• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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82. Burning

As Al’ar ruby eyes scanned his surroundings, in what Matthias recognized to be a confusion, the paladin took a cautious step back. A memory of this humongous bird of fire assisting that cowardly elven prince in their battle resurfaced, making him wonder whatever he could buy enough time for Storm Clash to get Fluttershy if things would go south. While back then he managed to be victorious, Arthas was empowered by the Lich King at that moment, and even though he was now stronger in Light than ever in his previous life, he had his doubts.

He also wondered as to how exactly this could all had happen. Phoenixes normally rose from their ashes rather quickly, but Al’ar remained dormant for about two years. Matthias suspected that champions send by A’dal, the naaru that lead Sha’tar and the city of Shattrath, must have killed him multiple times during their raid on Tempest Keep up to the point of exhaustion his powers. How after his final defeat that Al’ar’s ashes got all over that book, the paladin didn’t know, but he cursed the fate that made Brann pick this copy to bring here. Equestria’s all-present magic must have revitalized the phoenix’s remains, allowing him to raise again.

There was no way to check how much his guess was true though, and even if there was, Matthias had other concerns on his hooves, as Al’ar finally glanced their way.

He might not recognize me.” he thought, hoping to avoid the confrontation. “If we remain quiet, he will probably not think of us as a threat...” Matthias paused as the realization came upon him, making him facehoof himself mentally, “... but as a snack.

“The buck is that thing?” Tucker asked from behind him, making Al’ar immediately turn his gaze at him.

“Is that... a phoenix?” Serenity asked, her voice mixture of awe and fear.

“It’s not a phoenix I ever saw.” Guard commented. “It’s several times bigger than Princess Celestia’s, and looks more like a shaped fire.”

“It’s Al’ar, the Phoenix God.” Matthias explained shortly.

Al’ar, hearing his name being said, turned to regard him. Even though Matthias knew that this would probably enable the giant bird to recognize him, he looked into his eyes without fear. He opened his mouth to speak, at the same time asking the Light to extend its calming aura all around him, in hope that Al’ar would be inclined to not go on a rampage.

“Greetings, Al’ar. I am, while surprised, pleased to see that your ashes regained their powers to give birth to you once again. However, I am afraid I have for you some bad news: your master, Kael’thas, is dead.” he paused as the phoenix gave out a sad caw. “And while I would prefer to not spoil your memories of him, I feel obligated to urge you to now mourn his death, as he allied himself with the Burning Legion, and sought the destruction of Azeroth.”

Matthias assumed that the look Al’ar was now giving him was now one of disbelief, but with such creature like him he could not be certain. Phoenixes were something between an animal and elemental, and Al’ar himself was more akin to demigods than animals. Matthias doubted even Kael knew what exactly he was.

He paid no mind for the confusion of the other three ponies (or five, seeing as Sound and Bomb, hearing the commotion joined them), focusing all his senses on the phoenix, waiting to detect even the slightest sign of aggression from him. Matthias had a feeling that Al’ar was also observing him closely, probably detecting that there was something he recognized about the pony in front of him.

“Al’ar...” Matthias began again, but he stopped.

The air around the phoenix cracked from his suddenly increased heat.

He recognized him.

Storm Clash had no idea why sir Matthias became so worried, but sensing the seriousness in his voice, he flew as fast as he could in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the fastest flier, so it would take him some time. Concerned that he might get back too late, Storm sighed with relief when he spotted the mare he has been sent to look for on a meadow not so far from the Abbey.

Is she... having a tea with a bunny?” he thought surprised as he neared her.

“Miss Fluttershy!” he called out, suspecting it would be best to give her some warning. His assumption proved to be correct, as she jumped up, frightened. He could guess how she would react if he just landed next to her unannounced. “Sir Matthias asked me to take you to the Everfree Abbey.”

“W-what?” she asked, still in a shock from his unexpected visit. “Why would Matt want me to-”

“I have no idea, but he said it is an emergency.” Storm cut her off, knowing that time was of the essence. “Please, Miss, you need to come with me.”

