• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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57. The moment that surprises...

Everypony stared at the mysterious unicorn, bewildered by his words, and after a second or two he too must have realized just what he said, for his eyes went wide and he covered his mouth.

“Why did I say that?” he asked, surprised. “And what’s... what’s an alicorn, by the way?”

Is he bluffing, or does he really have amnesia?” Matthias wondered, shocked, to say the least. “And perhaps some sort of mental illness?

The unicorn, at whom the paladin managed to get a better look now, had an aqua coat, and a black mane and tail. His body was sleek, but had well-toned muscles, especially on his forelegs, which for some reason, were covered in a green slime-like thing. The unicorn’s cutie mark... looked like some sort of two strange blue swords.

“Anyway...” the newly freed pony recovered from his confusion and gazed at Celestia again who still looked at him with pure shock on her face, with a smirk on his face. “What would you say, hottie, if we-”

Matthias, unable to listen any longer how this stallion insults his liege, cleared his throat.

“You happen to be addressing Princess Celestia, one of Equestria’s two rulers, with the other one, Princess Luna, being present here as well.” he informed him, getting a yelp of surprise out of the unicorn as he glanced around. “I suggest that you’ cease your babbling, and apologise for your uncouth behaviour.”

“Ow...” the unicorn stuttered, appearing to be more serious (or sane) for the moment. “Please, excuse my behaviour, Your Highnesses.” he said, bowing. “But not everyday you see such hot pieces of...”

“One more disrespectful word out of you...” Matthias interrupted him with a threat, but he stopped as he saw that Celestia, who finally regained her composure, raised her hoof.

“Enough, Matthias. This pony has been through a lot; don’t be too hard on him.”

Before she finished her sentence, the unicorn started chuckling.

“You said ‘hard on’!” he laughed at Celestia. “Bow-chicka-bow-wow!”

“Okay, that’s it.” Matthias, having never before witness such rude behaviour in the presence of ladies, let alone Princesses, was fed up. He summoned the Holy Avenger and presses the edge of the blade to the unicorn’s chin. “Stop. Talking. At once.”

The unicorn, whose eyes were wide as plates now, nodded (almost too eagerly, considering the blade near his throat). Ignoring the stares the mares gave him, the paladin began interrogating the pony.

“What is your name?”

“I... don’t know.” the aqua unicorn replied, for a moment appearing to be more confused than scared. “I don’t remember anything.”

He... appears to be speaking truth.” Matthias thought, not taking his gaze away from his eyes. “But it wouldn’t hurt to make certain...

He dispelled the light’s blade as he closed his eyes and slowed his breathing, reaching for the quiet, still pool deep inside him. The center, where no matter what was raging inside his head or heart, he is at peace. From that place of calmness, he asked for aid, for the Light. He felt a tingling along his skin as the Light responded, granting him its power and its unspeakable grace. Matthias and inhaled deeply, opening his eyes to see the familiar shimmering along his hoofs, his forelegs. Celestia, Luna and Angelic Touch stared at him, their eyes wide in shock. And as for the unicorn, he was trembling now, probably terrified of what was going to happen next. When he spoke, Matthias' voice was completely calm and controlled. There was no place here for hate or the heat of anger.

Not when one stood fully in the Light.

"Now, by the Holy Light, you will answer our questions and do so truly," the earth pony intoned, reaching out and resting the base of his hoof against the unicorn's forehead, below the horn. There was a sudden, blinding flash of light. He felt a spark leap from flesh to flesh.

The unicorn had a slightly blank expression, but at least he wasn’t afraid anymore... or speaking in that way he did before, which was also good.

“Now, do you really not remember anything?”

“Yes.” the unicorn replied almost at once.

Matthias sighed, disappointed, and broke his connection with the Light, freeing the mysterious pony in the process.

“He speaks the truth.” the paladin told the mares, while the aqua pony shook his head in confusion. “He wouldn’t be able to lie with the Light upon him. But, if he would be under an effect of some spell, it would’ve been dispelled. Is it possible that the imprisonment caused some sort of mental trauma?” he asked the Royal Physician.

