daybreaker smile. "Very impressive. But now it's your turn. Dark Pulse!"

Necrozma reappeared a fair distance away. Lugia, after being attacked, would recover right away, responding with Sky Attack. He enveloped his body in a golden light, flying across the sky and heading straight for Necrozma, who was charging another Dark Pulse.

Once he was close enough, Necrozma would fire his second beam. Lugia would respond by spinning, his wings being used as blades to cut through the beam, the golden aura protecting his wings and body.

As soon as he was close enough, Lugia would spin even faster, rapidly accelerating. However, that was when he briefly noticed what Daybreaker's forces were doing to the ocean it appalled him and Necrozma took this opportunity.

The ships could be seen firing multiple beams at the oceans, evaporating a lot of it. Lugia's pupils dilated, seeing how much damage they were causing. With his mind not completely on Necrozma, the Prism Pokemon would disappear, appearing directly in front of him, grabbing onto his body with his claws.

Lugia shrieked as Necrozma finally got his hands on him. And as soon as he got a hold of Lugia, he wasted no time in trying to absorb all of his energy. Immediately, he would begin extracting energy, sucking out everything that was a part of Lugia and putting it in himself.

The energy transfer would cause a huge surge of energy that was so bright, it lit up the sky. The energy was transferred at such an alarming rate as Necrozma wasn't holding anything back. He needed all the energy he could get after all as his claws tightly gripped Lugia, restraining him entirely while also causing him some pain.

Lugia roared and flapped his wings, but it was no use. He couldn't break free. Necrozma continued to drain energy at an alarming rate, making his eyes shine with excitement. This was just the energy that he needed, and it was so much. He was able to absorb the energy faster and easier due to him being the legendary guardian of the seas, who possessed a vast amount of power.

"Excellent, Necrozma. Feast as much as you want." To ensure that Lugia wouldn't break free, Daybreaker had the Solar Sword use one of its many weapons. The cannon would fire an energy beam, which would form a ring around the two Pokemon. The rings would then tighten around the two, trapping them within a sphere of energy.

"And to keep it from escaping." The ship would then release an electrical pulse, sending it across the sea and generating electricity that would course throughout the sphere, zapping Lugia, keeping him immobilized.

Necrozma wouldn't care. He would just continue taking all the energy from the weakened Legendary. With a burst of light, the Prism Pokemon would absorb more and more. The force was enough to make a powerful surge.

Lugia struggled as he tried his best to break free, but there was one more interruption. Daybreaker herself. By using her magic, she formed a grandiose magical sphere the size of a mountain, encompassing Lugia and Necrozma.

A giant golden ball that was so grand that it would shine so brightly that it could be seen from anywhere. This was a spell of her creation. It would seal off any energy within, allowing Necrozma to drain the energy without having any escape.

And since the sphere would trap energy inside, that meant Necrozma would be able to suck out every last bit, and not leave anything behind. It would leave Lugia an empty husk, no energy remaining.

The Sphere would glow immensely.

"This should prove to be more than enough for Necrozma. You will get every single drop. And that includes Lugia's life essence itself."

The Sphere would begin to shrink and tighten. It would become smaller and smaller, causing Lugia's struggling to become weaker and weaker. Necrozma would be able to drain him even more due to his weakened state. The Sphere would get so small that it would eventually shrink to the size of a basketball, the golden aura shining brightly.

Then, it would collapse. All the energy would enter Necrozma. And since there was nothing left, the Legendary Pokemon was completely filled.

Lugia fell to the sea, feeling greatly drained to the point where he couldn't even properly keep himself airborne or even maintain his balance. He landed on the ocean's surface, causing the water to rise in an explosive manner, creating a massive splash.

The water would splash, raining down everywhere and making a giant wave. The ones to see this were Captain Celaeno and her crew who viewed it all from above. They saw how drained Lugia was. The waves would hit them, splashing them with water.

"Now I see what's happening here!" Celaeno commented after watching it play out. Naturally, her crew didn't get too close to it due to the overwhelming pressure it brought. "Whatever that Pokemon is...It was keeping these waters safe from them."

