• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,097 Views, 31 Comments

Mixed Drinks - SoralTheSol

This is the end result of a night out with friends. Waking up in a cartoon landscape turned into a talking horse and being mocked by said friend. Yep, my life is just dandy.

  • ...

Something Known

Chapter 10: Something Known

Soral fidgeted from where he sat in the Golden Oaks library. He was trying to read a book to relax but no matter what he tried he couldn't get comfortable. There was something invisible that sent a crawling sensation through him. He let out a loud sigh and moved to a different position.

"Ugh! That's it!" Shouted an irate Twilight Sparkle who marched over to where the colt now cowered. "What the hay is your problem!" She demanded.

"I'm sorry!" He yelped with his hooves up in a warding gesture as he backed away from the mare.

Twilight paused and took a deep breath to calm down. "Okay, let's try this again. What is your problem? You have been moving around the library for the past hour sighing the whole time."

"I... I can't get comfortable." Soral said weekly.

Twilight stared at him. It was the stare someone used when they were given an answer that wasn't good enough. It was the stare she often gave to Pinkie Pie. "You can't get comfortable?"

"I can't help it!" Soral said with frustration. "Everything is too different! I am not in my own body, I am in a place I don't know, surrounded by ponies I don't know, all the little things I was used to before are gone! I have abilities that I have never had before or believed possible! Not only that I constantly feel exposed. Do you know unsettling that is when you have to deal with large groups?" Soral finished his tirade panting for air. He had managed to vent all of that in one breath.

Twilight looked stunned for a moment then thoughtful. After a few moments she seemed to settle on a topic. "You feel exposed?"

Soral winced slightly. "Yeah... Humans tend to wear clothing. Not doing so in public is a taboo."

"That seems rather odd." Twilight stated obviously confused about why any species would want to always wear clothing.

"Not when your race has no fur and being in a room naked with opposite sex generally means you want to, you know..." Soral trailed off with a blush.

"Know what?" Twilight asked with that same confused expression.

"Umm, well, you know where foals come from right?" He asked trying to steer the conversation in a direction that would have Twilight figure it out.

"Foals are a gift from Princess Celestia." Twilight said with a serious face.

Soral just gaped at the mare in question. How could... Does she really... Is it really... Many half formed thought passed through the colts mind as he tried to process what he was just told.

"But if you want clothing then we can go to Carousel Boutique. I am certain Rarity would be happy to make some for you." Twilight stated before tugging him out Soral out the door with her.


The bell chimed signalling that somepony had entered the boutique. Rarity finished a few minor details on a dress before turning to deliver her line.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.” She ended her welcome with a small giggle before looking to see who her guests were. “Oh my, Twilight. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Hey Rarity, we’re here on-”

“Twilight doesn’t know where foals come from!” Soral blurted out.

“Oh my…”

“Soral!” Twilight scolded.

“It’s true! You said that foals are a gift from Celestia. How can you not know how foals are made?” Soral asked while looking at her.

“Oh Twilight, you don’t actually believe that old mare’s tale do you?” Rarity asked her friend, concern evident on her face. Soral obviously wasn’t the only one who has suspicions regarding Twilights real world knowledge.

“What? No! I was just telling him that because he is too young to hear such things.” There was silence in the boutique. The a loud groan filled the void.

“Twilight, I- Ugh!” Soral yelled in frustration. “I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t know how it works!” Soral shouted at the mare. Twilights ears laid flat against her head from the sudden hostility.

“Soral dear, don’t you think you are taking this too far? It is just a misunderstanding.” Rarity tried to placate the colt.

Soral looked like he wanted to protest that but visibly restrained himself. The colt took a few calming breaths before he spoke again. “I need to go calm down.” He finally stated before leaving the shop, the bell chiming with his exit.

The two mares stood there in silence for a few moments before one felt comfortable enough to break it. “Twilight…” Rarity started hesitantly, “Could you please explain what just happened.”