Thankfully, the yellow pegasus didn’t need further coaxing. Fluttershy nodded her head, her earlier shock conceding in favor of determination. “Okay, I’ll go.” her eyes widened slightly, and she glanced back at the white bunny that was with her. “Angel, we will have to have our tea party some other day. You don’t mind, do you?”

Not waiting for reply, she took air. Storm moved to follow her, but looked at the bunny out of curiosity.

It had its front paws crossed, and a mixture of anger and annoyance on its face.

Matthias’ quick prayer was all that saved him, and the other five ponies, from being burned to crisps as the world around them erupted in flames. Cursing the perceptivity of the phoenix, he asked the Light to interrupt him. Within a second, the chaos around him disappeared, but despite that he maintained the aura that protected everypony from fire.

“Al’ar, I do not wish to fight you!” Matthias called out to the rebuked and for a moment stunned bird. “My conflict with your old master is of no importance anymore. Please, if you could just...”

He trailed off as Al’ar shook his head, clearing it out of momentary confusion, and cawed angrily. His wings outstretched once more, and the bird of fire took flight. For a moment Matthias worried that Al’ar had intended to fly away (and having a giant phoenix on a loose would’ve probably ended badly), but then, with a wave of his wings, several small fiery missiles were launched at everypony.

“Get back, all of you!” the paladin shouted, realizing those were not fires, but Al’ar’s quills, and were physical enough to get past his aura that protected the others from magical attacks.

He swiftly dodged those quills that were aimed at him, but from the few gasps of pain that reached his ears, it was clear that not everypony managed to do that. If he had time, he would ask the Light for additional protection or healed them, but as it were, he couldn’t even spare to look at them to make sure they were safe. Al’ar once again concentrated solely at him, preparing to charge at him. Matthias took a deep breath, readying himself for the upcoming exertion. The phoenix launched, attempting to hit him with the full power his flaming body could muster. But a heartbeat before they would collide, golden chains appeared around Al’ar, suspending the great bird in the air.

Al’ar cawed furiously as he attempted to free himself. Had it been another paladin that bound him, he would break those chains in a matter of seconds. However, Matthias willpower was far greater than that of a usual paladin. The golden chains held... for now.

“Stop it!” he once again called out. “Al’ar, in your rage, you harmed innocent! Doesn’t that matter to you!?”

But either it didn’t in a slightest, or Al’ar’s hatred of the one that destroyed its master’s live was so great that he wasn’t even listening, for his attempts to break free increased.

“Okay, that’s it, enough of talking.” the voice of Tucker sounded behind Matthias, making him glance back. The unicorn had two non-threatening burn marks, one on his shoulder and the other on flank, but instead of hurt he looked mostly angry. “I’m pissed!”

A blue energy shoot from his right hoof, forming a two-bladed sword. Tucker, balancing perfectly on three legs, was about to jump at Al’ar, and from his stance Matthias could tell that he was going to aim at his throat. He realized that, beside how futile it would be, it would also make it harder to calm the Phoenix God if they’d kill him. Not wanting to let that happen, Matthias summoned another set of golden chains, binding Tucker before he could do anything. The unicorn looked at him, shocked, but before the paladin got a chance to explain, a stab of pain in his mind told him that Al’ar broke free, no doubt taking advantage of the momentary distraction.

Cursing, Matthias prepared to use a bit more drastic measures to keep the bird away from inflicting further harm on ponies, but then a yellow-and-pink blur appeared between them.


Al’ar’s confusion deepened, as this small creature looked with fury into his eyes, and suddenly his own rage gave way to fear. Matthias sighed with relief, and looked back to assert the damage the phoenix has done. Aside from Tucker, the other’s also had burn marks, although in Serenity’s case they seemed to be more smudges on her crystal coat than real wounds. The only one free of them was Storm Clash, who just arrived with Fluttershy, and now was staring at her with his crooked jaw dropped, similar to others.

