• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,704 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

  • ...

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89. Too much pink energy is dangerous

Well, that was certainly entertaining.” Matthias thought as he continued to heal Tucker’s injuries.

Despite the unicorn being the most adapt in combat, the two other initiates gave him a good thrashing. Matthias’ favorite part was when Serenity smashed his face with her mace, although that marked the end of the fight.

“I still feel sore.” Tucker complained as the paladin finally took his hooves from him, their glow dispersing.

“The Light melded your bones and healed other serious injuries. As for the bruises, pain is a part of the learning.”

“Whatever.” the unicorn said, shrugging as he rose.

Matthias rolled his eyes, and at the same time a sound of flapping wings reached his ears. Turning around, he saw Storm Clash returning. The paladin trotted to meet him, leaving the other three to discuss the training.

“Lady Twilight said she would fix it, sir.” the pegasus reported as he landed. “And... also told me to notify you, sir, that the magic she’s currently learning will allow her to change ponies into frogs and stuff.” he added uncomfortably.

“That sounds about right.” Matthias chuckled. “You seem quite cheerful.” he said, taking a better look at him. He was far more relaxed than Matthias ever saw him, and there was almost spring in his step as they walked back to the training field.

“Oh, I had a pleasant conversation with Lady Rarity, sir.” the other stallion explained. “I almost bumped into her while chasing this orange, and then she offered to lead me to Lady Twilight.”

“‘Lady Rarity’?”

“Well, sir, using a title ‘lady’ is common while addressing celebrities as much as royalties.” Storm explained. “And as I’m sure you know, Lady Rarity is quite famous fashion designer.”

“Yes, I am aware of my friend’s success in that field. Although, I am surprised you know about it; you don’t strike me a stallion that is interested in fashion.”

“Well, no sir, I’m not. But my mother is. Last time I visited my family in Manehatten, she practically raved about Rarity’s latest designs.” he explained, and then paused. “Oh, I almost forgot. Lady Rarity asked me to tell you that she is thankful that you’re now talking care of Scootaloo, sir.”

Guess that means they’ve stumbled upon Scootaloo.” Matthias thought as he nodded.

“And...” Storm continued, now a bit uncomfortably. “She also said that her opinion of you from your vacation hasn’t changed.”

Matthias facehoofed himself, not caring how silly that looked. He remembered Rarity’s comment clearly, about him one day becoming an excellent father. It would have seemed that, despite promising not to try again to make him and Twilight be together, she still wanted to point out some aspects of a ‘perfect relationship’ for them. He hoped that after Storm left them, she didn’t start telling Twilight any of this.

“Good to hear that.” he said somewhat bitterly, but quickly shook it off as they joined the other initiates. “You didn’t miss much. Unless you would find pleasure in breaking Tucker’s face-”

“I said I was sorry.” Serenity murmured.

“Don’t be, that was part of the training.” Matthias told her.

“But if you are sorry-” Tucker immediately began to say suggestively, reaching to her with his foreleg, but he pulled it back with a yowl of pain as a bright light smitten him in the hoof.

“Let’s do some more practice.” Matthias said, as if nothing had happened.

“May the Light bless you in your training, so that you may become true defenders of the it.” he intoned few hour later as they stood in the Chapel, with the four ponies facing him while he prayed.

They repeated after him, all having their heads bowed in respect as they also prayed.

“May the Holy Light shine brightly upon Equestria, as ponies live their lives, thriving in their affairs. May its blessing be upon the Crystal Empire and the crystal ponies that had just returned after a thousand years. May-”

“Sir!” a voice interrupted him, a voice that belonged to Sound Wave and seemed to come out of nowhere. “We have a problem!”

Matthias glanced at the other four ponies, and they at once rose and raced with him to the doors. He tried to think what could have happened, but decided to first see what it was instead of blindly suspecting. Sound Wave’s magic allowed him to modulate the sounds he made, from using it as weapon to subtly communicating like now over a distance, although his limit was two hundred meters. Whatever the problem was, it was probably still at the entrance, not within the Abbey.

When they reached the doors, he saw that he was wrong.