“I think I messed up.” Twilight admitted, looking downtrodden.

“Oh Twilight, darling. Come take a seat. I will prepare some tea and we can talk about it.” Rarity said trying to be supportive. She didn’t like seeing one of her friends so depressed.

It was only moments later that Twilight had a steaming cup of jasmine tea in front of her. “Now dear, from the beginning if you would.”

Twilight Sparkle looked at her friend, then let out a sigh. “Soral is not a pony.” She said. Obviously Rarity wasn’t expecting that given the surprise on her face. “He is one now because of magic. Old magic, that even Princess Celestia can’t reverse. She… She explained it to me while he was asleep with his fever.”

“Oh my…” Rarity said slowly. Trying to wrap her mind over the information.

“We didn’t know what he was though, both him and Suzy were something Celestia has never encountered before. When he woke up he and the Princess went to talk. I might have listened in on it.” Twilight fidgeted as she admitted to eavesdropping.

Rarity let out a small chuckle. “Why Twilight, I never thought you would eavesdrop on the Princess of all ponies.”

Twilight face flared with a blush. “I was curious.” She tried to defend her actions before muttering, “and the Princess knew about it anyway.” She took a sip of her tea before continuing.

“We found out he was a creature called a human. Their society has no magic, but they have accomplished many things without it.” She sighed, “We also found out that he is older than the foal he currently is. He is actually an adult. I think he is just playing the role of a foal to not confuse everypony.”

“One could only imagine. I dare say he is handling it well, Celestia only knows how I would react in the same situation.” Rarity commented, though she was still trying to wrap her mind around what she has been told.

“The thing is I don’t think he is. He is cranky, irritable and fidgety. He has had a few outbursts already and at those time I can’t help but think of him as a foal. It is how he behaves. I just don’t get it.” Twilight said in frustration.

Rarity looked at her friend for a long moment, weighing what she had been told before she finally spoke. “Well, this is certainly a complicated matter. However, Twilight, you have yet to explain what this outburst was about.”

Twilight blushed a bit. “Oh, right. Well Soral was fidgeting around and sighing all day. It was starting to get on my nerves so I asked what was wrong.”

“Asked, or demanded?” Rarity questioned.

Twilight looked away from her friend. “I… may have yelled.” Rarity “tsked” her friends actions. The librarian felt her ears fold back in further embarrassment.

“Anyway he said that he just couldn’t get comfortable no matter what he did. He claimed to feel exposed. That is actually why we came here, he wanted to see if you would make some outfits for him.”

Rarity’s eyes seemed to light up at the news. “Oh really? Well I don’t actually have much in line for foals except for some winter wear.” She said excitedly, but then frowned. “Twilight, how did you go from talking about clothing to how foals are made?”

“Soral tried to explain why he was so uncomfortable. When I asked why cloths were so important, he started talking about when opposite genders were in the same room without cloths meant something, but then he stopped. Then he asked if I knew how foals were made. I was caught off guard and gave the answer I was given as filly before coming here.” Twilight explained.

“Twilight,” Rarity started giving her friend a look, “I know you’re a bit socially awkward, but can you really not connect the dots?”

Twilight just tilted her head and gave her a confused look.

Rarity sighed. “Twilight, he changed the subject because he was embarrassed. He was trying to tell you that no clothing means they were going to attempt to make foals.” Rarity paused at this. “Now that I think about it that must make him horribly uncomfortable whenever he is around other ponies.”

Twilight looked horrified for a moment before groaning. She lifted a hoof to the bridge of her muzzle. “I am such an idiot.”

“Now, now darling, we all make mistakes. Why don’t you go back to the library and let me handle this for now. I am certain the Soral won’t hold anything against you. It could just be that the change is starting to get to him.” Rarity said, trying to soothe Twilights anxiety.

“I-I don’t know Rarity-” Twilight’s protests were cut off when Rarity placed her hoof over Twilight’s mouth.