Matthias would have chuckled if it wasn’t for that he was also a bit put off by this. Concentrating, he prayed to the Light, and it shone down on them, healing their wounds.

“What do you have to say for yourself?!” the yellow mare continued to berate the Phoenix God as if it was a puppy that wet itself in the house.

Al’ar cawed something in reply uncomfortably.

“I know Mattie did a lot of bad things before he came to Ponyville.” Fluttershy replied gently, somehow understanding what he said. Matthias spared a second to wonder what did he told her exactly. “But he is truly sorry for all of that, and works hard every day to make it up by helping everypony he can. He deserves a second chance, and you should apologize to him and the others for harming them.”

That was clearly too much for the huge phoenix, who cawed in outrage.

“I said ‘YOU SHOULD APOLOGIZE’!” the animal caretaker cut him off.

Al’ar shrinks inwardly from the sound of her voice. Deciding it wasn’t worth risking her wrath, he twisted his head to regard other ponies, mostly Matthias, and cawed what the paladin guessed to be an apology.

“That’s better.” Fluttershy commented, reaching with her hoof to pet him under his beak. “Who’s a cute widdle flaming bird?”

“Did... she just...” Sound asked, or rather tried to ask, as dumbfounded at the sight of the Phoenix God calming himself as he was treated like a normal pet by Fluttershy as anypony else.

“Fluttershy, your skills with animals will never cease to amaze me.” Matthias told her as he trotted closer to her and Al’ar.

The bird quickly snapped at him angrily, but under Fluttershy stern gaze he looked away.

“Thank you.” the paladin continued, not bothering with Al’ar, as he no longer could sense an evil intent within him.

“No problem, I am happy to help. But how did this cute bird got here?”

“One of the books Brann brought was covered in his ashes.” Matthias explained, and seeing her confusion, he added: “Al’ar is a phoenix, like Philomena, except that he’s a Phoenix God. So he is naturally a bit... bigger.”

“‘A bit’?!” Sound, Bomb, Guard and Storm exclaimed, all whom have seen Celestia’s pet before.

“Oh my, no wonder you look so magnificent.” Fluttershy told Al’ar as she resumed petting him, both she and Matthias ignoring the four stallions. “But... what are we going to do with you now?”

That was a question that Matthias would prefer to avoid, as there was only one possible answer to it. But he knew it couldn’t be helped.

“I guess he will have to stay here.” he said. Everypony, besides Fluttershy, looked at him as if had lost his mind, Al’ar included. “There are only few places where you could live in Equestria, and I hope you understand that I cannot just allow you to fly around unsupervised. Brann’s medallion only allows him to go between Equestria and Azeroth, so we can’t send you there, plus I have no way of contacting him. I also have no idea how to banish you into the elemental plane, where you could be more at home, so letting you stay in here is the only option.”

Utterly ignoring the surprise and confusion of others at some part of his statement, Matthias continued to observe Al’ar. He could tell that, while he still didn’t like him, the phoenix was considering what he said.

“If it is of any consolation, know that I am truly sorry for what I did to your master, as well as everything, like Fluttershy just said.” Matthias told him, bowing his head in apology. “Please, forgive me, and allow me to make up for my deeds by providing you with a home.”

He glanced up to look into his eyes. The two of them stared long into each other: one with a pair of eyes like fire, the other with pair of sea-colored. Just where Matthias began to tear up from staring into something so bright, Al’ar cawed quietly, and nodded in agreement. He then lunged into the air and flew over to the Lightbringer Chapel’s roof.

“Are we really gonna live with that living torch?” Tucker asked while Matthias sighed with relief, watching the Phoenix God land and planning to build a nest for himself.

