• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 32,819 Views, 4,346 Comments

The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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42-Final Chapter: season 1: Part 1

Chapter 42

Final Chapter: Season 1: Part 1

One week prior to the Grand Galloping Gala

“Why shouldn’t I beat him? Every day, he insults me,” said Nemeroff, holding back his tears to avoid looking weak in front of his father. He and Onyx were outside in the garden of their little house, surrounding by the forest, sitting on the grass and talking about Nemeroff’s recent problems at school.

“Because, it is not by hitting him that you will fix anything. Violence has never been the best solution,” lectured Onyx, trying to convince his son that he could be in trouble for acting like he was doing.

“But doing nothing doesn't work either. He continues. At least when I hit him, he stops.”

“And afterwards, I have to get you from school because the teacher keeps you in detention.”

Nemeroff hated detention, but he wanted to show to his father that he was right, that there was no other solution than fighting to solve his problem.

“But... you’ve killed ponies before. Killing is worse than fighting, so how can you tell me that what I do is bad.”

Onyx sighed. His son was smart; sometimes too smart.

“And I regret what I had done every day. I let my anger take control of my actions and I should not have done that. And i don’t think this bully has done the same to you as the one I killed did to me. Beside, we are not here to talk about me and my problems; we are here for you.”

“Yeah... I guess you’re right, but what can I do if I can’t defend myself?”

“Well, I want you to tell your teacher, and she will do what is needed to fix it.”

Nemeroff kicked away the stick of wood he was fiddling with. He stopped to look his father but instead, looked at the grass on the ground and mumbled some inaudible phrase. Onyx knew that wouldn't stop his son away from fighting back, so he decided to go to plan B.

“But if he ever bullies you physically, you have the right to defend yourself.”

Nemeroff raised his head, little stars in his eyes.

“Really?” Nemeroff asked, his voice filled with hope.

“Yes, really, but don’t tell your mother. I don’t think she would agree with me.”

“Promise, thanks dad,” said Nemeroff, embracing his father between his hooves.
“C’mon now, I think we should head back inside. Your grandmother invited us to dinner at the castle tonight and we should get ready if we don’t want to be late... again.”

“Really? She invited us? Do you think Auntie will be there too?”

“Certainly, she’ll probably be in the library, her head in a book like always, but she will join us when it’s time to eat.”

“Yeah!” Nemeroff ran through the garden towards the house to tell his younger brother, Fabian, and sister, Celene to get ready. Onyx watched him run into the little house and was going to follow suit until he heard somepony come from behind.

“I hope he learns his lesson this time... Now honey, if I were you, I would wake up if you don’t want to miss breakfast.”

“What are you tal—” Onyx could not finish, because as soon that the female voice spoke, everything disappeared, leaving only Onyx in the middle of a void.


Onyx woke up in his bed sweating; the dream was still fresh in his head and it took all of his strength to not cry. It was not the first time he’d had those dreams and each time they were getting more real and detailed. It was as if they were alive; he could not believe that he created his children’s three distinct personalities like that. Sometimes when he was reading a book, he could not prevent himself from thinking that Fabian would like to read it. He thought Celene would ask to play with Philomena, or he would walk to his childhood school to pick up Nemeroff. The whole thing was beginning to scare him.

“I shouldn't think they're real... they are only dreams. But that voice...”

The only thing Onyx could not see in his dream was his “wife”. Every time he was about to see her, he woke up. The only thing he knew was her voice, but in each dream it changed.

“Maybe I should tell Auntie Luna about this...”

Onyx looked out his window; the sun was already in the sky and he remembered that Celestia wanted to see all the family at breakfast to share some important news.

“Oh, buck!” were the only words Onyx said before he rushed to the bathroom to clean his face, dressed himself, and ran to the castle’s dining hall.


“—And Auntie Luna, you could arrange the honeymoon!” exclaimed Cadance in her seat at the family table where the entire royal family, sans Onyx, was eating breakfast.

“Well... I don’t know if it’s still there, but I could plan a little something at the same place where my mother and father went on their honeymoon. Well, only if thou are alright with it,” Luna answered before filling her mouth with a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

“Yes! That would be perfect! How do you feel about it, honey?”

