• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,096 Views, 31 Comments

Mixed Drinks - SoralTheSol

This is the end result of a night out with friends. Waking up in a cartoon landscape turned into a talking horse and being mocked by said friend. Yep, my life is just dandy.

  • ...

The First Day

The First Day

That old feeling of anxiety managed to creep along Soral’s spine. It was the first day of school, honestly not that big of a deal to him. No he was never worried about making friends or such, that came in time. No, Soral was afraid of saying something foals should not be saying and getting himself and possibly Twilight in trouble. He was very used to his expletives and now here he was in a situation where such words were a big no-no.

The mint unicorn let loose a sigh, he decided he would just have to think a bit harder before speaking.

“What’s wrong Soral, first day jitters?” Twilight asked him having walked the colt to the schoolhouse.

“Not quite...” Soral said hesitantly, not really sure how to explain the issue or even if he should. “It’s official, I’m a kid again.” He thought to himself as he headed to the school. “Please let this go better than my other times at school.” Hopefully he could reign his temper in better than he did at his old schools.

As he entered the main room of schoolhouse he was greeted with the excited chatter of several foals. He look around at all the different faces. He recognized a few, however there were a number of others that were never named in the show.

“Ready to introduce yourself?” Cheerilee asked Soral, surprising him slightly.

Soral took a breath and nodded. Together they walked to the front of the school house.

“Attention everypony.” Miss Cheerilee called out, “Today we have a new friend joining the class. I want you all to welcome Soral.”

“Hello.” Soral chirped out.

“Hello Soral.” The children said in return.

“Now Soral you can take the seat next to Featherweight. Class, today we will be starting on fractions so get out some paper and your pencils.” Cheerilee announced as the unicorn colt made his way to his assigned seat.

“Hi there, I’m Featherweight.” The lanky pegasus colt said as he offered his hoof.

Soral stared at it for a moment before reaching out. “Soral.” He said giving it a firm shake. He then then pulled a few items from his bag before working on the problems Cheerilee was writing.

“So when did you arrive in Ponyville?” Featherweight whispered to him.

“Just recently...” Soral said awkwardly. “Okay, this is starting to remind me too much of middle school.” Soral thought while squirming in his seat. It was easy to get distracted from the lessons Cheerilee was teaching. Having already learned math for one and second... well he wasn’t exactly the best student.

Glancing around the classroom he saw Scootaloo positioned at the front, obviously bored. Sweetie Belle was two seats behind Featherweight. Apple Bloom had the misfortune of being next to Diamond Tiara.

“Soral, do you know the answer to the question on the board?” Miss Cheerilee called.

“Huh?” Soral said snapping his attention to the front of the class. “Crap.” It was a simple problem though, “5 over 8.”

“Very good, but try to focus on the lesson for now.” Miss Cheerilee lightly reprimanded him.

“Yes ma'am.” Soral said sheepishly. “Well that was embarrassing.” The colt thought to himself. He heard the quiet snickers of his classmates as the teacher went back to her lecture.

Soral focused in class until the teacher announced it was time for recess. Heading out the door at a much more subdued pace than the rest of the children. He thought he would be able to avoid the rush but soon found himself swamped once he was out the door.

“When did you get here?”

“Where are you from?”

“Where do you live now?”

“What’s your favorite color?”

“Quiet!” It took soral a moment before he realized that he was the one who shouted. “Wow I haven’t ever had this much attention before. What do I do now?” The staring foals made him surprisingly nervous.

“Okay then in order. I arrived on the Summer Sun Celebration. Where I’m from isn’t important. I currently live with Twilight Sparkle as her apprentice. My favorite color is purple. Is that everything?” Soral rattled off. “There. That should be everything.”

“Do you have a crush on miss Sparkle?” Sweetie Belle asked innocently.

“What?! No! Why would you think that?” Soral responded quickly. “Where the heck did that come from?”

“Well, you said your favorite color is purple, and Miss Twilight is purple.” Apple Bloom said.

“That does not mean I have a crush on my teacher!” Soral yelled while blushing. “God I am going to die of embarrassment because of these brats.” He took a deep breath to calm down before looking back at the foals. Some were shocked by his outburst but a select few were wearing playful grins.

“Soral has a crush~.” Scootaloo proclaimed in a sing-song voice.