“W-what the-” he asked nopony in particular as he continued to stare, and almost hearing gears in his head trying to process this sight.

In front of him, bouncing, jumping, running, dancing and laughing on the Abbey’s grounds was a herd of Pinkie Pies.

The world had shrunk for Matthias to his own body. He could still see what was happening, but it was darkened. He could still hear, but it was obscured, mostly by Pinkies’ shouts.

“Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!”

He desperately tried to understand what was going of, what sort of madness was this, what kind of evil sorcery could wrought that, but to no avail. So Matthias just stared blankly, as he heard his initiates voice their own confusion.

“What the hey-”

“Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!”

“They’re everywhere! How is that even possible!?”

“Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!”

“Tucker! What in Celestia name are you doing?!”

“Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!”

“Sir!” somepony close to Matthias said, at the same time grabbing him by shoulder and shaking him. He slowly turned his head to regard Guard Shield “Sir! Their heading for the armory!”

That finally managed to snap Matthias back into reality. He shook his head, and without much thought, summoned the Light to shine upon the Abbey, causing all the Pinkie Pies to stand still, all of them dazed.

“Bar all the doors!” he ordered the four ponies. He noticed that some Pinkies were up on the roof of the Chapel, causing Al’ar to caw in anger as they began to bother him and made him fly off. “Storm, Serenity, you’re coming with me to Ponyville to search for a reason behind this madness. Guard, you and Tucker-” he turned around to glance at unicorn, and found himself speechless again.

Tucker was laying on one of the Pinkies, his tongue buried deep in her muzzle, apparently oblivious to the fact that the mare beneath him was stunned. Another Pinkie was on his back, and still had his ear in her half-open mouth.

As if sensing that their attention was on him, Tucker stopped the kiss with a loud squelch and asked: “What?”

One concussion later...

“... and keep an eye on him as well once he wakes up.” Matthias told Guard, massaging his right fronthoof. “If he starts doing that again, you have my permission to throw him into dungeon, or lock him in the armory or something.”

“Yes, sir.” Guard replied nonchalantly, as if his commanding officer didn’t just knock out his fellow initiate.

Matthias nodded to him, leaving things in the Abbey in his charge, and lead Storm and Serenity towards Ponyville, trying to do his best to ignore all the Pinkies that by now had recovered and were again bouncing around. Luckily, with doors to the Chapel, armory and barracks closed, the amount of damage they could cause has been minimized.

“So...” Sound Wave asked Matt as they passed him and Cherry Bomb and the entrance. “... any idea as to what in Tartarus is going on?”

It’s the end of the world.

“I intend to find out.” he told them instead. “Go assist Guard Shield. We should be back shortly.”

The stroll through Ponyville, usually very pleasant even when the weather broke down, was now filled with confusion and near fear. Everywhere around them they saw more Pinkie Pies, who continued to bounce around saying: “Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!” without any indication of stopping.

Matthias knew that he was most likely to get some answers from Twilight, so that’s where they headed. It turned out he wasn’t the only one to thoughts so, as the library was surrounded by an angry mob, all of Ponyville complaining to Twilight about the Pinkies.

“Please, everypony, hang on while I try to figure something out!” Twilight told them, and then sighed with relief when she saw Matt and two of his initiates making their way through the crowd to join her.

“You heard her, everypony.” he said in commending, but at the same time soothing voice, as the Light shone through him, calming ponies around him. “I’m sure Twilight will find a solution to this pink problem, but not with you making such uproar.”

Twilight shoot him a quick smile, and opened the door to her library, inviting him in with a subtle nod.

“Come on, Spike.” she told her dragon assistant, and all three of them entered, leaving the crowd and the two initiates (whom, as Twilight noticed, Matt ordered with a wave of his hoof to stand guard at the entrance) behind. She immediately began searching through titles of her books. “I've gotta try to remember the name of that legend she mentioned.”

“Who mentioned?” Matt asked curiously as he and Spike too began scanning the shelves.

“Pinkie Pie.” Twilight replied, her attention still on the books. “She wanted to hang out with both Rainbow Dash and Applejack at the same time, but they were too far away, so after hearing that she would need to be in two places at the same time for this to work, she run off, screaming that name of the legend... ‘Of the Mirror Pool’!” she shouted in triumph as she finally recalled.