“Hush now dear. I have had my own share of experience with breakdowns. It is a hazard of the business. Just leave everything to me.” Rarity told her friend. Twilight nodded and left the shop.


Rarity had left her boutique to find the wayward foal. Or would it be faux-foal? She wasn’t certain but decided that such a detail could wait. It didn’t take her long to find him, as he was sulking beside the fountain in the square.

“Soral.” Rarity called out to him. The foal turned towards her, his gaze held little heat. He turned back to the fountain and sighed.

“Soral, I would like to talk about what happened in the shop.” Rarity explained.

“What’s to explain, I acted like a brat and then lost my temper at being treated like a brat.” Soral grouched.

“Oh?” Rarity questioned. She was thrown slightly by the change. The colt had gone from outraged to self depreciating. “Soral, Twilight explained that you were interested in a few outfits.” She decided to change the subject, “So why don’t you come back to the the boutique and let me get a few measurements.”

Soral turned to her with a pained expression on his face. “I suppose I should apologize to Twilight.”

“She has already left for the library, but yes, I dare say you should.” Rarity affirmed.

Soral looked down at his hooves before giving a slight nod. Rarity guided him back to the Carousel Boutique. Soral remained quiet the entire trip, something that baffled her a bit.

“Now just what is going on with you.” She wondered, “From outspoken to introvert, from angry to depressed.” She had dealt with mood swings before, but normally not from young colts. “Then again you are not a normal colt.” Rarity directed him onto a stage where she would take his measurements.

“Now Darling, what are you looking for in an outfit?” Rarity asked as she took a tape measurer to his side. Soral’s gaze bounced around the shop. This was behavior Rarity was familiar with, the actions of a first timer. Odd considering that from what Twilight said the colt should be versed in the process of getting clothing.

“I, I want something durable.” Soral finally started. “It needs to be a little tough ‘cause I plan on wearing them often. I would like it to be comfortable. I don’t want to feel chafing.”

Rarity had begun taking down notes. She was being profesional though she was curious as to what he would order. Most ponies only went for formal or winter wear.

“I would like it to wrap around my…” He paused before lifting both his hooves and gesturing to his barrel.

“Your barrel?” Rarity offered.

Soral nodded. “I don’t know about having sleeves though.” He said to himself. He drifted into silence for a bit before suddenly adding a final item. “Oh, and a hood. The hood needs to be attached to the outfit.”

“A hood?” Rarity asked, slightly baffled by the idea. Hoods were normally something for cloaks.

“A hood. I like hoodies, they are comfortable, but normally a little to warm for summer.” He became thoughtful after the statement. “Maybe make that a fall outfit instead.” He mumbled.

“Well this is certainly an interesting order.” Rarity said. “But then again since going without cloths is a taboo for you I suppose you would have some interesting choices.”

Soral stiffened at that and Rarity realized she may have been a bit too obvious in her approach. Instead of trying to back out she decided to forge on ahead. “Twilight explained the situation to me dear. All of it.”

“So you know I’m?” Soral didn’t finish the question.

“Something called a human. An adult, but given your actions you act more like a foal.” Rarity chided slightly.

A series of emotions flashed across the colts face, many that Rarity didn’t have words for, until it settled into a slightly angry glare. “Like you or any other so called adult can speak ill of how children behave.” He stated with a heat in his voice. “All that growing up means, is that you know a few more words, have a few more rules, and a little less time. Tell, have your conversations really gone beyond the schoolyard gossip of “Stallion A” has a crush on “Mare B”?”

Rarity was taken aback by the sudden hostility and accusation. soon she reined in her shock and was about to scold the colt for speaking such when she paused. She had promised Twilight that she would help solve the issue at hand. More than anything, these sudden changes of emotion seemed to be the real issue. After a moments thought, she answered his accusation with one of her own.