“Done!” Soral announced before they could take it any further and marched back into the schoolhouse.

“Awww...” the group of fillies and colts groaned as he denied them their fun.

The unicorn colt stalked into through the classroom over to his desk. He pulled a piece of paper out of the bag and pencil. His sparked with magic as he began to take the writing implement to the blank sheet. “Seems like school here is going to mirror school back home more than I thought.” Soral grouched mentally as he took his first swipes at the paper. It wasn’t long until a basic, but detailed image of a tree came into existence. Little by little he added details to the image. Leaves, grass, a horizon. The picture wouldn’t win any awards but it did help him relax.

“Well, well. Someone has an artistic streak I see.” The voice of Miss Cheerilee shocked him into reality once again. Soral’s magic surged slightly causing his pencil to fly across the room as he jumped in his seat.

“Oh dear, did I surprise you?” Miss Cheerilee said with concern as she look at the colt.

It took a moment for Soral to calm down but he gave her a hesitant shake of the head. “No, you didn’t surprise me. Scared the crap outta me maybe but surprise, no way.” He thought with a bit of sarcasm.

“I’m sorry Soral, I thought you heard me come up next to you. I was going to talk to you about why you decided to avoid your classmates.” She admitted.

The mint furred colt felt his face heat up slightly as he thought back on the teasing. “I, I didn’t want to be teased about something that wasn’t true. So I decided to come inside and draw for recess instead.” Soral explained. “Oh god I sound like a child. That wasn’t even an act. I think I will actually be glad when the day is over and I can go back to the library.”

“Now dear, you shouldn’t let a little teasing get to you. Foals will be foals after all. Maybe you should give them all another chance.” Cheerilee told him with an encouraging smile.

“Tomorrow.” Soral responded quickly, not really wanting to give them the chance to make amends just yet.

“Alright dear, but do try to be friends with the others.” Cheerilee told him. “You might also want to eat your lunch while you have the chance, recess is almost over.”

Soral nodded and realised that he was rather hungry at the moment.


It wasn’t long until the others were called in from recess. They all returned to their seats and took what little time they had to chat among themselves. However whenever one of the crusaders looked in Soral’s direction he made a point to ignore them. It was a little rude, and it was childish, but it honestly was something he never grew out of. He didn’t take pleasure in doing it but it was either the cold shoulder or yelling at them. This method was more likely to work than the other.

“Okay class, we only have an hour left so I will be writing down today’s homework assignment.” Miss Cheerilee announced.

The ample amount of time given surprised him a bit, but made sense at the same time. It would let them work on the assignment in class if they were able, and ask questions of the teacher if confused. The assignment wasn’t anything massive. Just a few number problems and a couple history questions. Soral managed to get it done with time to spare. He folded up the paper and stuffed it into his bag. He looked around the classroom. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were all doing their work still. However, he noticed that they each seemed... depressed.

“Well don’t I feel like a jerk now.” Soral scolded himself. He would have to try and patch things up after class.

“Well class, it is that time again. I will see all of you tomorrow” Miss Cheerilee announce just before the bell rang. “Remember to do your homework!” She called over the din of foal rushing out of the classroom.

Soral packed up his supplies and trotted to the door. He saw the girls out front waiting to be picked up. Heaving a sigh he decided to try and patch up. He moved closer before sitting in the grass next to them. For a moment, all any of them could do was stare as an uncomfortable silence descended. Finally he worked up the nerve to speak. “Look, I’m-”

“Well howdy there fillies!” Applejacks booming voice cut him off, “and colt.” The farm pony added as an afterthought.

“Hello Applejack.” They called in return, the tension broken by the arrival.

“Well listen up guys and gals. I am here to take you four back to the farm with me. We decided to have a late lunch and you’re invited. I even got permission from your families.” She announce.

“Awesome!” Scootaloo yelled while the other two fillies let out cheers of their own.

“Oh...” Soral said trailing off, “Guess I’ll see you girls tomorrow.” Soral said slowly before turning to leave.

“Now hold on there.” Applejack said, placing a hoof on the colts shoulder, “You’re commin’ as well. Twilight is waiting for ya at the farm.”

“But...” Soral tried weakly.

