• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,095 Views, 31 Comments

Mixed Drinks - SoralTheSol

This is the end result of a night out with friends. Waking up in a cartoon landscape turned into a talking horse and being mocked by said friend. Yep, my life is just dandy.

  • ...

The Tickets

The Tickets

It had not taken long for Celestia to convince Twilight of her plan. The end result was that he and Suzy would be getting their own place. Soral was to report to the library lessons. As a declared ward, he would receive a modest stipend to cover his expenses. This was fine with him, being stuck as a foal pretty much destroyed any chance he had at finding a job.

Early the next day, Twilight was asked by Applejack to help at the farm. Soral decided to follow along, mostly because he already started the lesson on telekinesis and didn’t want to quit just yet.

“Now hold your focus, if your concentration wavers the apple will fall.” Twilight instructed as she and Applejack walked down the path cutting through the orchard. Spike was perched on Twilights back sorting through the apples in her baskets.

The two older mares started chatting but Soral tuned them out. He was staring intently at the apple floating in front of him. It was enveloped in a dark blue glow. To be honest, he was rather surprised with his magic. He expected something that felt like a charge of electricity. He expected it to take longer to draw out. The magic came easily enough. In truth he should have suspected as much, after all every Unicorn out there seems to be able to use basic telekinesis.

Still, the sensation of touching it for the first time, really he did not have words to describe it. It was like- “Oof!”

Shaking his head he looks up to see what he ran into. Twilight and Applejack are looking at him with concern.

“Sorry bout the sudden stop, little guy.” Applejack said checking on the colt. Apparently Twilight received a letter and they had stopped to read it. Soral was still focused on the apple and thus did not stop until his face met Applejacks flank.

“No harm done.” Soral mumbled while getting back on all fours. “So, what does the letter say?” He asked. After all, the piece of parchment is responsible for his humiliation should at least be read before he burned it.

“Right, let’s see.” Twilight said deftly unfurling the scroll with her magic.

Soral stared blanking at the scroll as it was held there. Feeling magic was one thing, but now he had a better understanding of why they call his gift “The Sight of Magic.” He could see more than just the shimmering aura that everyone else seemed to witness. He saw it weave and twist, he saw lines and symbols that seemed to hold a purpose that he had yet been able to decipher. It was the same with his own magic, and one of the reasons why it captivated him. He could see how it moved and changed. It was almost like watching an artist start on a blank canvas. Testing strokes being placed down while he struggles to decide what this new piece shall be.

His introspective moment was interrupted by both mares suddenly releasing earsplitting squeals of excitement. “The Grand Galloping Gala!”

“My ears...” Soral whined as he lowered his head to the ground and wrapped his forelegs around his head to ward off the sound. Twilight and Applejack had the good grace to look sheepish and apologised for yelling in his ears. Applejack began talking about the opportunity that going to such an event could bring for her and her family. Soral did his best not to roll his eyes at this. It would be a great chance for her if she was catering, but a stand would never work at such an event. “Won’t work.” He decided to state as much.

Applejack paused her daydream to glare at the colt. “Wha’ d’ya mean it won’ work?”

“Because the ‘High Society’ as they like to be called would never stoop to buying from a stand. Anyone with money or a big name tend to be pompous gits.” Soral stated. He had a very low opinion of the wealthy.

“Now ya don’ know that for certain.” Applejack said, she was being stubborn, obviously not wanting to give up on her fantasy. “It could be tha’ mah stand is jus’ wha’ their missing.”

“Did you know your accent gets worse when you get grumpy?” Soral would later admit that he deserved the swat she gave him. He really needed to stop being such as wise-mouth.

“Nice work kid.” A raspy laugh carried on the wind as Rainbow Dash landed near them. “So Twilight, what’s this I hear about tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?” She asked his teacher.

Soral remembered how the rest of the particular episode went and made a decision. “Well, I see the theme for today.” He muttered loud enough for them all to hear before turning a set of puppy-eyes on Twilight, “May I go play with Apple Bloom?” He pleaded to her. Forget being nice and preventing the coming storm, Soral would much rather step out of the way of the fan altogether.

“Now darlin, she’s in school right now, and won’t be getting out for a few hours yet.” Applejack stated.

“And you think I won’t be going to school soon anyway.” Soral stated. Honestly, Twilight was his teacher, but that was for magic. He really didn’t think she would be teaching him everything.

“What, but I'm your teacher! What could school possibly offer you that I couldn’t?” Twilight demanded in a panicked voice.

Crap, he was not expecting her to be so protective of her title. “Uh.. A chance to be around those my own age?” Soral hedged hesitantly. “Well, physical age.” he amended to himself.

“I guess you’re right.” Twilight sighed. “The princess has me here studying friendship. What would she say if I denied you the chance to make your own.”

Soral nodded at this, doing his best impression of a sage, “Yes young one. Now you begin to gain wisdom of the ages.”

