• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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40-Return in Canterlot

Chapter 40

Return to Canterlot

Cadance sat in the throne room, her head on her hoof, waiting patiently for something—anything—to happen. She’d never thought that being the ruler of Equestria could be so boring, and the fact that she hadn’t heard news of her cousin Onyx was not making things any easier.

The last three days had been quite unusual; on the first day of being in power, because he’d been far more annoying than usual, Cadance cast a spell to make her brother Blueblood fall madly in love with his own reflection—it didn’t take much. Afterwards she was in charge of both the solar and lunar courts. Any normal pony would have fled this responsibility, but Celestia taught Cadance to rule the day and night, with plenty of free time to spare. With Onyx in Ponyville and her brother making out with his wall-length bathroom mirror, Cadance was all alone and with far too much time to kill. Fortunately, an idea sparked across her mind and a big smile lit on her face; she knew what she could do.

Onyx stood on the platform of Ponyville Train Station, about to board a train bound for Canterlot; his new sword and a few books that he borrowed from Twilight were already loaded into the luggage car. The conductor tried to look away out of respect from Onyx and Twilight’s private goodbye. They hugged and talked about the past few days—how they had been perfect and would never be forgotten.

“Are you sure you can’t stay a little longer?” asked Twilight, trying to hold back her tears; Twilight knew that he wouldn’t be far, but she hoped for Onyx to one day move in with her and her books in the Ponyville Library. She wanted every night spent close together, reading books in the light of the small fireplace, and in the morning cooking breakfast side-by-side. “Yeah, having him here ... everything would be perfect,” thought Twilight.

“I’m sorry, Twiley, but I don’t think I can stay another day. I promised Cadance that she would replace me for just one day and it’s already been three. I don’t want Mother to think that I’m fleeing my responsibilities … but I promise I will come back as soon as I can … and I still need to meet your pink friend,” he said between kisses, kissing her one last time before entering the train car and waving goodbye. She answered by making a heart with her lavender magic and blowing it in Onyx’s direction; he caught it and put it to his heart before it disappeared. They remained looking at each other until they were too far away to be seen.

Twilight went back to the library. She didn’t know whether she should be sad that he was gone or happy that their relationship was the way she’d always dreamt. She decided she should be happy; she had five wonderful friends who would always be with her and the coltfriend of her dreams was in love with her. Nothing could’ve messed that up.

Meanwhile, two twin sisters were running towards the train station; they heard that Prince Onyx was going back to Canterlot that day, and they hadn’t gotten the chance to properly thank him for fulfilling their dream. Unfortunately, they’d just missed him.

“Awwww. Why didn’t anypony tell us that the Prince was in Ponyville? How will—” asked Lotus.

“—we give him our ‘Angelic Massage’ if he’s in Canterlot? Maybe we could—” whined Aloe.

“—send him an invitation to our spa, or we could wait—”

“—until the Grand Galloping Gala… Yes, what a great idea!”

“We’ll give him our gift at the Grand Galloping Gala!” said the twins, trotting back to their spa, already scheming a plan to get the Prince alone with them.

“My Prince...”


“Time to wake up, my Prince.”

“Maybe he’s broken...”

“Dinky, he can’t be broken. He’s not an object.”

“...Maybe if we give him a muffin, he will wake up?”

“...It won’t hurt to try...”

Onyx was inside of a little house at the edge of the forest, sitting in a rocking chair drinking a glass of his favorite wine and watching his children play with toys that he carved out of wood. His lifelong dream of raising a normal family had finally become reality after he married the most perfect mare in all Equestria. His political duties had ended, and the only thing he wanted to do was take care of his wife and foals.

There were his three children: Nemeroff, Fabian, and Celene. Nemeroff was the oldest of the three; his coat was darker than Luna’s night and his mane colored like his mother’s. He had always been the most rebellious of his kids. He never listened to his father and often got into fights with his classmates. Even with all the trouble his son gave him, Onyx loved him with all his heart.

After Nemeroff was Fabian, his second foal. He was two years younger than Nemeroff; his coat was sapphire, and his mane was the same shade of green as the grass outside his home. Unlike Nemeroff, he was always calm, polite, and helping his mother; most of the time he had his head in a book, learning everything he could.

Then was his youngest, a filly, Celene. Her coat was sienna brown and her mane a dark, fiery-red. She was shy and sensitive and very good with the forest’s animals. No creature had ever feared her and she always did her best to help them.

They were all playing together. Onyx crafted each a toy in the image of their personalities; for Nemeroff, a dragon; for Fabian, a wolf; and for Celene, a cat.

“Daddy?” asked Celene.


“Why don’t you want to eat the muffin?”

“The muffin? ...What are you talking about?” asked Onyx, confused.

“The muffin, Daddy … eat the muffin,” she said.

At that moment, everything went black; his family faded like falling sand, blown by the wind. The forest vanished, leaving a void. The only thing left was a giant blueberry muffin, and it was then that he realised that it was a dream.

“Is he waking up?” asked Dinky, watching her mother wave a muffin in front of the unconscious prince.

“I don’t know, Little Muffin ... maybe he doesn’t like muffins,” answered Derpy.

Onyx slowly woke up, his mind still filled with images of his would-be family and giant fruit-flavored muffin. It was not to his surprise when he saw a gray pegasus mare waving the pastry in his face.

“Huea... May I help you?” groggily asked Onyx.

“HEY! Finally, you woke up. I wanted to tell you that we are close to Canterlot,” answered Derpy, putting the muffin back in her saddlebag.

“Err … Thank you. Wait … aren’t you the mailmare who gave me the letter near the woods of the Gryphon Kingdom?” quizzed Onyx.

