• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 7 - "Proof of Purchase"

"How..." Applejack trailed off as she closed the door behind her, eyes glued to the weakly smiling Church.

"I'll explain later. Listen, I know this is short notice, and I'm pretty sure you don't trust me, but I have a huge favor to ask. I know you'll probably be tempted to shoot me down, but just hear me out. I-"

"Want me t' look after th' fragments again," she interrupted knowingly.

"Yeah. I mean, I know I sort of just showed up unannounced, but I felt it was better if I asked personally. And again, I know it's really short notice, but you've already proven that you can make sure that they don't hurt anyone. I also know you don't really trust me all that much, but-"

"Church, while Ah'm still not all too sure 'bout how ya came back, Ah do know that ya risked your well bein' for us ponies. If that doesn't tell me ya'll are t' be trusted, then Ah don't know what would," she said, smiling brightly, then squinted at O'Mally and Gary. "Well, maybe not all of ya..."

"Yeah, I know that you don't want them to-"

"Church, stop," she said, holding her hoof up to silence Church. "Ah'll make sure they stay outta trouble. Y'already know that we have th' room and th' food. Ain't no trouble. Honest. Now ya can go back on up t' Twilight's. Ah'm sure ya want t' talk t' them some more, or at least get some shut eye. Ah'm sure Delta'll tell me all about how ya came back, whether Ah ask him or not."

"Thanks, AJ," he sighed gratefully, turning to walk away. "But if you think they're even considering doing something stupid, tell me, okay?"

"Will do," she promised, watching as Church began to walk away. Once he had walked out of the gate, Applejack made her way over to the fragments. "Howdy, y'all."

"Good morning, Applejack," Delta said in his usual formal manner. "Since Church has left, I am to assume you agreed you are going to let us stay here?"

"Course Ah will. Ain't nopony more capable than me at watchin' y'all," she laughed roughly. "Well, besides maybe th' rocks in th' caves under Canterlot. Ah'm sure they could watch Gary and O'Malley just fine."

"Hear that, O'Malley? Applejack missed us!" Gary chuckled.

"Of course she did. Her life isn't nearly as grand without us in it," O'Malley stated simply.

"Not sure 'grand' is th' word for it," she grunted. She then caught sight of Theta looking around curiously. "Gunna say hello there, partner?"

"Oh, yeah," Theta said, shaking his head. With a smile, he looked up to the farm mare. "Hey, Applejack. Where's Applebloom and the others?"

"Celestia herself wouldn't know exactly where to find those girls when ya need them," she chortled, then shook her head. "Ah think they're out in Ponyville tryin' t' get their Cutie Marks. Ah'd recommend just stayin' put rather than go out lookin' for 'em. Ya don't know where they are, and Ah'm sure it'll be much more of a surprise to them when they open the door an' see ya sittin' there as if ya never left."

"Good idea!" Theta smiled brightly.

Applejack then turned to Eta and Iota, both of which simply smiled and nodded at her. Knowing they weren't ones for talking, she smiled back and gave them a nod in return. Her eyes then settled on Sigma. Something felt different about Sigma. He simply stood next to Theta, staring into the orchard, looking at nothing in particular. There seemed to be something missing in the fragment, but she couldn't quite tell what it was.

"Y'all right over there?" she questioned Sigma.

"Yes," he replied without any hesitation, but did not turn to her. "I'm doing just fine."

"Ya don't really seem like it," she grunted, then addressed them as a group. "As most of y'all will recall, when y'all are livin' here, Ah'm in charge and what Ah say goes. That isn't t' say Ah won't give y'all a little space to be yourselves, but if y'all start endangerin' anyponies lives, Ah'll be there with Mac an' Sarge to stop ya before ya hurt 'em. So far, th' only ones who have my trust are Delta and Theta, so they'll be my eyes an' ears," she explained, looking to the pair of unicorn fragments. "Can y'all do that for me?"

"I will do what is necessary," Delta said.

"I will too," Theta agreed.

"Good t' know that Ah can count on ya," she said thankfully. "Ah'm sure Theta can keep an eye on Sig while Delta watches over Gary an' O'Malley. From what Ah've seen, Eta and Iota don't seem keen on causin' trouble, so Ah'm sure we can watch 'em just fine, even with their wings."

"Yes, yes, you have everything under control," Gary muttered. "Can we go now?"

"Do ya have somewhere t' be?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," he chuckled condescendingly. "I really should go to the mayor. Ever since I left, I'm sure her little shisno brain couldn't handle all the work that was suddenly put on her by my absence."

"Yes, and I am sure there are more taxes to be collected and more property to be damaged!" O'Malley boomed, then looked at Applejack and raised a brow at the sight of her glare. "What are you looking at?"

"You didn't hear a word Ah just said, didja?"

"Oh, I did. I just choose to ignore them," he huffed as he turned to his partner in office. "Come, Gary. We have business to attend to."

"Alright, Ah suppose it would be best if y'all went t' see th' Mayor," Applejack grunted reluctantly. "But ya can't go about telling her th' truth, and that's comin' from me."

"The truth?" Gary scoffed. "When have I ever told the truth? I am the embodiment of deceit."

"Just then by sayin' that ya don't tell th' truth, ya kinda told the truth..."

"I bet you think you're so clever, don't you?" Gary mumbled.

"A lil' bit, yeah," she snorted. "Anyways, Ah think we told th' mayor that ya went to Manehatten on accounta some business, so just tell her that it went well."

"And what about me?" O'Malley asked curiosuly. "Did you tell them I was getting my smite on? Or did you tell them that I was out using-"

"No, we didn't tell 'em much on your part. Most folks were happy to see ya gone," Applejack interrupted with a laugh. She then glanced over to Delta and nodded at the governmental pair of stallions. "Make sure t' keep 'em outta trouble, alright?"

"Understood," Delta confirmed.

As Delta led Gary and O'Malley to town, Applejack turned her attention to the four remaining pieces. Eta and Iota idly stood by the barn, watching Applejack intently. She looked over to Theta, who was sitting on the grass, looking at the sky, smiling pleasantly. Her eyes then set on Sigma, who continued to look into nothingness. This unsettled her greatly, but she decided it would be best not to question it.

"Alright, th' barn's still in tiptop shape, so y'all can rest in there if ya want, or y'all can come inside for a bite t' eat," she said, hoping to gauge any reaction out of Sigma.

"That sounds great," Theta said happily, getting off the ground. "Do you have any sweet apple tarts around? They're my favorite."

"Ah don't think so, but if y'ask Granny Smith, Ah'm sure she'll be more than happy t' make ya some," she chuckled at the colt. "How 'bout the rest of ya?"

Eta and Iota exchanged a small, knowing look, then turned to Applejack and nodded.

"Come on, Sigma," Theta laughed as he gave Sigma a quick pat on the back, snapping him back to reality. "Let's go see Granny Smith. You're better with words, so it'll be better if you ask her to make us some stuff."

"That sounds good," Sigma said with a small grin, following Theta, Eta and Iota to the farmhouse.

Applejack looked back at the gate to make sure that the others had left, then followed the others inside.

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