“Ha ha.” Twilight said flatly at the colts attempt at humor, she also did her level best to ignore the snickering of Rainbow Dash and Spike. “Alright Smarty-pants, let’s go. Might as well get you registered while we still can today," she was interrupted by her stomach growling, “and some lunch.” Twilight finished with a blush.

“Latter Applejack, Rainbow Dash.” Soral bid both mares as he and Twilight began to leave. Spike waved goodbye from his perch on Twiligh’s back.

“Later you three.” Applejack said before turning to Rainbow Dash. “Now I thought ya’ said ya’ were busy today? Here I find ya’ eavesdroppin’ on my and Twi’s conversation.”

Soral heard Rainbow’s nervous laughter fading out as he and Twilight left the farm.


Soral followed Twilight through town to an cafe with an outdoor dining area. He took a moment to look around the town. Soral had to admit he liked the atmosphere of Ponyville. It was relaxing watching the ponies go about their daily business. He look up to see if there were any interesting clouds and frowned. There were several Pegasi moving clouds into place over the town.

“How about here?” Twilight’s voice brought him out of his observation. He turned to see Twilight and Spike taking a seat at one of the outdoor tables. A waiter was already on his way over to get their orders.

“Twilight I think we should eat inside.” He told her.

“What? It’s a beautiful day, why would we eat inside?” She questioned.

“Because the weather team is setting up a downpour as we speak.” Soral told her while pointing a hoof to the section of sky gathering clouds.

Twilight made a small “Oh” with her mouth before asking the waiter if they had any available seats inside. Once they were moved orders were taken and they decided to make small talk to pass the time.

“So Twilight, who are you giving the other ticket too?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know. Applejack seems to really think that the Gala would help her business. I am not sure why Rainbow is interested though?” She said to herself.

“Who knows, hopefully they don’t start fighting over it.” Soral stated. Playing ignorant was the best option here, he did not want to get dragged into the coming chaos.

Twilight grimaced at that. “I really don’t want these tickets to cause a rift with my friends.”

“Well, I don’t want to go there. The Gala is to fru-fru for my tastes.” Spike announced.

Soral rolled his eyes at the discription before speaking himself. “I have no interest in going to a formal event. I would have nothing to do and would be bored out of my mind.” He explained. He notice the waiter on heading towards their table. “Oh look the foods here.”

This was the first time Soral tried what passed for normal pony food. a daisy club sandwich. Honestly it wasn't bad, not what he was expecting but not bad. Which was odd considering the last time he tasted a daisy he distinctly remembered it being bitter. During their meal the rain had started to fall. I wasn’t sure but I think I saw Rainbow dash fly by once or twice.

“Should we wait here until the rain stops or just leave?” He asked Twilight breaking the silence at the table.

“Well,” She said while looking out the window. “I think it should be letting up soon so we might as well wait.”

“Hmm,” Soral noised while looking over at Spike. “Hey Twilight, has Spike ever been to school?” He asked, honestly curious. He was surprised when both dragon and pony seemed to cringe. “What?”

“Let’s just say fiery sneezes and school work doesn’t mix.” Spike muttered.

“Oh... Sorry.” Soral mumbled. Judging by their reaction their was a story behind that, and not a pleasant one. “Well it looks like the rain is stopping. We should probably go to the schoolhouse before the teacher leaves.”

“Oh, you’re right. Let’s get going then.” Twilight said looking out the window before asking the waiter for the cheque. Soral walked to the door and waited on Twilight to pay. He noticed Rainbow still flying around looking for something, he ducked back behind the door before she could see him. Rainbow Dash flew off to search elsewhere.

“Okay I know the episode displayed it as such but really this is just too much.” Soral muttered.

“What was that?” Spike asked him.

“Geh!” Soral choked choked out. “Nothing, nothing at all.” Soral said slightly panicked.

Spike gave him an odd look for moment. “You know you’re acting a lot like Twilight does when she’s nervous.”

“I am not!” Soral said more than a little offended. He did not act like Twilight, he had much better self control. He just wasn't displaying it at the moment.

“Okay, everypony ready to go?” Twilight asked walking up to them. Soon they were walking down the path to the Ponyville School.

“I wonder how long the classes are? Do you think Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are still there? Do you think the teacher is nice?” Soral started asking every inane question he could think of in relation to the school to Twilight. He didn’t really need the information, he was mostly doing it to tax her patience and pass the time. Sadly the first objective was never met as Twilight seemed more than happy to try and answer each of his question.

“Classes are five hours long. They still have another half hour of class time so yes. I have not met the teacher so I wouldn't know.”

Soral was silent for a long moment, surprised at how well she handled that. Then he let a smirk slip onto his face, “Have you ever called Celestia mom?” He asked out of the blue.

“Huh? Wh-why are you asking that?” Twilight sputtered in surprise, but a slight pink tint began to peek through the fur of her face.

“She has, quite a few times actually.” Spike said from his perch atop the unicorns back.