Celaeno would turn her head, viewing the damage being done to the seas. At this rate, there won't be any seas to sail on anymore and anyone nearby would suffer these consequences. Celeano was very much not all for that and decided upon something. Despite being drained, Lugia didn't look like he was out of the picture just yet.

"Come on! We've got to get over there!" Celaeno said, leading her crew.

"Wait, we're getting involved? With that?!" A parrot questioned, referring to Daybreaker's forces and their giant ship, not believing they had any chance.

"Of course we are. I've been hearing talk about some other universe folks that keep messing things up for us. Looks like that's them. It wasn't too long ago that we were free of the Storm King and there's no chance we're letting another big force try and ruin things for us. She would then open the doors to a part of her ship, revealing the massive increase in members.

Celeano's crew now just didn't consist of a few avians and one Flying-Type Pokemon for them each. Due to recent developments, she had managed to garner a massive crew of Flying-Type Pokemon once those doors opened, revealing a large flock of them. All these Flying-Types chirped, hummed and cried out, showing their excitement and eagerness to get on the job.

Celeano nodded in approvement after seeing their excitement. With these many numbers, they were sure to surprise Daybreaker's group. Of course, getting in conflict with her group was a massive risk but that's what pirates are all about.

"Alright then. That big bird...dragon...whatever that Pokemon even is, was doing its best to keep the seas safe from them. So, why don't we chime in?" Celeano would grab her pirate flag, placing it down as all the Flying-Types took flight, following her.

Lugia was currently in the sea, struggling to move. It was as if his entire body was frozen. His wings would move and twitch but his limbs wouldn't do much. It was a struggle to keep himself up and he felt a great deal of fatigue.

This was because a vast majority of his energy had been sucked out of him, leaving him weakened. But he had a goal and a mission to keep this sea safe and his friends. So, Lugia wouldn't give up.

His eyes would slowly open and the first thing he'd notice is Necrozma floating, his arms wide as the Prism Pokemon let out a mighty roar, releasing a bright golden aura that came from all of his energy.

Necrozma could still sense Lugia underwater, realizing that not all of his energy had been taken. Necrozma wanted every ounce of energy that could be found, not willing to waste even a slither.

"So, you sense that Lugia still has more?" Daybreaker understood Necrozma from his roar. "No surprise there. It would be able to recover in the sea, wouldn't it? That would give it the opportunity to make a comeback and we can't have that, can we? Necrozma! Prismatic Lasers!"

Necrozma would charge up a massive surge of power and focus it. His body would glow, ready to unleash a barrage of lasers. However, before he could do so, Air Slashes came raining down, striking the Prism Pokemon and interrupting his build-up.

"Hm?" Daybreaker raised an eyebrow as More Air Slashes were flying through the clouds, seemingly coming out of nowhere but at the highest points of the sky. They would rain down on Necrozma.

Celaneo's ship was so high in the sky that the clouds were masking it. The Flying-Types that were inside and above the clouds were launching their attacks and were doing a good job at hiding.

Daybreaker's forces weren't aware that there was a large mass of Flying-Types, a crew of pirates, who had their ship flying right above them, raining down Air Slashes and Wing Attacks, doing their best to strike.

Necrozma responded to this with a large-scale attack by using Prismatic Lasers, angrily shooting multiple lasers into the sky and causing the clouds themselves to evaporate.

This would also allow Necrozma to be able to find out exactly where these Pokemon were, spotting Captain Celaeno's ship in the sky, hovering over him.

"Pirates." Daybreaker commented, narrowing her eyes. However, even after her crew had been found, the many Flying-Types would start moving the clouds themselves, spreading out to hide.

The Flying-Types would continue launching their Air Slashes and Wing Attacks, their attacks raining down. They were trying their hardest to distract Necrozma and by extension, giving Lugia the time to recover.

On the ship, the pirates were also adjusting their vessel, changing the way the sails were angled. The ship would be turned, and its position would be adjusted so that it could fly across the sky more effectively.

