• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,096 Views, 31 Comments

Mixed Drinks - SoralTheSol

This is the end result of a night out with friends. Waking up in a cartoon landscape turned into a talking horse and being mocked by said friend. Yep, my life is just dandy.

  • ...

The Sun

Chapter: 4 The Sun

Soral was floating; it was soundless, sightless, and senseless. It was an abyss and he knew it was a dream. Just cause he knew it was a dream though, didn’t mean he could change it, or wanted to change it. He enjoyed the lack of sensory information, the peace offered by empty dreams.

However a change happened, sound began to invade, muffled voices drifting in the abyss. Soral sighed, the dream was about to end. He doubted he would remember these thoughts when woke.

Light flooded his vision, piercing his mind. The small foal groaned as he adjusted to the waking world. Using his hoof to push his long mane out of his eyes he waited for his vision to clear. His vision was filled with something unexpected, several faces that were very close to his own.

“Uh... Hello.” Soral try to say. Unfortunately when he got to the “h” he began coughing. His throat was extremely dry and scratchy.

“Twilight! He’s awake!” The yellow furred face turned and hollered.

“Apple Bloom. That is Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Bell. What is going on though?” Soral tried to figure out the situation but asking questions in ones own head was a rather slower process when compared to asking them aloud.

“Here, drink this.” A voice said next to the colt.

Turning his head he found a glass of water held in purple talons. Snatching the glass away, he drank the water greedily. Once the heavenly liquid was gone he looked to the one who had handed it to him. A bipedal lizard looking creature. “Spike, but I am not supposed to know that yet.” Soral thought to himself.

“Thank you.” He said gratefully, though his voice was still a little raspy. “Could I have more?”

“Sure thing.” The dragon said, taking the glass back to the kitchen.

“So this is the mysterious new holder of “Sight of Magic”?” An amused voice asked.

Soral turned to see the owner of the voice, only for his mind to almost shut down. The sun. That was the only way to describe what he was seeing. The sun had descended to earth and was now moving towards him. There was no escape, there was nowhere to hide, it was all encompassing and all consuming. It was... A cool tingling enveloped him and the world faded into normalcy. He got his first look at the creature who held the power of the sun and still had few words to describe her.

“Is that better my little pony?” Celestia asked as she finished the spell that suppressed Soral’s ability. Her smile was caring, not unlike that of a mother looking at her child.

Soral managed a shaky nod. His body was trembling slightly. He tried to calm down but the trembling wouldn’t stop.

“Why can’t I stop sh-shaking.” Soral asked haltingly.

“When an adrenaline rush fades you crash, this normally results in uncontrolled trembling or passing out.” Twilight stated as if reciting a passage from a book. Then again knowing her, she probably was. A chuckle escaped from Celestia.

“I am sorry for giving you such a scare little one. Meeting those with the Sight is rare enough that I forget the effect I can have on them. Not to mention most I have met have had training prior to the meeting.” Celestia explained.

Soral nodded slowly at this, his shaking began to subside. After taking a look at those in the room he felt something was missing.

“Where is Su, I mean mom?” he asked. This elicited a few laughs from those in the room with him. He quirked a brow at them in his best attempt at a “Explain Now” expression. That just seemed to make the laughing intensify.

“Perhaps you should look behind you.” Celestia said kindly.

Soral slowly did as she said and turned. “Well that explains why the bed is so warm.” He thought to himself. Suzy was laying down next to him, and he was curled next to her like a child seeking comfort. “She is never going to let me forget this though.”

“Oh.” Was all he could say to the current situation.

“Now onto more important matters.” Celestia said. Soral felt something sink in his stomach at the change in subject. “You have a rare gift my child. One that makes growing up far more confusing than what is normal. It is a gift that needs to be trained and guided.” Celestia explained.

“I am not going to Canterlot.” Soral stated flatly, cutting the current conversation short. The room descended into silence. Twilight look horrified that Soral had blatantly interrupted the Princess.

Celestia smiled gently at the colt. “I understand your decision. After all, having the ability to feel magic to such a degree would be quite frustrating in a high magic environment such as Canterlot. No, I was going to recommend something else.”

Soral gazed up at the Princess; if she wasn't taking him away to Canterlot then what was she talking about.

“I was going to suggest a much more elegant solution. You would get to remain here in Ponyville,” she paused and let the tension build, “as Twilight Sparkle’s student.” Celestia informed them.

“WHAT!” Twin cries of disbelief rang out at the suggestion. Twilight and Soral were both looking at the Princess with shocked faces.

“Bu-But Princess Celestia! I have never taught anypony before! How am I supposed to teach him how to control an ability I have never studied!?" Twilight asked frantically.

“You underestimate your abilities Twilight. I have the utmost faith in you to carry out this task. You would also get to study the ability firsthoof. I suppose it fits a rather old saying... “Two birds with one stone” I believe it went.” Celestia finished.

Twilight gave her teacher an odd look at the turn of phrase, but Celestia was not looking at Twilight. Her eyes were focused on Soral, who seemed to turn rigid at the phrase itself. After a moment he relaxed before meeting the princesses eyes.

