• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 74 - "Wish Fulfilled"

Knowing that the UNSC were most likely not far off from coming after them, the group quickly rushed to the room where the Director was, only to find that the door was already open. Carolina looked through the doorway to see the Director staring at a freeze-frame of Allison on the screen with several other screens along the bottom showing areas of the facility. Cautiously, she nodded at the others and began to walk into the room as silently as she could. Washington followed after her, and the Reds and Blues weren't too far behind him. Carolina motioned at them to spread out in the room, and they obliged. Once they were all in position, Carolina began to speak, but lost her train of thought when the door behind them slammed shut and locked.

"It's about time you joined me," the Director — Discord — chuckled, spinning his chair around, the others seeing a light yellow glow from behind the Director's glasses. "I was worried that you would have been stopped by the soldiers or those strange aliens..."

"Enough games, Discord," Church growled, appearing in front of him. "You've hurt innocent people, and you're going back to where you belong."

"Innocent people? No, the only people who have been hurt were people that you killed. If any crimes were committed here, it was by all of you and you alone."

"You made us do that!" Simmons countered defensively.

"I did not make you do a single thing. You all could have ran from the soldiers in the canyon. You all could have talked things through with the aliens. It is not my fault life turns volatile when you're together. I'm surprised you're not shooting me right now."

"Because we weren't sent after you to kill you."

"Oh, so imprisonment must be what's in store for me. I'm going to tell you, I've been down that road, and it is not one I want to return to." Looking back, Discord saw men charging down the hallway on one of the lower displays, then tutted. "Speaking of being sent after me, it seems that they're coming after you right now."

"They're not just coming after us, they're coming after you too. You may think you've done nothing wrong, that we're the bad guys here. They don't see it that way. They see you as a puppet master."

"Not too far off from the mark then, hm?" he chuckled.

Just then, the soldiers arrived at the door and the lower corner began to turn bright orange.

"Uh, guys? They're cutting the door open," Doc said, stepping away from the door.

"Oh boy, I wonder what they're going to do to us when they get in here?"

"This isn't a joke, Discord. You might be powerful, but even you won't be able to stop them from killing you," Church snapped angrily. "They've been after the Director for years now, and now that they finally have him cornered, I don't think you can expect to get away. One wrong move and they'll gun you down. Even you can't survive being riddled with bullets."

"I suppose you may be right..." Discord sighed lightly. Looking at the Reds and Blues, he sighed a second time. "Oh well, I was getting bored of this anyways. I'll come with you, but I make no guarantees that I won't try to escape from whatever prison Celestia puts me in."

"Who the hell is Celestia?" Washington asked. "Another fragment kinda thing like this Discord guy?"

"You mean... he doesn't know?" Discord inquired curiously, looking at the gray soldier through the Director's eyes. He then smiled widely and let out a single loud laugh. "Oh, this is going to be rich. Give me the Epsilon unit."

Carolina reluctantly held out the Epsilon unit, and a multicolored mist seeped out of the Director's mouth and into the unit, and the sound of Discord chuckling could be heard until it had all disappeared inside. Once it had, the Director gasped deeply, as if he had been punched in the gut. Putting his hand on his head, he pushed his glasses back up over his eyes and shook his head lightly. Looking upm he saw that he was surrounded by several soldiers. It was only when his eyes settled on Carolina that he tensed up.

"Hello, Director," Carolina said softly, stepping towards him.

"Hello, Carolina," he replied quietly, wondering if she was real. Reaching out to her slowly, she grabbed his hand and squeezed lightly. "What are you all doing here?"

"You don't remember anything?"

"The last thing I remember was Agent Washington came in and asked me for help with the Epsilon unit... then... nothing..." he replied slowly. Looking behind them, he now noticed that the metal door was being cut open. "What's happening?"

"Listen, we don't have much time to explain. The UNSC hired us to track you down to bring you into custody, and after a bunch of misunderstandings, they want to take us down with you. There's probably at least two dozen men in that hall, and we don't think we have much of a chance of defeating them."

"I see..." the Director said. "I suppose the Chairman is with them, correct?"


"I suppose that means we don't have much time left," the Director said, looking to Carolina. "Use the unit on yourselves."

"Wait, you want us to go into the unit?" Washington asked. "Couldn't that be dangerous?"

"Would you rather wait in this room to be slaughtered?" the Director asked coldly, then glanced to the Reds and Blues. "I am not in the habit of pretending to know what is unknown to me. What I do know is that the Epsilon Unit... it has changed. Humans have the ability to go in it, and they manage to sustain themselves inside even when the battery has shut down. That leads me to believe that somehow it turned into some sort of teleportation device. How it happened, is the part I do not know. But we do not have time to worry about how or why. We only have time to use it to our advantage." The Director looked at the door, which was now nearly cut open and shook his head at Washington who began to talk. "We don't have time to argue. Either you go in, or you can wait here to die."

"I don't have to be told twice," Simmons said quickly. Grabbing the device from her hands, Simmons placed the tip of it on his armor. He was enveloped by a blue-gold aura, then vanished an instant later.

Lopez began to voice concern, but was silenced when Sarge touched him with the unit. Then he placed it on himself and dissappeared along with him. After that, Grif grabbed the unit and made Sister go in first, then did it to himself. Donut then happily rushed ahead, wanting to take part in whatever his team was doing, followed by a semi-reluctant Doc. Washington stood back, still trying to make sense of it as Tucker made Junior go in, then followed him.

