• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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18-The first time is alway the hardest

Chapter 18

The First Time Alway’s The Hardest

Onyx was now finally out of the woods, the Gryphon mountain were far behind him and the only trouble he got so far was a patrol of Gryphons, but they did not see him. The Canterlot mountain was now in his sight, the Equestrian border was a 10 minute walk away. Onyx was going to start to walk the last meter that separated him from his kingdom, but he got the feeling that something was not natural. Normally, the border was guarded by 4 or 5 guards, but there was easily 30 or 40 guards.

Onyx hid himself behind a tree and started to think up a plan to cross the border.

“I can’t fight alone versus 40 Gryphon guards, even if I take them by surprise. If they see me, I can’t be sure that they will bring me back to the Emperor... I need to get away from here tonight, who knows how many Gryphon guards the border will have tomorrow...”

Onyx opened his backpack, since he escaped, he “borrowed” many items in the few villages he had come across. He had enough food for the next few days, fresh water, flint and tinder, a hunting knife, the letter from the gray pegasus, a cover, a lantern and a makeshift lockpick. Since he had found out that his fingers couldn’t easily break locks, and open a closed door, he would always carry his makeshift lockpick just in case. Suddenly an idea came to mind... but it was insane... Good thing he liked insane.

Onyx took out his knife and his makeshift lockpick and started to clean them. When he was certain that the blade and the lockpick were cleaned, Onyx went back into the woods and made a fire. Onyx cut a strip of cloth from his clothes and put it in his mouth, he made sure that the strip was covering his tongue, so in case he would yell, only a muffled voice would come out. When he was sure that everything was ready, he took his knife and looked at it, it would be very painful, but it was the only idea he had. Onyx slowly rolled the knife in the palm of his hand, then without warning, stabbed his leg. The pain was immense but with the piece of cloth in his mouth he could not express his pain. Blood was rushing out of his leg, he had to act quickly, Onyx quickly inserted the lockpick in his wound and then he put the knife in the fire, when the blade was red hot he placed it on the wound to stop the bleeding. Onyx was on the ground for many minutes trying to ignore the pain in his leg. He cursed himself, that he didn’t take enough time to think of a better plan, but now he couldn’t take back his decision.

Now it was time for the second part of his plan, so he slowly got up from the ground, his leg hurt him as if someone decided to casually pluck the sun from the stars, and shove it in his leg. The lockpick inside his leg made it even worse. Onyx walked to a bar on the outskirts of the border. Even from the outside, he could smell the alcohol and hear the music inside, then when he entered.

The bar was built with old wood, candles were everywhere to light the tavern up, many of the customers were Gryphons, but Onyx spotted 2 Pony at a table in the back of the room. ‘Perfect.’ He’ll need to get drunk for his plan to work; first to ignore the eye gouging pain and secondly, he doesn’t want to be sober while beating the living tar out of an innocent pony. Onyx went and sat at the table to the oposite of the 2 Ponyi; one of them was wearing a black cloak, the earth pony, and he could not see his face, the other one was familiar to Onyx, he was wearing some kind of yellow goggles and his feathers were gray and yellow but he couldn’t remember where and when he saw them.

A Gryphon came to his table to take his order. “What do you want to drink?”

“I’ll have your strongest pint of cider, no salt please.” Onyx answered her, wishing that she didn’t recognize the bounty on his head. Which by the way had increased to about 2000 bits. Fortunately the Gryphon did not really care about him and returned with a pint of cider.

“The Pegasi at that table will pay for me. Just go show them the bill and tell them that it’s from me.”

The Gryphon returned to her work and Onyx waited patiently for the reaction of the Pegasi, he made sure that they couldn’t see him from where they are and he waited.

’Come on... Show me something!’ When the waitress gave them the bill, the Pegasus showed no reaction. Onyx sighed, ‘Why didn’t they show any reaction? Shouldn’t they be at least a little mad? Unless...’

‘No... They can’t know who I am... Can they? Damn. Now I need to find somepony or Grphon else for this, Mayb-’ His thoughts were interupted by something slamming his head with the table. Onyx swiftly turned around and checked to see who had done this to him. The guilty one was a cream Pegasus, who was wearing a black jacket and had a scar on his right eye.

“Can you tell me why you’re making my friends over there, pay for your bill you Diamond Do-” The Pegasus was surprised when he clearly saw his face, but Onyx didn’t waste anytime, he quickly punched his face and grabbed the pint on the table then he smashed it on the Pegasus head, which he blocked it with his wing. The other two ponies that were at the table were now at the side of the cream colored pegasus, the gray and yellow one was holding a strange device in his hoof and pointed it at Onyx, then he press something on it... and nothing happened.

