• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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33. Wedding party montage

"So what did you think?" Matt asked his friends.

They all whirled around and looked at him.

"How did you..." Twilight said, surprised. "Did you just teleport?"

Matthias chuckled as he glanced at the crowd that gathered around the musicians as soon as he finished singing.

"This isn't the first time I had to escape from a large crowd, you know." he told them, thinking back as he sneaked away from the castle as a child, or how he escaped from the same castle when the dreadlords took control of most of the Scourge and tried to kill him, or when he and Jaina sneaked away from the guards and castle staff to Arthas' private chambers. He shook his head to clear away that memory and repeated his question: "So, what did you think about those songs?"

"Oh they were awesome!" shouted Pinkie Pie, jumping around him. "Except that one about the filly in Darrowshine, that was so sad, and maybe that one in that weird language, but oh my gosh, the others were amazing!"

"Thank you." Matt replied, making a mental note to not let Pinkie drink any alcohol.

"I agree with Pinkie. Those songs were simply gorgeous!" exclaimed Rarity. "You should sing more often!"

The others nodded their agreement. All of them... besides Twilight.

"And what says the one that caused all of this?" Matthias asked her, winking.

"You didn't have to make the last one so dramatic." she replied, blushing.

"Oh, so she got my joke." he thought amused as he noticed the shade of red on her cheeks.

"You mean that blessing of the Light?" he asked her teasingly. "Because I was also considering assuming that alicorn form when I said 'Spread your wings and be free', but I figured that would be overusing the Light's powers a bit."

"Speaking of overusing..." said Shining Armor, as he and Cadance, still enveloped by the golden glow, came back from the dancing floor. "... how long is this gonna last, exactly?"

"Why, they prefer to have the lights turned off?" Matt heard Applejack whisper quietly to Rainbow Dash, who chuckled.

"The Light should disappear completely in about an hour or so." he replied, suppressing a laugh. "But I hope its blessing will remain afterwards."

"So do we, and we are thankful for it." said Cadance. "As well as for those songs. They were simply beautiful."

"Thank you, Princess." Matthias replied, bowing, and then added, glancing at Twilight: "I wish everypony thought so."

"I didn't say they weren't beautiful!" Twilight quickly protested.

"You didn't say they were, either." told her Matthias, frowning with fake sadness. "Even after I went through the trouble of remembering a song with the word 'star' in it, so that you would forgive me for that little disagreement earlier."

"I just..." Twilight said, glancing at her friends, brother and sister-in-law, who started to laugh. "... I'm now mad at you for leaving when I sang!" she finished, stomping.

"So she's no longer mad about me defending Chrysalis from her accusation of being a monster?" thought Matthias. "I guess it's some improvement."

"You're right for being angry at me, then." he said, bowing. "Please, tell me, Lady Twilight, what can I do to make you forgive me?"

He glanced at her, and saw that she wasn't amused by the formal gesture.

"Oh I know!" shouted Pinkie. "You could dance with her!"

"Dance with her?" he asked the pink pony, surprised, while Twilight, no less surprised, asked: "Dance with me?"

"I will go tell the musicians to play something!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"I wanted to make her forgive me, not seduce her." Matt called after her, but Pinkie Pie was already running toward the musicians.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"Seduce me?! What, are you a master of dance as well?" asked Twilight, clearly displeased with his choice of words.

"By now you should have realised that I'm a master of everything I do." he smirked at her.

"I think Pinkie had a great idea!" said Rarity unexpectedly. As both Matthias and Twilight looked at her, she explained: "How often do you get a chance to have a romantic dance at a royal wedding?"

Matt realised that he was in a dangerous situation.

"If I ask her to dance, she might get even angrier at me, and now her brother might get mad as well. On the other hoof, if I don't ask her, she might actually get offended that I don't want to dance with her." he mused, wondering what to do.

He rolled his eyes, knowing he could do only one thing.

"Rarity has a point." he said finally, causing Twilight to turn back and look at him surprised. "Chances like that don't happen everyday. Lady Twilight," Matt bowed once again, " would you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

He didn't need to look up to know that she blushed.

"Well... I..." Twilight stammered. She then took a deep breath, and said: "Sure, why not."

Matt rose from the ground and winked at her. At the same time, the musicians started playing a melody that Pinkie requested for them.

"Lets go, then." he said and led her to the dancing floor.

As he passed Shining Armor, he threw him a quick apologizing glance.

Shining Armor shrugged his arms when he saw the glance that Matthias had thrown him. He understood that the stallion didn't have much of a choice.

He turned his head when he felt his wife poke him.

"We're not going to let them be the main sensation on the dance floor, aren't we?" she asked him, smiling.

Shining grinned in response and they both followed Twilight and Matthias.

Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked as the two pairs of ponies moved away. Soon, Pinkie Pie joined them.

"So, ya think this will work?" asked Applejack the rest of them.

"Oh, heavens no." replied Rarity, rolling her eyes. "Those two are more silly than foals."

They all frowned, knowing she was probably right.

"Oh, cake!" shouted Pinkie, and she ran away.