Shining Armor was much too intimidated to answer. As Captain of the Guard, he had always called Celestia “your Highness” or “Princess”, but now he had to eat with her and refer to her as his aunt-in-law.


Cadance’s voice brought Shining Armor back to reality, and he nodded his head before returning to his fruit salad, trying to forget where he was.

“And Brother, you could... Well, you could always organize the bachelor party.”

Blueblood put down a little mirror with a loud sigh.

“My dear sister, as if I would do something like that. I won’t pass the time with a ruffian guard, and I don’t go to those... ugh, bars where they play loud music and the unrefined of the city get drunk.”

Celestia face hoofed at her nephew’s retort; she really needed to find a way to teach him some humility.

“Maybe Onyx could help me with that. Where is he? I told him that I wanted a family get-together this morning.”

At the same time she thought about him, Onyx entered the main room with his hair messy and smelling of someone who just woke up.

“Sorry. Forgot about the meeting,” he said before having a seat at the table between Celestia and Blueblood.

“Cousin! You are here just in time; we were planning Shining marriage and I think you could be my assistant during the wedding!” exclaimed Cadance

“Assistant? What could I do? I mean, I'm not an expert when it comes to weddings,” Onyx answered before he took a pancake and poured maple syrup on it.

“Don’t worry, you will only have to follow me around and do everything I ask you.”

“Wouldn't that be like... being your slave?”

Cadance giggled at Onyx’s reaction.

“No, not at all. It’s more like my cousin helping me prepare for my wedding.”

“...Well, fine. I'll help you.”

Cadance let out a little squee and clapped her hooves together, happy that everything would be perfect for her wedding.

Celestia cleared her throat to get her family’s attention. “Good, now my dear Cadance, I'm sure we will have plenty of time to talk about the preparations for your wedding, but now that Onyx is here, I would like to tell you the reason of why I wanted a family reunion this morning.”

Cadance nodded at her aunt and returned to Shining’s side, giving the floor to Celestia.

“Good, now I think that all of you know that the Grand Galloping Gala is coming up this week, and we need to prepare the castle and ourselves for it. I think I'm right when I say that the only one here who knows what they will wear is Blueblood.”

Now that the attention was on him, Blueblood profited from the occasion to show off his superiority to the others.

“You are right my dear aunt, the fabulous outfit I will wear has been made by one of the greatest designers in Canterlot, Tooty Fruity, the most fabulous designer of all Equestria. I am sure that I will rule this gala with it, and I would like to apologize right now for if what I wear makes you look like a bunch of poor ruffians; no outfit will be more fabulous than mine. Not only is it the most awesome—”

Onyx, who was not in the mood to listen to his cousin, “accidentally” spilled his glass of orange juice across the table and the liquid flowed onto Blueblood’s legs.

“Oh, I'm truly sorry, my dear cousin. I was so blinded by the awesomeness of your little speech, that I did not pay attention to what I was doing.”

Celestia cleared her throat once again.

“Um, well Blueblood, I believe we can say that we are happy for you about the outfit you will wear, but this is not the only thing we have to prepare for the Gala. This gala, as you know, only happens once every three years, and this one will be the first since the return of Onyx and my sister, Lulu, and I want it to be perfect so that each of you will have a role to play in it. “

“Um... dear sister, I don’t think tis a good idea that I show up to this Grand Galloping Gala. I am still unsure of how to act with ponies outside of the family, and I don’t think the populace is ready to forgive me for what We have done...”

“What do you mean?” asked Onyx. "I don’t remember you doing anything that could have made the population angry at you.”

“Well, you know... the thing with Nightmare Moon,” answered Cadance .

“Yeah? What with Nightmare Moon? It’s a good book, but I don’t see what the problem is with folk tales and Auntie Luna.”

The whole table was silent, both because they was surprised that Onyx did not know about the past of Luna and because they didn’t know how to answer.

“Where were you at the last Summer Sun Festival?” asked Shining.

“Well, I was here at the castle... I think I err... passed the whole day with Trixie in my room.”

“Don’t worry, Son, I can tell you what happened later, if Luna is ok with it.”

Luna only nodded to her sister, still not sure if she wanted Onyx to discover the truth, for it was her fault that Onyx was kept in secret. It was nice to have someone with whom she could talk and did not judge about her dark past.

