• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Pegalysium Giants

Beyond Equestria. The Badlands. Klugetown. Nightfall.

At Klugetown, after her ship had crashed, Celaeno had found herself in a bed all of a sudden. Her body was weak, and her head was spinning. She was feeling sick, rather perplexed even. She could feel her entire body throb as her vision was blurry, but slowly, her sight would clear up.

"Huh? Where...where am I?" The Pirate Captain would look around the room. It was a dark room, lit up by only a small light, and a window near the top. It was raining outside, and she could hear thunder in the distance. "How did I...?" She would feel a sharp pain in her head and would hold it with her wing.

She would groan, having the back of her headache, and would lie back down on the bed, hoping to calm the headache. She soon remembered Daybreaker's Solar Sword piercing her ship, and it crashing onto Klugetown. It would cause the Parrot to gasp and jump out of bed, looking out the window to see her crashed ship.

"My ship!" She'd exclaim, seeing her ship on the ground. There were parts strewn all over the place, and she could even see some ponies investigating the area. Her wings would flare out of their sockets and her face would grimace.

She would immediately run to the door and swing it open. "Hang on, crew! I'm comin-" She stopped in her tracks. What she saw before her was rather startling. The rain was falling hard, but not hard enough to make her blind. Rather a poor time for rain to be falling, especially since her ship had been so totalled. Celaeno certainly wasn't heading out there with all that rain.

"Look who's up." It was soon revealed whose house this was. None other than Capper, the resident cat, and the one who rescued Celaeno. "Good to see you're up and at 'em. You were knocked out cold, but thanks to me, I managed to get you patched up and out of the rain." He gave a confident smirk.


"Me." He'd proudly say. "You know, I was mindin' my own business, gathering some fish and then all of a sudden, I see a huge Pokemon flying around and a ship the shape of a sword going at it. One thing leads to another, a huge ship comes crashing down and just like that, Klugetown's property damage is now through the roof."

"Sounds about right..." Celaeno sighed, lowering her head. "But at least we held off Daybreaker for a while. Hopefully, it was enough. Are all my crewmates alright? If anything happens to them..."

"Relax, Klugetown's different now ever since the Storm King went down, so they'll be fine resting up. It was a bit of a hassle getting them all inside. All those Flying-Types especially."

"Hah..." Celaeno was glad to hear it.

"But even with all those pirates, somehow, you were the hardest to pick up with all that weig-" Before he could finish, her instinctually dodged a sharp feather that was thrown at him, pinning into the wall. He grimaced as Celeano obviously did not take too kindly about her weight being mentioned in any way. "N-Nevermind" He said, feeling a chill down his spine.

"That's better." She smirked. "Anyway, I have to get back out there. I need to repair my ship right away "

"In that state? No way." Capper laughed as Celeano's ship was unable to be repaired whatsoever. The Solar Sword had dealt too much damage to it. "Your ship ain't fixable, lady."

"Doh..." Celeano knew this just by looking at it. The poor state it was in sealed its fate. There was only one thing left to do now."Fine then...I'll just have to get another one. Where can I find one?"

"Another ship, huh? I might have one in the backyard that I can give ya." He shrugged, and the parrot would grin. "Follow me."

She would follow him and they would arrive at his backyard. But as he said, he did have a spare ship, but it looked very different.

"There we go." Capper pointed at it, showing off the ship. "One ship for one pirate captain."

Celaeno raised her brow, looking at it. This one didn't look anything like her own ship. This one was sleek and more advanced, with the body resembling that of a blade.

"Is that even a ship?"

"Oh yeah. That's a ship alright. Not sure how fast it goes, but I'm pretty sure it's capable of flying." Capper replied, not seeming too confident. "Stole it at one point and I was waiting for the right moment to use it. Obviously, I never found a reason to, but you seem like you could use it."

"Hm..." Celeano wasn't entirely convinced but had no choice, given the current circumstances.

"Well, you don't seem like the type to sit and wait."

"Not really. But thanks." Celaeno would approach the ship and inspect it.

"Good. But uh, you might want to wait for the rain to pass first. No way I'm lending my ship to you when it's raining this hard."

"Ugh..." Celeano wasn't happy with having to delay but the rain was pretty intense, so she had no choice but to stay for now. "Fine then. I'll wait. But the second this rain lets up, I'm taking off."

