• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Pegalysium Collision

Author's Note:

It's July. I've been waiting to cover this one.

Pegalysium. The Sky Monarch. Late Afternoon.

Second Wind was on the move. Her forces were finally active as per Daybreaker's order. Immediately, Second Wind would target the original Pegalysium, ready to exact her revenge.

The Unown that was spying on her would fly as fast as it could, returning to the original Pegalysium. King Paramount was already expecting this, knowing that this day would come. But, he'd be willing to face the challenge, not allowing the Indigo Union to lay their hoof on this city. He was sitting on his throne, waiting.

"I know what's coming. We've been waiting for this moment, but honestly, I was planning on heading to them instead." Paramount spoke before looking at his wife Luminary and his son Shooting Star. "Shooting Star. I need you to stay completely safe and out of harm's way for this one."

"Alright, Dad. No one's gonna see me for even a moment." He nodded his head, vowing on that. Paramount and Luminary would get started, having their Unown by their side. Precautions were already made for Pegalysium in case a moment like this were to happen. The citizens were informed by the guards.

The residents of Pegalysium heard this and began taking immediate action, following the guards as they escorted them to shelters. There were also guards at the palace and the Unowns that belonged to the royal family.

Paramount, Luminary and their Unown would stand on a pedestal, a platform of some sort as it would be raised into the air. The two would summon a magic circle that was a mixture of red, purple and blue. The magic circle would appear in the air, shining bright.

This magic circle would then expand, reaching beyond the walls of Pegalysium. Its radius was so far-reaching that it was a protective shield, extending all the way towards the borders and covering the entirety of the city.

This barrier would then become solid and strong. Luminary, the queen would stand on the pedestal, and her Unown would create its own magic circle. Hers was a mixture of pink and blue. This magic circle would expand and form a magic circle above her and the shield.

Paramount's shield would be reinforced with hers as her magic circle would create an aura, strengthening his. Paramount and Luminary's magic circles would begin shining bright, glowing.

"And...There." Paramount commented. "The defenses have been made. Nothing can pass through the barrier without our permission. Even if she were to use the power of her Unown, our own Unown would be able to stop her. So, let's not keep her waiting. I think we should be the ones to initiate things."

"Y-Your Majesty!" One of the guards came rushing in, having urgent news. He almost tripped with how fast he was running. "Your Majesty!"

"What's wrong?!" Paramount would turn his head.

"It's Pinnaculum Pegalysium! It's flying straight towards us!"


At this very moment, Pinnaculum Pegalysium, the entire nation itself, was descending towards Pegalysium. All the clouds in its way would be cleared, and the Pegasi citizens would see this incoming attack. Their eyes would widen.

Pinnaculum Pegalysium itself was naturally bigger than the original Pegalysium and that was by intentional design from Second Wind itself, so to see something larger than what they have coming their way was horrifying, its shadow casting over the original Pegalysium itself.

All this was thanks to the power of Rift Energy. Second Wind and her forces were currently using the energy to move the entire nation of Pinnaculum Pegalysium, aiming the nation's course, so that it would collide with the original.

"That's it! Speed it up! Give them a greeting like no other!" She cackled as the nation sped up as per her order. By speeding up thanks to the Rift Energy, it would start gaining immense friction and heat.

The force of the heat was soon amplified by the Unown, who all used their Hidden Power to strengthen the friction and temperature. Soon, the nation would be a blazing inferno. The citizens were horrified, their pupils all seeing a great blaze coming their way. However, present to try and stop this were the opposing Unown.

They would also use Hidden Power on the barrier Luminary had put up, amplifying it to greater levels, making it strong and thick. Pinnaculum Pegalysium's blaze would then collide with Pegalysium's barrier. The flames and the heat were so immense, they would melt away parts of the clouds and the barrier.

With the use of the Unown's Hidden Power, the temperature was increased further and the barrier would start taking on more and more damage. Parts of the barrier were burning, and the barrier's thickness was being reduced.

"Aw, that's sweet." Second Wind snickered. "A good attempt, especially their own Unown with them. But alas, it's not quite enough. I don't intend to destroy Pegalysium right away. Not when they have the Avus Pegasus and the Clock Door with them. That won't stop me from ruining a good chunk of it and I can perfectly control what I want to destroy with this..." She would hold a Rift Container in her wing, planning to use it.