The rest exchanged glances and laughed.

"I didn't know you could dance." said Twilight.

The music that Pinkie chose - Twilight made a mental note to talk to her about that later - was intended for love couples, so they danced with their chests pressed against each other. She felt extremely embarrassed by this, but at the same time she realised that she liked this weird... sensation of having somepony so close to her.

"So you thought that because I'm a good fighter, I'm some kind of uncivilised brute?" Matt responded, smirking.

Twilight fought back the urge to stomp on his hoof.

"No, but you were human most of your life. As a bipedal creature, you should have problems doing things like dancing or..."

"... fighting?" he interrupted her, smiling warmly. "I got used to having a pony body a long time ago."

They both stayed quiet as they listened to one of the musicians that started singing.

Nothing could be finer than to be in Marelina in the morning,

No one could be sweeter than my sweetie when I meet her in the morning.

Where the morning glories

Twine around the door,

Whispering pretty stories

I long to hear once more.

Strolling with my girlie where the dew is pearly early in the morning,

Butterflies all flutter up and kiss each little buttercup at dawning

"Nice song." commented Matthias after a while as the singer continued. "But I wish I heard yours. I'm sure it was ten times more beautiful."

Twilight blushed again even more.

"Well, maybe I will sing it to you some other time."

"So we're still friends?"

"After today I dare to say best friends." answered Twilight, pressing her body a bit hard on his.

"I think you might be right." replied Matt, slightly nuzzling her neck.

Much later Matt found himself wandering around the courtyard, exchanging pleasantries with other ponies he hadn't met yet. To be honest, he would have prefered to dance a few more times with Twilight, but as the 'wedding coordinator', she had to make sure that 'the few things that could go wrong wouldn't go wrong', as she said.

"Matt, come here for a moment!" Rarity, who had been talking with some white-coated unicorn with blue hair and three golden crowns with purple jewels for a cutie mark, called him. He also wore some formal attire and a monocle.

"Well, this one is definitely a noble."

"Fancypants, may I introduce you to my friend Matthias Lehner." said Rarity once Matt joined them. "Matt, this is Fancypants, the most important pony in Canterlot."

"Well, I don't know anything about that." chuckled Fancypants. "A pleasure meeting you, Matthias."

"Likewise." replied Matt, shaking his hoof.

"I must say, you're one intriguing pony." said the white unicorn. "Yesterday, you've beaten Mighty Shot and forced Blueblood to apologise to all the mares he had ever offended, earlier today you've tackled that Changelings’ Queen, and now you have shown a great musical talent, not to mention that despite being an earth pony, you can use magic. I dare to say that by tomorrow, everypony in Canterlot will know your name."

"While I'm thankful for you praise, I must admit that I'm not happy about receiving that much attention." confessed Matt, not bothering to correct him about the 'magic' thing.

"Well, I suppose I can understand that." chuckled Fancypants. "But I guess that's the price of putting yourself in situations like this."

"You're probably right, Fancypants." Matt said, bowing his head. "If the two of you would excuse me, I was going to get something to eat."

"Of course, don't mind us." answered Fancypants. "I was going to leave soon, anyway. I hope that we will meet sometime and get a chance to get to know each other better. I would love to hear about the land you're from. Maybe at your and the groom's sister's wedding?"

Matt's eyes widened at the remark, and Rarity giggled.

"I hate to disappoint you, but Twilight and I are only friends." Matthias replied, blushing.

"Really? I was under the impression you were a couple, seeing the way you two danced earlier."

Rarity had to press her hoof to her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

"It was only a form of me apologizing to her, that our friends have roped us into." said Matt, glaring at Rarity.

"Five times?" asked Fancypants with raised eyebrow.

"You would understand if you knew what Twilight did the last time she was mad at me. Anyway, I hope you have a pleasant night." Matthias told him, bowing his head once more and trotting away.

"I hope I haven't caused your friend any discomfort." said a worried Fancypants to a still giggling Rarity once Matthias was out of earshot.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that." replied Rarity, winking. "Give them some time, and they will end up together. Me and the rest of our friends will see to it."

"Well, they would make a beautiful couple." chuckled the stallion.

Matthias was more stirred by Fancypants' words that he let on. There was a part of him that wished that what the unicorn said was true - that he and Twilight would get married. However, there was one problem.

That part of his mind was the same that insisted on seeing Jaina in her.

"Even after my death, you still haunt me, Jaina." he thought and shook his head as he came closer to the table with some apple pies on it.

He then noticed to his great surprise that by the table stood Rainbow Dash, talking with some stallion. At that moment, she turned her head, saw him, and gestured at him to come closer.

"Hey Matt, this is Soarin', from The Wonderbolts." she introduced to him the blue-gray pegasus in military shirt with collar badges, epaulettes, and black tie, and with a yellow lightning bolt with wings for a cutie mark. Matt could see that she was forcing herself not to squeak. "Soarin, this is Matthias."

"Nice meeting you, Matthias." said Soarin', extending a hoof.