“Well now that this is done, may we return to the Gala?” Asked Celestia, seeing that nopony answered she continued with what she was saying before she got interrupted by Luna.

“Good, now I want all of us to give an effort of two hundred percent to make this night unique for our little ponies. Now, I believe you all know that the Gala, to our subjects, is a night where they can come to Canterlot, visit our castle, and meet royalty, but for us, the Gala means something far more important. The day after the Gala, we will have the reunion of the Council of Five. The tradition is that each leader brings someone with them; Luna and I have made our choice. Last time it was Cadence and I, but this time, I will bring Onyx and Luna decided to bring Shining Armor.

Shining nearly drowned on his glass of water when he heard his name, but the sun Princess did nothing about it and continued.

“So, I hope you boys will be ready to leave as soon as the Gala ends, because the road to the castle for the Council of Five is not an easy one... Now, let’s finish breakfast before all the food becomes cold.


Philomena was watching the prince of Equestria throwing up in his bathroom. When Celestia had opened her cage that morning after the breakfast, she decided to go see Onyx. It had been a long time since she felt him pet her and brush her feathers, but when she entered his room through the window; she couldn't find him. She decided to wait after him on his bed, but then she heard a noise from the bathroom, and when she went through the half opened door, she saw her prince vomiting everything he had eaten that morning.

“What are you doing here?” asked the prince, flushing the toilet. The bird only made noise that the Prince didn't understand.

“If only Celestia or Twilight could find a spell that could let me understand the bird language,” said Onyx as he picked up his toothbrush and brushed his teeth to get rid of the acidic taste of vomit from his mouth.

Philomena watched, and followed him when he returned to his room. She got on his bed, and like always, she tossed aside the phoenix plushie to take its place. Philomena was always doing that when she wanted his attention.

“You know, you will make her mad if you continue to throw her away like that.”

The fire bird made a little sound like a small laugh before she started throwing the stuffed animal again.

“Well, I don’t think I need a spell to know what you want, right?” Onyx said as he got on his bed and pet the phoenix, picking up his plushie off the floor. Unfortunately for Philomena, somepony knocked on the door and Onyx rose to answer it. Philomena made a sound, as if asking him to stay there and pet her instead, but the Prince did not understand her.

“Mother? What are you doing here?” asked Onyx, leaving his door open and inviting Celestia to enter his room.

“A mother can’t see her son without a reason now?” answered Celestia as she entered.

Onyx returned to his bed with Philomena, watching his mother look around.

“I just came to see how you were doing; I know the next few days will be hard for you.”

“Its not so bad. I mean, do I look scared or depressed?”

Celestia gave him a look that told him that she knew how he was feeling, and though he really didn't know why, he felt as if he was going to cry. When Celestia approached and embraced him, he melted into tears and hid his face in his mother’s soft fur.

Celestia let Onyx cry. She felt her fur becoming wet, but she didn't mind. She went behind Onyx on his bed. Philomena joined them, not understanding why the Prince was crying.

With her magic, the white princess conjured a brush and began brushing her son’s mane while humming a song she sang to him when he was a child. Feeling his mother’s care calmed him, and he relaxed to the little tune.

“You always stopped crying when I brushed your mane.”

“I think it was more the fact that I knew you were there with me, I think,” answered Onyx.

Philomena started to nip Onyx's fingers; she wanted some attention, and she always got what she wanted. He played with her feathers before the phoenix closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation.

“How long has it been since we both spent time like this with each other?” Celestia asked her son, still brushing his mane.

“Way too much time. We both have things to do on the side, and I'm no longer a little foal.”

“For me you will always be my little foal. Now tell me... what worries you?” asked Celestia.

Onyx found courage and took time telling his mother what was scaring him so much.

“It’s just the fact that I am going to see him again. I know that the Emperor will be at the council, and I know that you will be there with me, but still... I just don’t know. Since I came back, I started training in case I saw him again, but I just... I am just too weak. I can’t forget what he’s done to me and the thought of seeing him again scares me so much.”

Celestia couldn't understand how Onyx felt. She wasn’t there. She had never been tortured as he had been. But what she could understand is that her son was scared and she would do anything in her power to protect him.

