• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,097 Views, 31 Comments

Mixed Drinks - SoralTheSol

This is the end result of a night out with friends. Waking up in a cartoon landscape turned into a talking horse and being mocked by said friend. Yep, my life is just dandy.

  • ...

The Game, Tickets Surprise

Chapter Six: The Game, Tickets Surprise

Soral would admit that he underestimated the girls. Yes they were just foals but then again it was probably why they were good at this game. “Twenty! Ready or not, here I come!” He yelled out to the seemingly empty field. Hide and seek had always been a favorite game of his. He scanned the area for any signs of the girls hiding nearby just waiting for him to leave the base unguarded.

Every bush was scrutinized, their rustling leaves signs of possible prey. But he could not remain at base forever, no they would get bored with that rather quickly. His ears flicked when he heard a twig snap off to his right and a small gasp. Smirking, Soral walked forward, seemingly away from the sound. He went into a bush and began to make his way back to where one of the girls was clearly hiding.

Sweetie Belle poked her head out from her hiding spot. Soral’s smirk became mischievous at this point as he quietly crawled closer. Sweetie emerged fully from her hiding spot, rather close to the base now that he thought about it. Soral got up and charged.

“Ahhhh!” Sweetie Belle squealed as she saw Soral running at her. She panicked and instead of running for the base she ran away from it.

“Big mistake Sweetie! I’m gonna get ya’ now!” Soral hollered after her.

“Help!” Sweetie Belle called out as I chased her down. I almost laughed inside. Why would the other girls help? The game was about getting to the base before I tagged them. Not a lot they can do to help each other out. That is what I thought until something slammed into my side.

After a brief roll I was on my back and my mystery assailant was standing ontop of me like a proud hero. “And that is how Scootaloo saved the day.” The little orange pegasus filly proclaimed.

“Tag.” Soral said lightly bopping her nose with his hoof. “Now you’re it.” Scootaloo looked at him in utter confusion for a few seconds before remembering just what game they were playing and groaned loudly.

“Scootaloo’s it!” Soral called out. This brought Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle out of hiding.

“Hey Soral, it’s gettin’ close ta’ dinner time.” Apple Bloom stated looking up at the low sun.

“Hmm?” Soral sounded before checking himself. “Yeah, you’re right. Call the game here?”


“I’m good.”

“I’m still it...”

Soral just laughed and gave them a wave. He had finally learned his way around town a little bit today so he was certain he could make it back to Twilight’s with no issue. The walk back into was uneventful. Soral failed to noticed that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were right behind him.

“Hey Soral, where did you live before coming to Ponyville?” Sweetie asked him.

“Huh?” Soral said eloquently, surprised by the question. “Um, I come from fair bit away. Little town that didn’t really stick with you.” He lied. He could have told them the truth, but really why bother with that. It would just lead to questions he didn’t want to answer.

“Did you have any friends there?” Scootaloo asked.

“Not really. Suzy is my friend and she came with me.” He said.

“I thought Suzy was your mom?” Sweetie had a confused expression on her face. It was kinda funny to.

“No, thank goodness. Suzy is a bit too silly to be my mother.” He laughed.

“Then where is your mom?” Scootaloo asked giving him an odd look.

“... Can we change the subject?” Soral asked softly. They were quiet after that. He couldn’t fault them, it sounded like his mother was dead, or something else. Then again, if he couldn’t find a way back home she might as well be. It was odd going so long without speaking to her at least once.

The girls look like they were about to ask another question but were interrupted by what seemed like a stampede. Looking around for the source they were caught of guard when Twilight dodged around the corner and stopped right in the middle of their group.

“Hold tight and try not to throw up.” She shouted and her horn lit with magic.

Realizing what was about to happen Soral pulled both fillies against Twilight. There was a buildup of energy and then sensation of being bathed in electricity. When it stopped they were in the library, only slightly singed from the magic.

“What the Hay Twilight!” Soral shouted.

“Sorry.” She apologized tiredly. She trotted slowly across the library.

Soral watched as she walked away surprised at how exhausted she sounded. His ears picked up the sound of arguing. He decided to take a look for himself at what was going on.

“That. Was. Awesome!” He would also need to make sure Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle didn’t get into trouble. Looking at them he saw that Sweetie was shaking, obviously she did not enjoy her first teleportation. Scootaloo on the other hand had a manic grin on her face.