Despite the efforts of the Original Pegalysium, the Rift Containers were an extra boost of power that were combined with the Unown. Second Wind opened up this container, utilizing its power right away. The container's Rift Energy would flow through the sky, going to the area where the two Pegalysiums were connected, right at the centre.

Thanks to the Rift Energy's involvement, the barrier would shatter as Pinnaculum Pegalysium broke through, colliding into the Original Pegalysium itself. Second Wind was thrilled as she witnessed the collision. "Wonderful! Direct hit!"

It did more than just collide into Pegalysium, the Rift Energy would flow from the impact, washing over the area as if it were a tidal wave. As all of Pegalysium's residents felt everything shake, Second Wind was able to manipulate the Rift Energy. She could decide what would be affected by the Rift and what would not be.

With the use of her imagination, she would imagine what she wanted the Rift Energy to affect. Her goal was to protect a large amount of chaos and destruction to the Pegalysium's structures, specifically the royal castle since the Clock Door and the Avus Pegasus were residing there. She needed those two as safe as possible.

As for the rest of Pegalysium, she was not interested in it, not at all. She could care less about what happens to them, knowing she could easily rebuild it in whichever way she wanted. However, the tidal wave of Rift Energy, while fearsome and massive, would have something present to retaliate against it.

In this case, the opposing Unown once more. Even though they failed to keep the barrier up, they would use all the power they had to try and protect everyone else from the wave, concentrating their Hidden Power and forming a magical barrier around Pegalysium, one that would defend against the Rift Energy, slowing down the waves' effects.

While the waves' effects would still occur, they would be slowed, so the destruction wouldn't be instantaneous. However, even with their best effort, they wouldn't be able to fully defend Pegalysium.

Parts of the castle's outer walls would crumble, and the citizens would run away. The wave of Rift Energy would cause great havoc. It would break windows and rip apart some structures. The damage would also reach the palace itself, breaking some parts of the roof and even reaching the inside, breaking things, and shattering a few paintings and glass.

As for Luminary, she would still have a firm grip on her own magic circle, her Unown working alongside her. This magic circle would defend her and her family, shielding them and protecting them.

The king would continue focusing on maintaining the barrier. As for his son, Shooting Star, he would look up at the sky, watching in awe and horror as he witnessed the clash of Pinnaculum Pegalysium and Original Pegalysium.

As for Second Wind, she would descend with the Rift Energy and the wave would finally calm down. The Unown would try and counter the effects. The opposing Unown were still using all the energy they could spare, trying to minimize the destruction.

Even though it would affect the area, it was only a small amount. Second Wind would descend from the sky, viewing the damage she's done so far, feeling rather pleased. "Hmph. A job well done if I do say so myself."

"Ugh..." Paraout held his head, pushing away some rubble that fell from the many damaged structures. Thankfully, everyone was in one piece, however, some of them had fainted from either the heavy collision from before or even the Tidal Wave of Rift Energy that crashed into them.

Luminary would get off her magic circle and check on her husband. "Dear! Are you okay!" She said as she helped him up.

"I'm fine...Well done on protecting everyone."

"Hello there~" Second Wind exclaimed, making her voice known to everyone as she looked down on them all. Paramount and Luminary raised their heads to view the former resident of Pegalysium standing above them. "It's been a while, hasn't it? And this is a fitting position we're in. I'm on top and all of you are beneath me. As it should be."

"Second Wind..." Paramount grumbled.

"Well done on holding back my wonderful nation, even if you couldn't stop it all." She clapped her hooves together, applauding them. "But it's very clear that I've greatly crippled parts of Pegalysium. Naturally.

"I can still move, and so can everyone else who wish to stop you." Paramount replied. "We've stopped you before and we can do it again."

"Hm. That was then. This was now. And besides, do you think I'm just going to send my forces to attack you? That's too simple, Paramount. I like to be unique and go about things differently." She used one of her wing feathers as a finger, wagging it. "Crashing my nation into yours was just one of those options. Now, I want to make you all suffer, especially the two of you."

Paramount and Luminary would feel their bodies becoming numb and paralyzed. They could no longer move, unable to resist. "What did you do!?"

"Heheh. Don't bother fighting it. That Rift Energy will have you completely frozen, and the Unown will keep you from resisting. Now, allow me to get a little closer. It's been a while since we've all hung out. It will be nice to chat."