“‘Need to be in two places at the same time’?” Matt repeated after her with a snort. “What genius told her that?”

“Um...” the unicorn hesitated uncomfortably. “This one?”

The paladin shot her an annoyed look, then returned to searching through the books.

“Are there any ways you know of for something like this happening on Azeroth?” Twilight asked. If there was, then maybe she could figure out how to stop it here.

She glanced at Matt, who appeared to think about her question for a moment.

“No, I don’t think so.” he finally said. “Our magic users can create mirror reflections and project themselves from afar, but... There are some very advance and ancient spells that allow to split person into two or more, but that divides its personality between the copies. There is also a variation of that spell that lets to bypass this ‘personality issue’, but it in turn divides the power of the person.”

Twilight wanted to ask him some more question, but a commotion on the opposite side of the room. Glancing that way, they saw Spike laying on a pile of books, with one she never saw before on his head. Intrigued, she picked up with her magic, and aloud read the title of it.

‘Folktales of Eastin’?” she glanced at Matt in confusion.

“It was in some sort of hidden stash behind this shelf.” Spike explained.

The unicorn shook her head and began to skim through it, hoping that maybe the Light smiled down on her. The titles of each chapter were all puzzling to her, like: ‘The Tale of the Forest’; ‘The Heart of the Forest’; ‘The Battle of the Wind and the Forest’; but the cryptic descriptions under them indicated that whatever legends the author wrote down in this book, he did so long after they were first told. Finally, she found a chapter she searched for.

“Aha, here it is!” she exclaimed. "’The legend of the Mirror Pond’...” she paused as she quickly read through it.

There was some short tale about ‘Spirit of the Everfree’ or what not telling ponies of Eastin (apparently, with ‘smirk on her muzzle and mischief in heart’) about the magical pond that, when a pony recited a specific chant, creates a duplicate of the pony.

Gee, I wonder why the author added that part about ‘mischief’.” Twilight thought with annoyance, the havoc all the Pinkies were wrecking around Ponyville flashing before her eyes, before she returned to the book.

“It describes a spell I can use to send them back where they came from!” Twilight said after few short seconds, reaching the part of the legend she hoped to find.

“That's perfect! Let's go!” Spike immediately replied, heading for the door.

Twilight, however, who was still reading the exact formula of the spell, realized that things weren’t that simple.

“But there's a catch.” she said, stopping Spike. “If I can't figure out which one's the real Pinkie, I might send her back by mistake!”

She exchanged look with Matt, and saw that he shared her worry.

“Well, we'll just have to figure out who the real one is then.” Spike said, oblivious to the how problematic this would be. “It shouldn't be too hard.”

“Telling our least sensible friend from a bunch of her copies?” Matt asked with borderline sarcasm. “Yeah, I can see that being really easy.”

Twilight quickly pulled him by his ear with magic, annoyed by his comment, even if he was right. He looked at her with apology, but she just shook her head in indifference and led him and Spike back to face the crowd.

“Does anypony here know how we can tell the real Pinkie Pie from all the rest of them?” she asked, hoping that maybe somepony had any fast ideas.

But it looked that she was going to think one on her own. The citizens of Ponyville all looked around them in confusion, hoping to see another pony come up with an answer, muttering things like ‘I dunno’.

Twilight sighed and looked at Matt. He was rubbing his chin, deep in thoughts, and not paying any attention to what surrounding crowd was saying. Twilight’s heart lifted a bit. Maybe he-

“Twilight!” she heard a voice say, voice that under normal circumstances would have cause a smile (even if a little annoyed one) on her face. Now Twilight merely glanced the way of one of the Pinkies that now tried to get her attention. “I have to talk to you, I need your help!”

“Excuse me, whoever you are,” Twilight told her, “but I'm not talking to any of you Pinkies unless you're the real Pinkie.”

“Oh, but, but I am the real Pinkie!” she replied just like she expected her to do.

“No, you're not!” another Pinkie joined the discussion. “I'm the real Pinkie!”