“C’mon, let’s go see what all the chaos is about.” Soral said. They entered the other room to witness Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and surprisingly enough Fluttershy arguing. The only thing they could pick out was the word ticket being said a few times.

“That is Enough!” Twilight yelled at the ponies in the room halting the argument in it’s tracks. “I am sick and tired of your arguing over who gets the stupid ticket. All this time I have been trying to be fair and trying to be patient and I am Sick of it! If the ticket means so much more to you than our own friendship then...” Twilight’s voice was quivering now. “Then you can just leave.” The purple mare finished softly. The silence that filled the room at that statement was deafening though.

Twilight turned and headed up the stair to her room leaving the five stunned mares in her wake. Applejack seemed to come out of her stupor the first, she made to go after Twilight. She was stopped when her hooves were encased in a dark blue aura and jerked back sharply causing her to stumble.

“What the hell.” It took a moment for Soral to realize he was the one speaking. He saw that he had everyone’s attention thanks to his stunt however and decided to push on.

“You five have the audacity to call yourselves her friends.” The temperature of the room seemed to drop several degrees as the girls shivered from his statement.

“You were her first friends, outside of her family, outside of the princess. You were the first ones to earn her friendship. Then the second something comes along to remind you of just how well connected she is you all throw it away for selfish and stupid reasons.” Soral’s voice was cold, it reminded him of winter for some reason.

The girls tried to protest but he wouldn’t have it. “Shut UP! You lost the right to call yourselves her friends after what you have pulled today. Did you not see what she looked like? Did you not see how tired and heartbroken you five made her?” He asked rhetorically.

Applejack had her head down in shame. Rarity was not far behind. Rainbow dash looked very uncomfortable. Pinkie’s hair was flat. Fluttershy was crying silently.

“No, you each only saw what you could get from her.” Soral took a deep breath to calm down. “Leave.” They looked at him in surprise. “Leave and don’t come back until you are ready to give a real heartfelt apology.”

One by one they began to shuffle out. “Come on Sweetie Belle. It is time for dinner, and I have some thinking to do.” Rarity told her sister as she guided her out.

“I’m sorry.” Applejack said simply as she left.

“Hey Scoots, how bout I take you home.” Rainbow said to her fan. The orange pegasus filly gave a weak smile and nodded.

Fluttershy managed an apology so soft that Soral couldn’t make it out, before rushing away with tears falling down her cheeks.

The last to leave was Pinkie Pie. She didn’t say anything, but her face read like an open book.

Finally Soral was alone in the room. This incident revealed several things to him. But most of all it showed him he would be an idiot to believe the show was accurate down to the letter. No it wouldn’t be that simple. The show was scripted, and he could feel from his time in this world already that it was plenty real. That could wait though.

Soral slowly plodded up the stairs to where the bedroom was. As he reached the top he saw Twilight laying belly first on her bed, hugging a rag doll pony. Soral opened his mouth to say something to comfort her.

“Thank you.”

He slowly closed his mouth, surprised at what she said to him.

“I... I heard everything. Thank you.” Twilight told him. A few tears leaked from her eyes.

Soral moved forward and climbed into bed next to her. He nuzzled her neck, trying his best to give any form of support. “I’m sorry.” He told her gently.

Twilight let out a small sob. “How, how did this happen?”

Soral thought for a long moment, before giving an answer that would at least fit him. “Everyone is naturally selfish. It is just leftover survival instinct to look out for themselves first. However they will always look at their wants, their needs first, before looking to another’s.” He told her. “The Gala is something talked about by all ponies, it is the biggest event in Canterlot. Even though only small number of all the ponies goes there everyone else will fabricate this big perfect dream event.” He paused to look at her.

“Do you remember what I told Applejack about her dreams for the Gala? I was being truthful. If she sets up a stand she might sell five items period. But she didn’t want to believe that. She had her own ideas of what the Gala was. Dreams that she has cultivated since she was a filly. Something I think you have also done.”

“I-I would get to spend the night talking with Princess Celestia, just enjoying myself and having a good time.” She answered hesitantly.

“Celestia, as the hostess of the event, will be busy for most of the night greeting every pony that has been invited to the Gala. That is a task that could take a few hours. You won’t get much time to talk to her.” He told her, seeing her wince slightly at the information. “You still want to go, you still want to try, even if you know it won’t be like your dreams of the event.”

