• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,097 Views, 31 Comments

Mixed Drinks - SoralTheSol

This is the end result of a night out with friends. Waking up in a cartoon landscape turned into a talking horse and being mocked by said friend. Yep, my life is just dandy.

  • ...

The Apology

The Apology

Morning had come, birds were chirping pleasant song. The air was clear and warm. Sunbeams crawled through the town, exploiting every crack and crevice they find. Spearing through shutters and curtains as the sun rose higher. This was how many inhabitants of Ponyville started their day. When the sun filled a room of Carousel Boutique however, the occupant was already awake. A mint green unicorn colt was laying in a plush bed, in a room that that seemed out of place for one of his gender.

Soral lay staring at the ceiling of the room. His mind a haze as the memories of the previous night stirred inside of his head. He realized that this was not his bed at the library. That he again was waking up to a new and strange ceiling. This cause a feeling of tightness in his chest. “Is it a chest anymore though? No, it’s a barrel.” he asked himself. It was a pointless question, but he knew there were many new terms for his body, the old human ones didn’t quite apply anymore.

Sighing the colt rolled out of the bed and went about returning the sheets and covers to their proper place. Once finished he trotted down stairs. Soral’s mind was a jumble of emotions. He was brought out of his haze when he heard his name.

“Soral?” Rarity was looking at him quizzically from her place at the table. She was dressed in a robe, her mane was wrapped in a towel. He could smell the steam in the air.

“Morning.” He rasped out after a pause. He frowned and rubbed a hoof against his throat. It stung a little to talk.

Rarity frowned as well, it seemed she may have already figured out what was wrong. “Take a seat at the table dear, I’ll make something for your throat.”

With nothing else to do the colt nodded and managed to pull himself into a chair. Sitting in chairs as a pony was awkward, not uncomfortable per-say, but still it didn’t feel exactly right. After a minute or two had passed rarity returned with a steaming cup of what he assumed was tea.

“Drink this, but be careful, it’s hot.” She warned him gently. Soral gave her a grateful look before take a few small sips of the brew. It was a mix a sweet and bitter flavors, but it did soothe his throat.

They sat there for a while each nursing from their cups. The silence was nice, neither was ready for the noise the day would bring. Instead they simply sat as and listened as life became more active little by little. Chirping of birds increased and the occasional clip-clop of hooves could be heard in the distance.

“I’m sorry.”

It was Soral who broke the silence of the morning for the both of them.

“What ever for?”

“Last night. I should have pushed that on you. I was-” He was cut off by a white hoof gently pressing against his muzzle.

“Not another word.” Rarity said kindly, yet firmly. “Soral, you did nothing wrong.”

“But…” The colt tried to protest, confusion flashing across his face.

“Ah-ah-ah.” Rarity interrupted him again, she refused to let him build on this. “Soral, listen to me. You have been thrown into a strange place, away from the support of your family and friends. From what you have told me I am surprised you didn’t break down sooner.”

The colt just looked at her, and that was what Rarity saw at this moment. She did not see the adult that claimed to be in the colts skin. She saw a scared little colt that was completely out of his depth. She leaned forward and pressed the side of her muzzle to his, gently nuzzling him. He stiffened briefly, but slowly returned the gesture. They stayed in this position for an unknown amount of time. Rarity just focused on providing comfort, and she listened as his breathing evened out.

“Thank you.” It was barely a whisper but the fashionista heard it just fine.

“Anytime darling.” Rarity told him. Deciding to lighten the mood she offered a few hopeful words. “Don’t worry dear, I am certain that you will find a way home eventually.”

“I… I’m not sure.” Soral said looking down at his hooves.

“Now dear don’t be so negative. There is always a chance.” She offered.

“I’ll try.” He offered with a weak smile. After a moment he hopped down from his seat. “I guess I should be going.” He said, sounding unsure of the decision.

“Oh no you not.” He looked at her in surprise at the suddenly harsh tone.

“Soral you haven’t even had breakfast yet. You park your rump back in that chair.” Rarity scolded. She was mildly please to see him move to obey her order so quickly. “Now, do you have a preference?”

“Pancakes?” He asked hesitantly.

“Of course. I will be back in a few minutes.” Rarity began humming to herself as she entered the kitchen.

Soral sat alone at the table for a full minuted before muttering to himself, “Mares are scary.”

“I heard that.”


Rarity lead him down the street. He was glad she did too, Ponyville was always shown of as some little podunk town. That wasn’t quite true. Ponyville was actually much larger than anyone would think. Many of the shops were spread out on the main square. This was probably due to it starting as a farming town. There always seemed to be a decent amount of space between the buildings.

