• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 9,145 Views, 3,240 Comments

My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 22 - "Once More Into the Fray"

"So what's this place like?" Grif asked as he soared through the skies with the others.

"It's a lot like a club back from where we're from," Tucker replied. "It's just filled with ponies, not college girls that make stupid duck faces with their friends."

"I wouldn't know. I usually sit in a booth, stuffing my face with heaps of bar food," Grif chuckled.

"At least you're playing it safe that way," Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. "Big shot over there drinks like it's going out of style."

"Hey, whatever I'm doing, it's always in style," Tucker corrected her. "Besides, I knew what I was doing the entire time."

"Sure you did," she laughed, then looked back to see Fluttershy trailing behind. "You okay over there?"

"Yes, I am," Fluttershy answered with an extremely weak nod. "Just a little nervous, that's all."

The four pegasi soon reached the Mile, only to find themselves at the back of a rather large line. Knowing it was best not to try to cut ahead, they stopped at the back of the line. As they waited, Fluttershy looked around nervously. She had not even been in the club yet, but she already felt out of place. Seeing this, Rainbow Dash stepped closer to her and offered a friendly smile. She returned the smile with one of her own, trying to appear comfortable. After several more minutes, the line shortened and they found themselves at the front of it. The bouncer gave a swift nod to Rainbow Dash, having recognized her. Smiling coolly, Tucker began walking inside with her, only to be stopped by the bouncer holding his wing out, blocking the way.

"You look familiar," the bouncer grunted, eyeing Tucker. "Didn't we throw you out of here one time for some reason?"

"Nah, that must have been some other guy," Tucker said.

"Alright, go on in," he grunted. His eyes then came to Fluttershy, studying her quietly.

"Let her in, Bouncer. She's with us," Rainbow Dash sighed.

With a shrug, Bouncer stepped to the side, letting Fluttershy and Grif through.

"A bouncer named Bouncer? That sounds fucking-" Grif began with a snort, but it aught in his throat at the sight of the large pegasus that began giving him the evil eye. "-Cool. That sounds pretty cool and it totally fits you."

"That's what I thought," he muttered, looking away from them. "Next."

As soon as the four walked through the door, they were greeted by a large crowd of loud ponies, as well as slightly louder music.

"Pretty busy night, huh?" Rainbow Dash said as they went through the crowd, trying to speak loud enough so the others could actually hear her. "We should see if they have any booths to the side where we can hear ourselves think."

"Good idea," Fluttershy said, taking extra care as to not bump into any of the other patrons.

To their surprise, there were several round booths open at the back of the club. Rainbow Dash quickly flew to the largest one in the corner and sat down. Fluttershy then slowly flew inside, happy to be away from the sporadically moving pegasi.

"Guess everybody is too busy dancing and drinking tonight, huh?" Tucker chuckled as he sat on the other side of Rainbow Dash.

"Looks like it," Grif murmured, sitting next to Fluttershy.

"Hey, guys," came a familiar voice. Looking to the source, Tucker and Rainbow Dash began to smile. "I thought I saw you guys come in here."

"Hey, Cloudchaser," Rainbow Dash greeted back. "What's going on with you?"

"Oh, you know. The same boring stuff," she chuckled, sitting on the edge of the seat of the booth, ready to get up at any moment. "How about you? I haven't seen you two for a few months. Almost thought I'd never see you here again after what happened last time. Or does Tucker not remember his awful singing."

"I'm telling you, my voice is awesome," Tucker said with a smirk. "I probably just half-assed it so the ladies wouldn't swoon over me. Don't want RD getting jealous, do I?"

"Yeah, that's totally the reason," she snorted as Rainbow Dash lightly hit him in the ribs. She then paused and raised her brow at the other pair. "What's Fluttershy doing here?"

Fluttershy bit her bottom lip and looked at the table, involuntarily shifting in her seat, not liking being the odd one out.

"She decided she wanted to have fun with her friends," Grif said, scooting the tiniest bit closer to her. "Is there a problem with that?"

"Huh? No," Cloudchaser said confusedly, then shook her head and smiled. "I didn't mean anything by it, I was just surprised to see her here. But by your reaction, I'm assuming you're her boyfriend?"

"What? No," he said instantly, smiling at Fluttershy. "We're just friends. I've been crashing at her place for a while, and in return I help her by watching her animal friends. When I'm awake. Isn't that right, Fluttershy?"

"Yes. We're friends," Fluttershy said with a weak smile. "Just friends."

"Cool. Well, I should probably go. Flitter is here tonight and we're trying to find some keepers. If we don't find any in a few hours, we might come back here so we can talk," Cloudchaser said.

"Sounds good," Rainbow Dash said, turning to the others as Cloudchaser left. "So what do you guys think we should do? Want to go dancing, or what?"

"I don't know..." Fluttershy grumbled, voice barely audible over the throbbing music.

"This is a place for fun, drinking and making mistakes that you won't remember in the morning," Tucker laughed, looking around the club. "You can't just come here and do nothing. It ruins the point."

"Does it?" Fluttershy asked sincerely, not knowing proper club etiquette. Or if there even was etiquette.

"Ignore him. Clubs are for having fun, but just being here with friends can be fun too, right?" Grif asked.

"Yeah," she said back to him, feeling slightly more comfortable.

"Well, I'm going to grab some drinks," Tucker sighed, getting out of the booth.

"Hang on, I'll come too. I need to see what they have to eat around here, maybe bring back a menu," Grif said, getting out of the booth from the other side. "You girls hungry for anything?"

"Nah, I'm good," Rainbow Dash chuckled. "And only bring a few drinks. We don't want you getting tossed on your flank again. Plus Fluttershy probably won't have any."

"I might," Fluttershy said, smiling crookedly at Tucker and Grif.

"Really? I mean, I rarely have drinks, but I limit myself so I don't become what Tucker did that one time," Rainbow Dash grunted, not wanting her friend to wake up with a hangover. "You don't know what your limit is, so you could easily go over it if you drink anything Tucker brings."

"I don't want to be the only one not doing anything," she said quietly, but turned to Tucker and coughed. "Can you ask for a small one?"

"Sure thing," Tucker said, turning around. "Come on, Grif. Maybe while we're there we can see what we can do about joining the Mile High Club."

"Uh, no offense, but I'm not really into you that way," Grif mumbled, walking away with him

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