• Published 13th May 2024
  • 2,260 Views, 107 Comments

Truancy - f0st3r21

HiE turned pony who must remain a background pony behind all the other background ponies.

Comments ( 9 )

Way to go Three, no regrets.

Is NMM going to keep him alive on the moon until her banishment is due?

She might be involved somehow. :raritywink:

Interesting look at what’s happening to the others.

Came here for the human turned foal shenanigans, stayed for the scoundrel on the moon. Hopefully we get back to the foal and milkman storyline soon, I was having fun with that one.

Thanks for providing the translations!

Definitely next week. :pinkiesmile:

I hope timelines will be explained later, its a bit confusing to see when each of these individuals are in time. How many have interacted with Celestia? Are they each displaced in a different time? It will be interesting to see what comes next.

From the reveals in this chapter, there’s a few approximations given. Two: some ancient records exist. One: Celestia has some older records but they’re not available to the general public. Three: involved with some events with the Heroines Guild of Equestria.

More details will come out later. :twilightsmile: Thank you for being invested so far!

guang #9 · Saturday · · ·

Foolish sacrifice.
Implications we receive,
Where might their path lead. . .

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