• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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43-Final Chapter:season 1: Final part

Chapter 43

Final Chapter: Season 1: Part 2

Grand Galloping Gala

It was finally time for the Grand Galloping Gala. Ponies by the hundreds were waiting outside the castle for the guards to open the gate. The merchants began selling their wares and the ponies who had arrived were making final checks to their ensembles. The opening ceremony was about to begin, and they would enter the royal castle after guards inspected their tickets. Shining Armor made a final check of the Royal Guard; he wanted them looking perfect for the occasion - armor cleaned, helmets brushed, and spears polished. Not a spot was found, but something distracted him. He could not say why, but Shining Armor felt something big would happen that night.


“Luna, come out of there now!” yelled Onyx as he tried forcing the door to Luna’s room. This morning after Celestia gave a speech to the royal family on everything requiring perfection, she had Onyx promise to keep an eye on Luna; his mother would be busy welcoming everypony that night. When Onyx accepted he thought it would be a simple job, but it looked like Luna decided to make things difficult.

“No! Thou shalt not force us to come out. We are not yet ready to see all our ponies!”

“But Luna, if you don’t come out nopony will be able to see your new dress, and more importantly, I won’t see Twilight. So please come to the ballroom with me.”

Onyx heard his aunt something about a dress, Celestia, and a banana.

“Come on, Auntie, we did not prepare for nothing. The ponies outside have already sung “At the Gala” and we missed the fireworks.”

Usually Onyx would not have cared much about missing a royal reception, but it was his first Grand Galloping Gala, and who could have dreamed a better occasion to dance the night away with Twilight?

“I am truly sorry, Onyx, but I can’t. It's just... I’m not ready for this at all. You go and have your fun, I don’t want you remembering your first Grand Galloping Gala as being stuck in a hallway trying to help your old aunt.”

Onyx gave a heavy sigh. On one hoof he did not want to break his promise, but on the other Luna could make her own decisions.

“If you change your mind, I’ll be with Fancy Pants or Twilight. And please, Luna... come dance with the others sometime, I'm sure you’ll love it.”

As he finished, Onyx walked away from Luna’s room, putting aside the little voice in his head who said to stay there and do what Celestia asked, but he tossed his concern away. His thoughts were on the precious, little box hidden in his pocket.


In the Gryphon Kingdom the day before the council meeting, there were no galas where everyone went for dancing and fun, there were no trinket-selling merchants, and there were no firework displays. Instead there was fire, screaming, tears, and blood.The day before the council was a nightmare for the populace of Altair, since Griffin was on the throne.

Griffin and his army were marching through the capital city as a show of strenght, death and blood were left in their wake. The Emperor led in full armor, the sword of his ancestor at his side. The guards behind him waited for a signal. The Emperor stood before a house, two soldiers entered and brought forth the family who occupied it, then the other guards lit the house ablaze while the Emperor watched the unfortunate family cry. Sometimes he would ask a guard to throw a child in the fire while forcing the parents to watch, before slitting their throats.

For the Emperor, nothing was better than hearing the screams of fear coming from his citizens the day before he’d return from the Council with the adopted son of Celestia chained up behind him, his head to soon be the masterpiece of his trophy room.

“My Emperor, I must advise you that I find the idea of killing our own civilians the day before we take Celestia’s bastard, unwise. What if Celestia decides to take back her son by declaring war? We would not want our gryphons against us,” said the Emperor’s advisor, his black and yellow feathers glossed by the firelight.

“My dear advisor, normally I would have you thrown in jail for questioning my judgement, but I’m in a good mood today. To address your concerns, my friend, Celestia will never put the lives of her subjects in danger to save her son. She has always placed the protection of her ponies before everything else, and it will be her downfall. And do not forget, fearful subjects are respectful subjects,” answered the Emperor, wiping his sword of blood from the last unlucky family.

The advizier nodded and followed his leader. They were headed to Altair’s city gate where outside, the royal cable car waiting for travel down the mountain. Legend says, the cable car was built from the remains of The Possibility, the airship used by the first Gryphon Emperor to travel Equestria. But Griffin had never believed the stories; they were just a bunch of old folktales much like the ones about his sword. The legends say it was made from a scales of a dragon which the first Emperor killed by piercing its throat from the inside; just another fabled lie.