“SPIKE! Why would you tell him that?” Twilight asked obviously feeling betrayed.

“Oh look we’re here. Twilight you should really try to calm down, you want to make a good impression right?” Soral asked casually. She gave him a glare that could have caused a cobra to cower, but Soral ignored it deciding to bask in her irritation.

As they came up to the school Twilight politely knocked on the door. It was opened a moment later by orange pegasus filly. She looked at them for a moment before calling back into the classroom, “It’s a unicorn family Ms. Cheerilee.”

Soral did his best not to laugh as Twilight looked gobsmacked at the filly. Spike didn’t bother and just fell to the ground clutching his sides. Soon a purple mare was at the door. She had a bright smile and on her flank there were three smiley faces.

“Yes, how may I help you?” She asked looking at Twilight.

Twilight cleared her throat before speaking. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle and I am here to register my student at your school. Soral, say hello.”

“Hiya. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell are still here right?” Soral asked

Ms. Cheerilee smile at the colt. “Yes. Why don’t you go in and say hello. Class was almost over anyway.” She told him.

Soral nodded and went inside while Twilight and Cheerilee discussed his registration. “Hey Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle.” Soral called out to the two fillies.


“You’re here!”

Both fillies were soon away from their desks and charging him. Soral did the only logical thing he could think of and ducked. Surprisingly this was the proper action as both fillies went flying past him. It was hard not to laugh with the other children in the room as the two crashed into the bookcase in the back of the classroom.

“Now really, do you think it is the brightest idea to tackle somepony who has been sick for the past few days?” Soral questioned calmly. Internally he was surprised that they were that excited to see him. He put it down to them just being children.

“Sorry bout that.” Apple Bloom said as she and Sweetie Belle looked away with a small blush. Soral had no problem admitting it was adorable but he was not here to fawn over children acting cute. He was here to curru- ah- make friends.

“No problem, but just so you know I don’t care for hugs via flying tackle, it tends to hurt.” He explained, “As to why I am here, I am getting registered for school. I will probably be joining you in class tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow’s Saturday, we don' have classes.” Apple Bloom said.

"Huh, how did I miss that?" Soral asked out loud.

"Looky here class, we have another blank flank." A hawghty voice called out. A few laughs made it around the room but they were mostly forced.

"Well looky here class." That was okay though, Soral could give as good as he got. "A filly who obviously knows what she wants." He said and emphasized by shaking his rear in the direction of said filly.

The result was perfect. The filly who insulted him was left gaping like a fish. The class though burst into laughter at his jab. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were both holding their sides. Soral smiled at what he accomplished.

"What is going on here?" Miss Cheerily asked as she entered the classroom.

“Just getting to know everyone.” Soral said playing innocent. The teacher scrutinizing gaze honed in on him. To be honest it made him a little nervous. Cheerily was always portrayed as such a nice pony in the show. Soral realised however, nice or not, she was still a teacher.

“We do try to play nice now.” She said with a slight air of warning.

“Yes ma’am.” Soral replied instantly.

Miss Cheerily nodded and turned to the rest of the classroom. “Class dismissed. I hope you all enjoy your weekend.”

With a great cheer many of the foals charged out of the classroom. The self-important filly glared at Soral before leaving. Soral just shrugged it off before he was enveloped in a hug.

“Tha’ was amazin Soral! I’ve never seen anypony shut-down Diamond Tiara like tha’.” Apple Bloom squealed excitedly while hugging him.

“Can’t... Breath...” Soral managed to choke out.

“Oops.” Apple Bloom released her grip on him and Soral sucked in his precious air. “Sorry.” The little farm filly apologized.

“No problem.” Soral said, then he looked Apple Bloom up and down. “You are a lot stronger than you look.”

“Thank’ya kindly.” The farm filly smiled.

“Seriously though, I don’t think I have ever seen Diamond Tiara that red.” Sweetie Belle chimed in.

“Dude that was awesome!” A new voice entered the conversation. An orange pegasus filly soon filled Soral’s vision. “Name’s Scootaloo and that was one of the best burns I have ever seen.”

“She provided the fireworks, I merely lit the fuses.” Soral did his best to portray a cool attitude. However he decided that the praise had gone on long enough. “Okay so anyone here want to go play or something?”



“What do you have in mind?” The fillies answered at the same time make soral pause to sort out what they said.

“I was thinking hide-n-seek at the farm would be fun.” Soral offered.

Apple Bloom frowned. “But I’ve chores ta’ do.”

“Well you got three helpers. We can get them done quick and get to playing. Sound like a plan?” It took a bit more convincing but he got the fillies to agree to it. Soon they set off for the farm after Soral told Twilight what he was doing.

Author's Note:

Okay, this one was a bit of a doozy. I think you might be able to expect a part two to finish out the episode but it will be from the perspective of the kids. I did enjoy writing the chapter quite a bit though. Please like, fave and comment if you feel this story is for you.