Second Wind would step closer to the royal couple. She'd use a sphere of Rift Energy, trapping the Queen in its confines. Luminary would struggle and fight it, trying to free herself from its grasp. She was unsuccessful, and the energy was beginning to sap her of her strength.

Paramount, the king, would be the next victim, becoming trapped by the energy and paralyzed. His own body would become weak, unable to even budge. He and Luminary would float to her level, right in front of her.

She was satisfied, viewing them. "Oh, how the tables have turned." It was revealed that the tidal wave of Rift Energy did more than just target specific areas. It also affected others, specifically seeping into the atmosphere. Rift Particles could be seen exuding from their bodies, rendering them immobile. Shooting Star could not help but witness the sight, watching his parents become affected.

Paramount and Luminary could barely do anything and as they tried, they'd feel themselves become more tired and exhausted. Soon, they had their bodies shrunk, slowly turning into what appeared to be a Rift Sphere.

"I planned for this. I knew you'd fight hard to retaliate, so I needed an easy way to make sure you don't mess things up for me. With all this Rift Energy I've been saving up, I had to use it to the best of my abilities. Of course, using it in the smartest way was the best option. The atmosphere itself is now filled with Rift Energy and under my imagination, all of you will be turned into cute little Rift Spheres."

Second Wind smirked as her head twitched. But she knew this would happen as her twitching was rather aggressive, making it look like she was in pain. "The drawback is that using it in such an effective way will harm my body, as is the norm with Rift Energy. But it is absolutely worth it."

To make up for it, the Unown would use Hidden Power on her, healing their Queen's head, and calming down her twitches. With the help of the Hidden Power, her twitches would slowly cease and she would regain full composure. "There. Better than ever. Now then, back to your little situation. The rest of Pegalysium save for the Sky Monarch and a few places, can gladly fall to the ground for all I care."

"You wouldn't!" Luminary gasped as her body was fully turned into a Rift Sphere, falling into Second Wind's hooves.

"Absolutely I would. Perfect payback. And the way I intend to keep the Sky Monarch around is with their help. The Pegalysium Giants."

"Impossible! Are you saying you managed to get them on your side?! But the giants are completely neutral and keep to themselves!" Paramount couldn't believe what he was hearing. "They shouldn't get involved in this at all."

"How else do you think? Nothing a little mind control can't handle." Second Wind smirked. "This is justice happening in its purest form, and I'm the one pulling it off~ Now watch as your entire nation falls."

Across Pegalysium, many of its residents would breathe in the Rift Particles that were in the atmosphere, having them absorb the particles. These particles would have their effects as their bodies were trapped within the spheres, and they'd all be suspended.

"Ugh..W-What is this?" Garnet groaned, seeing her hooves exued particles. She tried to fight back but became paralyzed, and the particles would trap her in a Rift Sphere, turning her into one of many.

All the Pegasi citizens would fall under the same fate, falling victim to the Rift Particles. The citizens that were fleeing would fall victim, those who were injured and passed out were being affected, and everyone was succumbing.

The only one unaffected was Shooting Star, but that was thanks to this magic as a Destiny Pegasus. His magic would flare out of his body in a beautiful white light, giving him some protection against the Rift Energy. The light was beginning to fade, and the energy would begin affecting him, causing a sphere to trap him.

He struggled as he could feel his body grow exhausted. His wings began to shrink, and his horn shrunk. The Rift Sphere was getting closer and closer. He could feel it sucking him in. But thanks to his large pool of magic, he was able to just narrowly avoid succumbing to the sphere's influence.

"Just to make sure I don't leave any spare ends, all of you!" Second Wind would then face her soldiers and the Unown. "Find Shooting Star. His magic is the biggest threat here by far and I don't want a Destiny Pegasus stopping me. Not again."

"Right away, Your Majesty!" The soldiers cried out. One of the Unown would float towards the location of the last spot Shooting Star was at. He was nowhere to be found, however. The Unown would use its psychic powers, using them to detect his magic and locate him.

However, using his own magic, Shooting Star, out of fear, concealed his presence, sneaking out of the Sky Monarch Castle and blending in with the clouds and the sky.

"That boy can't be that far away! Find him!" Second Wind would bark orders. Meanwhile, Shooting Star was flying, hiding among the clouds. His wings were beating fast, his eyes were wide with shock, and he was looking behind him to see if he was being followed.

