• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The Tales of Prince Onyx - Stanislas

[Celestia found a human baby in her garden and decided to keep it.]

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46-Green VS Red

Chapter 46
Green VS red

Onyx's hands were shaking. An icy chill raced up his spine. He was feeling weak, to the point where he worried he would pass out or vomit. His legs felt as though they could hardly support his own weight and if it wasn't for the fact that he wanted so badly to see Griffon fall he would have turned and ran. His mother, Celestia, said he had nothing to fear and that she would be with him the whole time. She had lied.

Immediately after he passed the door to enter the Council room he was arrested by two zebras wearing white armor. A third handed Celestia a scroll and after looking it over she simply nodded and allowed them to take him away. She did nothing to help him, so feeling betrayed was natural, but at the same time perhaps there was nothing she could do.

Onyx's thoughts were interrupted by a Zebra, wearing similar armor to the guards that arrested him, opening his cell. He remembered Celestia telling him how one nation always hosted the summit and provided guards to protect the council. It explained all the zebras. The Zebra motioned for him to follow. Not wanting to cause an unnecessary trouble, Onyx quickly obliged. They walked in silence till they reached an plain wooden door with a small sign above its frame.

Trial Room #6

"They are waiting for you inside." The nameless zebra said as he opened the door, allowing Onyx to enter the corridor which led to a large circular room. The walls, floors and even the ceiling were all made of polished granite, Onyx could see his reflection throughout the space. Ten unlit torches lined the surrounding wall, and five thrones lined the circular border of the large room.

The torches all simultaneously burst into flames, revealing all the leaders sitting in their thrones. In front of him was Auntie Luna, his mother and Shining Armor who was by their side. The worry on their faces was evident. A noise on his left caught his attention, the leader of the zebras started to clear his throat and whispered something to the zebra on his right. Onyx suddenly realized that, since all the leaders were already present, they would likely be skipping directly to his judgement. His heart began to race, this was nothing like Celestia and he planned.

“Your name?” asked a deep voice coming from behind Onyx.

“"What?" answered the young prince. He stared at the massive dragon, who's bulk took up a fifth of the room. All Onyx could think of was how he should have been nicer to Spike, because if he grew to even half the size of this dragon, there might be trouble.

“I asked your name, creature,” asked once again the Elder.

“Onyx. My name is Onyx, son of Celestia,” answered Onyx.

As he answered, the Zebra shaman rose up from his seat and cleared his throat, before his assistant gave him a scroll, which he started to read aloud.

“"My fellow sovereigns, every three years we come together on this date, just as our ancestors did, in the hopes of preserving the peace our lands have enjoyed. As the proctor of this royal summit I have the honor of declaring the start of our discussions."

The zebra glanced around the room to make sure everyone was listening.

"I now give the floor to the ruler of the Gryphon Empire, Griffon, who will tell us why we have this creature, called Onyx, in front of us.

As he finished, the gryphon rose up from his seat and took a deep breath. He had waited for this moment for three years, each night since Onyx have been escaped from his dungeon he have dreamed of this, and now, he will finally be able to take his revenge.

"My fellow rulers, or should I say, my dear friends, I have spent my life serving my country to the best of my abilities. I always put my people first and I have made many sacrifices to keep them from any harm." he stated, trying to garner sympathy.

"Not only have I done this for my kingdom, but for your kingdoms also. Asking for nothing in return" the other leaders nodded in agreement.

"Now, I bring this creature before you all to seek retribution for the misdeeds caused by it. I offer to look after and protect this thing Celestia calls her son, and I was re-payed by not only this thing murdering my guards, but also it accusing me of kidnapping it, even after Celestia accepted my offer and allowed it to leave with me.”

“LIAR!” yelled Onyx.

"Silence! You WILL respect the rules of this summit!” Exclaimed the Minotaur champion. Onyx looked over his mother, waiting for her to do something but she just stood there, watching her son and let the Emperor finish his speech of lies.