"Oh. I think they noticed." Celaeno commented, putting on a smirk. Just what she wanted. "Perfect."

Now that they had Daybreaker's attention, they took the opportunity to attack their ships. Not just Necrozma. From the ships, cannonballs were loaded and ready for usage. These cannonballs would travel at high speeds, and their impact would be powerful.

One would manage to hit a Solarbeam Cannon, damaging the ships and making them falter. Another one would hit a part of the solar shield, the cannonball's sheer speed was powerful, but not enough to break through the Solar Sword which was in a different league compared to every other ship here.

The ships would turn their attention away from the ocean, just to focus on attacking Celaeno's crew. They flew upwards, approaching the pirate ship, which made some of the crew members grimace out of fear. But they expected this.

"Deal with them." Daybreaker ordered as her ships approached Celaeno's ship. "The rest of you, descend and restrain Lugia."

With that order, some ships ascended while some would descend into the sea, approaching the weakened Diving Pokemon.

Lugia's eyes shot open as he would see multiple ships approaching him. The ships would aim their Solarbeam Cannons and unleash their rays. The beams were all concentrated and powerful.

However, before they could land on him, a shield would suddenly form around Lugia's body, blocking the attacks. The soldiers on the ships gasped once they saw a magical shield suddenly appear seemingly out of nowhere. But it wasn't without a reason. Lugia would suddenly feel his body being pulled away by the shifting flow of the sea itself, almost as if someone was dragging him away from here.

In the distance, it was the Hippogriffs who were responsible for this. They had their Pokemon change the flow of the current and were doing their best to prevent Lugia from getting attacked.

"What the..." One of the soldiers questioned as their attacks weren't even hitting him anymore. The ships would then get attacked be pushed back by the Water Pokemon here changing the flow of the ocean with all of their might. They were very much plentiful as quite a handful of Hippogriffs had shown up.

Soon, Lugia was escorted to safety by the Hippogriffs, distancing himself from Daybreaker's Forces. However, the ships would try and pursue, attempting to break through the many Water Pokemon that would dare get in their way.

Both the Celaeno Pirates and the Hippogriffs were going against Necrozma's goal, knowing how big of a deal Daybreaker's Forces were. From the seas, Lugia would be carried to safety, while in the skies, Lugia would get all the time he needed with these distractions. As for where Lugia was being brought to, it was right towards Seaquestria itself as Mount Aris could be seen in the distance.

Mount Aris. Seauestria.

At Seaquestria, Lugia was brought to a safe place and rested. The Hippogriff soldiers would land on the sandy beach. While they did so, the citizens would come out, viewing the aftermath of the battle that occurred at the seas, and seeing the state Lugia was in. With so much of his energy lost from his body, parts of him looked pale. Even his silver body lost a lot of its beauty and pop.

"Goodness...He's absolutely drained." Queen Novo observed. She would witness what it was like for a Pokemon to have their energy drained by Necrozma and it was not a pleasant sight at all. Lugia groaned as he struggled to maintain consciousness, his body twitching.

She would feel Lugia's body, sensing a strong lack of energy within him. He would be totally drained if not for the fact that the sea could also rejuvenate him.

"Do you think...Daybreaker's finally making her big move, mom?" Skystar questioned.

"Most likely. She's been to our world a few times and I have a feeling that this will be her biggest attempt." Novo gulped at her own response. It's always terrifying when she shows up...She's already left such a destructive impact on our world, so much so that it broke the balance of the world for a while. And now, she's even boiled parts of the ocean itself."

"But, she's not going to just destroy everything, right? There's no way!"

"Her end goal is to give Necrozma all the light that she can. And it is confirmed that she will even absorb the light in the entire world, no, the Universe to do so."

"She won't succeed, that's for sure. We, Equestria and the many regions will see to it. And I'm sure Lugia feels the same. Right now, Princess Celestia should've been alerted of Daybreaker's arrival into our universe. I suspect that Pokemon Rangers will be showing here. Or maybe..."

"Maybe...?" Skystar leaned in, waiting for a response.