And in the next heartbeat, all Pinkies present in this part of the town began saying: “(No,) I'm the real Pinkie!” as well as ever present ‘Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!’ chant that was irritating her even more now.

“How in tarnation are we supposed to tell which is the real Pinkie?” Applejack asked, trotting over to her.

“I have no idea.” Twilight confessed, watching in despair all the Pinkies bounce around Ponyville.

“I think we should split up and try to come up with something.” Matt spoke up, joining her. Turning to address the crowd, he raised his voice. “Attention, everypony. Due to the current situation, I’m declaring a martial law. Please, return to your homes until further notice.” as the crowd began to disperse, Matt turned to her again. “This should minimise the damage Pinkies will cause to the citizens. Storm, Serenity,” he said to the two initiates that accompanied him, “do a sweep through the town, ensure that everypony knows to stay in their homes, try to prevent as much havoc as you can, and report back to me or Twilight if you find the real Pinkie or have any idea that could help us. Understand?”

“Yes, sir!” the two replied and raced into the city.

“I will try to search for her through my own methods.” Matt told Twilight as he also prepared to leave. “I’ll let you know if I’ll have something.”

“Same here.” Twilight replied, knowing very well after the time in Crystal Empire that there was more to Matt that just paladin’s powers.

After finding a relatively calm place in Ponyville, Matthias sat down and concentrated. He expended his senses throughout the town, trying to check if the real Pinkie Pie was distinctive enough from her clones to be recognized this way, but to no avail. All Pinkies (and there was a lot of them) bore the same magical essence, by no means affected by this Mirror Pond.

A Pond that can create a copy of a living being.” he mused as he still tried to search for any clue he could find. “Every day I find something weirder here... Or does it only work this way if you say this ‘chant’? Maybe if could be used for other things? I wonder...

Aside from Pinkies, he kept his senses alert for others. Such as his friends, who were either trying to look for the real Pinkie, or were trying to hide. A strange presence he noticed a short time after returning from the Crystal Empire, where he began to trust himself enough to use some of his other abilities. Like the first time, he ignored this presence once again, as he could sense no evil from it. He would deal with it, eventually, but when the time was right.

As he extended his search even further, to the borders of the Everfree Forest, he sensed the chaotic evil he was by now familiar with. The Forest has been tainted; by what, he could not tell, nor for how long. It wasn’t nearly as bad as the corrupted Felwood, or the ‘deaded’ forests of Lordaeron, but it was... twisted.

If only the Light could-

“Sir!” Storm’s call interrupted his thoughts. He opened his eyes and glanced up, spotting the pegasus fly his way. “Everypony is safe in their houses.”

“Good.” Matthias told him. “Matter of their safety aside, civilians often gets in the way.”

Both of them looked around, as a group of five Pinkies headed over somewhere. “Where is Hemet Nesingwary when you need him?” he thought sarcastically.

Matthias turned his head again on the sound of the hooves approaching. Spotting Twilight and Spike, he smiled; maybe they’ve came up with something?

He and Storm listened as they said they had an idea and explained it. They would gather all the Pinkies and gave them a test, one that would be really hard for Pinkie to do and not fun at all. Those that would fail would go back to the Pond. The plan was based on an assumption that the real Pinkie would want to stay the most.

“I’m not sure if this is a good idea.” Storm voiced his doubt, a doubt that, for a moment, Matthias also shared, before the remembered what really mattered to Pinkie the most.

It wasn’t ‘fun’. Friends mattered to her the most, and she would never leave them.

“You say that because you don’t know Pinkie Pie as well as we do.” he told the other stallion. “She won’t fail this test, not when it means she would have to leave her friends. However, there might be a problem with gathering all of them.”

“I thought that maybe we could ask the Apple family to round them up.”

“This could work. I will have my initiates help out, as well. Storm,” he addressed the pegasus again, “fly back to the Abbey and tell them help out the Apple family.”

“Yes, sir.” Storm replied.

“I will go fetch Applejack and Serenity, and tell them about the plan.” Matthias told Twilight as the initiate flew away. “I think the others are somewhere around Fluttershy’s cottage.”