“Yep, I’m Ditzy Doo, and this is my daughter Dinky,” she said, pointing to the filly unicorn. “And we’re traveling with my my friend, The Doctor.” When he heard his name, The Doctor rose from his seat to meet the Prince.

“Well, thank you for waking me,” Onyx told Derpy before asking The Doctor, “So, what kind of doctor are you, Mister—what is your name?”

“Well, I’m The Doctor, but that isn’t really important. What is important is how I can get this screw—”

“I know that’s your profession … but what is your name?”

“Well ... maybe, but my name is The Doctor. Doctor Whooves more precisely,” the brown stallion said with a West Equestrian accent.

“...Riiight.” Onyx thought, “Damn, why do I always meet ponies with such strange names? First, Derpy and Ditzy, and now a ‘doctor’. His parents either didn’t have any imagination or really wanted to have a doctor in the family.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Cadence was admiring the wonderful job she’d done redecorating Onyx’s room; she remembered the sadness Celestia once felt back when the room was empty and without color.

The old, black walls were now as bright a pink as her coat, leaving her with a sensation of love and joy from throughout the room. Onyx’s bed sheets were clean and smelled of fresh roses, and the bed was no longer lined with all of her cousin’s creepy plushies; she had them taken care of and wouldn’t be seeing them again. The love goddess had also put many vases of flowers and frames of family pictures around the room.

Cadance let out a final sigh. She was done and couldn’t wait to see Onyx’s reaction when he saw his new room. Afterwards, maybe he would share with her why he’d been in Ponyville for so long. Cadance alway liked juicy love stories, but because the story involved her relative and fiance’s sister, it was that much more fun.

Onyx arrived in Canterlot, the train was now in the station setting ponies free inside of the capital. The Prince needed to reach the castle before any upper-class ponies saw him and asked him to go to one of their “social” gatherings or complemented his mother, and that was if he met the nicer ones. There were those who rejected him because he was not a pony, not many, but they were still a menace. They never tried to kill him or anything, they were always trying to start a royal scandal and turn the populace to hate him.

The sneaking game had begun, hiding between groups of ponies or entering a building and exiting through the back. Unfortunately for Onyx, with his sneak level at a mere thirty-six, hiding in a crowd of ponies was close to impossible. So as anypony could have guessed, he was quickly spotted by one of the richest ponies in Canterlot.

“Good day, my Prince! You are finally back. How was your trip to Ponyville?”

By my mother’s flank … spotted once again … what is this question? You should already know the answer,” Onyx thought before turning, prepared to meet a snob unicorn.He was pleasantly wrong. “Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, how have you been!” exclaimed Onyx. They were the only aristocrats in Canterlot that he respected; he always sat with them at the royal banquets.

“Well my friend, we were out buying a new outfit for my dear wife; the Gala will be organised soon and we both wish to be ready for it.” As he talked, Fleur de Lis struck several poses, showing Onyx her new, light-pink dress.

“N’est elle pas ravissante?” she asked the Prince in fluent Prench.

It took awhile for Onyx to remember how to speak the native language of the Prance city. “Yes … elle vous vas … a merveille, if … je puis m’exprimer ... like that,” he answered in one of the worst accents that anypony had ever heard, but it make Fleur de Lis giggle.

“You don’t have to give me the honor of hearing your fabulous Prench, my Prince. I fully understand Old Equestrian.”

“Thanks … Celestia tried to teach me when I was younger, but I was never any good; I was so bad that she surrendered and quit teaching it to me.”

“Well, perhaps we could teach you,” said Fancy Pants.

“Haha, thanks for the offer but I will have to decline. It was great seeing you guys, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to head back to the castle. Fleur, don’t forget to reserve me a dance at the gala.”

“Comme tu voudras mon ami!”

“Take care, Onyx!”

Not long after, Onyx was at the front door to the castle; the guards let him in without trouble and he was searching for Cadance. He wanted to apologise for being gone so long, and tell his cousin that without her help, he could not have dated Twilight. Being daytime, he guessed that she’d be asleep in her bedroom. When he got close to her bedroom he heard odd, muffled noises.

”Did … is she doing what I think she’s doing...”

“Oh Shining … my behind … Please!”

“Nothing to do here!”

So he ran to his room, trying to forget what he had heard, face blushing, but when he entered, he came close to having a heart attack. He wasn’t sure if it was his room or the room of a little filly who liked pink too much; when he looked at his bed, pure rage filled his heart.

“Where. Are. My. Plushies!”

It didn’t take long for Onyx to figure who could have done this. Only one pony in the castle would paint a whole room pink and fill it with flowers, and it was Cadance. He ran back to her bedroom and threw open the door. She and Shining Armor were still “busy”, but Onyx did not care at the time.

“Cadance! What have you done to my room?!”

Cadance and Shining rapidly pulled a cover over themselves.

“Onyx! ...What are you …Get out of my room!

“Not before you tell me what you did with my plushies!”

“They’re in the laundry! Now go, before I tell the populace that their prince still plays with stuffed dolls!”

Shining Armor watched the prince exit their room, his face felt hotter than the sun itself, and he wanted to die right there.

“Sooo, now that Onyx is gone … shall we continue?” asked Cadance in a sultry way.

“... I … kinda ... lost the mood... Can I go home now?”

“Not until I’m done with you, Captain.“

Having returned to his room, Onyx put all of his plushies in their proper places. He hated when the maids or anypony else touched them and would do anything he could to protect them, especially General Philomena.

Author's Note:

Should i do a clop version of this chapter, where we saw what Cadance and Shining are doing..............?.....i think the answer is no =p

Hope you have like it!

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