• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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2. Name

As soon as he opened his eyes, he wished he hadn't.

“No... Not here! Not again!”

He knew the Great Hall he was in very well. He looked at the all too familiar fireplace, tall enough for a man to stand in, that was filled with thick burning logs. Over the ornately decorated mantel, carved with images of fantastical creatures, the giant antler of a shoveltusk was mounted. Carved dragon heads served as sconces, holding torches with flames burning bright. Heavy beams supported the feast hall that could have housed dozens, the warm orange hue of the fires chasing away the shadows to hide on the corners. The cold stone of the floor was softened and warmed by thick pelts of polar bears, shoveltusk, and other creatures.

A table, long and heavy and carved, occupied most of the space in the room. It could have hosted three dozen easily. But now, besides him, only two others sat at it, and they were both known to him. One was old and green-skinned, with a white skull painted at his face; while the other, sitting in place of honor at the table, looked like a flame that was shaped into humanoid form and enclosed in pieces of plate armor.

“So you are awake, at last.” said the burned man.

“Bolvar Fordragon?” he asked, confused. For a moment there, he feared that what happened in past few months was nothing but another dream, but in those dreams never had this person appeared. “What are you doing here? What am I doing here?! Shouldn't I be dead?”

“Hmph.” snorted the old orc.

He paid him no heed. Once, the orc had been a shaman, able to direct vast powers of the elements, but all that remained of that time was his gift of visions.

“There must always be a Lich King.” said Bolvar, looking at him with quite literally burning eyes. “Without the master's command, the Scourge would have shred Azeroth to pieces. I am now The Jailer of the Damned, Arthas Menethil.”

Arthas winced at the sound of his name as if the man had hit him.

“As for why you are here, a piece of you have been left inside here since you died and I donned the Helm of Domination, along with Ner'zhul's soul. Although opposite to him, those shreds of your soul had no form until a few hours ago, interesting appearance by the way.”

Arthas looked at himself at noticed that he still bore the shape of a pony.

“Few hours ago...” he said, trying to understand what was happening. “... I woke up in this body, alive and in weird world, whose inhabitants look like this.”

“We know.” rasped Ner'zhul, looking at Arthas with hatred. “We've seen and heard everything that happened to you there.”

“You know, if anyone should be unhappy about being in the same room with somebody, it should be either me or Bolvar.” Arthas replied, offended by his tone. While he may have walked his path willingly, it was Ner'zhul who set the path.

“Both of you be quiet.” warned silently Bolvar. “It would appear that we are stuck with each other, so get over it.”

“You could always just kill him, that’s what I did.”

“I don't have a magical blade on me. And besides, as much as annoying Ner'zhul is, it's better to have some company, rather than sit on the Frozen Throne alone. It’s bad enough that I have to keep the Scourge in check, I don't need to go insane out of loneliness.”

“So...” Arthas said after few moments of silence, wanting to go back to his problem. “... have I died again?”

“No, you just passed out. You're not really here, we're talking through the bond we all share thanks to the pieces of your soul left here. I suppose you should wake up back in that weird world soon.”

“But why am I there?” asked Arthas, not understanding that. “Why am I alive? I remember that I was among the dead, in the darkness. And why am I brought back to life as a talking pony?!”

“How would any of us know that?” snorted Ner'zhul. “Even my visions haven't showed me that.”

“Your vision haven't showed you me impaling you on the Frostmourne, either, so I don't think they are that reliable.” answered Arthas, annoyed. “There must be a reason for this!”

“There probably is.” said Bolvar, silencing the orc before he had a chance to reply. “But it is up to you to figure out who did this and why.”

At that moment, Arthas vision became blurry. He felt as if something was pulling him somewhere.

“It would appear that you are waking up at your side.” told him Bolvar, noticing his behavior. “We will talk again, Arthas.”

Arthas stirred as he woke up.

I think I'm starting to get used to this.” he thought, half annoyed, opening eyes.

Hovering above him was a pink head.

Well, clearly I was wrong.

“Oh my gosh, you're awake! The doctor said you'd be fine, but you slept whole day, so I was, like 'What if he doesn't wake up?', but...” the pink pony, that was for some reason standing atop of him, kept spouting words quickly, until she was interrupted.

“Pinkie Pie, get off him!” shouted some voice, after which strange aura enveloped the pink pony and dragged her off. “I'm terribly sorry.” said his rescuer, a lavender pony with indigo-pink-purple mane and horn. “Pinkie Pie sometimes behaves as if...”

“... As if she didn't know the meaning of words 'personal space'?” asked Arthas, more amused than annoyed.

“Well, I was going to say 'as if everypony was her friend and knew how she acted', but I suppose you are correct.” she answered, chuckling.

Arthas looked around. He was in green room (which was an understatement), and was surrounded by six mares and something that looked like a small purple basilisk standing on his hind legs.

This will be interesting.

“I hope I don't sound rude, but do you mind telling me why am I surrounded by six ladies and some small lizard-thing? Or, for that matter, where am I?”

They all exchanged glances, before the lavender one answered: “Well, you are in Ponyville Hospital, we are here because you saved three fillies that we know and love, and...”

“And I'm not a lizard, I'm a dragon!” snapped the lizard, apparently offended by his comment.

This can talk?” thought Arthas, now not sure if he should expect everything, including plants, to talk in this weird world.

“Wait, you are dragon?” asked, to which the purple lizard nodded. “Are you sure? I haven't personally seen a dragon hatchling, but... eh, forget it.” Arthas stopped himself before he said 'I've heard enough from the Cult of the Damned about their experiments in Scholomance and Sindragosa's Fall to know they look different', which most likely wouldn't mean anything to them. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean any offense.” he said instead.

“That’s okay, we're cool. I'm Spike, by the way.”

“I'm Twilight Sparkle” said the lavender one, nodding her head. “And those are...”

“I'm Pinkie, but you already know, because Twilight told you!” shouted the ridiculously pink pony.

“Name's Rainbow Dash, best flier in Equestria.” said the cyan one with a rainbow colored mane and tail, which was flying above the floor.

I could guess.” thought Arthas, noticing her mane's colors and remembering fillies talking about her.

“Applejack.” said the orange one with blond mane and tail, both tied who was wearing a hat and sounded familiar. “Thank ya for savin mah sister, Apple Bloom.”

“You saved my sister, Sweetie Belle, too.” added a white one with a horn and purple mane and tail which were combed in wavy curls. “You can call me Rarity, or Miss Rarity, if you like.”

Is she a noble or something?” Arthas thought, noticing slight difference in Rarity's way of speaking in comparison to the other mares.

“And, um.... I'm Fluttershy.” said the one with a light yellow body and a pink mane and tail so silently that Arthas barely heard her.

“So, what’s you're name?” asked Twilight Sparkle, when everybody introduced herself. “Girls said you never got to introduce yourself.”

“My name...” said Arthas, who started to slightly panic. He didn't want anyone here to know his name. Even though this was a different world and they never heard of him and probably never will, he didn't want to say it aloud for in his mind, he wasn't the same man he was the last seven years ago.

So, instead of saying his real name, after a second of hesitation he said a name he knew the best part of him bore for some time.

“My name is Matthias Lehner.”

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