"I have to let Ash and the others know..." He quietly said to himself, attempting to depart to inform Ash and the others. "Ooh...but if I go now, they'll open the Clock Door and use the power of the Avus Pegasus...Then she'll change time again! What should I do?! She's after me and if I leave, she'll change history, but if I don't, then my home will fall!"

The young Prince was panicking, having so much to deal with and being put under pressure. "I have no idea what's happening or what to do..." He was lost, having no idea. He didn't want the worst possible outcome, but right now, it looked like he was on his own since many ponies were being turned into spheres.

Shooting Star, having some courage within him, would try and reach whoever was left. He knew he had a lot of magical potential so it was time he used it. "Maybe I can reverse the Rift Energy...I can do a lot, so I'll give it a try. But with all those Unown and Guards around..." He grumbled, taking a peek from the corner, seeing the massive number difference.

Shooting Star took a deep breath, knowing what had to be done. But first, he would whip out his Xtransceiver, making sure to call Ash and the others right away.

The Human World. Out in a Forest.

Silver Spoon and Cozy Glow's brief battle had already began. Or rather, it should've gotten started by now, but as always, Togepi and Cozy Glow were at odds with each other, bickering while Silver Spoon and her Purugly watched.

"Just listen to me for once! I'm the one who's in charge!" Cozy Glow stomped her foot, furious at Togepi's defiance.

"Toge!" Togepi would shake her head, still refusing to obey the child.

"Khhh! You're the worst!" She would grit her teeth, absolutely frustrated with Togepi.

"Um...W-We can postpone this for another time, if that's okay with you." Silver Spoon raised her finger.

"No, it's fine!" Cozy Glow barked before forming a rather devious grin. "Actually...why don't you start the first attack? Go for it. That way, Togepi will have to do something.

"To?!" Togepi gasped, her eyes widening. She would then see the devious grin of Cozy Glow, who was more than willing to have Togepi take some damage. Anything to get her moving.

"Alright. If you say so." Silver Spoon shrugged since she simply wanted to get this started regardless. She would raise her hand, signaling for her Purugly.

"Gurl..." Purugly would respond, readying herself.

"Purugly! Use Slash!" She would point her hoof forward, directing the order to her Pokemon.

"Grrr!" The wildcat would rush towards Togepi, her claws extending as she'd ready a strike, aiming to slash at her with its claws.

"Togi! Togepiiiii!" She'd shout, her eyes bulging out at the sight of Purugly rushing towards her. And Purugly, despite her size, was by no means slow and appeared way faster than she should be.

Togepi would frantically waggle her arms before running out of the way, narrowly avoiding the Slash attack from Purugly. This left a large crack in the floor. "Pur...!" The Tiger Cat Pokemon would say, seeing the tiny Togepi flee from the area.

Cozy Glow would have her mouth wide open, completely astonished at how fast Togepi moved, and also amazed by the strength Purugly exhibited, having cracked the ground with a single slash.

"Don't stop! Do it again!" Cozy Glow encouraged her Purugly and Silver Spoon.


"Pur! Ugly!" She would growl, rushing towards Togepi once more.

"Togepiiii!" She'd cry, looking back, her pupils shrinking. "Piii!" She would run in a frenzy, avoiding each and every Slash that Purugly would throw at her but always by the skin of her non-existent teeth.

"Togepiiiii! Togiiii! Toooogeeee!" She'd wail, trying her best not to be hit by Purugly. It was even more impressive that she could outpace Purugly's speed, zipping around at incredible speeds.

"Come on! You're being chased down and you won't fight back?! Use an attack already!" Cozy Glow barked at her.

"Toge...!" Togepi saw that it looked like the most viable option aside from running. She wasn't about to let Cozy Glow get away with this. Not for a moment. The Spike Ball Pokemon growled, finally deciding to utilize an attack, but it wouldn't be on Purugly. She would use Flamethrower, breathing out a stream of scarlet flames, but they were directed at Cozy Glow.

"Eh?" The child's pupils would shrink, and she would yelp, having the fire come her way. Cozy Glow would have the flames come her way, scorching the area she was at. She had her face engulfed by flames, receiving the attack instead. Once the flames dispersed, Cozy Glow coughed, her face smoking. She would groan and rub her face.