“That may be true, but is lashing out at those trying to help you a mature thing to do? Was blowing up at poor Twilight something the colt; who scolded all of us on our conduct with the Gala tickets; would do?” She questioned softly, hiding any sense of anger she may have had.

It seemed to work. Soral’s ears flattened as he sank down to his haunches. “I haven’t been controlling myself.” It was barely a whisper but Rarity caught it.

“Now Soral, I am certain that a lapse in judgement doesn’t count as loss of control.” Rarity said to the now devastated colt. She had to admit that this was the most difficult time she had ever had with a client before.

“No.” Soral began, “I haven’t been controlling myself. I’m sorry.”

Rarity looked at the pony in front of her, at how he was now meek an apologetic. She remembered that he was was angry just moments ago, before that he somber and depressed. She took that in with what he has just told her and read between the lines.

“You know about your mood swings, don’t you.” It was statement, not a question. The shaky nod she received in return didn’t really help matters. “Oh dear.”

“I’m sorry.” He whimpered out, there were tears forming, “I’m sorry.”

Rarity quickly scooped the colt up into her hooves. “There, there.” She soothed, “It’s okay, everything’s alright.”

“It’s not.” Soral sobbed. “Everything has been messed up since I got here. My body’s changed. My home is gone. I have no idea how to get back! Even Celestia doesn’t know!” He wailed. Rarity just continued to hold onto the foal, rubbing small circles into his back as he sobbed out his frustration from the past week.


It had taken a few hours and some hot cocoa but Soral eventually calmed down. Not that Rarity thought the breakdown was out of question, certainly she was surprised that it hadn’t happened sooner all things considered.

Now she came to a dilemma. She would not share what Soral had confided in her, but certain things needed to be brought to the attention of her friends. They were all on thin ice with this situation and needed to be ready for another breakdown. Rarity suspected it was a good thing that he was a foal. Handling a full grown stallion who was distraught would be considerably harder.

Soral had fallen asleep not even minutes ago. Rarity wrapped him in a blanket and left him on the her couch. She had considered taking him back to the Twilight’s but decided it would be better to wait until morning. That however didn’t mean that she was not due to visit her friend. She trotted down mainstreet not really paying attention to the ponies around her. So it could be forgiven that she missed somepony calling out to her until they put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Rarity!” Applejack’s voice sounded out with her now broken thoughts.

“Oh! Oh my, Applejack you startled me.” Rarity said after catching herself.

“Sorry sugar cube, I called out to you but your mind was someplace else.” The farm pony told her friend.

“Ah, very true.” she admitted.

“I just wanted to let you know that Sweetie Bell is staying the night with us. I would have told you sooner but I had to run the stand, and I thought you would have been by today.” Applejack informed her.

“Oh no, Sweetie Bell! With everything that has happened today I had completely forgotten about her.” Rarity panicked.

“Don’t worry Rar’s, I took her home with Apple Bloom.” Applejack told her friend.

“Oh thank you Applejack. One crisis is enough for my day. I don’t know how well I would handle a distraught Sweetie Bell accusing me of not loving her anymore.” The fashion pony sighed.

“What crisis are you talking about?” Applejack asked, concern evident in her voice.

“It’s Soral, and it is something you and the other girls should know as well, though I am not sure how to explain it just yet. I suspect that Pinkie Pie and Rainbowdash will require a different one than us. I can tell Fluttershy during our tea time visit tomorrow.” Rarity explained.

“What happened?”

“Well in simple terms he broke down. He just now got to sleep after spending most of the day sobbing.” She told Applejack.

“That don’t sound none too good.” The apple mare stated as she walked with her friend towards the library.

“I’m afraid that it was only a matter of time. There are certain things Twilight has been keeping from us at Soral’s behest. I am afraid that this would be more of a detriment at this point.” They arrived at the Golden Oaks Library. Rarity politely knocked on the door.

“Hello, oh Rarity, Applejack. I was afraid that… well.” Twilight trailed off lamely.