Twilight gave a shaky nod.

“Your friends will be back, and they will apologise. When they found out about the tickets their sight was filled with stars. A chance at a dream in their reach. It gave them tunnel-vision and all they saw were the tickets. Well now they have seen the price of their dream. I don’t think they will find the Gala worth losing friendship.

“Thank you Soral.” Twilight said, nuzzling him. “How are you so wise about this?”

Soral was quiet for a time before he answered. “Experience is a harsh teacher. Your friends want to apologise. Mine didn’t.”

Twilight pulled the colt into a hug at that statement. It felt awkward if Soral was honest. “Well, I won’t. You’re my friend... Right?” Twilight asked him.

Soral stiffened for a moment, and then the hug didn’t feel so strange. He pressed into her a little further. “Yes.” his breathing started to even out as he began to get sleepy. “Twilight... Thank you.”


The next morning was a somber event. Spike didn’t seem to understand why Twilight was so down. She told him not to worry about it. Soral was thinking to himself.

“I smell pancakes.” Suzy’s cheerfully sang as she entered the kitchen. She sat down at the table and spike served up a plate of flapjacks covered in syrup. “Yay, pancakes!” Suzy squealed happily before taking a large bite out of the stack.

“Well someone is happy this morning.” Soral commented.

Suzy chewed a bit longer enjoying the tasted before swallowing the sugary breakfast down. “Yep, I found a job yesterday.”


“What did you find?” Twilight asked.

“I found this pub owned by Berry Punch. I help serve drinks and food now.” Suzy explained.

“Ah, of course.” Soral mumbled.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Suzy asked while glaring at the colt.

“Nothing, nothing at all.” Soral said acting innocent.

Before Suzy could continue interrogating Soral there was a loud rapping on the library door. Everyone paused for a minute to look at the door.

“Huh? Wonder who could be visiting this early?” Spike said as he waddled over to the door. Opening the door revealed five mares with their heads bowed. “Oh, hey guys... what’s wrong.”

“Hello Spike, might we come in to speak to Twilight.” Rarity asked the baby dragon.

“Yeah of course you can.” Spike said sigh dreamily at the white unicorn. Soral realised he would have to explain to the dragon in the feature weather or not they were angry with Rarity, or else she would be able to barge in without issue.

The groupe shuffled into the library, even Rainbow Dash who was on the ground for the longest time Soral’s seen since coming here. Applejack stepped forward from the group and cleared her throat.

“Twih’light, I, we... We’re all awfully sorry Twih’. There’s no excuse for how we acted yesterday.” Applejack said.

“Yes. We were very rude trying to force you to pick one of us but not listening to your feelings on the matter.” Rarity said. The rest nodded their heads.

“Yeah, I guess it was pretty uncool of us. I’m sorry Twilight.” Rainbow apologized.

“I’m sorry please forgive me.” Fluttershy said quietly

“I’m super, duper, duper sorry Twilight. We were meanies yesterday and didn’t consider didn’t consider your feelings.”

“I guess what it comes down t’ sugarcube, is can ya’ forgive us?” Applejack asked. Their faces all shone with hope that Twilight would say she did.

Twilight Sparkle stood still while she heard their pleas for forgiveness. She remained quiet for a time after they had stopped. Finally she spoke. “Of course I can girls. I don’t want something as silly as tickets to the gala to break up our friendship.” She told them. The whole thing ended in a group hug and a few tears were shed by the girls.

“Soral, what the hell happened yesterday?” Suzy asked confused about the events taking place in front of her.

“The short story is the show is not going to be very helpful to us. I will explain more later.” He told her. He was just happy that they seemed to be back on track. Twilight finished writing a letter and had Spike send it along with the tickets. It was barely a minute later that the response came. It came with enough tickets for their little group. What surprised him however was when he was presented with one.

Soral looked from the ticket up to Twilight. “I would really like it if you would come with.” She told him.

He hesitated for a moment, before accepting the ticket. “I’d be happy to.” He told her. Strangely enough, he meant it.

Author's Note:

I was surprised at where the end of this went. Originally I was going to rip the Ticket Master episode word for word or close to it. However I realized something, I don't remember the ending of the episode that well. So I improvised and this is the result. To be honest I like the change, it just feels a little more natural to me than what was in MLP. As such you can probably expect more such changes to take place. (This has nothing to do with my lousy memory, no nothing at all.)