“My Emperor?”


“What if you are to lose the vote at the Council?”

The Emperor laughed.

“My dear friend, like I told you, If I can’t have Onyx, no one will,” and as he finished, he flashed a dagger concealed under his wing.

“Now stop bothering me with your questions. It is time for us to depart for Canterlot.”


“~You reach your right hoof in and shake it all about. Hm-hm-hm-hm~” Onyx was humming and tapping his finger on the table to the song Pinkie Pie sang a few minutes earlier while Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis went off to get them something to drink. He was waiting for Twilight. She said she wanted to see Celestia before coming to dance with him. He grasped the little brown box; he couldn’t wait to propose to Twilight and he hoped she would enter the ballroom soon.

“Oh, what’s in the box, Onyx?” asked Fleur de Lis as she walked towards him, holding three cups of punch in her magic.

“Oh this, it’s nothing,” answered Onyx, moving to hide the box in his pocket, but Fleur de Lis was quicker and with her magic she took the box and opened it.

“For me? Oh Onyx, this is... this is magnificent!” teased the white unicorn, stars in her eyes when she saw the ring inside.

“Wait, no, give it back.”

“I’m just joking, Onyx. Don’t worry.”

“You should do stand up comedy,” Onyx said as he was given back his engagement ring.

“So, where is Fancy Pants? Wasn’t he with you?” asked the Prince.

“Oh he went off to address the other rich families. You know, even if we are not those types of ponies, we still need to make appearances.”

“Yeah, I never really cared when Celestia taught me the subtle arts of the diplomacy and conduct with the—”

“Onyx, you little dweeb!”

Onyx froze. He had no idea who insulted him, but he heard anger in the voice. Fleur de Lis looked behind Onyx only to see an angry gryphon approaching.

“Well i guess I will leave you alone for awhile.” She said before trotting back to her husband.

Onyx turned himself for a look at the angry gryphon who was coming over to him, he could not tell why but she looked familiar with her white feathers which ended in purple, and her feathers around her eyes were completely purple.

“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US YOU MORON!” She said as she took one of the ears of Onyx and brought him with her to the royal garden while the guest were watching them with astonished looks on their faces.

“Ouch ouch ouch! Will you stop doing that! I don’t even know who you are!” Said Onyx as she continued to drag him with her until they got to the center of the garden. The angry gryphon let go of the royal ear from her death grip before she looked at him with a death glare.

“Apologie NOW!”

“WHAT? what for?” Asked Onyx, holding his painful ear.

“For what you did to me!” Yelled the gryphon.

“What I did to you? YOU are the one who captured me like a beast from the reception and nearly cut my ear in half! And i don’t even know who you are.”

“Oh so not only you don’t talk to us for like sixteens years, but you don’t even recognize us. I should have know that a prince, whoever it is, will always be a jerk.”

Onyx saw a flash of sadness in her eyes while she was talking before she
Returned to her death glare. Even if he had no idea who she was, he was doing his best to remember who she was. As far as he could remember the only Gryphon he could have talked to before he was captured by The Emperor was his classmate......


Right after Onyx got punched in the face by the livid Gryphon.

“Do I look like a bucking male to you?!” Yelled the purple half lion half bird while Onyx was holding his nose on the ground.

“ Where is the guard when i need them.” Whispered Onyx before he
Returned to his feet and faced his opponent.

“AXANDREA! THAT IS MY NAME YOU DWEEB! HOW COULD YOU FORGET ME AND THE GANG!:” Yelled Axandrea while onyx returned to his feet. When he heard her name he finally remember who she was.

“How could i forget her, she was one of the only gryphons i knew before i get captured and still i could not remember who she was with all the hints she give me.” Thought the prince who felt bad about it.

“I’m sorry..”Answered the prince.