“Well, he was locked away for more than a thousand years.” Angelic Touch replied. “I guess...”

“Wait, a thousand years?!?” the unicorn interrupted, shocked. “Is the ponykind extinct? Do we have to repopulate Equestria? Did you fine ladies woke me up me because this guy plays for the other team?”

Matthias, who was about to silence him again, found himself stopped dead in his tracks as he stared in shock at the aqua pony, completely astonished by the comment. That the Princesses giggled quietly didn’t help.

“I’m... not... Light damnit.” he stuttered, before he sighed and glanced at Celestia. “Can’t you send him to the moon or something?”

“Now now, Matthias, ponies shouldn’t be punished simply because they say something others don’t like.” Celestia soothed his anger calmly, but then looked at the nameless unicorn sternly. “However, as much as refreshing your behaviour is, if you continue to act this way, I’m afraid I will have to gag you-”

“Kinky.” the unicorn replied, smirking.

A beam flashed from Celestia’s horn and hit him in the mouth, causing him to be muzzled. The pony with amnesia made some indignant muffled noises as he tried to take it off, but to no avail.

“Thank the Light.” Matthias sighed. “Now that he won’t... talk, what were you going to say, doctor?”

“I was about to say that I should start examining him-”


“-which hopefully will be as painful as possible.” she finished, looking at the unicorn, annoyed.

“Doctor Angelic Touch, please.” the white alicorn told her sternly.

“I know, Your Highness, I will try to be professional.” she said, and Matthias heard her mutter: “The key word try.”

“Might I advise to have some guards assist her, in case this stallion gets aggressive?” the paladin suggested.

“I suppose that should be in order.” Luna butted in. “Guessing by his behaviour, they might need to protect the doctor from him.”

“More like protect him from me.” the Royal Physician smirked. “Anyway, Your Highnesses, Sir Matthias, you can leave now. I will give you my report later as to what I found out about this pony.”

“Very well, then. We shall leave this in your capable hooves.” Celestia said and trotted out of her office, followed by Luna and Matthias.

“Well, that was...” Luna paused, looking for the right word. “Enlightening.”

“Indeed, little sister.” the older Princess replied as she signaled for two guards that stood nearby to come closer. “Go inside Royal Physician’s office and assist her in whichever manner she asks of you.” when two guard nodded and went to help doctor Angelic Touch, closing the door behind them, she turned to Matthias. “I didn’t expect you to be such quick to anger over something like this... King Arthas.”

Matthias threw Luna annoyed look, not surprised she told her sister his real name, but a little uncomfortable that the Princess of the Night mentioned his title as well.

“If you really have to tease me, Celestia, at least call me ‘Prince’.” he told her, sighing. “I do not deserve to be called ‘King’. And as for what happened back there: a gentlecolt should not allow for such behaviour in the presence of ladies.”

“And a gentlecolt should not threaten other like this, as well.” Luna smirked. “But I digress. Either way, it seems we won’t get any information about this ‘Project Eclipse’ out of him. What do we do now, sister?”

“I’m not sure.” Celestia answered, thoughtful. “Unless Angelic Touch will find something while examining him, then we are in dead end.”

“Perhaps in time, more information will come.” Matthias said. “You posted some guards around this place, just in case, right?” when she nodded, he continued: “Then maybe whoever it was that cleaned the facility will go back there. Or maybe one of the guards will finds something the others missed. Either way, it is important to not give up hope. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Your Highnesses,” the earth pony added, bowing, “I was planning to meet up with Brann and the architects.”

“Of course, Matthias, you can go.” Celestia replied, and he trotted away.

Celestia watched Matthias trot away, wondering how could he, of all ponies, remain optimistic. Luna said he was once incredibly evil, even if she refused to mention anything else, and now he knew that this could all repeat itself, and yet...

“That unicorn was really strange.” the voice of her sister pulled her thoughts out of subject of the paladin.