"Celestia herself. She did say that she aims to fully put an end to Daybreaker's alliance once and for all. With Nightmare Rarity and Malamar defeated, she knows that if Daybreaker loses, then it will all be over."

"Oh, great!" Skystar exclaimed with glee along with the other Hippogriffs. If Princess Celestia shows up here, then no doubt, they would be safe and sound. But Novo kept a serious face while looking at Lugia, knowing that it would be as simple as all her subjects were thinking.

"We've lost sight of Lugia so far, your majesty. Shall we pursue him?" A soldier questioned from another ship.

"No. Necrozma's taken a chunk of his energy regardless. We have other Legendary Pokemon to focus on." But Daybreaker would let it be. "However, along with those pirates up there, we should expect a plethora of distractions. And I wouldn't expect anything less. We intend to make this the greatest achievement ever. Contact Second Wind in Pinnaculum Pegalysium. It's time for them to chime in and assist in our victory."

Right away, Second Wind was contacted. Daybreaker was going to make sure her resources were used to their fullest. Using the magical devices o their ship, they would use a magic crystal, one that could communicate long distances.

A holographic image would be projected. In that image was a purple alicorn. "Second Wind, it's me, Daybreaker. Are you ready?"

"Oh, most definitely. You can count on us. Would you like me to deal with Pegalysium first? Say yes, so I can get this itch off my back."

"You can do that later down the line. I need you to use the Rift Factory at once. We'll be having many interruptions from all sides now that our presence is well known. Many Legendary Pokemon and I suspect Pokemon Rangers will be advancing towards us. This will make the ocean far too hostile. So, use the Rift Factory. How much Rift Energy have you gathered?"

"Enough to do many, many things. You need not worry, Daybreaker. I can handle all these interruptions while you focus on getting Necrozma to full strength. However, I will still be taking things out on Pegalysium. I've been waiting for this day for months now."

"Very well then. Don't botch this." Daybreaker would end the communication. "But before we go any further...These pirates should bare witness to the superior ship. Begin ramming speed. Pierce that pirate ship. Don't stop until it's completely destroyed. Then, I will make sure they never forget my name."

"Aye, Aye!" Her soldiers saluted her and her crew would adjust their ship's position, preparing to attack the pirate ship that was trying to keep them occupied. Since the ship was in the shape of a massive sword, it only made sense that it had the power to pierce. Once it angled itself, the ship would begin ascending as other ships of Daybreaker would separate, making way for this gargantuan vessel.

"Huh?!" Captain Celeano and her crew could sense the rumbling, as it felt like something was coming. It was hard to see with the clouds covering them, but soon, a ship could be seen approaching them, one that was much, much bigger.

"By the Seven Seas!" She stepped back in absolute shock and horror at what she was looking at. Seeing a massive ship in the shape of a sword heading their way was all kinds of mortifying. "Everyone! Move it out of the way!"

All crewmates stopped what they were doing to focus on one action. Every ounce of muscle was used to readjust the ship's sails and the angle, so that it could be moved. However, they knew that the absolute size of it meant that they would be hit regardless at this rate, so they had to amp it up.

"Hurricane! Whirlwind! Gust! Do whatever!" She ordered the Pokemon that were capable of altering the winds to great levels. The selection of Flying-Types would quickly spread out and launch their respective attacks, sending gusts of wind to try and push the ship away from the Solar Sword.

The Solar Sword itself was affecting the wind as well due to its movements alone. Not only that, but the piercing speed of this ship could even cause great pressure and turbulence to the point where it affected the winds.

The Flying-Types put their all into succeeding and when the moment of truth came, they barely pulled it off and that was a strong barely. The Solar Sword would still connect, piercing the further ends of the ship. The crew gasped upon feeling their ship being hit, hearing the sound of metal piercing through, a sound that would be the equivalent of the sounds of metal and wood shattering and collapsing.

Celaeno's ship shook heavily. The Solar Sword's tip would pierce through, causing a lot of damage to the back. This was only the beginning and the tip itself was enough to pierce through, causing a small but noticeable amount of damage. The force of the attack would make the ship's tail wag, which would only cause more destruction.