"You don't have to be scared, Agent Washington!" Caboose said, seeing from Washington's body language that he was more cautious than he has ever been. "Think of it like a rollercoaster!"

"I don't know..." Washington grunted. "I think I might fare better against—"

Before he could finish his thought, Caboose poked him with the unit.

"For fu—" Washington began, but went into the unit before he could finish.

Caboose then stared at Carolina and Church, both of whom were looking at the Director.

"Go on. They'll be with you shortly," the Director said quietly.

"Okay!" Caboose said with a happy shrug, then inserted himself into the unit.

The unit fell to the ground lightly and the Director stared at it for a few moments. With a sigh, he walked up to it and picked it up of the floor. Inspecting it, he looked to the door, which was just a few seconds from opening, then glanced to Carolina.

"You should best be following their lead," the Director said quietly, holding the unit out to them.

"I'm not going without you," Carolina growled softly, grabbing his arm.

"You have your mother's attitude," the Director smiled sadly. He looked from the unit to Carolina. He then stared at the screen that showed Allison. "But I need to stay. There's one last thing I have to do. If my hypothesis is correct, you will all be safe."

"Please, come with us. You can have a second chance. People in our position don't normally get another one of those."

"Carolina, don't you understand? Epsilon... Texas... you. You all are my second chance. Please make better decisions than I have... no. Please be better than I have."

Carolina opened her mouth to argue while reaching for the unit, wanting to take it away from him and convince him otherwise. As she reached for it, however, the Director placed the tip of the unit on Carolina's back and she was gone in a flash of blinding light. The Director grunted and fell back instinctively to avoid the flash and the unit fell to the ground along with him. Looking up to the door through bleary eyes, he saw that the men outside were nearly done cutting the door open. With a quick glance back to his table, he began limping towards it to grab the pistol off of it. Grabbing it off the table, the Director turned around and felt like he was forgetting something. Quickly looking to the ground, he saw the unit sitting close to the door. As he began to go towards it, the door slammed downwards and several men, including the Lieutenant, rifles stormed in, weapons raised. From behind them, the Chairman walked in, arms folded behind his back.

"Hello, Director," the Chairman said. "Strange, I was told there were more of you in here."

"You are sadly mistaken. Nothing in here but a lonely old man," the Director murmured, eyes focused on the unit.

Looking at where the Director was looking, the Lieutenant saw the Epsilon unit sitting on the ground.

"What's this?" he asked, picking it up off the ground.

"Don't touch that!" The Director started to walk towards them.

"And who's going to stop me from doing it?" the Lieutenant inquired.

The Director said nothing, he only knew that he didn't want anybody else following the others into the unit. He lifted the pistol and begun to aim it at the Lieutenant

"You cannot kill us all, Director," the Chairman said gruffly, motioning towards the men surrounding him. "Best come with us peacefully and serve the rest of your life in prison. You fire one bullet from that thing, and you will be taken out in an instant."

"One bullet is hopefully all I'll need," the Director murmured. With as much focus as he could muster, he fired the gun at the man. Counting on the fact that he didn't know how to aim it properly, the bullet missed the man. But it hit his target, and the Epsilon unit shattered completely as the bullet tore through it.

"Kill him!" the Lieutenant yelled, thinking he meant to shoot him.

Instantly the men at the front began to fire. The Director fell to his knees as half a dozen bullets instantly shot through his body in several places. Much to his dismay, missing any vital organs. Breathing deeply, the Director could only focus on the unit that laid broken in pieces. The Lieutenant walked over to him and reached for the gun that the Director used to shoot the unit. Grabbing it, the Lieutenant checked the magazine, then put the pistol to the Director's forehead.

"May... I have... a few last words?" the Director asked through ragged breaths.

The Lieutenant glanced back at the Chairman. Thinking for a moment, the Chairman nodded, and the Lieutenant said, lowering his weapon slightly, thinking there was nothing the Director could do now.

"F.I.L.S.S...." the Director wheezed. Taking a deep breath, he gathered himself as best he could, knowing his following sentence would have to be spolken quickly.

"Yes, sir?" she inquired.

"Delete all our files and shut down all power to the station! Life support systems, door systems, the teleportation modules, yourself, everything!" the Director said quickly and loudly.

"Sir?" the robotic voice asked.

"What?" the Chairman and Lieutenant snapped together as the Lieutenant brought the pistol back up to the Director's head. Sadly for him, his hesitation caused him to be late on the draw.

"Do it!" the Director demanded, and watched as a secondary door to the room shut, along with all the lights in the room.

"The bastard locked us in!" the man with the torch yelled.

"We'll just burn our way through the door," another one said.

"Our torch is on the other side!"

"Tell your robotic bitch to open the door!" the Lieutenant snapped, punching him in the side of the head.

"Now why would I... do that?" The Director asked, now trembling from pain and blood loss. "I'm going to die... either way. Might as well... take you out with me and make sure none... of what has transpired here... die with me."

The Lieutenant held his gun up to the Director's head, then looked back at the Chairman, remembering his rank.

"Well played, Director," the Chairman said with a dark chuckle, clapping lightly. Nodding at the Lieutenant, he let out a resigned sigh. "Well played indeed."

"You son of a bitch!" the Lieutenant growled, finger now on the trigger.

I'll be with you soon, Allison... the Director thought as he took one, final breath.

The Lieutenant then pulled the trigger and the Director fell to the ground. For that split second between the man pulling the trigger and him dying, he felt something he hadn't felt in a long, long time.

At peace.

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