“I am sad to say that I don’t exactly come bearing good news, Twilight.” Rarity explained. “However I do believe that we need to bring Applejack up to speed as well.”

The next few minute was spent with Twilights recounting the conversation held between Soral and Celestia, and the information gained from it. Then explaining the events of the morning.

“So ya’ mean to tell me that some critter is hiding as a foal?” Applejack said incredulously, “And that you let them near Apple Bloom after you found out!”

“Not just hiding as one Applejack, he is one at the moment.” Rarity chided. “More than that though these problems you have been having with his attitude were pre-existing Twilight.” Rarity took a sip of tea while she readied herself to explain. “Soral has mood swings. He goes from angry to depressed rather quickly. He knows this. he apparent had to control it before he came here. Sadly the stress is catching up to him.”

“What do you mean Rarity?” Twilight looked to her in confusion.

“Darling, you said it yourself. He was not originally a pony. How would you react? You wake up in a strange place, you don’t remember how you got thier, your body has changed to something it wasn’t?” Rarity asked. Seeing her question begin to take root in her friends she continued, “Not only that you find out that in this new land you are but a child among strangers. Finally, you have no way to get home. I am more surprised that he held out for this long.”

“Well I guess I didn’t consider tha’.” Applejack said.

“I, I didn’t know.” Twilight whimpered. “Oh, the princess would be so disappointed in me.”

“Twilight, it is a simple mistake. No one is going to hold it against you. However I think we should be aware of another possible break down. He is still adjusting to life in Equestria. honestly I am surprised we haven’t had this issue with Suzy as well.” Rarity said while looking down at her tea.

Applejack scowled for a moment. “That mare is a lush. She spends all her time down at Berry’s.”

“She isn’t that bad Applejack.” Twilight defended her housemate.

“You just don’t know their kind Twi. I am telling you tha’ Suz probly has more liquor than blood in her veins.”

“Awww, that’s so *hic* sweet of you.” Lavender limbs draped themselves around Applejacks shoulders. “I didn’t know you cared.” Suzy giggled. Applejack cringed from the smell of alcohol. “Say, why don’ we go find out if tha’s true or not.” The mare slurred. “How bout you and me head upstairs and see if I intoxicate you?”

Applejack quickly bolted across the room, away from the crazy drunken mare. Without the support, suzy soon found herself face down on the floor. “Oww.”

“Well, I will have to say I agree with Applejack’s assessment.” Rarity blandly stated after the display was over.

“That’s mean.” Suzy whined from her position on the floor. “Twilight, your friends aren’t as fun as you.”

Rarity quirked a perfectly plucked brow at this comment before turning to look at her friend. To her surprise Twilights face was lit in a fierce blush and she looked as if she were trying to hide under the table. “Twilight, you didn’t?”

The bookish mare was quiet for a long time, blush growing slightly brighter. “I was curious.” She admitted in a voice so small one would be forgiven for thinking she was Fluttershy.

Rarity gaped at her friend for a long moment before she smoothed her face into a mask of calm acceptance. “Well Twilight, you are a grown mare but do be careful with your… experiments.”

“Well I never tried alcohol before. It was interesting.” Twilight confessed.

“Yep, Twi tried to beat me in drinking after her second glass. She passed out after her fourth.” Suzy laughed from her position on the floor.

“So you didn’t…” Rarity trailed off as she looked at them in shock.

“Didn’t what?” Twilight naively asked.

Applejack groaned. “I think we found part of Soral’s problems right here.”

Rarity let out a sigh. “I suppose that is everything. Twilight, Soral will be staying over at the boutique for tonight. I must go and get some rest myself.” Rarity sighed out, her mane slightly frazzled and bags beginning to appear under her eyes. “Good night, Twilight, Applejack, Suzy.”

With that Rarity left the library and headed back to her home. She felt that tomorrow would come far too soon for her liking. She knew this was likely just the beginning of problems they will face with the new residents of the town.