The newer residential buildings were more closely packed together but far from congested. It was an odd layout, it became more uniform over time but it was obvious that there was little planning Ponyville’s original layout. This also helped to make things a bit more confusing as there didn’t seem to be any street names.

“I don’t think I will ever get used to this.” Soral sighed out.

“Get used to what?” Rarity asked curiously.

“The town layout. It is confusing. Everything is built off the main square and then branched from there, but you don’t have street signs or markers. Nothing is gridded or ordered. It all seems like it was just first come first serve. how do you navigate this place?” Soral complained.

“Practice, Darling.” Rarity chuckled “Though I do believe the mayor is getting around to adding those things. I know we have Main Street, White Tail Road, and the Iron Way.” Rarity said pointing out each road.

“I can understand the first two, but Iron Way?” Soral asked her.

“That is where you will find the construction shops, the smithy, the farrier's shop, things like that. Many of the buildings there are made more with stone and metal do to the use of fire in their creations.” Rarity explained.

Soral hummed an affirmative noise to the explanation. “So they are trying to plan out the city now. Well, I know my way to the school now, and Sweet Apple Acres, and the library…” he trailed off as he considered other routes and places he knew at this point.

“Thats a good start. Though the only real way to figure it out is to explore the town.” Rarity said. Her eyes drifted to one of the market vendors. “Oh my!” She gasped and trotted off.

Curious, Soral followed her to the stand and was soon treated to a haggling match like none other. Then again he had never seen people/ponies haggling before so this was a new experience for him.

“Now Darling those prices are just outrageous! I will give you thirty and not a bit more.” Rarity tossed her mane.

“These are Saddle Arabian silks lady, thirty Bits wouldn’t even cover the cost of transport. I will take no less than seventy for them.” The stallion running the stall returned.

As the debate continued to escalate Soral’s eyes drifted over all of the stallions wares. There were a few bolts of cloth, some nicknacks, what looked to be spices and a book.

“Umm, how much for the book?” Soral asked as his eyes fell on a pale blue cover. The book was weathered and the pages yellow with age. It was clothbound and held shut with a strip of red fabric.

“That old thing, fifteen bits.” The merchant said offhandedly before focusing on Rarity again.

Soral nodded summoned his money. It was a simple spell, and he was happy Twilight thought to teach it to him, otherwise he had no idea on how to have access to his funds without making it obvious.

“Now Soral you’re not really going to pay full price for that ratty book are you?” Rarity questioned him.

“Mhm.” Soral hummed while counting out the bits in question. “May I see the book first?” Soral asked the stallion, who shrugged and handed over the old tomb. Soral lifted it with his magic magic and undid the wrapping. Quickly browsing through the pages. He saw diagrams, number, and symbols he didn’t really comprehend. All and all it looked like an old spell book, something Twilight would devour.

“Thank you.” Soral stated before handing over the money needed. He levitated the book above him. He would have to keep it held like that until he got to the library too. Rarity soon managed to get her deal and tied the bolts to her back with a bit of magic and some twine. She was wearing saddle bags with a few extra pockets.

“Well dear, I hope you don’t mind a quick detour so I can drop these off do you?” She asked him. Soral responded with a simple shake of his head. “Splendid.”

They turned to head back to the boutique. Along the way Soral noticed that most ponies seemed to have items on them to carry stuff. Yes it made sense but he was just a little surprised in the range of items they had.

“It’s interesting you know, the amount of things ponies have to use tools.” Soral commented allowed.

“Well we wouldn’t have gotten very far if we didn’t.” Rarity responded. “Most of the clothing I started off with, were items with pockets. That and winter wear.”

“And I forgot my bag back at the library.” Soral grumbled.

They continued along for a bit in silence. “Soral, do you mind explaining why you bought that book?” Rarity questioned the colt.

“I wanted to get a gift for Twilight, to apologize with.” Soral said after a bit.

“Oh my. “Rarity cooed at that information. “Normally it goes the other way around as far as foals are concerned.”

“Well as you already know I am not a common foal.” Soral returned. “Twilight was hurt because of me, the least I can do is give a proper apology. The book looks like it is someones journal, an old one at that. I am certain Twilight will enjoy it…” He trailed off.

“You sound unsure.” Rarity said.

“I can’t read it. In that much it should be a puzzle for her but other than that I just don’t know.” Soral sighed. Then he froze feeling his magic wavering for a moment.

“Are we almost back yet?” He grunted as he readjusted his field around the book.

“Yep we’re back at the Boutique now. You do know all you had to do was ask and I would have tied a hold onto the book for you.” Rarity commented while holding the door open for the colt.

“Yeah, but I need the practice.” He replied as he set the book onto a table. “Though if you have anything to wrap it with to make it look a bit more like a present…”

“I have just the thing.” Rarity told him.


