• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,707 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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64. Decision

As he woke up, there was this beautiful sense of not remembering what had happened the previous day...

… until it was shattered as Mattias recalled everything.

The girls must have brought him back to his room, seeing as he was here instead of on the beach where he fainted. Like every other room, it was quite spacious, and at least half of its exterior was taken by the bed.

Why do they need to have such big beds in a beach houses that is supposed to host around twenty ponies?” he wondered, trying to forget the last night’s events.

However, much to his dismay, it proved difficult. While Matthias was glad he was able to help Sweetie Belle and calm her down, he would be much more content with Rarity or one of the other mares handle it.

“Good morning!” a cheerful voice of Twilight came from the door, while the paladin continued to stare at the ceiling. He almost instantly turned his head to look at her. She was alone and brought with her a plate with breakfast on it. “Or rather, good afternoon. You slept rather long, although, given the shock you must have gone through...”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Matthias whined as he covered his eyes.

His foul mood lifted somewhat as he heard her giggle.

“Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad.” Twilight said, trying to make him feel better. “Based on what the fillies told us, you handled things pretty well... for a stallion.”

Matthias uncovered one of his eyes to see her smirking at him. Taking off the hoof from the other, he sighed.

“It would have really been better if one of you was here.” he told her, straightening up. “So, how did the... talking go?”

“Me, Rarity and Applejack took care of it.” the unicorn replied, putting the plate near him. “Now the only one who doesn’t understand what happened is Spike... although, if Pinkie-”

“Please tell me she’s not going to throw a party because of that!” Matthias exclaimed; there had to be some limits when it came to Pinkie Pie... right?

“Well, she’s just considering it... so far.” Twilight said, uncomfortably. “Anyway, the others are out on the beach, I stayed behind to wait for you to wake up.”

“You didn’t have to, I’m a big colt.” the paladin smirked, although he was heartened by her gesture.

“‘A big colt’ who fainted after seeing some blood?” Twilight replied, grinning, although it didn’t escape Matthias’ notice that her cheeks were few shades more red. “I’ll leave you to eat at peace.”

Having said that, she turned around and headed towards the door. Matthias, not wanting to let the opportunity go to waste, had called after her.

“Twilight, wait.” she turned around, as the earth pony rose from bed and trotted to her. “Could you go by the nightfall for a walk with me?” seeing her eyes widen slightly, he quickly added: “I wanted to talk with you about something in private, and it seems that every time I am going to, something comes up; like what happened yesterday or this whole trip.”

“Funny you should say that.” Twilight replied, the blush on her face now more evident. “I also wanted to talk with you for some time. But why wait until nightfall?”

“Well, we could now, but I’m pretty sure that somepony is going to come in h-”

“Twilight, is Matt up yet?” Rarity’s melodic voice rang up as she glanced through the gap in the door. At the sight of him, the white unicorn smiled and trotted into room. “Matt, I wanted to thank you for taking care of Sweetie Belle and others so well.”

“It was nothing, really.” the paladin replied, uncomfortable, a feeling he would undoubtedly feel whenever this subject was touched.

“Oh, it was most certainly not ‘nothing’!” the fashionista protested. “Most stallions would have run away, but you remained calm and collected. I must say, one day you’re going to become an excellent father!”

“Um... thanks.” was all Matthias, feeling even more uncomfortable, could say.

Is it just me, or did she just glanced at Twilight?

Rarity didn’t feel good about interrupting them at noon, but she was certain that it would be better if things would go with like the original plan dictated.

If only Sweetie Belle’s...” she began to think as they all came back from the tour around the city by the evening, but quickly shook her head.

It wasn’t anypony’s fault that her little sister had her first period at such unfortunate moment. If anything, Rarity was angry at herself for not being there for her. She hoped she made up for it by having a long talk in the morning, starting with her apologizing for both herself and their mother not discussing this with her earlier.

Since now all three fillies knew about menstruation, Rarity’s thoughts didn’t linger on the subject, and her mind quickly returned to the first problem. Because of that, her ears perked up when she heard Matt’s voice from behind her once they reached the house.

“If you ponies don’t mind, we’re going for a little walk.” he said, nodding to Twilight, who stood next to him, and both of them wandered off...

…Towards the shrine.

“So why exactly you want to talk on that hill?” asked Matthias once they were out of earshot of the rest.

The rest of the day was rather pleasant. After waking up completely, he decided to go see Altomare, and the others (mostly fillies, who also missed out yesterday in favor of playing some more) agreed. The city was, as he noticed yesterday, very beautiful and unique, proven by the fact that, unlike Canterlot which was the only other city he’s been to so far, where unicorns were dominant kind of ponies, in Altomare lived all kinds of them, like in Ponyville. They even saw today two sea ponies, although they just swam past them while they traveled on gondola. They reminded Matthias a lot of the naga or at least, a pony version of naga; having scales instead of coat, gill on their necks, and fins for forelegs... However, the few nagas he has seen by his own eyes most certainly haven’t batted their eyelashes at him, like one of the sea ponies did.

All throughout the trip, Matthias was wondering what to say to Twilight. He was determined to finally be done with this and, after hours of careful thinking, he knew what he was going to say to her.

His only concern was her reply.

“I wanted to see you the shrine that was built atop of it.” Twilight replied, returning his attention to the present. “I figured it’s a place good as any other for talking.”

Matthias, who read about Altomare’s history, knew very well what this shrine could be; which caused him to wonder what was it exactly that Twilight hoped to gain today.