Pegalysium. Sky Monarch.

At Pegalysium, with all of its residents, minus Shooting Star turned into orbs of Rift Energy, Second Wind had completely overrun the nation, and the Sky Monarch. Her soldiers and the Unown were currently in front of the Clock Door, attempting to open it just to tap into the power of the Avus-Pegasus, altering time to Second Wind's needs.

However, opening it was harder than what Second Wind last remembered when she had previously went in. To her shock and surprise, it was far harder to open it now. She had her Unown used their amazing power on the walls, even making her soldiers try and force their way inside. But it wasn't budging.

"No...No, no, no, no, no!" Second Wind gasped, not believing what was happening. "What's going on here?! Why isn't it opening!"

"Did you think we'd leave the Clock Door as it is after what you did last time?" King Paramount spoke even in this restrained state. His voice would echo as the sphere containing him and the Queen floated around.

"Why you...!" Second Wind grit her teeth. "You can't keep that door sealed off forever! Whatever trick you used, it won't last! Not against the power of my Rift Magic. If the Unown can't break through it with their Hidden Power, then a simple addition of Rift Energy will fix it."

"You should know that it's too much of a risk for you." Queen Luminary commented. "After all, using too much Rift Energy brings great drawbacks to the body and you've been using your Unown to heal you. If you were to use it now while your Unown focus on opening the door, then you'll surely ruin yourself."

"Kh!" Second Wind couldn't argue against that. Luminary had an amazing point. It was the one thing the Grand Queen could never truly overcome, the great drawback of too much Rift Energy. Using a vast amount would result in a backfire of the Rift Energy, and it'd ruin her body, and she was not willing to go through that experience again. "I'll think of something! You two won't get the best of me!" She'd huff, turning around.

One way or another, she was going to force the Clock Door open. She would hold out on using Rift Energy at the moment, focusing on breaking whatever is keeping the Clock Door sealed in.

"I'll get in. No matter what. And besides...if the Unown can't open it, then the Pegalysium giants will get it open with their stupendous strength. It won't be long until they show up."

Meanwhile, Shooting Star continued to stay hidden from the eyes of the moving Unown and the troops of Second Wind. He had already alerted Ash, hoping that he and his friends would show up in time.

He would continue hiding behind the pillars, dashing out and hiding somewhere else, using his magic to hide himself and prevent the Unown from finding him.


Shooting Star wanted to see if he could free the residents from this restrained state with his own magic, but he had to do it without them being spotted. The Sky Monarch was far too dangerous to be in, thus, he had found himself in one of Pegalysium's Towns, Feathercoast.

Once here, he heard how silent the town was. While his parents had the power to speak in their current states, Garnet, Kaleidoscope, Clear Wind, Ms Sunpuff and anyone else living here or anywhere else couldn't be heard. They could only bellow constantly with their voices being unable to register.

The residents would speak through their thoughts, saying nothing but "Help!" "Get us out!" and "This isn't a pleasant feeling". They would plead for help, but not in the form of words. Rather, it was in the form of thoughts and echoes.

Shooting Star couldn't heard them one bit but he knew that they were in distress. In the distance, he could hear sounds that roared like thunder. The young prince gasped as these sounds would get louder, impossible to ignore. He would see something emerging from the distance, the source of the loud thuds and roars.

It was the giants. The Pegalysium Giants. Only residing in a closed-off part of Pegalysium which they made their home, under Second Wind's control, they arrived here as Shooting Star saw them for the very first time. Even though they were in the distance, specifically heading to the Sky Monarch, they were still visible.

The titans were enormous, their size could rival that of a large mountain. The way they walked would cause the ground to tremble with each step. The way their legs moved would cause the clouds to disperse, their heads would break the clouds, and their bodies would push away the clouds as if they were a simple object.

They naturally appeared as Pegasi with the wings attached on the side. They had tails as long as lakes, stretching to great lengths while also having great strength behind them. The Pegasi had their manes flowing with a strong breeze, their eyes constantly glowing and the sound of their heavy breathing and footsteps.

Even with their sheer size, their wings had the capability of flight. The gusts created from their flapping wings could create a mighty storm. And when they flap their wings, the strong and mighty wind would send even the largest of buildings, and objects, tumbling.