“As I was saying,” The Emperor continued, “I think it obvious that it is my right to ask this creature to answer the crime of murder, and his mother for conspiracy.” The Emperor finished, Minos started to stand and applaud him but was quickly quieted when the Zebra leader asked him to regain his seat.

“BUT!” continued the Emperor, “I respect Celestia and because of my great generosity, I have decided to forgive her. In return, I ask the council for the right to punish the one called Onyx for his crimes against the griffin race.” The Emperor finished, pointing his talon toward Onyx.


Celestia was worried, something was strange but she could not tell what. Usually the Council would start off with a welcome speech and an open floor for discussion, but this time it was much different. Not only did they take Onyx away from her, but they immediately started his judgement. Along with the fact that the Gryphon Emperor being way more confident than he should be.

“Sister, I think he is talking to you..” whispered Luna, interrupting Celestia’s line of thought.

“Princess, are you still with us?” asked the Zebra, patiently waiting for an answer.

“May you repeat the question please?” Celestia politely asked

“I asked if you were going to accept the trade that the Emperor has proposed. Giving him your adopted creature, and in return he will not accuse you of conspiracy towards his country. Our friend here is trying to stop a war.”

“No I decline the offer,” answered Celestia, “ And I would like to say something about our friend the Emperor. He is li-”
The zebra cut her off.

“Princess, with all due respect, I must ask you do not talk without my permission. It is not your turn to talk, so you will have to wait your turn.”

“But since when do we-” once again the zebra did not let her finish.

“Princess Celestia, will I have to ask you to leave the council and let your sister take your place, or you will do what I said?”

Celestia remained silent but now the validations of her suspicions were blatant, the Council had been corrupted. It was true that the leader who was in charge of the Council was sort of like the supervisor, but never before had they have taken away the right to talk to a leader with no reason, like the Zebra just did.

“This will be a long night.” Celestia thought.


Two hours passed since the council had started, and Onyx was still sitting in the middle of the room. Waiting for his judgement. During these two hours, The Emperor and Celestia did not stop arguing with each other, trying to convince the council that their side was the right one. The Emperor was accusing Onyx of many crimes and even accusing Onyx of trying to assassinate him. All the while Celestia was trying to convince the council of her son’s innocence, and how the gryphon had tortured Onyx for ten years.

The problem was, that the Zebra doing everything to put Celestia at a disadvantage. He was disregarding the evidence she was showing, and often simply refusing her the right to talk.

Minos and the Elder dragon had stayed quiet, both of them observing the prince.

“...And the scars in his back, do you think they appeared from nowhere ?”

“Celly, his scars are no use in this. He could have gotten them by falling during a climb or when he was practicing with a sword. Or maybe you are the one who did it to him; only to accuse me of something horrible like that.”

“The Emperor has, once again, proven a point Celestia. You can’t prove to us how he got these scars.”

Celestia was on the verge of crying. Nothing was going to the plan, and if it continued like this, she would lose her son, she would lose Onyx. She was doing her best to find something to defend him. It was like standing against the whole of Tartarus without any assistance .

“Now I guess we can all agree that it is time to vote. We have heard enough to make up our minds on the subject to choose who is right and who is lying to us.” Said the Zebra Shaman. “And remember, the green is for Celestia and red for Griffin..” Finished the Zebra.

The voting system in the council was really simple. A magical system of fire was created by the dragon, and each leader had two torches under their throne. One fire was green and the other one was red.

Each leader world pick their torches and place them on the socle in front of them where every other leader could see which color the others have chosen.

Onyx could only watched his mother with desperation. He was more scared than he had ever been in his life, and the future of it was going to be chosen right now. He looked around him for check the vote of every leader. First his mother, her fire was green, then the Zebra, the torch in fire was red. It was not a surprise to Onyx, and with the Griffin, it was now two red for one green.

Then it was the Elder dragon who lit his torch in a green flames. Two votes for each side.. Onyx was now looking over Minos. Time seemed to slow down when the minotaur rose from up from his seat to put the torch on the socle. He planted his torch in the stone as a flame burst from it.

The flame was red.

Author's Note:

First chapter out since i have a new team of Editor. I want you all to say thank to them.

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