“Strange isn’t exactly the word I would use.” she joked to Luna as they headed towards Luna’s chambers. “But I will admit, it was interesting to hear somepony address me in such manner. Over those years, I’ve been asked to be courted few times, but none of those ponies have been as honest about his intentions as he, not to mention that they were interested mostly in political power.”

“Oh?” Luna tilted her head in amusement. “That’s the first time I hear about you having any consorts, sister. How many managed their way into your bedchambers?”

Celestia blushed, not expecting that kind of question, as she frantically began thinking about some answer, but her sister managed to see the truth through the shade of red on her cheeks.

“Tia...” she said as she stopped, shocked, and once she made sure there was nopony in sight, asked: “You’re a thousand year old virgin?!”

Light, why are you doing this to me?” Celestia though, adapting to Matthias’ way of thinking in her embarrassment as she watched her sister giggle. “I am trying to spread your love in my world, and that’s how you repay me?

“I would like to point out that due to all the changes your body has gone through two years ago, you are biologically a virgin again as well.” she told Luna in her defense, as Luna continued to laugh at her expense.

The other alicorn shook off the comment, but cased her laughing.

“I’m sorry, sister, but it just so...” Luna tried to say, but gave up and bursted into laughter again.

Celestia shook her fiercely red head, wondering how long it was going to last.

Matthias sighed as he walked through the halls of the castle.

I’m already tired, and I have so much to do.

Discussing all the details with the architects took hours, many hours. Even with Brann help, it was hard to explain to them how cathedrals, chapels and abbeys looked like on Azeroth. And it most certainly didn’t help that at some point, Matthias started by accident explaining nerubian’s architecture instead of human’s.

But in the end, they were done. By tomorrow, the architects should finish their projects and show them to him, and if they will be acceptable, he would be back in Ponyville in two days.

Before that, however, I have one more important thing to do.” he thought as he trotted over to the three chattering maids he spotted few seconds ago.

“Hey, Pixie, wanna go to ‘Equestria’s End Club’ after work?” Matthias heard one of them ask, and as he got a better look at them, he realized that indeed one of them was the familiar unicorn.

“Sorry girls, but I have something important to do.” the brown maid replied, much to her friends’ discomfort.

“Aww, you always say that. You never hang out with us or the rest of the staff.”

“You wouldn’t be ditching us to meet with some hunk of a stallion, wouldn’t you?” the other one joked.

Deciding to give the mare a breather, Matthias spoke up.

“Excuse me ladies,” he said as the three maids jumped up, scared, and turned around, “would any of you happen to know where I could find some naturally crystal clear water and some incense at this hour?”

“Err,” stuttered by one of the two mares he hadn’t got the pleasure meeting yet, blushing. “...there are stores at the Bazaar, one at Smart Cookie’s Street, and the other at Brave Mailmare’s.”

“Thank you.” Matthias replied, smiling. “If you wouldn’t mind, I have one more favor to ask. Could you bring to my chambers three small bowl’s, about this size, and a saddlebag?” he pleaded as he gesticulated the size of plate’s he was talking about.

“Sure!” the other maid answered, also blushing, very eagerly. “Anything for you, Mister Matthias!”

“Once again, thank you.” the paladin said, feeling a bit uncomfortable. “If you’ll excuse me, then...”

He bowed his head and resumed his trotting, heading towards the castle gates.

“He’s soo dreamy!” he managed to hear one of the maids whisper. “Do you think he’s got a marefriend?”

Matthias shook his head, hoping that none of those mares would try to ambush him when he’d return to his chambers.

“Hey, lad, wait for me!” the voice of Brann reached him and as he glanced back, he saw the dwarf run towards him.

“Going back to the Archives?” the paladin asked, amused.

“Yep. Where ye off to?” the explored asked in turn as he reached him.

“Oh, nowhere in particular,” Matthias replied, resuming trotting. “To buy some water, some incense...”

“Very funny.”

“I happen to be serious.”

“Don’t ye have more important things to do, like, I dunno, creatin’ a paladin order, plannin’ how to get to yer old world...”

“I’ve got the other part of my soul, Bolvar and Ner’zhul working on the latter.” the paladin stopped his count.