“If you are trying to be subtle you might have better luck with different phrase than that one.” He said tensely.

“True, but there is a time for subtlety and a time to be forward. This is somewhere in between both.” Celestia explained, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

“So, you obviously know more about Suzy and I than everyone else thus far.” Soral stated, he was still unsure of what was going to happen next.

“Ah yes. Suzy makes a delightful drinking partner.” Celestia admitted.

The tension that had built in the room fled with several nervous giggles, as Soral smacked his head with his hoof. With a small groan he let out a curse. “*** SUZY!”

“Language!” Twilight scolded the little colt.

“Sorry.” Soral said blandly, not really meaning it, he had been watching his language since arriving and he was frustrated enough not to care at the moment. “I would like to speak to the Princess in private if you do not mind?”

“That would be fine, follow me.” Celestia informed him before anyone else could respond. Soral got to his hooves and trotted after her as the Princess led them to a balcony before shutting the doors behind them. Her horned glowed for a split second and dimmed.

“There, now nopony can hear what we discuss.” She explained.

“Okay then, How much did you get from Suzy, beside that we are, or were human?” Soral asked the princess.

“Oh my, I think you misunderstood, she never told me you both were human.” Celestia told him with an amused smile.

Soral’s eyes widened considerably. “But?”

“I found that out when I cast a few diagnostic spells on you when you were sleeping.” She explained, “I was trying to discern just what your ailment was. Twilight was distracted and didn’t think of doing the same, the silly filly always seems to forget the forest for the trees. But when I cast my spell I was very surprised at what I found.”

“Just... Just what was it you found.” Soral asked, his mouth suddenly dry.

“Transformation magic, very old transformation magic. I have not seen the likes of it in quite some time.”

“Wait, you mean to tell me someone did this to us on purpose?” Soral asked incredulously.

“Not quite.” Celestia paused looking to the sky. “You see, equestria has some rather odd phenomenons. Chaotic magic that still roams, phasing in and out of existence, impossible to control. It is this that has cause your change, and your arrival.”

“So... Can you fix it?”

Celestia gave the foal a sad smile this time. “I am afraid not little one, I am sorry.” A long silence hung between them. “So, what exactly is a Human?” Celestia asked.

Soral let out a sigh and decided to explain some of the basics.


“Well, your culture certainly sounds interesting. Though I don’t think I would want to establish contact given some of the things you have shared.” Celestia said.

“I understand. There are more good elements than bad, but the bad ones tend to be very determined. Not to mention the whole group mentality thing.” Soral groaned rubbing his head. “One or two humans by themselves are plenty smart, however get them into a group and they are about as smart as sheep. Now if only they were as docile we would't have the number of wars we do.” He ended his statement with a disgruntled look.

“I have noticed that about several species actually. It is rather unfortunate that large groups are so easily swayed.” Celestia stated. Silence filled the air between the princess and foal.

“So... Do I still have to be Twilight’s student?” Soral asked, a pensive look on his face.

“Yes.” The Princess of the Sun stated.

“Great,” Soral grumbled, “back to school, on top of finding a place to stay and a source of income.”

“Hmm, well there are ways around that.” Celestia said airily.

Soral turned to look at the princess, curious as to what her solution was.

“I could label you as a ward of the castle. That would allow me to provide funds for your care without drawing any unwanted attention.” She told him.

Soral was silent as he considered her words. “Okay, I am waiting for the other hoof to drop.” He said after a moment.

“My, my. You really think I wouldn’t do such a thing out of the goodness of my heart.” Celestia said, she looked on the verge of tears.

“I-I’m sorry.” Soral stuttered out at the unexpected display of emotion.

“Thats better.” Celestia said, her face instantly returning to normal and her voice taking on a distinct hint of amusement. Soral felt like hitting himself for falling for crocodile tears.

“As for a place to stay, I am sure my always faithful student who would never dare to eavesdrop.” The Solor Princess said, raising her tone towards then end. A sudden clatter was heard from the library before all went quite. “Would be more than happy to help.” She finished.

Soral stared back at the tree house/library. “I thought you said no one could hear us?”

“She is my prized pupil, do you think a small thing like sound bubbles would keep her out.”

“I suppose not.” He conceded.

“Now, lets go inside.” She said, canceling her earlier spell. She draped a wing over him as they made their way back in. It was a small gesture, but it did wonders for his nerves. Some small part of him didn’t want to go with the plan, a larger part just wanted to run away screaming. Soral sigh, the rest of him was resigned to the fate that awaited. Besides, Twilight was probably his best bet at getting home.

Author's Note:

Okay, so here is how things are progressing so far. This fic is surprisingly more fun than I first thought. Now I would like peoples opinions no matter how small, so remember to leave a review.

Do you guys know how annoying it is to have to go to each an every sentence and press tab because copy and paste dose not keep the format? Yes I now know of the Upload from Google docs button but seriously I have to correct each of these chapters manually. Sigh.