“Listen to me, my dear. The Emperor will not hurt you at the council, we will tell the other leaders what he has done to you, and the council will exile him. After that, we will never hear of him again. Don’t forget that this time, you will not be alone; Luna, Shining, and I will be there with you.”

The Prince nodded to his mother. He knew that she was right and would not show the Emperor his fear.

“Good, now you should get some rest, my son. I'll leave Philomena here with you if you want.”

Celestia tucked her son into his covers, like she had when he was younger and kissed him on the forehead before she left the room.

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Onyx,” said Celestia before she closed the door and returned to her court duties.

Four days prior the Grand Galloping Gala

“And how is this one?” asked Luna, wearing a full black dress with white lace. Since that morning, the whole Royal Family, minus Blueblood, was trying to find something to wear to the Gala in a local boutique. The owner of the shop was honored beyond words to have the Royal Family in his shop and was doing as much as possible to make their time there perfect. He even offered them food and other refreshments while they tried out anything they could find. One by one, they tried on something and showed up to the others to hear their opinion, but so far, none of them had found what they wanted to wear to the Gala.

“Well yes, it is black... but don’t you find it too... insipid? Perhaps we should find something else, my dear sister; something with more color,” answered Celestia, trying desperately to find something suitable for her sister, who had the taste in fashion of a Diamond Dog.

“Hey, I found it good looking,” said Onyx.

“You’ve said that about everything we’ve tried since we got here,” deadpanned Cadance.

“Nope, I didn't like the banana costume that Mother wore.”

Celestia blushed at Onyx’s answer; she only wore it to make her family laugh. Even if she would have to ask a guard to buy it for her later when they got back to the castle.

“Okay, it’s Shining's turn now!” exclaimed Luna, not wanting to be the center of the attention.

Shining Armor sighed heavily but Cadance persuaded him with a kiss.

“You can do it, honey.”

Shining was a nice stallion, but he had difficulty acting naturally in front of Luna and Celestia. After a few minutes, Shining showed up again, this time wearing a lime-green jacket and a yellow tie.

“So? How do I look?”

Onyx burst out into laughter and Luna and Celestia both smirked when they saw the commander of their guards wearing something close to a clown outfit, but they quickly stopped when Cadance gave them the death stare.

“It’s... wonderful, honey, but uhm... could we maybe find something else in another color and a little more... y’know, gala-ish.”

“Really? Well, if you say so.”

“‘Gala-ish’... Really?”

“Oh, shut up, Onyx.”

Southern Equestrian coast

In the small village of Hooflicking, things were going great. The small population was preparing themselves for the Gala by creating barrels of salted cider and large cubes of salt for the reception. It wasn’t everyday that the little population could go into the big capital city, profit from selling as much stuff as they could, and draw some publicity from the high class ponies who would want to pass a week or two in a rustic village. Wherever one was going, they could smell the subtle scent of houblon used for the salt cider or heard ponies working on the construction of wheels for carts or barrels for beer.

But not all of them were working hard for the event, notably, a mare named Elixir, the owner of the local apothecary. For the last three generations, every mare of her family had learned the hard work of a botanist and alchemist. Her potions were very popular in the eyes of the populace; they were good for treating infections and broken bones. It was the same stuff that every hospital had, but because the village was so small, they did not have any doctors.

Elixir was also known for her beauty. With her cyan and black-streaked mane, and gray coat—among other assets—, the colts couldn't forget about her when she walked by. Between the stallions, she was called the “indomitable mare” due to the fact that she declined every stallion who had asked her out on a date. Some thought that it was because she was too busy with her strange potions and herbs, but the truth was that her heart was already taken by somepony else—or in this case, something.

So in those days when everypony was busy with preparations, Elixir chose to go into the nearby forest to collect mushrooms for soup. She brought with her her pannier, to which she added some bottles of water and a little lunch. Between them, she hid a vial filled with a strange, black liquid. When she was sure she had everything she needed, Elixir grabbed a small jacket, closed her shop door, and took to the direction of the forest.

“Well if it isn't Hooflicking’s potion maker. Where are you going this time?” asked a farmer who saw Elixir in her way to the forest.