They were here to do one thing. Separate the rest of Pegalysium from the Sky Monarch, causing all the islands in the sky to come crashing down. With the Sky Monarch, their bodies would make their way towards the Sky Monarch. Their goal: break down the massive doors that prevented them from getting to the Clock Door.

Shooting Star was naturally panicking as things were going from bad to worse rather quickly now that the giants were here. "This isn't good! At all! They'll tear Pegalysium apart. If I don't do anything, the citizens will fall down, and my parents will too. I have to save them, somehow." He gulped, his eyes widening.

He then turned his attention to all the restrained ponies here, knowing that he had to free them. Freeing them would give them a chance to flee from what was soon to come. The young prince took a deep breath, approaching one of the spheres of Rift Energy. And this sphere just so happened to be the one that Garnet was in.

"Alright...I'll do my best..." He grimaced, putting all of his faith into his magic for this one. Since he had such great magical potential, it was time he put it to great use. The best use possible.

He would raise his hoof, the aura emitting from it would change its colour from the usual silver-like aura, to a blue one. Shooting Star would have his brow raise.

The silver aura that his hooves gave off had a new shade, a bluish tone, and Shooting Star could feel something strange with his magic. Like he had access to something more, some type of ability. Something far more potent than what he was capable of. He was now ready to use the magic that lay dormant within him for all of these years.

"Am I doing it right?" Shooting Star would use his hooves and cast his spell, releasing a small pulse of blue aura that would shoot out and surround the ball containing Garnet. "Hah! Okay, okay, this is great. I can do this!"

Garnet, trapped in a sphere of Rift Energy, would slowly become enveloped by a blue aura, which would then begin to change shape. The orb would begin to grow and stretch outwards, before suddenly expanding.

There was a flash of light, and the sphere shattered. As the energy dispersed, Garnet's body began to take shape once again, her beautiful red fur reappearing. She blinked a few times, and her vision began to clear.

"Huh?" She would blink a few times, finding herself out of the ball that was once surrounding her. "Shooting Star...?" She'd gasp, seeing her friend in front of her, with a smile.

"H-Hi, Garnet!" Shooting Star grinned, giving a sheepish wave.

"I'm free..." She said, realizing that she was out of that state. "I'm free!"

"I can't believe I actually pulled it off." Shooting Star couldn't believe it himself, but the proof was in the pudding. The one he saved was none other than his closest friend, Garnet. He felt so relieved and so proud. "Yes! Success!"

"Doubting yourself again? I thought you'd be past that by now." She smiled before hearing the sound of the giants' wingbeat, the sight of the titans approaching the Sky Monarch. "Wait...those are..." She gasped, and her pupils shrank.

"I have to keep moving..." Shooting Star, while absolutely terrified by the sight in the distance, knew he had to keep freeing everyone else here. "But can you stay out of sight for a while, Garnet. Please?"

"U-Uh...Okay?" Garnet stuttered a bit, not understanding what was happening, but she would agree. She would stay hidden with the others once they are freed.

Shooting Star would make his way through the empty town, continuing to free the citizens of Pegalysium from their imprisonment, but his heart wouldn't stop pounding. Even with his mind set on the task, his mind would go back to the sight of the giants.

His stomach was tied into a knot, and his eyes would glance to the side every now and then. His ears were ringing, and his heart would beat. His breathing was shallow, and his head was spinning. It didn't help that the giants' wings would blow a strong and mighty gust that would reach here and send a shiver down his spine.

It was the sound of thunder. A powerful boom that would strike fear in his heart. "What are those things?" Shooting Star's body would tremble. They were huge and powerful beings, capable of doing great things. But to the young prince, they were nothing more than a threat, a threat that he had no hope in stopping.

But for Paramount and Luminary, they got a closer look at the Pegalysium Giants since they were the closest to them. The King and Queen watched as the giants approached the Sky Monarch, their presence sending a powerful force that would almost knock the air out of them.

Their eyes would widen, and their heart would thump. Luminary was trembling in fear, seeing the giants coming close, and she could hear their powerful stomping and wingbeats, her body trembling with each passing second.

Second Wind smirked as the giants would descend and make their way towards the Sky Monarch, their sheer presence enough to send a powerful force of wind in their direction, causing the clouds to disperse and the rain to stop.

The Queen of Pegalysium was the most surprised. "They're actually here." Luminary couldn't believe her eyes. The giants, who were supposed to reside in the deepest and darkest regions of Pegalysium were now present, making their way towards the Sky Monarch.