“We’ll get them, then, and prepare the town hall.” Twilight replied, and with the nod, they went their separate ways.

I hope I didn’t offend them.” Storm wondered as he flew towards the Abbey.

Sir Matthias didn’t appear to be angry, though, as he explained to him why they were certain that the real Pinkie would be the one to pass this test. Storm shook his head as the Abbey came into his sight, purging it of any doubts like those. He had his orders, and that’s what he would concentrate on. As he spotted the three stallions and landed next to them, he saw that most of the Pinkies had left, but there were still a couple of them bouncing around.

“I’ve got new orders from sir Matthias.” he told Guard, Sound and Bomb. “Wait, where’s Tucker?” he asked, glancing around.

Without saying anything, all three ponies at once pointed at the armory.

“Well, I suppose we should let him out.” Storm sighed with annoyance. “Even Tucker wouldn’t stop doing what he was ordered to do for-”

“Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!” said one of the Pinkies as she bounced nearby.

“- yeah, that. Anyway,” he said as he and three others made their way to the armory, “we’re supposed to rendezvous with the Apple family and assist them with rounding all those Pinkies up.”

“So Matt has a plan?” Sound asked while Guard opened the doors of armory.

“Actually, it was Lady Twilight that came up with it-” Storm began to reply, but stopped once the doors were opened to reveal a pile of bodies.

“Hey, close the door, will you?”

“Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!”

Matthias sighed with relief as the last of the Pinkies disappeared within the town hall.

“Sound, Bomb, stay here and make sure those doors stay close until there’s only one pink pony inside.” he told the two royal guards, who saluted and took their places at the sides of Big Mac and Apple Bloom. “The rest of you, inside.”

He lead them inside, and watched Twilight try to calm down all the Pinkies and Rainbow Dash bring in one more that they’ve somehow missed, wondering what sort of punishment he should cook up for Tucker once this is over. When they met up earlier, Storm told him what was happening in the armory that Pinkies somehow managed to slip into it, and while those Pinkies weren’t his friends (at least he hoped so, although he really doubted that Pinkie Pie would do such things with Tucker), such behaviour, taking advantage of magically created clones that apparently had a mental dysfunction, was beneath a paladin initiate.

Would cleaning of the whole Abbey for a week be enough?” he wondered, but stopped as he began to pay better attention to what Twilight was saying.

“Don't worry, it's a simple test, about as simple as they come, and whoever passes gets to stay.” she told them, which seemed to calm the Pinkies, that were all displeased with the idea of taking a test.

“Curtain, please.” she told Spike, who on the signal pulled a rope, revealing a wall that Rarity and Fluttershy were painting. Seeing that the curtain was lifted, they stopped and pushed the wall closer to the crowd. “The test... will be watching paint dry!”

All the Pinkies gasped.

“On your mark,” Twilight said, “get set, go!”

As the Pinkies attention concentrated on the pain, Spike, who sat down on a small chair, exclaimed: “Ooh, this is so exciting!”

Matthias looked at him with a mix of compassion and annoyance. Watching ponies who watch the paint dry would be about as boring as the sole watching of the paint dry.

Although...” he thought with mischief, “There are some ways to keep one amused...

“Actually, this will be a perfect training for you.” he told his initiates as he turned to them, hoping his face stayed expressionless. “A paladin must know a virtue of patience, so I want you to join the Pinkies in observing the paint dry.”

“Um, sir, with all due respect...” Storm tried to voice his objection.

“This sounds like insubordination.” Matthias cut him off before he could finish.

“But this is really boring!” Tucker exclaimed.

“And that sounds like it’s not my problem.”

“But, sir, we could always proof our patience by meditating.” Serenity tried to help her fellow initiates, apparently not pleased with the idea as they.

“So, you all think that, huh?” Matthias asked all four, and he got four nods in confirmation, even from Guard. “Too bad, I sign your paychecks.” he said dismissively, pointing at them to sit besides Pinkies.

As the four ponies, some muttering, trotted to take their places, Matthias took a quick glance at his friends. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Spike were smirking, amused by his idea; but Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity were looking at him in displeasure. Shrugging, and shooting them his own smirk, he rose and took a place besides his initiates, much to their surprise.