It would rip through a part of the ship and break off, landing in the sea and splashing a lot of water. But, the Solar Sword didn't stop, continuing its path and pushing through. The ship's sails were torn, its mast was split in two and its overall appearance was being altered.

Celaeno could see that even with the damage, the Solar Sword would continue advancing, breaking more of the ship. The Solar Sword would then go through the part of the ship it absolutely decimated, causing Calaeno's ship to start falling from the sky. Everyone held on for dear life.

The Flying-Types tried to fly away and the non-flying ones grabbed onto their ship. But the Solar Sword would continue going forward and going straight through. It would break through the front, and this caused the ship to completely fall apart, pieces flying everywhere.

The ship was heading straight for the nearest location, falling at great speeds. The location in question being Klugetown. In the sky, Klugetown's residents witnessed the pirate ship descending at high speeds.

They didn't know what was going on or why they were heading straight for them. The townsfolk, including the Mayor would panic and scurry to the exits.

Celaneo's ship would crash into a nearby building, pinning itself there and leaving a hole in the building itself. The Solar Sword would break away, freeing itself and falling somewhere else, creating an explosive sound as it landed.

The building's structure had a hole created. The ship was lodged in, and the damage would reach inside the town. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, and the residents got out in time. But now, they'd have to clean up the mess and fix the building.

"Ngh...Gh...!" Celaneo groaned as she looked up, seeing the blue skies and the clouds. Her ship was wrecked. It was in no condition to sail or fight, and the sheer damage the ship had was something she could barely wrap her head around. However, she would be staring for long as she would pass out on the spot thanks to the impact. "Ugh..."

"Hmph." Daybreaker scoffed at that sight, easily disposing of Celaneo's crew and her ship. Now, that distraction was gone, and she was clear to continue with her task. The Solar Sword would ascend once again, heading elsewhere.

All the Klugetown Residents crept o over to see the wrecked ship along with all the passed-out crewmates. All its members were out cold with some just fainting. Capper would also creep over to see the familiar face of Celaneo, his friend down for the count.

Pinnaculum Pegalysium.

At Pinnaculum Pegalysium, Second Wind was all ready to begin her massive attack now that Daybreaker's contacted her. "So, we've got the order. The very first thing we're going to do is get rid of that nuisance Pegalysium. Oh, I can't wait for this! The very idea is thrilling."

She was so excited, her hooves were stomping the ground as she had the urge to take off, not willing to hold back. Currently, all the Rift Energy she's been gathering from her Rift Factory had reached a great abundance as the energy was placed inside of small containers that could be carried around. Many were lined up, ready for use along with the power of the Unown.

With the combined power of the Unown and the Rift Energy, Second Wind's Indigo Union essentially had the power to warp reality in so many ways, albeit with limitations.

"Let's not waste anymore time. Everyone, prepare to invade! I've been waiting for sweet, sweet revenge. Ash Ketchum, Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and all those pesky meddlers who should have never found their way up here in the first place! They'll pay for holding back my true goal!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." One of her followers spoke, bowing. He would walk off, telling the other Indigo Union soldiers to not delay and immediately get to work.

He would march towards the Indigo Legion, a legion filled with soldiers who were ready to go. Second Wind was very excited as the Indigo Union began their assault. The Rift Energy containers were picked up, ready for use.

Their first target would be Pegalysium itself and eventually, everyone else.

Spying on them was an Unown that was in hiding, blending in the shadows. This Unown was not part of Pinnaculum Pegalysium. Instead, it was part of the original Pegalysium.

The Unown would then float out of hiding, leaving the shadows and escaping, heading to the Original Pegalysium to relay a message, a warning of the incoming attack.

It would fly as fast as it could, using its psychic powers to enhance its speed, zipping across the skies. Soon, it would come across Pegalysium's borders which were on lower skies. A massive confrontation was coming on this day and the afternoon Sun was only just now starting to set.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 544 End.

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