"Marvellous. They'll get the job done. Those doors will open right up."

"But Pegalysium will crumble!" Luminary gasped.

"It's a small price to pay, no? Besides, with those giants, I'll be able to enter the Clock Door, and once I do, I can rewrite history and make things go my way. That's why I'll just create a new one. A Pegalysium in my eyes, and the rest can join us, or be eradicated. Either way, it doesn't matter to me. Giants!"She turned around, addressing the Pegalysium Giants. "I order you to break down that door at once!"

The Pegalysium Giants responded by slamming their hooves against the giant doors of the Sky Monarch. The movement of their hooves created hurricane-like pressures that blew apart the ground. The wind from their wings sent everything flying, and the clouds in the area were completely scattered.

The sound of thunder was deafening, and the ground shook as their hooves connected with the door, their wings flapping, blowing wind all over, the pressure of it knocking anyone who stood too close off their feet.

However, the impact did nothing. It didn't even leave a mark, let alone make the door budge. However, a brief pulse of white energy would show, revealing the magic for a little bit. "Impossible!" Second Wind gasped. "Once more!" She commanded, and the Pegalysium giants would obey, slamming their hooves and creating a shockwave, but once again, the doors did not move an inch.

Each hit would cause the magic to pulsate, however. The white energy would grow a little more, the pulse would become more visible. Second Wind, despite feeling rather nervous, smirked. "Again! Again!"

As the giants would continue their assault, the white energy would grow and grow, growing larger and brighter, pulsating and becoming stronger. It was clear that this magical protection, whatever it was, could be broken at some point. Thus, the giants were ordered to continue for as long as possible until it all breaks.

Of course, this left great damage across Pegalysium. The impacts sent grand shockwaves all over the place. Structures were coming apart with ease. The shockwaves would tear buildings apart. The ground beneath the Pegalysium was shattering. This wasn't going to end well, and the king and queen could feel it.

"If this keeps up, we're all doomed." King Paramount muttered. "Our Pegalysium, our nation, all the citizens, all of the hard work that we have built...it'll be gone in an instant."

"Revenge is sweet~" Second Wind shrugged. "Even if it takes me a while to open this door, I'll at least be able to see everything you love come crashing down. Literally. The work of the Indigo Alliance in the past will pay off. Generations of working in the shadows to shape Pegalysium into our own image, the one that was truly fit for us. It won't all be for naught."

Second Wind was relishing in her revenge, her laugher elevating to greater levels. The vindication for her was astronomical. This is what she's been wanting for the longest, aside from her ultimate goal.

"The time has come. For everything you took from me, and my family, you'll get your due. Not only will the power of the Avus-Pegasus will grant me access to the Clock Door, I will have Pegalysium for myself. The Indigo Union, which we created and worked hard to make, will finally become my Pegalysium, with me at the very top with absolutely no equal. No matter how long it takes, I will not rest. And the second the Avus Pegasus is free, I'll take my place as a definitive Grand Queen."

Second Wind laughed with delight, and the Pegalysium Giants continued their assault. "Even if I failed to truly stop you to avenge my parents..." Paramount closed his eyes. "My son will succeed in my place."

"Him? Pssh. Be real. For a prince, he's rather pathetic. He doesn't have that fire like you do, Paramount. That's the only compliment you'll get from me. Sooner or later, your son will become fuel for Necrozma. Just like the both of you."

With Shooting Star, he managed to free many of the residents of Feathercoast, breaking their Rift Spheres. As soon as they were freed, he informed them all to flee at once.

At this very moment, Unown and Second Wind's forces were approaching and they will most certainly notice a lack of Rift Spheres in Feathercoast. For once, Shooting Star was acting like a leader. "Everyone, get out of here and make haste!"

"What about you, young prince?!" A citizen exclaimed.

"I'm not leaving yet! There are still a few citizens here!" Shooting Star said. "Besides, you need to get to a safer place! Now hurry!"

"B-But what about-"

"I'll be fine!" Shooting Star cut off the citizen. "Just run! Don't worry about me. Just focus on getting to safety. Leave Pegalysium because it's all about to fall. Head to Equestria if you can."

"All right. Thank you!" With that, the citizens would leave the Town, evacuating Feathercoast.