“SORRY! Sorry really, you leave all of us alone for sixteen years and you don’t even say goodbye before you go and when you return in Canterlot you don’t even try to find us or even recognize us when we are in front of you and the only thing you have to say IS SORRY?”

“Could we stop yelling please, your scare all the animals around us, now nopony will be able to approach them...Listen i am truly sorry for what i have done and i have no excuse for it i should have tried to find the only friends i had in my childhood...so if i could do anything in return....”

“Fuck me.”

“.....what....” Said Onyx as his brain slowly tried to understand what she just said.

“ that's what i would have asked for if i was still 20...But i think just a dance could be enough for tonight.”

“I guess nothing bad could happen if i dance with you, is not like i will be missed in the ballroom.” Answered Onyx as he thought about Twilight.



“Has Anypony seen the Prince?” Asked a worried Lotus, quickly followed by her sister, Aloes.

“Sorry dear ponies but i have not seen my cousin, the whole night, now if you could get out of my room it would be really nice of you.” Answered Cadance from her bed. Her and Shining were doing some Special activities when the two spa ponies entered her room.

“Aww sorry for bothering...” Said Lotus, closing the door.

“I swear Cadance, If this continues like that we will both move into my house. For Onyx and his plushie i said nothing, for Luna forgetting where her bedroom was, okay. But now even the populous enters here while we are doing our stuff. I can’t take it anymore.”


Back into the Garden

“And the the school never wanted to see me again. The End.” Said Axandrea. Her and Onyx were both on a bench in the garden, talking about what Axandrea became after Onyx was brought into the gryphon kingdom. The cold wind of the night started to freeze them but Axandrea used her wing for keep the prince warm.

“So now you know the story of Axandrea, the most hot and awesome gryphon of Equestria.”

Axandrea leaned a little bit closer to Onyx, her right wing still wrapped around Onyx and her head now on his shoulder.

“And then i live by myself, found a job in a post office and all that boring stuff that you don’t want to know.”

“It should have been horrible, why did you not return to your homeland”. Asked Onyx, relaxing and appreciating the warm coming from the wing of Axandrea.

“Is that a question? Or did the punch i gave you damaged your brain? I thought you know who was in charge of our country.” Exclaimed the gryphon.

“Yea about that you could have told me about it when i asked you about the gryphon kingdom.”

“Sorry but you were only five years old i did not want to scare you.”

Both of them stayed silent after that. Onyx keep watching the sky, trying to remember the name of each constellation ,like Luna told him, and relaxing a bit.But what he did not know is that Axandrea had another plan for the night.

She started it by playing with his hair, her talons brushing his mane and then massage his neck. Onyx closed his eyes, liking the feeling a, he could have fallen asleep like that if she did not start to talk.

“You know...when we shared our first meal i was sure we would both become great friends, i could have taught you how to hunt, you would have been my assistant for prank the teachers and i would have protect you from any gryphon or pony who would treat you different because...well you are different. But then you left me here all alone and i was angry with you for this...But i think tonight is time for us to restart all over.”

“What did you mean, i th-”

Onyx could not finish, the tongue of Axandrea in his mouth keep him from talking. At first Onyx did not react, the shock of having the gryphon raping his mouth with her tongue keep his mind too busy to think but when his brain restart to work he decide to put a end at this. Axandrea leaned over Onyx, which he tried to break free from her kiss but she did not let him to do so being more large than him was probably one of her biggest advantage for this kind of situation. And she would have stayed like that and maybe go a little further if it was not from a angry purple unicorn who used her magic for take a branch on the ground and hit the gryphon head with it which knock out her.

“You! You traitor! You....monster! Why Onyx!” Yelled Twilight to the confused prince, tears flowing down from her eyes.

"I did not see you inside and i decide to go get some fresh air and what did i see! You cheating on me with this...slut! Don’t ever try to approach me again Onyx of the Sun or i swear on Celestia that i will make Shining put you in the dungeon even if you are the adopted monster of Celestia!” And before Onyx could explain himself, Twilight teleported away, leaving the prince alone with a unconscious gryphon.


And somewhere else that night, a blue mare with a silver mane smiled at the success of her revenge.

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