"Likewise." replied Matt, shaking it. "I didn't expect to bump into one of the best flyers in all of Equestria."

"Normally, you would see more of us. We usually perform some aerial acrobatics and demonstrations for occasions like this, but Rainbow here beat us to it." he chuckled, and Rainbow blushed. "Although, if we knew the wedding was going to be so interesting, all of the Wonderbolts would have come to lend a hoof."

"Hey, I love this song!" unexpectedly said Rainbow. "Wanna dance, Soarin'?"

"Sure!" the stallion replied, and they both trotted away.

Matthias looked around.

"Nope, the world is not ending." he giggled and ate an apple pie.

"I had no idea you could play the violin, Applejack." he told her when she took a break.

"What, ya thought that ya're the only one that was talented around?" she glared at him, daring him to say 'yes'.

"I'm not talented, I'm awesome." Matt replied with a smirk.

"Wanna prove it?"


"Play on some instrument!"

"Now, wait a minute." Matt protested, his enthusiasm evaporated. "I already performed tonight once, I don't want to do it again."

"Well, Ah guess it means ya're not awesome." Applejack said, shrugging her arms.

Matthias was never good with attacks on his pride.

"Can you get me a guitar?" he asked, resigned.

He inspected closely the guitar that Applejack borrowed for him from the musicians.

"I will need to be careful." he thought, looking at his hoof.

Already, a small crowd gathered around him. Apparently, everypony wondered if he was as good with playing on instruments as he had been singing.

Sighing, he plucked the strings few times, and when he was confident he could do this, he played one melody that came to his mind, and it didn't take him long to start singing as well:

On the stormy shores of Azeroth,

A silhouette did stand.

A brave and stalwart sailor

Who gave a helpin' hoof.

Without fail, on every whim,

Which we did demand,

He simply smiled and waved his hoof,

And sent us 'cross the land.

Farewell to thee, Placeholder,

Your ship has sailed to sea.

We'll tip our hats and pray one day

To be as great as thee.

Captain P, you'll never know the emptiness inside

As we sit ashore on Menethil, waitin' for a ride.

Time did pass, until, one day,

That silhouette did fade.

Where once we found Placeholder

Only scattered winds remained.

The stormy sea went silent

On that dark and dreary day.

But come along, my friends,

Let's raise a glass up for his name!

Farewell to thee, Placeholder,

Your ship has sailed to sea.

We'll tip our hats and pray one day

To be as great as thee.

Captain P, you'll never know the emptiness inside

As we sit ashore on Menethil, waitin' for a ride.

So when you find yourself lamenting

On that lonely pier,

Watching as the ships come in,

And dryin' off your tears,

Believe in what he stood for,

And I know that he’ll survive.

Inside our hearts dear Placeholder

Will always be alive!

Farewell to thee, Placeholder,

Your ship has sailed to sea.

We'll tip our hats and pray one day

To be as great as thee.

Captain P, you'll never know the emptiness inside

As we sit ashore on Menethil, waitin' for a ride.

He bowed to the cheering ponies.

"Told you: I'm awesome." he winked at Applejack.

Matt once again had to escape from the crowd after that, but he had fun singing that song. He was surprised that he managed to play so good with hooves, but, like he told Twilight, he had grown used to this body.

As he pondered on that thought, he nearly bumped into something big.

"Careful there." said a familiar voice.

Matt took a good look at the owner of the voice, and the other pony next to him. He recognised the two unicorns quickly.

"Oh, hey, Sound Wave, Cherry Bomb." he greeted the two other groomcolts. He pointed at the big thing they were carrying between them. "What is that?"

They grinned in response.

"Something to have fun with, once all the royals leave." they said in unison.

Matt chuckled as the comprehension dawned on him.

Matt and the others watched as the bride and groom came over to the carriage whose doors Twilight had opened for them.

"Twilight!" said Shining Armor as he was about to enter it. "None of this would've been possible without you, little sis. Love ya, Twily."

"Love you too, B.B.B.F.F." answered Twilight happily, and hugged him.

Shining Armor went into the carriage. It started to move, taking the bride and groom away for the honeymoon, when suddenly, it stopped. Cadance leaned out, and threw the bouquet behind her.

At once, Rarity thrown herself at it, pushing away all the other mares.

"AND MINE!" she shouted, but once she noticed the looks that the other mares gave her, she giggled nervously: "Oof! Ahaha... ha."

Matthias and the rest of the gang laughed at that, and watched as the carriage, with horseshoes tied to it, left.

"Now this was a great wedding." summed up Twilight.

"Oh yeah?" said Spike "Just wait until you see what I have planned for the bachelor party!"

Matthias facehoofed himself as the mares laughed.

"They're gone?" asked Sound Wave who suddenly appeared near them.

"Yes." replied Matt, not paying his friend's surprise any attention at the moment.

"Great! Princesses Celestia and Luna also left. Let's go!"

"What is going on?" asked Twilight, not understanding what the two stallions were talking about.

Matt and Sound Wave exchanged glances and grinned.

"We're going to have a drinking competition!”

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