“I’m just going to get some mushrooms; tonight will be a full moon and I need to collect a certain species.”

“Well in that case, I hope you have a good hunt, but please be careful. You never know what creatures live in those woods.”

“Like always, Mister Grodure,” answered Elixir before she turned towards the forest.

Contrary to what Mr. Grodure thought, Elixir was there to see the one who had stolen her heart, the “monster of the forest”. Tarek was the only Changeling she had ever met, but something about him had caught her interest. Maybe because he was different from all the other stallions that had ever stopped to ask her out.

Normally, she wouldn't have to see him until the next week to bring the delivery of exotic potions that continued to keep him alive, but she received a letter asking her to meet him in that night for something important.

It was the first time Tarek had sent her something like this, and she was a little worried. But when the sight of Tarek house come in her view, she tossed aside her worry and knocked on the door.

“Tarek, it’s me, Elixir. Please let me in.”

The door opened as soon as Elixir finished.

The old changeling welcomed Elixir as he let her enter in his modest house. Elixir was surprised; the inside of the house was not like usual. Tarek, was someone who was organized and was took care of himself, but the house was all mixed up. Books, scrolls, and unfamiliar items were everywhere on the floor. One could not put a hoof in front of the other without bumping into something. A map of Equestria with many red marks was on the table and the usual locked chest was fully open.

What really surprised her were the two ponies sitting at the table where the map was.

“Tarek, what these two doing here?” she asked, not understanding how somepony else could have found where the changeling was hidden.

“They, Elixir, are the ones who helped me find this place to live peacefully. Raynor, Vallis, i present you, Elixir, she the one who made all the potions you saw in the closet.”

Raynor stood up from his seat and bowed.

“It’s an honor for me to meet the mare who helped Tarek,” he said, kissing Elixir’s hoof.

Elixir froze in place, still trying to understand what was happening.

“Please Tarek, explain to me what is happening. I thought that you needed to stay hidden, and now you are with two other ponies as if there was nothing wrong about it.”

“I thought that you would react like that. You see, before I came to live in these wood, I was in the forest near Canterlot when I had been discovered by Raynor, a spy for the Princess. We both agreed to not tell Celestia, where I was and in return I would keep Raynor informed about any threats that could come from the Hives.”

“Wait, so he is an enemy spy, and you trust him!?” exclaimed Elixir.

“Yes, and he an exceptional spy, for a pony. I don’t know how he does it, but he can find out anything about anypony.”

“So this is why you asked me to come here, to introduce me to them?”

“No, I wanted you to come here because we will need your help in a project,” answered Tarek.

“And what is this project?”

Raynor replied, “We’re going to stop Chrysalis from conquering Canterlot”

1 day prior to the Grand Galloping Gala

“...and then she came to me, saying that she was a big pony now, so I let her try my coffee. She was hyper until Celestia raised the moon in the sky and it took all Cadance and I’s energy to put her to bed.”

Onyx burst out with laughter while Shining explained how Twilight reacted the first time she had caffeine when she was just a little filly.

“I’ll have to tease her with that when I see her tomorrow,” laughed Onyx imagining a hyperactive filly Twilight.

“Hey, I just remembered, where do we need to show up when it’s time to go with Princess Celestia to the council meeting?” asked Shining Armor.

“I have no idea. The only thing I know is that Mother asked me to stay with Luna to make sure that she doesn’t stay in her room the whole time during the gala.”

“Speaking of Princess Luna, where do you think she is?”

“I have no idea. She just asked me to wait here.”

After morning breakfast, Luna decided to tell Onyx what happened during the Summer Sun Festival and asked him to wait after her in her personal garden. The Lunar Garden was far different from the Celestial Garden. Unlike Celestia’s, her garden was filled with many trees, blocking the sun with their leaves, and most of the flowers were nocturnal. The garden was fresh and relaxing, but it had been forty minutes since they had finished eating. Onyx thought that Luna forgot about their meeting; if it wasn’t for Shining Armor’s company, Onyx would have returned to his room.

“So how is it possible for you, the Prince of Equestria and coltfriend of an Element of Harmony, to know nothing about the events of the Summer Sun Festival?” asked the captain of the guard.

