• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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22-The return of Luna

Chapter 22

The Return of Luna

1st of Sun Festival, 1000 years after the N.M.M. Event

2 years after Onyx’s return to Canterlot

Onyx was sound asleep in his bed, last night had taken all of his stamina. The sun was lighting up his room, and the sounds of the birds chirping and singing woke him and kept him calm. The mare at his side shuffled a little, Onyx didn’t want to wake her from her peaceful slumber, so he didn’t move an inch. He’d dated her the last 3 months; they had met each other at a bar outside the castle. Onyx hugged the mare in a soft embrace and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Time to wake up sweetie. My mother wants to see me this morning.” The mare pulled the blanket over her head.

“She has summoned you, not the Great and Powerful Trixie. I don’t want to wake up right now.” Onyx laughed a little at what she said and pulled the covers off her head.

“Maybe, but you promised me yesterday you’d come with me, because apparently she had something important to say to you. Besides, you know that you don’t have to do your ‘third person’ thing with me.”

Trixie sighed and got up from the bed. She had met this creature in a bar where she was doing one of her shows. He was sitting in the front row and was the only one who had applaused her. She didn’t know why, but she felt close to him, maybe because he was facsinated by magic.

“Fine, fine, you won. But tonight, I’m the one who is sleeping with the black blanket.” She and Onyx would fight with each other over who would get to sleep with the black blanket for the night.

“Never! You know what? I’d prefer to go see my mother alone, than give you the B.B. (The nickname of the Black Blanket)

“Fine, more sleep for me.” Then she took the blanket and covered her head with it. Onyx smirked and finaly got up, he stretched up to the celing and with satisfying pops, he walked over to the bathroom and stepped in the shower. The hot water was softly beating on his skin, relaxing his tense morning muscles and he sighed as the water flowed, washing over his scars. They were no longer bothering him, he could walk normally now and they really didn’t hurt anymore. Onyx shut the water off, quickly dried himself, and left the bathroom. Trixie was still sleeping in his bed so he skipped the “make the bed” part and silently tip toed over to his dresser, put on a clean pair of black pants and a shirt, then left to his mothers room.


Celestia was waiting, not only for her son, but her sister too. It has been 1000 years since she had banished her, and today... she would be coming back. But first... she needed to prepare for her return.

“Mom! I’m here.” Her son entered the room, he had become tall since she had found him in the garden, but just a little shorter than her... She really wished that her plan would work, because if not, it would be the last time she saw her beloved son.

“I see that your marefriend isn’t with you.” she said, trying to start the conversation.

“Yes, it seems that she wanted to stay in bed today... but what about you? Didn’t you want to ask me something?” Celestia hugged her son, she smelled his black mane and kiss him on the forehead. “In a way, you look like my sister...”

“Mom... are you alright?... You act as if I am going to return to the north.” He say semi-serious, semi-joking.

“Don’t worry Onyx... I’m just a old mare who had missed her son.”

“Old mare?... Well okay, you are older than any other mare in this castle, but you still look like you’re young.. .no offence.” Celestia giggle and took her brush with her magical grip, then started to brush Onyxs mane.

“You know what will happen today...right?”

“Yes, how I could forget. Heh, heh...” But Onyx HAD forgotten what was suppose to happen today, but he didn’t tell, because it might have upsetted her.

“Good, now I think you would want to say ‘bye’ to Twilight.”

“Twilight... Why should I say ‘bye’ to her?” Celestia stopped brushing his hair and showed him a letter she had wrote this morning for her faithful student. Onyx took it and started to read it, when he had finished reading, he put the scroll on a small table beside Celestia’s bed.

“Well, I think she should make more friends, like you said, but... Do you really have to send her to Ponyville... I mean, isn’t it a little too far from the castle?”

“Twilight is not a filly anymore, and you should be the first to know that, I’m sure she can take care of herself without much trouble... and she will still be with Spike.” The name Spike brought back some memories to Onyx, strangely enough, that dragon had NEVER liked him and unfortunatly he was always with Twilight.

“Well okay, I’ll go say ‘bye’ to her... I’m sure you know what you are doing. Oh and...The ‘Mare in The Moon’... she thinks that it’s real.”

“Who knows what’s on her mind... now go Onyx...” Onyx did what she asked and left, leaving Celestia to send her scroll, she sent the scroll to Twilight via Spike, with her magic, then she waited patiently for her time to come.


“Twilight, can I enter? It’s me Onyx.” The doors to the library opened and the little dragon was glaring at Onyx.

“Oh, it’s you... Twilight Okryx is here.” Onyx sighed, each time Spike would talk about him, he would miss-spell or say his name wrong.

“Onyx! What are you doing here?” Twilight asked with a soft smile, that smile on her face had alwayd warmed Onyx’s heart.

“What? I need a reason to come see my best friend?” They both hugged, comforting each other in their embrace, then Twilight asked Spike to bring her a scroll to write the Princess.