They reached the top within few short minutes. Like Matthias guessed, the shrine was a statue dedicated to Prince Alto and his wife Misty, and was basically a different version of the fountain that stood at the center of Altomare.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Twilight asked, and for the moment both of them had their attention focused on the memento of two lovers from the past.

Twilight took a deep breath, and, with some effort, looked at Matt.

“Matt, I wanted to tell you...” she paused, unsure for the moment, despite going over and over this moment in her head since yesterday. Seeing the other pony nod his head encouraging, letting her know that she could continue when she wanted, she spared few more second on collecting her thoughts. “... you see, for some time, I’ve... began to think different about you. Ever since the moment we’ve almost kissed... no, that’s just when I started to realize that. I don’t know when, but, at some point, you’ve became to me more than just a friend. I know that now, and yet, I’m conflicted.”

“I don’t know if you remember, but when you were under the effect of the moon, you said that what I annoy you the most is that when I overreact to everything. And you are right, I do. As soon as began to suspect that I might have deeper feelings for you, I became afraid; afraid that something would go wrong, and I would lose you. You mean to me so much, I cannot imagine living without your friendship. And, what’s even worse, the possibility of losing my other friends as well.” she paused to take a deep breath, and summed up. “For now, all I wanted to say to you that I... love you.”

As Twilight said that, she felt almost... lighter. As if just saying that lifted a huge burden from her shoulders. Now, whatever happened next, Matt would know how she felt about him.

All that remained was to hear his response to her confession.

Matt stood barely a meter away from her, looking into her eyes, before he closed his and took a deep breath.

“What you just said filled me with both great joy and great worry.” he said, opening them. “It must have taken a lot of courage to do so... courage that I didn’t have for a long time. You see, Twilight... all the things you said apply to me as well. I also realized some time ago how I feel about you, and you’ve always been in my thought more often than anypony else since I’ve awakened in Equestria. And, like you, I’m worried; worried about us, our friendship. “

“Twilight...” he paused, shifting his sight to look at the ground instead. “I mess things up, always. I’ve been in a relationship once; and it ended because of me. She was also my friend, and after that night, she and I never even met until few years later... And after barely a few days; I’ve messed up again. This is not the only example of my failings; but I don’t want to talk about them now. What matters now, Twilight, is that I also fear losing your friendship as I say those words,” he lifted his head, and their eyes met again. “I love you.”

Silence fell upon them as those words were uttered. For a long time none of them spoke, as they simply looked into the eyes of one another, going over in their head about what both of them said.

Twilight never before thought that she could be both so happy and worried at the same time. She knew that Matt said that they weren’t just friends; but to hear him say that he loved her made her heart beat like crazy. However, the rational part of her mind processed what else he said, and looked for the best possible outcome for their situation.

“So...” Twilight said, breaking the silence, as she assumed her analytic tone of voice. “We both love each other, but are convinced that engaging in a relationship would ruin our friendship. The question is: What are we going to do about it?”

Matt’s ears flickered, but otherwise he hasn’t budged.

“As I said, I’m terrible at this. You decide. Whatever you chose, it will be fine with me.”

Twilight eyes widen, surprise at his response. She expected him to tell her what to do now, not the other way around. He did have much more experience that her in relationships, even if it things ended poorly because of him. Regardless, Twilight closed her eyes, fighting off the urge to panic, and trying her best to figure out what to do now.

We are both convinced that this would end with a disaster. We both love each other. We both value our friendship...

“We’ll remain friends.” she finally said, once she found which answer she was most comfortable with. “Friends that love and care for each other more dearly, but nothing more than that.”

Twilight opened her eyes to see Matt smiling at her with relief.

“I hoped you would say that.”

“Why, did you fear that I would throw you out of my house?” she asked, smirking.

Both of them laughed, feeling a great joy in their hearts. They knew they loved each other, and yet, they lost nothing.

Meanwhile, at Canterlot…

Luna, who had been observing the whole scene thanks to her ‘moon reflection’ spell, facehoofed herself.

“Your godfather is the stupidest stallion ever.” she told her daughter, with whom she was having a tickling session as she watched the two ponies. “However, Twilight Sparkle isn’t much better.”

Moonlight just giggled, demanding more attention.

The paladin finished laughing, honestly happy.

Matthias spoke true when he said he would be fine with whatever Twilight chose. If she thought that they should try courting, he would probably kissed her without a moment of hesitation, but after that his fears would come back. Matthias knew very well how this could all end; and he wasn’t going to risk losing a friend this time.

“So, Twilight,” he asked once they calmed down, offering her his hoof “will you accompany your friend back to the beach house?”

She smiled, squeezing his hoof.

“I would love to.”

Oh, come on!

“Did you hear something?” Matthias asked, looking around for the source of the sound, but dismissed it as wind.

“Oh, come on!” Rarity shouted in outrage.

“Calm down, sugarcube.” Applejack told her, while Rainbow Dash quickly gagged her with hoof.

The three of them were spying on Matt and Twilight through binoculars, and while they couldn’t hear what they were saying, their body language was clear enough.

They decided to remain friends.

“Ah guess this means that’s it, then.” the cowpony said, although she too looked disappointed.

“No.” Rarity told her through clenched teeth. “Those two are meant to be together, and refuse to accept what just happened!” after she said that, Rarity calmed down, and grinned evilly.

“Time for plan B.”

Author's Note:


In case you think that their decision makes no sense... they are both idiots when it comes to relationships. Although, to be fair, if the others haven't come up with this trip, they stayed in Ponyville, I imagine things would go differently somehow.

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