"Toge-Toge-Toge!" Togepi laughed at her, believing she deserved it. Cozy Glow was stunned for a few moments. But after a brief pause, she'd grizzle her teeth, furious at the Spike Ball Pokemon.

"Why you...You were supposed to fire it at Purugly! You just can't do anything right, can you?!" She barked, pointing at her, and her finger trembling.

"Piiiii!" Togepi would blow a raspberry, continuing her mocking laughter, much to Cozy's displeasure.

"Augh!" Cozy would grit her teeth, enraged. "Do it again, but fire it at Purugly!"

"That's enough!" Suddenly, Silver Spoon would shout, grabbing both of their attention, causing them to pause right away. "Cozy, no offence, but I'm going to have to stop this battle. I can't let you talk to Togepi like that."


"You should be talking to her with a lot of care." Silver Spoon approached the Spike Ball Pokemon. "That way, you can work together much easier. Besides, you're not helping by shouting at her like that. She looked too afraid to fight back against Purugly." After approaching Togepi, Silver Spoon would kneel, getting herself to her level. "Are you alright?"

"Toge..." Her eyes lit up once Silver Spoon would look at her with such caring eyes.

"There there." Silver Spoon would use her hoof, patting her gently on the head, showing the utmost care for the Pokemon. She was more than glad to see the Spike Ball Pokemon happy which was unusual for Togepi. Usually, she receives care from deceiving others, but this time, she was receiving care while she was in an unfavourable position. It was a new experience for this mostly devious Togepi. "T-Togepi!" She would happily squeal, feeling relieved now that someone else was here. "Piii!"

"Now's my chance..." But Cozy Glow would see this as a golden opportunity. Now that Silver Spoon was distracted, she could finally use it. The item Daybreaker lent her. The orb of Fairy Matter. Quickly, she harnessed its power, letting out a pink mist that flow in Silver Spoon and Purugly's direction.

The two would have their eyes widen, sensing something coming their way, but not being able to avoid it. Before they knew it, the pink mist would envelop their bodies. "Oh..." As soon as the two of them felt the Fairy Matter in them, a soothing sensation filled their bodies. A feeling of pure tranquility and happiness.

"Pui-Pui." Purugly would say, a smile forming on her lips.

"This is wonderful..." Silver Spoon giggled, her heart fluttering. "What a beautiful and blissful feeling~" She was now completely under the influence of the Fairy Matter, along with Purugly.

"Gotcha." Cozy Glow grinned. The tactic she used was the same tactic that Daybreaker used on Equestria when she attempted to put all of its residents into a blissful state, turning them into balls of light for Necrozma to absorb. Cozy Glow found it to be an effective way of defeating an opponent as at this very moment Silver Spoon and Purugly were forming into balls of light and were becoming suspended, like the citizens of Pegalysium.

To make the best of the situation, she would approach Silver Spoon and Purugly, who were still smiling with bliss and floating away, not knowing where they were heading, and they didn't care. They were so entranced in the Fairy Matter, they were perfectly willing to go with whatever came next.

Cozy Glow would snicker, reaching out her hand and grasping the spheres that contained Silver Spoon and Purugly in the palms of her hands. "Hah! It's as easy as that! And these two are just the first. If I can turn others into orbs of light and bring them back, Daybreaker will be so proud of me! This is perfect!"

She squeed with absolute glee, knowing that things were going her way. Togepi appeared bummed about that, actually. Even though she was a part of this alliance, seeing Silver Spoon turn into a ball of light upset her a bit. However, she promptly shrugged it off, knowing that she didn't have that deep of a connection to Silver Spoon anyway, even after that brief interaction they had.

"Well, let's keep on going! And don't mess it up, Togepi!" Cozy Glow exclaimed while strolling off. "Let's try and find somepony else!"

"Toge-pi." She reluctantly replied, following the child as they searched for someone else to ensnare.

"Hey, Silver Spoon! Guess what! We-" But showing up rather too late was Diamond Tiara, here to speak with her friend. She thought she saw her here in the distance, but there was no sign of her. "What...Where'd she go?" She would scratch her head.

At this very moment, Daybreaker's remaining prominent forces were on the move. The only other prominent one being Second Wind herself. Cozy Glow was going for Daybreaker's previous plan of making others orbs of light for Necrozma to absorb while Second Wind was exacting revenge. Daybreaker's next destination was unknown at the moment as the journey continues.

Chapter 545 End.

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