Soral stood outside of the library. It felt like the door was looming over him, but he just shoved it to the back of his mind as nerves.

“Thats twenty-five spells! Wow Twilight, thats amazing.” Spike was singing praises to the mare as he checked something off on a blackboard.

“Oh Spike, it is not that big a…” Twilight trailed off as she caught sight of Soral standing in the doorway. “Soral. Oh, umm, are you doing better?” She asked hesitantly.

Soral felt his throat tighten up. Normally apologizing wasn’t this hard, then again he had never felt particularly guilty in the time when had. He managed to nod in answer to her question at least.

“Oh… Well good.” Twilight smiled weakly.

Not a fan of awkward silences, Soral stepped further into the library and floated the present over to Twilight.

“Oh, what’s this?” Twilight asked while taking hold of it with her own magic.

“It’s an “I’m sorry.” gift.” Soral said slowly. “So… I’m sorry for the way I acted yesterday.” He lowered his eyes to the floor after he finished. Soral waited nervously for her response, and flinched slightly when he felt a her nuzzle him.

“Oh Soral, you didn’t have to do that.” She told the colt.

“Well, I felt I did.” He said. Then he took notice of the rooms other residents, or more specifically what was on his face.

“Why does spike have a dead caterpillar on his nose?” Soral asked.

Twilight seemed to find the comment funny and struggled to hold in her laughter. Meanwhile spike just looked indignant.

“It’s a mustache! It is a sign of manliness!” he protested.

Soral just gave him a flat look. “It looks fake. Furthermore, it makes you look like a dork.”

“Alright boys, thats enough. Spike I know you’re attached to it but it has got to go.” Twilight said lighting her horn with magic.

“No!” Spike cried out, but with an anticlimactic poof the fuzzy caterpillar was removed from his face. “Awe, I wanted to show off to Rarity.”

“Sorry Romeo.” Twilight giggled as she opened the present. “Oh a book! Let’s see what this is about…” Twilight trailed off as she scanned the pages. “Hmm, ancient equestrian. It will take me a while to translate this.”

“Twilight, we were supposed to go to the market today remember?” Spike said with a frown on his face.

“Oh right. I guess I will just have to look at it later.” The mare said as the levitated the book to the lecturn. “Okay you two, let’s get ready.”

Soral nodded and retrieved his saddle bags. He turned back to them to find Spike had some sort of rucksack and Twilight had her bags in place. “What are we shopping for?”

“Well I need ink, quills, parchment,” she began ticking off various study supplies that she had burned through.

“Ah-hem.” Spike coughed grabbing her attention.

“Oh, we are low on food, and should buy that first.” She quickly amended with a light blush coming to her cheeks.

“Better.” Spike grumbled. It sounded as though this was an old argument.

“Okay then.” Soral acknowledge and they made their way out the library. As they walked, Spike tried to regale Soral with how magically talented Twilight was.

“Twenty-five tricks and counting. You’re probably the most magical unicorn in Equestria, Twilight.” Spike announced.

“I have some doubts about that.” Soral remarked.

“What!?” Spike seemed appalled that I would ruin his image of Twilight.

“Depending on what they do in life any unicorn is likely to develop a whole slew of tricks to accomplish the job at hand. Not only that, since it isn’t very likely you have met every unicorn in Equestria, you are making an uninformed claim.” The colt said calmly.

“He’s right Spike. Starswirl the Bearded made hundreds of spells. Clover the Clever and many other unicorns in history made numerous spells as well. I am still learning.” Twilight told the young dragon.

“But… It is still impressive.” Spike finished, not having a good retort.

“Gangway!” A new voice shouted. They turned to see a pair of colts charging straight for them. Soral shoved Spike out of their path and watched as the pair galloped passed.

“Wonder what that was all about?” Soral muttered.

“Let’s go see.” Spike said running after the pair.

Soral and Twilight looked at each other for a moment, and the mint green colt just gave a shrug in response. They both turned to follow after.

There was a crowd inside the town square, they were surrounding a wagon with a curtain on it’s side. Soral groaned internally as he knew what was coming.

“Come one! Come all! Be amazed by the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Author's Note:

I use the word nuzzle in the same context as hug, so please don't get any dirty thoughts. As you can see I decided to leave it hanging at the opening of Boast Busters. This was honestly one of my least favorite episodes because Trixie got all the bad press for doing her job. That is just sad, and I know many out their agree with me.

Now don't get me wrong I will probably still write Trixie as arrogant. I just don't think punishments were handled properly in this episode at all. Trixie should have gotten her wagon fixed by the town, or at least reimbursed by snips and snails parents. Those two nearly got everyone in town killed by an ursa minor and get off with boys will be boys. I am sure you see the problem here. That isn't even going into the behavior of the hecklers in the shows opening.