“Okay Spike; Dear Princess Celestia, I have the proof that I have enough friends, Your own son has called me his best friend, so I find it pointless to go to Ponyville meet other ponies. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike was about to send the letter to Celestia but Onyx caught it before he could send it with his magical fire.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, Twilight, Celestia’s right. You’re in this Library everyday, studying magic and everything you can find in a book... Don’t you think that meeting new ponies would be a good idea?...”

“But I have you... Why I would want somepony else... and I don’t want to go to Ponyville... My home is here...” Onyx played with her mane and scratched Twilight behind her ears. She closed her eyes and let Onyx continue the small ‘massage.’

“It’s only to prepare for The Summer Sun Celebration, it’s not like she’s asking you to go live there... Just do what you need to and come back here, then you will be able to tell me about all that you’ve seen and done... Deal?”

“...Deal...” Onyx hugged her and then headed towards the Library doors.

“Good... So I’ll see you later then...” Onyx left her with Spike and went to the main room for his breakfast.

“Why did you let him go.... You could’ve told him.”

“Oooh Spike!... It’s not that easy!... and besides, he’s already with somepony else...” Twilight remembered that day, that fateful day when she found out that Onyx was going out with that blue mare... She stayed in her room for the next 4 days crying in her bed. Spike was there that day, and before then, he didn’t like Onyx, but after that event he hated him.


Onyx finished eating his breakfast. The castle was quiet and he was bored, very, very, bored. Cadance was with Shining at their house outside the castle, in the city. Celestia was probably busy with her royal duties and the only other member of his family in the castle, was Blueblood never, ever will he spend a day with Blueblood, not for anything or everything in the world. With nothing to do, he went back to his room where Trixie was still sleeping.

“Trixie... I seriously think it’s time to wake up now.....” The blue mare answered him with a loud snore.

“Well it looks like that today will be a reading day...”

Onyx closed his window and his door and checked if anything was out-of-place. Satisfied, he took the book that Twilight had given him yesterday and went to his bed and read it at next to Trixie and her loud snoring.



“Hey! I can clear the sky in ten second flat.”

“Prove it!”


Onyx closed his book, he had read atleast 5 chapters and as if on cue, Trixie had finally woke up.

“Hey sleepy head... If I had known that you would’ve woken up so late, I would‘ve dated a sloth.” Trixie ignored him and threw her pillow at him.

“Well, if The Prince had not made me ride him half the night, maybe I would’ve woken up earlier.” Onyx tossed the pillow back at her.

“Well if I remember correctly, it was ‘Trixie’ who wanted to continue after the second time.” Trixie didn’t answer him, knowing that he was right, she got up from the bed and opened the door of the room and asked the guard to bring her something to eat.

“You know, you could’ve gotten something by yourself, they are guards, not sevents that need to do everything we ask.” Trixie ignored him, and waited for the guard to come back.


“Hey Twilight! Pinkie Pie started Pin the Tail on the Pony! Wanna play?”

“NO! All the ponies in this town are CRAZY!”


Onyx and Trixie were both panting heavily. They were sweating and all wanted to do now, was to rest.

“You *Pant* could’ve been more gentler *Pant* you know....”

“heh... heh... *Gasp* Well next time... maybe you won’t play like that with my plushie.”

“If *Pant* somepony... would’ve *Pant* told me that... I would participate... a pillow fight with the Prince... I would’ve never had trust him.”


“Are you a Spy!? Woah!”

“Simmer down sally, she ain’t no spy, but she sure knows what’s go’in on. Don’t you Twilight.”



“Hmm... What?”

“Shouldn’t the sun be up already?” Trixie asked.

“Well maybe Celestia wants us to get more sleep... We should take advantage of it instead of asking questions.”


Celestia was flying in the direction of Canterlot with her sister. The sun was back in it’s rightful place in the sky and her student have choosen to stay in Ponyville.

“So sister, what have we missed in our absence. Our guess is thou hast continued to eat cake everyday... We are surprised that thou aren’t so fat.”

Celestia smirk at her sister, just like before, she was still teasing her.

“Well first; you will need to stop talking like that, ‘we’ haven’t talked like that in 1000 years, and secondly, you’ll never belive me... but... I have adopted a son.” Luna missed a flap of her wings.

“THOU HAST DONE WHAT!?!?!” Celestia need to pull back from her sister a bit because of her Canterlot voice, it had always been more stronger with her.

“Well if you really want to know, I will tell you tonight when we’re all around the table with all of your favorite foods.” Luna sighed and they both continued the road to the castle. When they both arrived to the castle, they hugged each other before Luna headed to the direction of her room.

“Ok.. Surely it can’t be that hard to find our room... Oh! Here it is.”

Luna opened her door and entered in her room, and the first thing she saw was that her sister had painted her room a different color, but when she wanted to rest a little on her bed, she shot a magical beam on the creature she saw on it and run outside of her room.


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