“Hmpf. Guess the three of’ye don’t hav’ny better things to do, huh? Ye think about this all the time in that blasted Helm?”

Matthias hesitated.


Meanwhile In the frozen lands of Northrend, atop Icecrown Citadel lies a being sitting on a throne that has encased him in ice as his head dons The Helm of Dominance, which gives the wearer mental command over The Undead Scourge. Within The Helm lies a room that contains 3 souls of the current and former Rulers of The Damned, as they surround a table with materials at hand and on the table. Surely, they are preparing a diabolical plan of sorts? Ones which would bring Azeroth to its very knees…

“Got any tens?” Bolvar asked casually as he, Arthas and Ner’zhul sit at the table, each one of them holding five cards. It was game night for the three spirits, as they kept the restless undead in place with ease, which surprisingly enough resulted a lot of free time for them as it doesn’t take much effort to simply watch over them.

Ner’zhul simply shakes his head to comply the former human. “You know, I might be willing to let the purple one back in here.” the old orc said. “We would get a fourth to bridge!”

“... mostly.”

Spottedleaf yawned, tired after the long day.

After she made sure Fluttershy was fine with that (the former medicine cat still couldn’t believe the pony understood her somehow) she went to the stream, trying to catch some fish. While she wasn’t either trained in hunting that kind of prey or wasn’t even fond of its taste, this was about the only prey she could hunt and eat, so she did both of those. After many trials and errors, she finally caught one. It tasted magnificent, probably because she got it by herself, instead of being fed.

After that, she went for a walk through the ‘town’, curious about how those ponies lived. For what she could see so far, their lifestyle mostly resembled that of Twolegs, and even kept other animals as pets like them too. Like Opal, who she met today, wasn’t exactly friendly. She’s a kittypet to the bone, helped her nonetheless by explaining few things from a cat point of view.

It was a long day.” she summed up in her thoughts.

Suddenly, she felt something gently tapping her on her neck, and when twisted her head, she saw Angel bunny, smiling shyly.

How did he sneak up on me so easily? I must be more tired than I thought...” crossed her mind as the rabbit pressed his paws to her back and began moving them up and down.

Spottedleaf realized that what Angel was doing right now resembled what Opal mentioned about her Fourleg, Rarity, who often went to some nest called ‘Spa’ to get massages, which ponies apparently did with their hooves instead than with their tongues.

Even if this isn’t sharing tongues, it still feels nice.” she commented in her thought as she purred while Angel continued to massage her back.

Twilight waited until she was sure that Spike was asleep, before she got up from her bed and trotted over silently towards about the only one shelf within her library she almost never took books off, aside from reshelving days, of course.

While she loved spending time today with her friends and family, she longed for the night all day, knowing that only then (or rather, now) she could read those books safely. She looked at the titles of few of them now, feeling very anxious:

How to date somepony’, ‘Is it love?’ ‘The Truth about Dating, Love, and Just Being Friends’, and the one she most dreaded: ‘What could go wrong and what to do about it”?

Matthias sighed with relief once he made sure there was not a lustful female assassin of sorts waiting for him.

The fact that I am pleased that there is no pretty maid mare waiting in my chambers could be used to question my sanity.” he thought amused as he laid his shoppings on the floor. “Although, I don’t have time for that either way...

Not wanting to waste anymore time, he took one of the bottles of pure, clean water he bought from the bags, and pressing his hooves against it, intoned a prayer:

“Light, bless those waters. Fill them with your purity, so they may bring your love to others.”

A beam of Light appeared around the bottle as he prayed, and soon, the inside of it glowed.

It worked.” Matthias thought as the glow slowly dispersed, and picked up another bottle. “I hope the rest of the night will go as smoothly...

Author's Note:

I decited to change the name of Arthas weapon from Light's Blade to Holy Avenger, sorry for confusing you, it's just... as I slowly raised my paladin to lv 86, i realized how much cooler this sounds. And since Arthas often hangs out with Rainbow Dash, I imagined that she would tell him how lame "Light's Blade" sounded.

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