“Well... I... kinda spent the whole day in bed with Trixie... I didn’t really pay attention to what was happening outside of my room.”

“I hope you aren’t the same way with my sister,” Shining responded in a harsh tone.

“Hehehe... No, no, you know between she and I that it is more than just physical.”

Twilight told Shining about their relationship four days after Celestia came back from her vacation. At first Shining wanted to kill Onyx, but with the help of Cadance, they convinced him that Onyx would take care of her and Shining accepted to giving Onyx a chance.

“So will you tell me what happened during the festival, since Luna didn’t seem to show up?” asked Onyx, tired of waiting.

“I still think it would be better if she was the one who told you. And speaking of the wolf, here she is,” answered Shining, gesturing to the other extremity of the royal garden. Luna was wearing her usual outfit and she looked as if she had cried. When she joined them, Shining half-bowed to her before remembering he was part of the family and rose.

“Good morning, my dear Shining Armor and Onyx, I hope I did not bother you with the wait, but i needed to take some time to tought about. What we will talk is not an easy subject for me. Shining, if you may leave, I would prefer to speak with Onyx alone.”

Shining nodded before he made his way out of the garden. When Luna was sure that nopony else was there, she motioned for Onyx to follow her. They both walked until they came to a huge pine; the night princess took a place under it and Onyx did the same. They both stayed silent. Luna did not know how to begin so she decided to not beat around the bush and finish as soon as possible.

“Onyx, first of all, I want to apologize for keeping this a secret, but you will understand why when I am done. And please, don’t interrupt me... please.”

Onyx nodded, feeling a little anxious about the secrecy.

“You see, a long long time ago, before you were born, this land was ruled by Celestia and I as it is right now. It was during our first years of ruling, after Mother and Father left this world for a better one...” Luna took a deep breath before she continued.

“With time, I realised that my sister was receiving more attention than me, that everypony was playing, dancing, and living under her rule and during mine they were all sleeping, ignoring all the effort I made for them, all the time I spent making the sky shine with my stars and moon. Jealousy grew in my heart. Celestia tried to show me that some ponies loved my night, but i did not listen to her, and finally I used my strength to get what I wanted.”

For a moment, Onyx thought that it was a bad joke; Luna was only repeating what the old folktales about Nightmare Moon said, but he could see in her eyes the pain and regret. Luna started sobbing, but she quickly retook control of her emotions.

“I used dark magic to defeat my sister as Nightmare Moon... I tried to kill her, and fortunately, I failed; Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to banish me to the moon for one thousand years. During all those years, I only thought about vengeance and how I would destroy her and her sun... So when I came back during the Summer Sun Festival, I attacked and kidnapped her. I used an ancient spell that could have killed my sister if she wasn’t so strong, only to make the night last forever...”

Tears were rolling down Luna’s face and Onyx hugged her, showing her that she was not alone.

“Twilight and her friends used—once again—the Elements of Harmony on me, but this time, the Elements took away all my magic, and then you know the rest. I came back to Canterlot after one thousand years of exile... I did not want you to know because all the ponies still remembered me as Nightmare Moon, but you... you know me as Luna, and I did not want to lose a friend.”

Luna had finally let her emotion out still in the arms of Prince Onyx; she let the tears come, fearful of Onyx’s reaction.

Onyx kept his arms around her, trying to calm his aunt. In his mind, she was still his moony Auntie Luna, and even if what she was telling was truth, he did not mind.

“Luna, please calm down.” Onyx did not know how to calm her down so he did the same as his mother did when he was crying. He brushed Luna’s mane with his hands and hummed the same song his mother had. The feeling of Celestia and Luna’s manes were different than what he was used to with Twilight’s mane. Its was indescribable, it was as if he put his hand in the cool, refreshing waters of the ocean, feeling the waves on his hand. It was unlike Celestia’s which felt was more like if his hand was in front of a small fire and he would have stay like that for hours if he did not heard Luna snore.

“I don’t care what you did before, you will always be my unsocial auntie,” he whispered to her before he carefully got up and left Luna sleeping on the soft grass.

Author's Note:

Once again thank to my awesome editor who have work his ass off on this even if it was the birthday of his sister. I don't know what i would do without you.

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