“Arrggg! Everytime it’s the same thing! Your inventions are always broken when we need them! You’re bucking useless Azure.” The pony named Azure did not looked offended by the Cream pegasus and took a few steps back, leaving the two other ponies alone with Onyx.

The pony with the cloak walked in front of Onyx but didn’t do a thing, Onyx was watching the movement of his opponent, like he had learnt from the Gryphons. He kept calm and took a fight position, trying to find out the next move of the cloaked pony.

The Cream Pegasus was going to help his partner, but the cloaked pony blocked him with a hoof.

“Not this time Raynor. I want to do it.” He said to the pegasus named, apparently, Raynor.

“Are you sure?... You know who he is right, we have tra-” The cloaked pony ignored his friends and walked to the Prince, then he took off his hood. He had a strange and rebellious manecut, and was colored blue with a sky pattern, his coat was just a plain white.

“Do you know who I am?” He asked Onyx.

“Nope sorry but I do-” Once again Onyx was interrupted, this time it was the white earth pony who had kicked him. Onyx was now lying on the floor, his clutching his hurting side.

“Okay bastard. You’ll pay for that.” Onyx jumped up quickly from the floor and tried to kick his opponent back, but the wound he had in his leg stopped him from doing a good hit, and the white pony easily dodged him and then he grab a bottle on the floor with his mouth and threw it at Onyx. When he tried to block it, the earth pony jumped up and punched him in the face.

Onyx fell on a table, which broke on impact. Now Onyx was angry. At first, his plan was to not really hurt the pony, but just be violent enough that the barman would call the guards and bring him in the holding cell at the outpost at the border, but that white pony knew how to fight and he will need to fight him like as if he was a true opponent.

Onyx slowly got up from the ex-table and looked at his opponent. He thought of all the advantages he had against him.

“First; I’m bipedal, so I’m more maneuverable than him in this fight. Second; I’m taller, so I can easily knee him in his throat and Three... Well okay, I don’t know what three is, but I’m sure that 2 advantages is enough.”

The earth pony waited patiently for Onyx, but then he charged him. But this time Onyx was ready. He waited for him to come closer, closer, closer... then at the last second, he dodged him. The speed of the pony prevented him to get out of the way, Onyx have make him stumble on the broken table. Onyx did not lost his chance and jump on the pony and hold his head between his arms.

But before he could hit him, Onyx feel a blade under his troath. A Gryphon guard was holding a spear upointing it at Onyx

“One more move and you are death! Understand?” a deep voice say behind him. Onyx slowly nodded his head and let’s the Pony alone. The bar was now filled with Gryphon, and all the customer was out. the only other living thing inside was the 2 pegasus, the white pony and Onyx. One of the Gryphon, the captain probably, give some order to his soldier and then he go away.

“Okay, it’s seem that you have learned a free night to the jail, well all of you ecxept this fugitif over there” One of the guard say, pointing Onyx with his Talons. “Ho no, you, you have earn more than one night in the jail, i’m sure that the gryphon emperor will be happy to know that we have finally got you.”


Onyx was now in the jail of the outpost, like he’d wanted. The only thing he that needs to do is to escape, and then he will be close enough to the border to call the pony guards on the others, the Gryphon won’t be able to chase him on the territory of his mother... At least, without giving some explanation to her. But before he could do all that, he will need to take the lockpick out of his leg, before he could get an infection.

The three ponies from the bar were in the cell in-front of him, the one called Raynor was yelling at the other Pegasus called Azure, and the white one was looking Onyx since they where in here. Unlike the 2 other ones, he was calmer and he didn’t speak at all.

Onyx got up from the floor and looked at his leg, the wound was still red, he will need to open it soon. But first, he needs to find something that will be sharp enough to open it again, and the only thing that he had on him, was probably one of his canines.

The white earth pony, finally spoke to him.

“Could you tell me what you’re planning?... Onyx!” He said with some anger in his voice. Onyx didn’t respond him and only thought of a way to pull out on of his canines without too much pain, so he couldn’t bring the guards attention here.

“HA! HA! I got it!” The yellow and gray Pegasus suddenly yelled, pointing the little device, he had, on Onyx. Then he press a little red button on it.

Onyx felt like as if somepony had shot him with a direct bolt of lightning. But before he lost consciousness, he whispered a swear to the crazy Pegasus.


Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

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