• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 40 - "Sap is Thicker than Water"

"I really don't like this, guys," Simmons said nervously as he walked past a thick, prickly bush.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Grif asked, beginning to tire of Simmons' whining.

"We could all die in terrible, terrible ways," he grunted in reply.

"Like what?"

"For starters, I can barely see two feet ahead of myself, so I could easily trip on anything and impale myself on a sharp branch. Not to mention that a dangerous animal could pop out at any second and attack us. And maybe some of Sigma's traps are still active out here, too," the cautious unicorn answered. "Come on, Grif. You love giving up. Next to food and sleep, it's your favorite thing to do."

"But eating is above that," Grif said, then paused and thought for a few seconds. "Except when Sarge gives me work. Then I'll often drop everything I'm doing to not do what he told me to do, even when I'm eating. Actually, I'll usually bring the food with me, so I can eat while working my hardest at avoiding work."

"Yeah, but-"

"Bacon. Tree. Simmons," Grif said flatly, then looked to Delta who lead the way just a couple paces ahead of them. "How close are we?"

"Very. It should be in the clearing just up ahead," Delta said quietly. He quickly came to an abrupt stop and looked around them.

"Do you see or hear something?" Simmons inquired, jumping to his side.

"No, I did not, but it never hurts to be safe," Delta sighed, then resumed walking. "I would prefer to get back to Zecora's in one piece."

"You like her, huh?" Grif chuckled.

"I do not know much when it comes to this world, but if I am to understand it, I should learn from someone who knows a lot about it. Zecora seems to have a firm grasp on this world when it comes to nature and, while she may not be as adept with it as Twilight Sparkle is, when it comes to magic."

"Yeah, she's smart, but she talks in those stupid rhymes all the time. That shit can be annoying as hell."

"I suppose it may be to some, but I believe it just shows how high her intellect is," Delta said, then turned to Grif and nodded. "We are here."

"Great," Grif said with a a large smile as he trotted into the clearing. Looking around, Grif noticed the fruit on the trees, and his mouth already began to water.

"Thank god," Simmons murmured as he glanced around the area. "This place actually seems kind of nice."

"Hey, Simmons? Mind go grabbing me a few fruits with your magic?" Grif asked.

"Hey, you want the fruit, you get it."

"That's not how it works," Grif disagreed. "You dragged me along on this trip, you get me them."

"But you have wings!"

"Yeah, but I'm limited to how much my forelegs can carry. You have magic that can grab as many fruits as I can eat. Plus, you like doing work."

"Fine," Simmons sighed, looking up at the trees to focus on the fruits. He quickly grabbed one and tossed it to Grif's hooves.

"No need for the attitude, Jeeves," Grif grumbled, grabbing the fruit off the ground to inspect it. "Hopefully you didn't bruise it. Nothing tastes as depressing as bruised bacon."

"How do you bruise bacon?"

"I don't know, I've never done it," he chuckled. "Come on, grab one for yourself and join me in this momentous occasional. The day I found a fruit that I could live off of the rest of my life. You join in on this too."

"Uh, right," Simmons mumbled, taking a fruit of his own. "Come on, Delta. You should have one too."

"I do not believe that is necessary. I have already tried them and I am not hungry at the moment," Delta replied simply, looking firmly at Simmons.

"More for me," Grif said with a shrug, then promptly bit the fuit in half and began munching away. His chews, which started quick and savory, soon became slow and more spread out. He then frowned and stared at the fruit in disbelief. "These don't taste like bacon at all."

"They still taste good, though," Simmons said as he took a small bite out of his own fruit. "So it's not all bad."

"They taste fine, sure, but they don't taste anything close to the greatness that is bacon. I got myself in the right mindset and everything!" Grif stopped, then gasped. "What if since we turned into horses, our taste buds changed and I'll never get to taste bacon the same way again?"

"Yup, that must be it," Simmons said. "There is literally no other way to explain the fact that this fruit does not taste like bacon. Not a chance."

"Oh God, why?" Grif cried loudly, looking up at the branches above them that blocked his view of the sky. "Damn you, God! You are sick! Why would you do this to me?"

"I would suggest keeping your voice down," Delta said.

"Never! My voice will be heard!" Grif stomped on the ground.

"Grif, I think you should-"

"You hear that, God? I am pissed!"

Simmons' eyes quickly darted to the entrance to the clearing where he saw a lone, shadowy figure with glowing eyes approaching them.

"Grif," Simmons said, lowering to the ground as he put the flower behind his ear to hold it in place. "You might want to come over here!"

"No, I have a score to settle right now," Grif growled, not looking down.

Simmons looked around and saw a bush sitting near the side of the clearing. Thinking fast, he ran towards it and jumped inside. Delta started towards it, hesitated and looked back at Grif. He then hopped into the bush with Simmons and began to watch.

"I swear to God, God, I am going to come up there and find a way to exact revenge on you if you're really there!" Grif yelled. A low growl then caused Grif to stop mid-rant. Glancing down, Grif saw a wooden creature coming towards him. "Ah shit."

Looking to the bush where Simmons was hiding, he began to fly towards it, but the wolf quickly darted in his way. Backing up nervously, Grif tripped on his half eaten fruit and landed on his side. The wolf quickly found its way to Grif's side and began to sniff at him.

"I'm going to die here," Grif moaned as his body tensed. "Filled with disappointment and regret."

"We have to help him," Simmons urged in a low tone.

"We do not know how many more are around. It would be most unwise to face an enemy when we do not know how the odds stack up," Delta said.

Grif knew he couldn't run as he had no idea which direction he came from. If he flew blindly into the forest, he knew he would most likely only encounter more of the strange animals. The timberwolf then brought it's face towards him, teeth bared, making Grif clench his eyes, awaiting to be bitten. The timberwolf then licked Grif's cheek. Blinking dumbly as a trail of thick, sappy saliva went down his face, Grif kept as still as possible, not daring to move. The timberwolf then sat on it's behind and promptly began scratching behind it's ear.

When it was finished scratching, it remained seated and began to stare at Grif. Grif peaked at the bush at the corner of his eyes, noticing a wide-eyed Simmons and a curious Delta. Grif took a deep breath and slowly began to rise, only to sit back down when the timberwolf began to growl. Grif's stomach then began to rumble from hunger. The bark-covered wolf tilted its head and let out a soft whine at the noise. Getting up, the timberwolf walked behind Grif and began pushing him with its head. Grif quickly scooted forwards, not appreciating the direct contact with the creature.

"What is it doing?" Simmons asked near-silently.

"I do not know," Delta replied cautiously.

The studying pair silenced themselves when another pair of timberwolves walked into the area, sniffing the air. They began to growl softly at the sight of Grif, but the first timberwolf growled back. Relaxed, the two other timberwolves walked up to him and began to sniff him. Grif wasn't enjoying this, and his stomach growled again from hunger. The first timberwolf pushed Grif again, but this time put it's head under his flank and lifted him so he was standing. The two creatures that had joined him were now standing by his side, panting lightly as the first one began pushing Grif forward.

"I'll go if you promise not to try and mate with me," Grif murmured.

The wolves then began walking towards the dark, taking Grif with them. Once they were out of the clearing, Delta and Simmons shared a wry look with each other, then looked back to where Grif was once standing.

"Do you have any ideas as to what just happened?" Simmons asked, taking a nervous step out of the bush.

"A few, but from what we've seen, one seems to stand out the most," Delta said, taking a step next to the half-eaten fruit. "I believe Grif just got accepted into their pack."

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