• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 69 - "Fallblargh Plan"

"I'm not sure if I trust the Chairman," Carolina said, looking at one of the drop ships across the river. She and the Reds and Blues had been sitting in the Pelican for the last forty minutes, waiting for Washington to return. The more they thought of their current situation, the more they realized that if all goes wrong, everything and anything they do will end up with them in jail or dead.

"I thought he seemed to be reasonable," Simmons noted, sitting on the chair.

"Always with your nose up the guy in charge's crack, eh, Simmons?" Grif chuckled.

"I'm just saying, he kind of seems like a good guy..." Simmons grumbled.

"He's using you just as the Director did. As fodder," Carolina said tightly, eyes still glued on the ship. "He admitted that he thought this might be a trap, and that's why he's sending you in. You get things done, but you're also expendable. That's any militaristic man's ideal asset."

"What else can we do, though?" Church asked. "The choice we got was to either be expendable, or to be flat out expended. I think all we can do at this point is go through with it and hope he keeps to his word."

"And if he doesn't? We don't exactly have a fallback plan right now, and I usually like to have one..."

"And you don't have any ideas, do you?"

"Not even a sliver of one..."

"I'm back," Wash called out from the back of the Pelican.

Carolina turned around and walked back into the passenger area of the aircraft, watching Wash as he walked in, armor as gray as the first day she met him.

"Well, what do you think?" Washington asked, spreading his arms slightly.

"It's still my armor, but at least it isn't my color anymore..." Church grunted.

"Good to see you back to normal," Carolina noted dryly.

"I guess that's as good as I'm going to get with you two," Wash sighed, walking up to Carolina. "So what's the deal? When are we going to head out."

"In a few minutes. We're just trying to think about a fallback plan, just in case things go sour with the UNSC," Carolina said.

"Hey, here's an idea. What if we all just go off in pairs and do it,, just in case we don't come back?" Sister suggested.

"Bad, Sister!" Grif said as if he was talking to a pet. "Bad!"

"Maybe that isn't such a bad idea," Tucker chuckled humorously, sitting next to the piece of tech the aliens gave them.

Staring at the device, Carolina began walking up to Tucker.

"Woah, I was just kidding! I'm flattered, really, but--"

"Not you," Carolina growled, stepping next to him. "Call your alien friends and tell them to come help us."

"Uh, they're kinda wrapped up in their own business right now. What with trying to make peace with us, I don't think they'd be too thrilled about the idea of killing humans..."

"Tell them that either way, humans are going to die because of them. Either they kill them to protect us, or they let us be killed."

"Not sure if that'd fly with them. They're too busy trying to find out who killed their friends. If we found out who killed them, I'm sure they'd love to help us. But since we don't know, I think we're on our own."

"Ohhhhh... whoops..." Washington coughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wash, what did you do?" Church inquired.

"When we were tracking you down in the desert, I kind of maybe told the Meta to... kill them," Washington coughed. Tucker stared at him, and Washington only assumed that it was a blank stare.

"It was Meta and Washington in the desert with... What weapon did you use again?" Caboose asked simply.

"Okay, screw what I said before. Now I'm kind of mad at you," Tucker said, ignoring Caboose's remark.

"We weren't hostile right away," Wash reasoned, holding up his hands. "Doc asked for directions, but they insulted us. Since they weren't of any use, and since I was really annoyed with toting several tons of concreted idiot with us, I kind of lost my temper."

"You think?" Doc asked.

"Shut up."

"Guess we have our plan," Carolina chipped in finally. "Tell them we know who the murderer is."

"What?" Washington asked confusedly. "You're going to use me as bait?"

"It's really the only thing we can do," Carolina said quietly. "Don't worry, we won't let them hurt you."

"I don't know if I like that idea..." Tucker admitted.

"Ditto," Washington grumbled.

"Just do it," Carolina growled.

"Fine. But I'll ask them to help us without telling them about Wash."

"Thanks," Wash sighed.

"And if that doesn't work, then I'll rat out Wash," Tucker said sarcastically, turning around.

"Ha ha, very funny..."

"[Hey, Junior,]" Tucker said quietly into the alien radio device. "[Are you there?]"

"[Yeah, I am,]" came Junior's voice from the other side.

"[Good. I'm going to need you to do something for me,]" Tucker grunted.

"[Why are you whispering?]" Junior asked.

"[Listen, we think we know where our guy is, but we have a big problem. And by big, I mean just as big as what I'm rolling with downstairs. We have the UNSC trailing us now, and I'm sure there has to be a few guys who know a little bit of your language. Can't risk them hearing this.]"

"[What are they doing there?]" Junior questioned, matching Tucker's volume.

"[They've hired us to find the Director for them. And by hired, I mean they literally had guns to our heads if we didn't do what they said. I think it's pretty obvious, but we're not sure if we can trust them not to kill us when we bring them the Director. So, uh, got anything you can do for us in terms of backup, or are we pretty much boned right now?]"

"[I'd love to help you, but I can't risk sending anything your way. If the UNSC finds out we're doing anything against them it could permanently damage alien-human relations...]"

"[I guessed you'd say something like that,]" Tucker grunted. Thinking for a moment, Tucker looked back to Washington. He didn't want to do this, but at this point he had no choice if he wanted his son's help. "[I know where the guy who killed your friends is.]"

"[What?]" Junior murmured after a second.

"[The guy who killed those aliens that you guys are looking for. We have him with us.]"

"[He's with the UNSC?]"

"[No, he's one of us.]"

"[I see...]" Junior said. "[Why didn't you tell me before?]"

"[Because I didn't want you to kill him.]"

"[Why would we do that? He killed aliens that meant to completely destroy all chances of humans and aliens having peace. If we killed him, we'd accomplish that goal exceedingly well.]"

"[I thought that William guy wanted to kill them.]"

"[He does, but he is one of the few who feel that way. Don't take what I said the wrong way. He is by no means a hero. He slaughtered their people. My people. Justice needs to be given... But death isn't justice. We just want to talk to him about it, ask why he was so quick to kill them. There are two sides to any argument, as my more experienced men remind me consistently.]"

"[And if he dies before justice can be given, there will always be doubt between the aliens and the humans. I think that'd make your mission pretty difficult to do.]"

Junior thought for a moment. "[I'll send a ship with some of our men to trail you. We'll keep out of sight from them, but we'll stay as close as we can in case things go wrong.]"

"[Thanks, I'll tell the others,]" Tucker sighed, turning off the device. "Hope this doesn't backfire..."

"Hope what doesn't backfire? Did you convince them to help us?" Washington asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I sort of did," Tucker said reluctantly.

"What do you mean sort of?" Washington asked slowly, recognizing that tone.

"I told the aliens that you were the one who killed their friends."

"What?" Washington snapped. "They're totally going to hunt us down and kill me!"

"No, they're not. They just want to talk to you about it. They were kind of working against the goals of Junior and the others. So while they're not happy about it, they don't seem to want to kill you."

"Why didn't you just tell them it was an accident then? Or tell them they attacked first?"

"Because if I told them that, they might not have sent some guys up here to help us. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine."

"And if it won't be?" Wash asked.

"It was the aliens! In the ship! With their laser guns!" Caboose chimed enthusiastically.

"Yeah, that," Tucker chuckled.

"I hate my life."

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