• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

  • ...

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Chapter 37 - "First Guessing"

Though Simmons knew Delta to be one of the, if not the most trustworthy of the fragments, he was still unsure of how to present himself to the green unicorn. Because of this, he remained awkwardly silent as he and Delta made their way through Ponyville. After over half an hour of walking, they made their way out of Ponyville and began walking down the dirt path towards Fluttershy's house. Once the cottage and the Everfree were in sight, Simmons began to feel more nervous about going inside.

"So how are things back at the Apple family's farm?" Simmons asked, hoping he could distract himself. "Are you settling back in nicely?"

"Yes, Applejack and her family are doing their best to ensure we are most comfortable. Even Omega and Gamma seem to be glad to be back, but that is most likely because they are free to attempt to do damage," Delta replied. "Now she seems more friendly towards myself and the others."

"That's good to hear, I guess," he replied with a small crack in his voice.

"Do you wish to see if Grif wants to come with us while we're here?" Delta asked, glancing over at the cottage that was nearby.

"That would be a good idea if Grif wasn't as lazy as a sloth. Wait, he's the damn Element of Sloth."

"And Gluttony, if I recall correctly. When he is not doing one, he is doing the other, and it is to my understanding that he is usually awake by this time."

"And how are we going to get him to come with us? He has food here, but he doesn't have to go through hell to get to it."

"Last time I was with Zecora, she showed me a place where these fruits grew. Though I do not know know much about tasting besides different varieties of apple dishes, I know that the fruit I tried was most excellent," Delta explained.

"Still, his palate isn't something he actively tries new food to please. As long as he's eating something, he's happy," Simmons murmured, but glanced back at the forest which was now closer than he remembered. With a gulp, he then glanced at the cottage, and back to Delta. "Less likely things have happened in the past."

"Very well," Delta said, turning towards the cottage.

Simmons walked alongside Delta. Once they reached the door, Simmons knocked on it a few times and stood by his travelling companion. The sound of sluggish, slightly sporadic hooves hitting the ground began coming from the other side of the door. Simmons chuckled at the fact that Delta knew when Grif was awake. When the door opened, however, they were greeted by Grif's bubblegum-pink haired watcher.

"Hello, Simmons. Hello, Delta," she mumbled, wincing at the light that was now in her eyes. She looked over and bowed her head and smiled crookedly at them.

"Greetings, Fluttershy. You do not look well," Delta noted dryly.

"I do not feel well," she mumbled.

"Are you sick?" Simmons asked, ready to take a step back if she was contagious.

"No. Well, yes. A little bit, but you can't catch it," she admitted.

"That's good. That it's not contagious. It's not good that you have it, though," Simmons mumbled. Clearing his throat, he looked inside. "Knowing Grif, he is around, but where is he?"

"In the backyard. Stay here, I'll go get him," she said, starting to turn around.

"I'll go get him. You don't look like you should be moving at all," Simmons said, already going around the cottage.

"Okay," Fluttershy said gratefully, looking at Delta. "Make yourself at home while you wait."

"Thank you," Delta said, keeping an eye on Fluttershy as he made his way inside. "You know, your sickness seems awfully familiar to me..."

"It does?" she asked.

"Yes. I believe I once saw Agent York with the same thing," he murmured, giving her another once over. The sound of her voice, the bags in her eyes and the sluggish movement all led to the same thing. "You are hungover, correct? Odd, you never struck me as the lively type that would go out and drink."

"Is there any way to get rid of it?" she inquired quickly.

"Sleeping seems like it generally helps."

"Grif told me the same thing," she said, cheeks burning slightly. "I just thought that he said that because he really likes sleeping."

"I see. You slept with Grif as well?"

"What? I..." she squeaked, cheeks now a dark red. "How?"

"Generally when one is hungover, they are not seen smiling."

"You have to promise that you won't tell anypony!" she said with a quick shudder.

"Do not worry, I won't tell anyone," he said, bowing his head at her.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

"Tell me, do you remember much of the night before?"

"No, last night was a blur. I remember a few things, but most of what I can remember are just bits and pieces. I certainly don't remember asking him to... sleep with me," she said, blushing again.

"Drinking seems to have an adverse effect of making the drinkers less intelligent and prone to doing things they'll most likely regret."

"Well... I don't regret it, exactly," she said sheepishly, but truthfully.

"Ah," Delta said, knowing exactly what she meant by that.

"So what are you doing with Simmons?" she inquired, wanting to change the subject. "Usually when he wants to talk to Grif, he is by himself."

"He is going to ask Grif to come with us to Zecora's."

"You're going into that far into the Everfree? Just the two of you?"

"Three. That is ,if Grif does go with us."

"Why are you going to see Zecora?"

"Theta found a flower and gave it to Simmons so he could find out what it is. Simmons had no luck finding what it was called, so I suggested he seek out Zecora seeing as she knows more about the natural world than most books. And I came with him because he was wary of going in by his lonesome. After all, there is usually safety in numbers, and that is why we are asking Grif to go with us," he explained.

"It's pretty dangerous in there, even with three of you," she mumbled. She then recalled a blurry, but quick fight in which Grif managed to fend off three pegasi much stronger than him, so she let out a sigh. "I suppose Grif can handle himself."

"Do not worry. If we come into any trouble, we will most likely run. If worse comes to worst, I know how to deal with simple-minded creatures. After all, I've been studying along their side since I was born," he said with a small smile.

"You have?" she asked, tilting her head.

"I am referring to the agents at Project Freelancer."

"I..." she trailed off again, not getting it.

"Perhaps I am not the best at making jokes," he admitted, looking to the ceiling for a few seconds.

"No, it was funny," she said with a weak smile. "I just didn't get it right away. I'm also not really myself right now."

The two's conversation was interupted when Simmons knocked on the door three times.

"Come in," Fluttershy called out weakly.

"Alright, Delta. Time to go," Simmons said with a smile. "Grif's with us and is excited to go."

"I had a feeling he might be tempted to go when you told him about the rare fruit," Delta said.

"I may have altered what you said to make him more likely to follow us," Simmons admitted.

"What did you say?" Delta countered curiously.

"Enough talking! We're going to find that bacon-fruit tree, even if it takes us over twenty whole minutes!" Grif announced as he glared into the room, only to turn around and start marching towards the forest with gusto.

"I see," Delta said, starting after Simmons. As Simmons left the room, Delta paused by the door and looked back at Fluttershy to give her a reassuring smile. "Do not worry, Fluttershy. I will remember to keep your secret. While we're there, I will also ask Zecora if she has anything for you that would help speed up you being well again."

"Thank you," she said, smiling back at him.

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