He kept his eyes open on the paint, but chose to ponder some other stuff in the meantime. Matthias was dimly aware of Twilight shooting a spell at Pinkies that looked away, which caused the copies to cease to exist and the magical essence that created them returned back into the Pond. He was also aware that at one point Tucker screamed, as if he saw something horrific. And before he knew it, it was over. There was only one Pinkie Pie left, who like him was still watching the paint, while out of his four initiates one was sleeping, one was dozing off, and two were also watching the paint, although they had to rub their eyes every few moments.

Chuckling to himself, he went to join his friends in congratulating their friend for passing the test.

“So, it’s down there, huh?” Twilight asked.

“Yep, deep down there.” Pinkie Pie confirmed with a nod.

They were inside the Everfree Forest, where Pinkie Pie had led them shortly after the crisis was over. Asked by Twilight, Pinkie brought them to the entrance to the underground cave that had hidden this Mirror Pond from the rest of Equestria. Despite both her and Matthias’ curiosity, they’ve agreed that the best thing would be to make sure nopony will ever use its powers ever again. For this purpose, he and Big Mac brought a huge boulder that they planned to use as a cork, to jam the entrance. He would have brought along one of his initiates, but he had to assign them to help repair the damage the Pinkies had done to the town.

As Twilight lifted it with her magic from the cart, Matthias took the opportunity to take a quick peek at the Pond. He reached for it with his senses...

… and after several seconds, he retreated, frowning. Despite this Pond's strange powers, he couldn't pick upon anything/

“Matt, is something wrong?” Twilight asked him, pulling him from his thoughts. “You seemed spaced out.”

“No, I was just thinking...” he said, telling her the first thing that came to his mind. “... maybe it would be safer if you’d also put on some protective wards around here, so that nopony could find it by magical scanning?”

“Hmm, I would say that’s an overkill...” Twilight replied thoughtfully. “But if you think it’s for the best, then okay. Just give me few minutes...”

Matthias nodded and let her do her thing. Even if he couldn't sense anything from the Pond, it was better to be safe than sorry.

“You wanna know exactly what I feel like doing right now?” Pinkie Pie asked them much later, as their friends, standing in front of her home, gave her many propositions as to how to celebrate.

Twilight, like everypony, waited for her to make her decision. She was curious as to what sort of party madness her pink friend would come up with... but to her utter amazement, Pinkie Pie simply laid on her back and had fallen asleep, right on the floor.

“That looks like fun.” Fluttershy commented, which caused them to laugh.

“I’ll say.” sounded from behind them, and was followed shortly by a sound of smacking and a short yowl of pain.

Turning around, they saw Matt, Tucker and Storm, trotting in a direction of a marketplace. It was easy to guess who said the comment, as the perpetrator was massaging his head that Matt had obviously hit just now.

“Keep walking.” he ordered him with a hint of threat in his voice. He then glanced at them and called out: “Hey Spike, do you mind showing me where you usually buy that good detergent? This one here has a lot of cleaning to do.”

“Sure, no problem.” the dragon replied and hastened to join them.

As Twilight used her magic to close the door to Sugarcube Corner, she saw that, while all three of the stallions nodded their heads in greeting to them, Storm also shot a quick smile at Rarity. The unicorn, in turn, also gave him a smile, and blushed a little.

And the best part of it was that Twilight wasn’t the only one that noticed it.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy asked with puzzlement as the boys had left. “Are you... blushing?”

Applejack glanced at their momentarily speechless friends to confirm what Fluttershy had said was true, and then took a look at getting further away form of Storm.

“Oooh!” she finally exclaimed with amusement. “Somepony's got a crush on the new guy!”

“No!” Rarity immediately replied, and then added in a more calm manner. “No, I don’t.”

“She does!” Twilight said with satisfaction. “She absolutely does!”

“D-don’t be ridiculous.” Rarity tried to say, but her four friends were too busy laughing and giggling to hear her.

Author's Note:

Well, three episodes of season three down, ten more to go...

I'll be offline for two days, as I'm returning to Poland. You can read about my time in Greece here.

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