“Tucker Out, do you know why I stopped you when you tried to attack Al’ar?” the paladin asked instead, ignoring for the moment the initiate’s question. When he saw a confused look on Tucker’s face, he continued: “As paladins, it is our duty to protect others, however we don’t resolve to violence if there are other ways to deal with a threat. I had faith that Fluttershy would be able to calm Al’ar, and that’s why I held both myself and you back. Furthermore, a paladin cannot act with anger in his heart. Do you understand?”

His question was directed to all four initiates, who quickly nodded. Satisfied, Matthias glanced again at Tucker, and added gentler: “Despite that, however, you deserve to be commended by how quickly you wanted to step into the fight, regardless of the size and power of your opponent.”

“Um... Thank you, sir.” the unicorn replied after he realised he had just been praised, and saluted.

Matthias nodded to him, and then looked at the two royal guards.

“Hay, our contract doesn’t mention giant flaming god-like creatures!” Sound immediately tried to defend himself and his partner.

The paladin just shook his head in annoyance. “Go and wash yourselves.” he told all of them. “Once you’re done, get back into the chapel, I still have some things to tell you. And you two will get back to your post.”

“Yes, sir!” all six of them replied, and then headed towards the barrack to clean the marks that fire left on them. Storm, the one that wasn’t present during the fight, flew straight to the Chapel.

“Once again, Fluttershy, thank you.” Matthias turned to the yellow pegasus, beckoning her to him, and both of them headed for the gate. “I prefer not to think how this all would end if it weren’t for you.”

“I didn’t do that much.” Fluttershy replied, blushing in embarrassment for being praised.

“Fluttershy, look at that.” the paladin stopped her, and pointed at the lines Al’ar’s fire left on the training field. “Most of the Abbey, or even Ponyville, would had look like that, even if I was able to defeat Al’ar eventually. You fully deserve to be praised, and I won’t let you get away that easily.”

“Um, okay then. Thanks.” the pegasus said, smiling. Her cheeks were still red, making the smile even cuter looking. “You will take care of Al’ar, right?”

“Sure, although I doubt he needs that.” Matthias chuckled. “Being a Phoenix God, he doesn’t exactly need to eat... although I will probably have to order some bird food... a fireproof bird food.”

Fluttershy joined him, giggling at his comment. The paladin felt relief spread through him at the realization that their friendship didn’t suffer from his earlier outburst. However, as that memory resurfaced in his mind, the day seemed darker.

“Fluttershy...” he started and paused, gathering thoughts. He felt the need to explain himself better to her, for the fear that she briefly experienced because of him. “That thing earlier... I’m really sorry for scaring you.”

“Oh, don’t be.” Fluttershy immediately replied. “I get scared of everything, and I’m sure you had your reason for being so angry.”

“Perhaps, but that doesn’t justify my behaviour.” Matthias told her, refusing to be forgiven so easily. Not being able to look into those innocent eyes of hers, he turned his head away as he continued: “I shouldn’t explode like that, not in front of you all, especially Spike, who shouldn’t hear older ponies curse. And I shouldn’t let anger get the better of me at all. I...” the earth pony stammered, his words failing him “Fluttershy, I became evil because I let my anger and hatred blind me to everything. I... I can’t... I can’t let this happen again, I...”

“Mattie...” he heard the yellow pegasus say as he began to feel panic arise within him. He turned his head...

… and Fluttershy kissed him.

His eyes snapped wide in shock, but his reaction was nowhere near Fluttershy’s level. She almost immediately pulled back, shock plain on her face as she covered her face.

“I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed from behind her hooves, red as tomato as she burned with shame. “I meant to kiss you on the cheek, because I thought that would make you feel better, but... I-”

Matthias wouldn’t know what else Fluttershy planned to say, because at that moment Fluttershy embarrassment passed its level of tolerance’s limit. Faster than he ever saw her, she took the air and rapidly flew in the direction of her cottage. The paladin, too shock to do anything, only now had realized that he should have probably called out after her.

“This won’t end well.” Matthias murmured, although Fluttershy’s unexpected kiss at least did what she intended - he felt better.

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