As the residents ran from the town, Shooting Star's ears would pick up a sudden, distant sound. It was an ominous booming sound. One that made his skin crawl. He quickly looked up to the sky, and his eyes widened as he saw what appeared to be large clouds in the distance.

They were massive, dark grey clouds that loomed over the town, blotting out the sun and casting a dark shadow over everything. The sight was both majestic and terrifying at the same time. Shooting Star had no words for what he was seeing. His mind was blank, and his heart was pounding.

He couldn't take his eyes off the sight, and his gaze never left the clouds. He could hear the wind begin to pick up, and the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. It was then that he realized that the sound was actually coming from the giants, their mighty wings sending gusts of powerful winds all over Pegalysium, creating strong windstorms and causing a great deal of damage.

The ponies of Pegalysium would be sent flying just from their wingbeats, screeching as they flew through the air, unable to control themselves. The winds were strong, and their wingbeats caused a strong pressure. Some ponies would be flung against the walls and the windows, slamming their bodies against the glass and wood, cracking them with a great force.

Some were knocked off the ground and would fall down. Some were tossed around like ragdolls. It was as if there was a hurricane going on in Pegalysium. And this wasn't even the worst of it. The Pegalysium Giants, using their hooves, slammed their hooves, creating an intense shockwave, creating a powerful earthquake that would send a powerful wave throughout Pegalysium.

This resulted in buildings coming apart, and the structures within the Town crumbling. The ground beneath the city would break, sending many buildings and structures tumbling down, plummeting towards the ground below. The entire town was being torn apart, and the sight was nothing less of horrific.

But what was even worse was that this was only the beginning.

"W-What...?!" Shooting Star could not believe what was happening before him. Everything the pegasi grown to love was now destroyed. Everything that made up Pegalysium was being torn apart. The Town was being ripped apart. Buildings, statues, monuments, they were all coming undone.

The ponies, his fellow citizens, his friends and neighbors, were screaming in terror as they scrambled to escape. It was a sight of complete chaos and panic. And Shooting Star was helpless to do anything about it. He could only watch as the destruction unfolded, the winds and the shockwaves continuing to tear everything apart.

As the townspeople fled the town, they were greeted by a large group of soldiers, who blocked their path. The forces of Second Wind had shown up, much to Shooting Star's dismay.

"!" Shooting Star gasped once they appeared. Spears that had Rift Energy swirling around them were pointed at the residents, preventing them from going any further. The Pegasi soldiers, with their glowing purple eyes, surrounded the fleeing ponies, and they all wore malicious smiles. Alas, they couldn't conceal themselves anymore now that they've been found.

"All of you are to stay here and to have your bodies converted into Rift Spheres. You've managed to break free of that state, so we will be taking the liberty to return you to it."

"No..." Shooting Star could only watch as the soldiers cornered his people, pointing their spears at them and forcing them into a restrained state. It didn't help that a Pealysium Giant was staring at them at such a distance. Due to their amazing size, they could easily see others from great distances.

The giant had its glowing, red eyes on the fleeing residents of Feathercoast. It watched as the soldiers rounded up the terrified ponies, making them all huddle together. They had very little options at their disposal. They were in a truly rough spot, no doubt. Shooting Star knew he was the only one who could do something about this, aiming to use his magic once more. He wasn't one to get into conflict, but now would be a great time to do so.

Even if the spears had Rift Energy around them, he had to ensure the safety of everypony here. After all, one day, he will become Pegalysium's King. He must put himself first and act like one, or else his people will perish. He knew that he would have to confront the soldiers, but how?

Before anything else could be done, a powerful bolt of lightning would suddenly come crashing down from the skies, giving one of the soldiers a powerful smite. He grimaced, feeling 100,000 volts rush through his body as the powerful bolt would cause a chain reaction, latching onto the armours of all the soldiers close to each other, sending them flying into the air.

"Aaaahhhhhhh!" A soldier would scream as the electric attack would send them falling down and landing on the ground with a loud thud. Their armours were charred, and the electricity would travel all over their bodies, leaving their armor smoking. They were knocked out in an instant, and Shooting Star could tell from where that bolt came from.

Ash and his Pikachu had arrived, along with some of their friends. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie made their appearance as Ash was seen standing on a cloud.


"Hey! It's great to see you again, Shooting!"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 546 End.

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