“No buts, now get movin.” The farm mare said giving a firm nudge to the colt towards the farm. Sighing, Soral began his trek to Sweet Apple Acres. He wondered just what was going on that everyone was at the farm. The only thing he knew for certain was it the walk there would be awkward.


Applejack watched as the mood of the children drained from energetic to somber. While the girls still had energy bubbling in them they were far more subdued than normal. What stood out to her however, was the colt of the group. He kept his eyes to the ground as he walked down the road. More than that, each time one of the girls look his way they seemed to droop.

Now Applejack certainly did not view herself as the smartest mare out there, but it was obvious that something had happened at the school to cause this. “Everypony hold!” She barked catching all the kids by surprise.

Once they got over their shock they turned to face her. “W-What’s wrong sis?” Apple Bloom asked.

“What’s wrong is this little walk is turnin into a funeral march. Ya’ll mind explainin’ why it is your actin like somepony just lost their best friend?” She questioned them. She winced as it seemed as though the mood that was low before just became as gloomy as a cemetery.

“W-well, you see...” Sweetie Belle started, the fillies all looking uncomfortable.

Soral let out an explosive sigh. “They decided to tease me during recess, I responded by giving them the cold shoulder all afternoon.” He explained in a huff.

Applejack shook her head at the colt. In spite of his mature attitude he was still very much a child. “Well, it seems all of ya’ made mistakes today. Now apologise to each other and we’ll get on our way.”

The kids turned to face each others, Soral rubbing his foreleg with a hoof. The girls were the first to speak.

“Sorry for teasing you Soral.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, guess we shouldn’t have said you had a rush on Twilight.” Scootaloo admitted.

“Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom scolded.

“Is that what this is all about?” Applejack thought, trying hard to suppress her mirth at the situation. She watched as Soral seemed to glower at the mention of the crush.

“I do NOT have a crush on Twilight. All I said was I liked the color purple.” The colt argued back.

“Ahem.” Applejack mock-coughed in order to get them back on track.

Soral looked at Applejack before turning back to the girls. “[size=small]I’m sorry for ignoring you.” He mumbled so quietly they barely heard it.

“What was that?” Applejack teased the colt.

“I’m sorry for ignoring you girls, okay.” Soral said louder.

“Thats better.” Applejack said before glancing at the road. They weren’t too far from the farm. “Now kiss and make up.” She told all of them with a sly grin.

A chorus of “Eww!” greeted her ears before the foals tore off down the path to the farm. The orange mare no longer bothered trying to stifle her laughter as she raced after them. She watched as they made it around the farm house and heard the yell from the party starting. When she got around the house the girls were plenty excited and already running around. However the guest of honor seemed rather stunned.

“Were you surprised? Huh, were you?” Pinkie Pie asked excited as she was suddenly in front of the poor colt. Soral let out a squeak and darted away from the overwhelming pink mare.

Heaving a sigh, Applejack caught the party pony by the tail before she could give chase. “Hold on there missy.” She said through gritted teeth.

Spitting the tail out she continued. “Pinkie ya’ scared the poor colt half to death.” She chastised. Pinkie seemed to wilt in-front of her. “Have ya’ stopped to think that maybe this is his first party? Ever? Ya’ need to take it a little slower.”

“Awww, I’m sorry Applejack. I didn’t mean too.” Pinkie pie started to tear up. This only lasted a moment before she perked back up. “I’ll go apologize right now.” The pink mare announced before bouncing off.

Applejack just shook her head at the oddities that were her friends. She watched as the pink pony tried to apologise to the colt. Soral however seemed to be using Twilight as a shield between himself and Pinkie. She snorted at the way he was behaving. The colt cold certainly be snarky, even act more than his age, but it seemed he couldn’t deal with other ponies all that well. “Well, we’ll just have to fix that won’t we.” The farm mare thought to herself.

Author's Note:

Well Here is another chapter. I am curious as to what people think about the Observations of the Main 6. I was originally wondering how to incorperate them but with Twilight as his teacher I was having a hard time coming up with roles for the others. Again my Primary focus is the crusaders, I think I will be adding tags to reflect such.

As always please Like and most of all REVIEW. Please review, I am using these stories as practice and want to improve my writing skills. I am still trying to find the style that fits me and it is rather difficult. So any help my readers can offer would be appreciated.